Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.3.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Lettigall
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    Because you play magicka templar, magicka builds got buffed(except for healers) stamina builds didn't receive a single buff. Knockback removal from jabs goes for both- magicka and stamina. No specific buff for stamina. Stamplars were ignored by @Wrobel and his team.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Gigasax
    My initial thought on changing BoL was make it work like before and adding a mechanic to it similar to Dogde Roll:
    To prevent Spamming it in PvP, the Costs of it could increase by 10 or 15% after using BoL.
    I would suggest a CD of ~2-3 seconds.

    What do u think of this one?
    - Noractis -
    - PC EU -
  • Gigasax
    Edited by Gigasax on February 4, 2016 6:17PM
    - Noractis -
    - PC EU -
  • deleted220701-004865
    Aedric Spear

    Blazing Spear (Spear Shards morph): This morph now displays a hostile red telegraph if it is cast from enemy Templars.
    The change is fine, but Blazing Spear is still clunky, slow and easily avoidable. Making the CC aspect affect a few people at once would be nice...or speeding it up, perhaps.

    Focused Charge: This ability and its morphs are now more responsive, and will no longer cause you to become stuck in the charge animation.
    I tested the skill out on PTS and it is a lot more responsive, especially at the end of the cast--ty!

    Piercing Javelin: Increased the range of this ability and its morphs to 28 meters from 20 meters.
    That's a step in the right direction, but the skill remains lackluster. The morph buffs it's damage, which is not necessary on a CC ability. Perhaps add an ongoing snare or something CC related and take away the damage buff.

    Puncturing Strikes: This ability and its morphs no longer knockback and apply crowd control immunity to the nearest enemy on the final hit; instead, they now snare that enemy by 70% for two seconds.
    This is a step in the right direction!

    Radial Sweep: Increased the radius of this ability and its morphs to 6 meters from 5 meters.
    This skill needs a rework, the buff is too weak to matter.

    Radiant Ward (Sun Shield morph): Increased the shield strength bonus from this morph’s shield to 6% per enemy hit from 5%.
    This was a huge letdown. I was hoping for a longer lasting and/or stronger shield for the Templar class this patch. The buff is too weak to matter.

    Dawn’s Wrath

    Backlash: Increased the maximum damage limit for this ability and its morphs by 25%, but decreased their damage stored amount by 66%. In addition, this ability and its morphs can no longer be reflected.
    This seems like a move in the right direction (damage burst).

    Eclipse: This ability and the Total Dark morph can now reflect ranged physical projectiles back to the enemy, in addition to spell projectiles. Revised the tooltips for this ability and the Total Dark morph to indicate that the area damage effect is separate from the self-reflect effect, and can be applied to a CC-immune target.
    This is a step in the right direction, but the reflect aspect here is still very clunky and not as effective as it could be due to it's correlation with CC immunity.

    Enduring Rays:
    This passive ability now only increases the duration of the Sun Fire, Eclipse, and Nova abilities.
    Increased this passive ability’s bonus to 15/30% more duration at Ranks I/II from 10/20%.
    With the changes to Unstable Core, it's inclusion makes no sense here. With no points into the passive, the bomb goes off in 5 seconds--with 2 points in the passive, it takes 6.5 seconds for the bomb to go off. As for the other two spells in question, it's nice to have increased duration, but it's not a very strong buff.

    Reduced the effects and visual light intensity for this ability and its morphs.
    Increased the damage from the Supernova and Gravity Crush synergies by 16%.
    Increased the activation range for the Supernova and Gravity Crush synergies to 3.5 meters from 2.5 meters.
    This is nice.

    Radiant Destruction: Fixed an issue where the execute bonus damage from this ability would not apply if multiple Templars were channeling these abilities on the same target.
    Great fix!

    Solar Flare: Increased the damage for this ability and the Dark Flare morph by 12%. The damage of the Solar Barrage morph remains unchanged.
    A step in the right direction for Templar burst. Still, the spell remains a little clunky.

