Shieldbreaker Stamina DK feels more playable them Magicka DK....I think Magicka DK just requires a group to be super good......
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »I just want to state for the record:
Those saying Wrecking Blow ,Dragon Leap etc doing less damage....remember i posted that thread on the PTS about Impenetrable needing addressed? Welcome to new meta.
Everyone is now wearing gold Impentrable Gear and has Resistant maxed...its a NO BRAINER to do this if your not a Bastion Shield Stacking Sorc....Resistant reduces ALL FORMS OF DAMAGE because it mitigates Crits regardless of the source and also has an Armor Trait to make it even better, there is no reason in PVP not to do this. Most non-crits are manageable crits however make up the majority of burst damage that kills you or allows you to kill players.
100 points in Resistant and gold Impen gear lowers your crit modifier below the 1.5 patch base crit value of 1.5. In 1.6 they raised it to 2.03, your crits are hitting for less damage then they were in 1.5.
Sadly i tried to get this fixed along with making damage shields critable on the PTS, but ZOS wouldn't listen to my feedback about how OP both of these things i guess you will have to deal with the Impenetrable and Crit mitigation stacking meta for the next 6 months...
Pretty much anyone who isn't a Bastion Sorc stacking shields(Shields give crit immunity) will be stacking the tar out of Resistant and Impenetrable, and i said Stamina builds would suffer the most from this and it appears i was spot on.
ahh well maybe this will be fixed come Dark Brotherhood, be a long wait though. I tried...sorry it didn't get addressed.:(
Hardened Ward is about 11k if you have 40k mag, you can only cast it 1x per second, meaning you can only mitigate 11k DPS max. So, three people could not surpass 11k DPS using "all their damage"? It really doesn't sound like the sorc is the problem here...Thank you for making this thread. We need to do this every patch. Every patch has f'd up PvP in some way, and every patch has Wrobel's signature all over it. This is one of the worst.
The game is slow and sorcs are still OP as hell. I saw a sorc cast hardened ward ten times in a row while three players unleashed all their damage on him. That is stupid. I'm sorry if you're a sorc and that offends you but your class is faceroll. Best mobility, huge damage and best defenses.
i cant believe ppl are still playing this game..... and willingly throw money at ZoS ...
Its beyond my brain ...
You could say the same about ppl coming to the forum know
my friend has posted a link to me - because i was considering checking out the new update with him buddy
and luckily checking out the forum is for free - playing and buying the new OP DLC is not- this what i m reading here is just confirmation to me that its still garbage and will be garbage game so ... np.
but nice try ___
25. Radiant Destruction is too strong once it was buffed (fixed to be undodgeable again), all stamina builds are struggling with lazors on them since they cant dodge roll 15 times in a row to deny any damage while vigor and rally do the job.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Maybe if we all start to role play our PvP sessions ZOS will suddenly care.
It's worse than that. Keep SHIFT pressed and your mount's speed will vary all the time, going from slower to faster and back to slower.mount stamina not dropping below 99%, only have 34 points into mount stamina and can still ride at full sprint from Arrius to BRK with 99% stamina all the way, reported on PTS when /bug was working but still on live.
Shadow cloak (and his morph)
When you're using shadow cloak, all abilities hit you (crushing shock, etc...) and break cloak.
Clouding swarm : we can see the health bar when a player use this ultimate.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Maybe if we all start to role play our PvP sessions ZOS will suddenly care.