themdogesbite wrote: »
Even if thats the case and i decide to return to ESO, its not like i've fallen behind in anything anyways.
Ghost-Shot wrote: »
Sounds like a block. My whip seems to be doing ~4k non crits and I'm not running a super high damage set up.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »I just want to state for the record:
Those saying Wrecking Blow ,Dragon Leap etc doing less damage....remember i posted that thread on the PTS about Impenetrable needing addressed? Welcome to new meta.
Everyone is now wearing gold Impentrable Gear and has Resistant maxed...its a NO BRAINER to do this if your not a Bastion Shield Stacking Sorc....Resistant reduces ALL FORMS OF DAMAGE because it mitigates Crits regardless of the source and also has an Armor Trait to make it even better, there is no reason in PVP not to do this. Most non-crits are manageable crits however make up the majority of burst damage that kills you or allows you to kill players.
100 points in Resistant and gold Impen gear lowers your crit modifier below the 1.5 patch base crit value of 1.5. In 1.6 they raised it to 2.03, your crits are hitting for less damage then they were in 1.5.
Sadly i tried to get this fixed along with making damage shields critable on the PTS, but ZOS wouldn't listen to my feedback about how OP both of these things i guess you will have to deal with the Impenetrable and Crit mitigation stacking meta for the next 6 months...
Pretty much anyone who isn't a Bastion Sorc stacking shields(Shields give crit immunity) will be stacking the tar out of Resistant and Impenetrable, and i said Stamina builds would suffer the most from this and it appears i was spot on.
ahh well maybe this will be fixed come Dark Brotherhood, be a long wait though. I tried...sorry it didn't get addressed.:(
If it was just the one example, you could have had minor maim on you as well. Reactive has a pretty noticeable aura when it procs, though if your experience was anything like mine last night on TF, the lag was real.
The more likely explanation though was that he was in his OP Templar house, you tried to come inside, and it was bad for you xD
I'm not in favor of it being so drastically better than other options because then people just cookie cutter, but I'm also not in favor of the 1 sec burst kills. I find that to be atrocious balance. Even though impen might be a problem, I find the scaling on prox det and potential to crit to be even larger problems. Damage should not be that high, and the only reason experienced players arent blowing up is because they're in impen when the bombs go off. Damage has gone up, most mitigation options have gone down, and hp pools have remained stagnant. Making the matter worse is having these dmg numbers in a game plagued by lag, bugs, and unresponsiveness.RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »I just want to state for the record:
Those saying Wrecking Blow ,Dragon Leap etc doing less damage....remember i posted that thread on the PTS about Impenetrable needing addressed? Welcome to new meta.
Everyone is now wearing gold Impentrable Gear and has Resistant maxed...its a NO BRAINER to do this if your not a Bastion Shield Stacking Sorc....Resistant reduces ALL FORMS OF DAMAGE because it mitigates Crits regardless of the source and also has an Armor Trait to make it even better, there is no reason in PVP not to do this. Most non-crits are manageable crits however make up the majority of burst damage that kills you or allows you to kill players.
100 points in Resistant and gold Impen gear lowers your crit modifier below the 1.5 patch base crit value of 1.5. In 1.6 they raised it to 2.03, your crits are hitting for less damage then they were in 1.5.
Sadly i tried to get this fixed along with making damage shields critable on the PTS, but ZOS wouldn't listen to my feedback about how OP both of these things i guess you will have to deal with the Impenetrable and Crit mitigation stacking meta for the next 6 months...
Pretty much anyone who isn't a Bastion Sorc stacking shields(Shields give crit immunity) will be stacking the tar out of Resistant and Impenetrable, and i said Stamina builds would suffer the most from this and it appears i was spot on.
ahh well maybe this will be fixed come Dark Brotherhood, be a long wait though. I tried...sorry it didn't get addressed.:(
Yea I died badly; my damage was non existant and he was hitting me with light attack/bash/wrecking blow combo..I remember blocking and eating 5 hits at once and my stamina just going bye bye lol... Right now i'm trying Elfbane Setup on the DK but i don't know...Damage is feels kind of blah....Might just go back to Stamina and Shieldbreaker with bow (Lethal Arrow Sounds nice)
Mainly cause I'm seeing Sorcs still being the biggest threat (though Stamina Templars can *** wreck ya super quick still)
Sounds like he offered you a fair duel.
Ya Stam burst builds will still work decently well. He did the same to me yesterday. I barely got off my horse before the animation canceled hits tore through 32k hp lol.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Sounds like he offered you a fair duel.
I lold so hard when I heard that.
One of these days I need to put an open world build together for magica NB. I love the AOE burst but it is soooooo bad solo.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just want to let you all know that we have been watching this thread, and are currently going through the list on the first page to confirm any new/existing bugs, and seeing what we need more information on.
Ghost-Shot wrote: »
Sounds like a block. My whip seems to be doing ~4k non crits and I'm not running a super high damage set up.
I lold so hard when I heard that.
One of these days I need to put an open world build together for magica NB. I love the AOE burst but it is soooooo bad solo.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just want to let you all know that we have been watching this thread, and are currently going through the list on the first page to confirm any new/existing bugs, and seeing what we need more information on.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just want to let you all know that we have been watching this thread, and are currently going through the list on the first page to confirm any new/existing bugs, and seeing what we need more information on.
I only played 1 hour before I got sick of it and quit so I haven't tested specific skills. Will do later tomorrow thoughHoloYoitsu wrote: »Can you elaborate which dot skills specifically so I can add it to the list?
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Edit 2:
18. Rapid Regen has no global cooldown, you can spam it as fast as you can macro the button!
Major expedition was nerfed while sprint speed was buffed. However normal speed should not be affected at all.