    Unstable Core (Eclipse morph): Increased the area damage when the effect ends by 50% and can be placed on an unlimited amount of targets, but it no longer reflects single target spells back to the enemy.
    This seems like a step in the right direction for Templar burst.

    Vampire’s Bane (Sun Fire morph): Increased the damage over time duration for this morph to 9 seconds from 7 seconds.
    Not really strong enough to matter.

    Restoring Light

    Breath of Life (Rushed Ceremony morph): This morph now only fires one additional secondary heal, previously two heals.
    I don't have a strong opinion on this, but it would be nice to get some mobility and a better shield if our main heal is weaker and more unreliable than before.

    Cleansing Ritual:
    Increased the healing from the Purify synergy from this ability and its morphs by 12%.
    Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could be used to cleanse projectiles that were mid-flight. It now matches the behavior of the Purge ability.
    Ok, that's decent.

    Focused Healing: This passive ability now grants you the Major Mending buff while standing in your own Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage area effects and for up to 2/4 seconds after leaving them at Ranks I/II, instead of granting you 15/30% more healing to allies standing in your own Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage.
    The buff to healing is much nicer than before, it supports our teammates mobility--but our mobility remains very bad. It would be much appreciated if we could be treated as mobile beings.

    Healing Ritual: Reduced the cast time for this ability and its morphs by 25%, and reduced the healing done by 25%.
    The reduced cast time is nice, especially with the changes to BoL. But, it is still too slow and clunky--offering no protection to us or our party for over a second and granting us no mobility. Adding either a HoT or a damage reduction to the group while standing in the cast area would give Healing Ritual more viability.

    Radiant Aura (Restoring Aura morph): This morph now grants you and your allies the Major Intellect buff upon activation, as well as having an increased radius as a morph effect.
    This buff is not strong enough to replace Repentance for any reason, especially due to potions.

    Restoring Focus (Rune Focus morph): This morph now grants you the Minor Protection buff, in addition to granting the Minor Vitality buff as a morph effect.
    This is nice for tanks and stam builds that would not care about magicka regen from the other morphs--but the lack of mobility it grants them is very bad.

    Rune Focus: Revised the tooltips for this ability and its morphs to indicate that the Major Ward and Major Resolve buffs will stick to you for 8 seconds after leaving the rune, while the morph effects of Channeled Focus and Restoring Focus require you to remain in the rune at all times.
    The continued hits to mobility are very brutal for Templars.

    Edited by deleted220701-004865 on February 6, 2016 5:59AM
  • AfkNinja
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%.
    3. Nerf of our Rune. Leaving the rune causes major mending or mana regen to cancel after 4~ seconds (On live it lasts ~18). WHY DO WE HAVE TO STAND STILL????
    4. My main complaint. All of the positive changes were for Magicka Templar only, which was already in a much better position than my Stamplar. All stamplar got was Major Mending which requires us to be stationary to use....Stamplar passives still suck, still no synergy, still no pro-active defense. Blazing shield is still terrible, radiant shield is still terrible etc etc.

    I am pissed. They seriously couldn't go ONE PATCH without nerfing something on Templar? NOT ONE PATCH??? I'm thinking I will focus on my DK from now on, It's just too obvious they don't know what to do with Templar and I actually like the DK changes.

    P.S. Disclaimer, I haven't tested the changes yet so this is just my opinion based on theory crafting.
    Edited by AfkNinja on February 4, 2016 6:29PM
  • Islyn
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%

    33.3...% or? Healed 3, now it heals two. Or am I tripping?.
  • Zheg
    Islyn wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%

    33.3...% or? Healed 3, now it heals two. Or am I tripping?.

    It's a 25% nerf. Previously you'd hit player A for 10, player B for 5, and player C for 5. Now you hit player A for 10, and player B for 5. Total heal used to be 20, now it's 15.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Ishammael wrote: »
    The complaints about templar nerfs are hysterical. Across the board, almost all damage sources were buffed.

