how do you like BDO so far?
I am prolly gonna pvp in BDO and PvE in ESO..lol
how do you like BDO so far?
I am prolly gonna pvp in BDO and PvE in ESO..lol
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
Well, I'd imagine end-game gear for PvE has not changed so you can PvE in ESO for another 3-4 months without having to spend any time in-game beyond just raiding. Probably the best choice since BDO does not really have end-game PvE raiding as such.
But be under no illusions, BDO requires a massive time investment if you want to be competitive in PvP. It takes much longer to get the all the right gear enhanced and upgraded, to unlock all the skills etc. Not to mention you need to get your economy in order, houses, workers, increase inventory slot, learn a trade or two etc.
It's sandbox, way more complex and far more grindy (I mean, it's an EU port of a Korean F2P game so), I'd be very impressed if overtime you manage to stay on the sharp end in both games.
9. Crit Rush got the Toppling Charge treatment.
10. Leap dont work 50% of the time and get you stuck in the ground.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Literally every time someone throws caltrops down, this is what pops up on my screen.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Complete waste of an update if you like to actually play PvP. At this point it seems like ZOS just deliberately doesn't test anything and/or just wants people to stop playing PvP altogether and buy the stupidly easy DLC.
On top that, yet again one of the most popular if not the most popular PvP campaign is killed off.
Gear levels are going to even out soon. It's just a race to the top right now. If you're starting out recently I'd suggest just farming up a lot of silver and wait for the good gear to hit the marketplace. You can earn the money to buy it while afk just setting yourself to auto fish, and have your workers make you money. The time investment is in learning how to do that, and setting it all up. It's slower than grinding, but probably less frustrating and more reliable in the upcoming weeks.
I know its been a while since I played my Magicka DK...
But something just feels off when my 9k delve Powerlash does 1.8k non crit....
I know its been a while since I played my Magicka DK...
But something just feels off when my 9k delve Powerlash does 1.8k non crit....
Gonna be honest -- That sounds terrible
I do not understand that appeal of BDO.
Gear levels are going to even out soon. It's just a race to the top right now. If you're starting out recently I'd suggest just farming up a lot of silver and wait for the good gear to hit the marketplace. You can earn the money to buy it while afk just setting yourself to auto fish, and have your workers make you money. The time investment is in learning how to do that, and setting it all up. It's slower than grinding, but probably less frustrating and more reliable in the upcoming weeks.
Anyone actually going to BDO is going to be sorely disappointed as the P2W elements begin to surface, as always they do in Korean MMOs. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Gonna be honest -- That sounds terrible
I do not understand that appeal of BDO.
Anyone actually going to BDO is going to be sorely disappointed as the P2W elements begin to surface, as always they do in Korean MMOs. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
What sounds terrible? Having to play the game? People tell me they'd rather just PvP for gear or to progress. I look at them and laugh because from my perspective I get more PvP in BDO while trying to PvE than I do in Cyrodiil trying to PvP. If it's about buying the gear, how mad would everyone be if ESO made PvP gear bound to you lol.
What's P2W? All the things they removed from the game and cash shop for the NE/EU versions that would have made it so? There's even a way to get items that would otherwise be cash shop only without having to pay for them with real life money.
Also, the game works (even when there's many, many people on screen). And when there was a delay on items that people ordered the company sent everyone with the head start one or two compensation packages. What are the people who can't even install the latest patch going to get from ZOS?
HoloYoitsu wrote: »9. All gap closers now "function" like Toppling Charge.
18. Rapid Regen has no global cooldown, you can spam it as fast as you can macro the button!
Anyone actually going to BDO is going to be sorely disappointed as the P2W elements begin to surface, as always they do in Korean MMOs. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Who were you hitting? I'm full impen LA and maxed CP and I got hit much harder than that.
I know its been a while since I played my Magicka DK...
But something just feels off when my 9k delve Powerlash does 1.8k non crit....
If it was just the one example, you could have had minor maim on you as well. Reactive has a pretty noticeable aura when it procs, though if your experience was anything like mine last night on TF, the lag was real.
I'm thinking maybe the person had reactive armor; it was mojin or whatever (think Templar) but the bloody axe bleed was ticking harder then my power lash... So I'm thinking maybe reactive armor was the culprit
The house caught fire and collapsed on him?If it was just the one example, you could have had minor maim on you as well. Reactive has a pretty noticeable aura when it procs, though if your experience was anything like mine last night on TF, the lag was real.
The more likely explanation though was that he was in his OP Templar house, you tried to come inside, and it was bad for you xD
Who can afford fire safety house upgrades with dat skill respec cost after new patches? I'll have to save up the gold from my rewards of the worthy to finance my own home improvements, oh, wait...HoloYoitsu wrote: »The house caught fire and collapsed on him?