    For stamina builds there aren't a single ability that got damage buff and outside PvP knocback removal won't be noticeable.

    Nothing was taken away from stamina builds. They will hit as hard as they ever did. Balanced Warrior passive is still really good. Now stamina builds have some new sets to play with. The Bowplar might even make a return.
    Ishammael wrote: »
    The complaints about templar nerfs are hysterical.
    You do not seem to know the meaning of the word "hysterical".
    The reactions and statements in this thread are sober, based on years of experience.

    PUGS will die in dungeons because of the PvP BOL nerf.

    I like healing random groups scaled to V16.
    I did it just yesterday over 3 hours just for fun, result: ca. 80% success, 20% failure.
    With the massive BOL nerf, the result could be 60% success, 40% failure.
    This will needlessly give people a miserable PvE experience.

    I wonder how often the PvP BOL critics run PvE dungeons with PUGS?
    With the 25% BOL nerf, I will probably no longer heal random groups.

    Hysterical, "deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion."
    So yeah, hysterical. Very few posts in this thread are "sober"

    I, too, have played Templar pretty extensively.

    Regardless, I can heal Pug Dungeons on a DK with a resto staff. BoL is simply not that important. There are many, many options, more so even for a templar: e.g. Repentence and Purifying Ritual (which gives major mending now!).

    The damage buffs for magicka templars are excellent.

    I think the point is that many people feel Restoring Light 'isn't that important' to use your words. Earthen Heart is quickly becoming a vastly superior skill line to Restoring Light on multiple levels, both in the actives and the passives. Templars still have neglible cc to speak of. The only time in the game Templars had cc was when they could perma-spam cc someone with blazing spears, or skillfully use Blinding Flashes. That's it. All of the other cc are very slushy or brief, and often better done with more bells and whistles on another class. Our damage shield can reflect damage, but when you consider its atrocious duration, cost, and animation time you are left wondering what the hell ZoS is thinking. Blazing Shield was always a problem child because of this duration/cost concern, but at the very least you could use it to rebound damage on people who were banging on your head. It was actually a pretty good reactive skill. Try using it nowadays, it is garbage, and comparable effects from other classes are far far superior. Radiant Aura wouldn't get so many complaints from Templars if the class had a decent baseline regeneration like it had in Beta. Instead, stronger more mobile and powerful classes not only get better regeneration stats but get to bask in the joy of our Radiant Aura for their free major/minors (either that or their potion makes the buff pointless). Radiant Aura still falls flat as a skill. Rune Focus forces you to be immobile in a game that demands mobility both in pve and pvp. Rune Focus might be useful if ignoring red circles on the ground was a viable and intelligent thing to do, but surprise surprise it is not, and that would be BORING anyway. For the life of me I can't understand the design behind this, and frankly I never have.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • bowmanz607
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    BOL needed reduced healing not reduced the number of people it hit.

    The problem with BoL was smart healing and the ability to heal targets you couldn't see. This change does nothing to fix those issues and just makes it require being spammed even more. If BoL had a line of sight requirement then it would avoid healing players through floors/walls since the radius was rather large. Also, smart healing targets literally anyone that has low health, even if you don't know they need a heal. This is what makes spamming BoL OP; healing up to 3 targets just makes each spam more effective so ZOS is fixing the wrong issue.

    although that is one issue, that is not what i am talking about. Also, smart healing will never be removed so have to deal with that aspect. The issue is when you have 8 people single targeting one guy that is getting BOL spammed from a templar and the heals outpacing the dps. This is especially true when fighting a templar with BOL. you end up with a raid hammering on one guy spamming bol. One spammable heal should not outheal a group hammering on one guy. that is too much.

    Except if all those Templars have LoS on the target you can easily engage them instead. A healer that can simply spam heals should be able to keep a player alive, but if you force that healer to become exposed to heal then you can put pressure on them and force them to do something else. I'd honestly be fine with a slight nerf to the heal amount of BoL if it retains its 3 target limit, but smart healing makes this skill more about spamming it until you actually heal the desired target. Again, the fix needs to require line of sight to heal a target and a slight nerf to healing if that allows it to retain its 3 target limit. A radius decrease could be useful as well but that makes the lack of mobility even more apparent.

    yes, a healer should be able to keep others alive. However, they should not be able to keep one player alive facing 3 or more that have unloaded crazy dps combos to no avail. ALso, switching to the healer is a tactic used currently even with current mechanics. The issue is even stronger in this scenario becuase the healer is healing themselves even more than the other players.
  • acw37162
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    BOL needed reduced healing not reduced the number of people it hit.

    What it needed was reduced healing the more people it hit, but alas what you need and what you get are usually never related.

  • Lisbette
    ZoS "buffing" Templars

    Edited by Lisbette on February 4, 2016 6:56PM
  • Jakhajay
    Gigasax wrote: »
    My initial thought on changing BoL was make it work like before and adding a mechanic to it similar to Dogde Roll:
    To prevent Spamming it in PvP, the Costs of it could increase by 10 or 15% after using BoL.
    I would suggest a CD of ~2-3 seconds.

    What do u think of this one?

    ONLY in Cyro, you'll kill us in PVE
    Sh'ira - One Eyed Tihm - Do'Mazar - Dar'Sol - Hazzahn - J'darr Sun-Arrow - Bishabi -J'manna - Narim Tollana - Abijah-Ra - Idhassi-Ko - Kajhe the Salty - Ti'lani - Sabhan-Dar - Palamai
    JakhajayAlt: Azala-Do - Saahni the Ohmes - S'aolla of the Darks - Zashima-La Ako'Zhajiit - Lo'Mai-Dro - Taheh-Do - Hrrula - Hatamira - Da'lai

    Shield Anvil - Trake's Talons
    Knight Praefect - Knights of the Steel Claw

    All Khajiit, All the time!
    For Elsweyr and her people!
  • Lore_lai
    Zheg wrote: »
    Islyn wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%

    33.3...% or? Healed 3, now it heals two. Or am I tripping?.

    It's a 25% nerf. Previously you'd hit player A for 10, player B for 5, and player C for 5. Now you hit player A for 10, and player B for 5. Total heal used to be 20, now it's 15.

    No - @Islyn is right. It's a 33.3..% loss.
    BoL heals 3 targets and 3 only (not 3 *additional* targets and the caster) . With the change it will be only 2 targets.
    100/3 = 33.3...
  • AfkNinja
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Zheg wrote: »
    Islyn wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%

    33.3...% or? Healed 3, now it heals two. Or am I tripping?.

    It's a 25% nerf. Previously you'd hit player A for 10, player B for 5, and player C for 5. Now you hit player A for 10, and player B for 5. Total heal used to be 20, now it's 15.

    No - @Islyn is right. It's a 33.3..% loss.
    BoL heals 3 targets and 3 only (not 3 *additional* targets and the caster) . With the change it will be only 2 targets.
    100/3 = 33.3...

    Your math is wrong. Breath of life heals 1 person for a full heal and two at 50% strength. They eliminated one heal, this is a 25% direct nerf. It's not 100/3 it's one heal at 100% and two at 50% for a total of 200% of your tooltip. They removed one heal so it's 150% / 200%, 15/20 is .75 aka a 25% heal nerf which is friggen massive when you think about it...

    PVP nerfed heals 50%, this update nerfed BOL another 25%. In less than a year our BOL in PVP has been reduced by 75% effectiveness when the issue was never the heal itself. The issue has always been smart healing allowing you to heal people not in your line of sight. All it needed was a line of sight check.
  • Morathras
    when do we get some Feedback from ZOS about this problem???
  • Islyn
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Zheg wrote: »
    Islyn wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I can't actually tell what over half the people are upset about in here

    I will tell you exactly the parts that upset me.

    1. Nerf to Purifying Ritual, no more cleansing projectiles. Huge nerf
    2. Breath of Life reduced to 2 targets. Honor the Dead is better imo now, just use HtD and Grand Healing. They needed to fix line of sight, not nerf BOL 25%

    33.3...% or? Healed 3, now it heals two. Or am I tripping?.

    It's a 25% nerf. Previously you'd hit player A for 10, player B for 5, and player C for 5. Now you hit player A for 10, and player B for 5. Total heal used to be 20, now it's 15.

    No - @Islyn is right. It's a 33.3..% loss.
    BoL heals 3 targets and 3 only (not 3 *additional* targets and the caster) . With the change it will be only 2 targets.
    100/3 = 33.3...

    Your math is wrong. Breath of life heals 1 person for a full heal and two at 50% strength. They eliminated one heal, this is a 25% direct nerf. It's not 100/3 it's one heal at 100% and two at 50% for a total of 200% of your tooltip. They removed one heal so it's 150% / 200%, 15/20 is .75 aka a 25% heal nerf which is friggen massive when you think about it...

    Well that's why I am asking...because it sounded like the tooltip would also be different as in, heals me, +1.

    Anyway, still a damn big nerf lol and thanks :-)
  • Zheg
    One thing that I'd point out that a lot of people miss when pointing out the obvious flaws with blazing shield, the radius is only 5m. If and when wrobel ever wakes up and fixes the skill, please don't forget to at least give the skill the same range as wrecking blow FFS.
  • Lore_lai
    @AfkNinja - you're right (I've always been bad at maths anyway :p ) when you look at it from a HPS perspective.
    I guess I was looking at it from just the targets healed perspective which would have made it 33.3

    It still sucks IMO and an unneeded nerf. People will just spam healing springs more - let's see how that helps the servers.
    Dunno why people were even complaining about BoL. Heck, I've seen Vigor tick crit heals that could match non-crit BoL extra heal.
  • technohic
    Morathras wrote: »
    when do we get some Feedback from ZOS about this problem???

    History shows they will aknowledge and ask us about it again in the 2nd or 3rd, major update after this one.

    We still have the subsequent nerfs to eclipse and dark flare to look forward to though. They tend to buff a couple of things too much initially to hide the nerfs behind, then nerf the buffs before it goes live.
    Edited by technohic on February 4, 2016 7:52PM
  • bowmanz607
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @AfkNinja - you're right (I've always been bad at maths anyway :p ) when you look at it from a HPS perspective.
    I guess I was looking at it from just the targets healed perspective which would have made it 33.3

    It still sucks IMO and an unneeded nerf. People will just spam healing springs more - let's see how that helps the servers.
    Dunno why people were even complaining about BoL. Heck, I've seen Vigor tick crit heals that could match non-crit BoL extra heal.

    did you just compare bol to vigor???? GTFO. no seriously though. GTFO.
  • AfkNinja
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @AfkNinja - you're right (I've always been bad at maths anyway :p ) when you look at it from a HPS perspective.
    I guess I was looking at it from just the targets healed perspective which would have made it 33.3

    It still sucks IMO and an unneeded nerf. People will just spam healing springs more - let's see how that helps the servers.
    Dunno why people were even complaining about BoL. Heck, I've seen Vigor tick crit heals that could match non-crit BoL extra heal.

    Vigor (no cap on players) is now superior to Breath of Life so get ready for a flood of Stamina DD Healers with crazy dps. I could probly handle all this just fine if they just made our Rune stick to us when we move. I don't wanna have to hit Restoring Focus before I rally/vigor every damn time.

    Also keep in mind they just changed our healing passive to Major Mending. Then promptly nerfed major mending to 25%. Thanks ZOS, appreciate it. Are we stronger? Magicka Templar a resounding yes, even with the heal nerfs. Stamplar is pretty much identical to last patch, only slightly more healing. Stamina DK is still much better so overall this whole patch hit me with a big bowl of MEH, Why bother renewing my sub.
  • Lore_lai
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @AfkNinja - you're right (I've always been bad at maths anyway :p ) when you look at it from a HPS perspective.
    I guess I was looking at it from just the targets healed perspective which would have made it 33.3

    It still sucks IMO and an unneeded nerf. People will just spam healing springs more - let's see how that helps the servers.
    Dunno why people were even complaining about BoL. Heck, I've seen Vigor tick crit heals that could match non-crit BoL extra heal.

    did you just compare bol to vigor???? GTFO. no seriously though. GTFO.

    Not a straight-up comparison, why are you so angry?
    Do I need to repeat what I said or do you have reading comprehension? The bottom line is that the extra heal from BoL from your average player will not make-or-brake your kill streak as it's small.
    No need to get defensive - I didn't ask for Vigor to be nerfed or anything. :neutral:
  • Alabyn
    UrQuan wrote: »
    [*] Focused Healing: this change reduces the mobility of the healer, while allowing for more mobility for other members of the group. I'm unsure how I feel about this one, and it will require testing...

    I really like this change. Major Mending is huge, and it's way easier to keep my fatty butt in the circle than herd all those DPS cats into it.
  • AfkNinja
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @AfkNinja - you're right (I've always been bad at maths anyway :p ) when you look at it from a HPS perspective.
    I guess I was looking at it from just the targets healed perspective which would have made it 33.3

    It still sucks IMO and an unneeded nerf. People will just spam healing springs more - let's see how that helps the servers.
    Dunno why people were even complaining about BoL. Heck, I've seen Vigor tick crit heals that could match non-crit BoL extra heal.

    did you just compare bol to vigor???? GTFO. no seriously though. GTFO.

    It's a valid comparison. Vigor has no target cap and every class now has major mending. Arguably Vigor is now superior to Breath of life as it will heal almost 80-90% of what a Breath of Life will but it hits everyone, BOL's only advantage is speed. Honor the Dead is now superior to Breath of Life as well imo.

  • americansteel
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Explain how the change to BoL *prevents* you from healing.
    Is that really so difficult to understand? Imagine vet Darkshade:
    Sudden Boss poison at once damages the entire group of four people.
    If you press the BoL button today, you heal 100% of people for a bit.
    If you press the BoL button on PTS, you only heal 75% of people.
    One guy gets no heal at all. The nerf prevents his/her healing.

    As a result, PUGS will die eaiser.
    As a result, healers will need to run more backup heals (like resto RR).
    As a result, healers will have to spam BOL more often.
    As a result, healers will run out of magicka sooner.
    As a result, healers will do less backup damage.
    As a result, healers will get even less helmets (depends on DPS).

    As a result, it will suck even more to be a Templar.
    So far, only PvP did suck, because most Templars suck 1v1 vs. a Sorc/NB.
    PvE was what kept Templars like me in this game.
    Once PvE will suck too (PUG DDs usually blame the crappy healer), what will be left?

    So far, I like playing with random groups. It serves as training and feels like a good daily deed to help average or even bad players survive their pledges. If ZOS nerfs the most important emergency healing, I probably won't be doing it anymore, because the wiped PUG groups will blame me, not the nerfed BOL.

    we Templars and DKs are being destroyed by the very same business who designed, developed and sold this game to us.
    ZoS is destroying ESO
    sorcs and Nbs and stam builds seem to be fine and yet deal incredible damage 10k plus.
    yet Templars and magic DKs will still be left in dark!
    I don't think I can play Templar or DK any longer I don't see it in me.
    Templars will not only struggle against harder hitting players we will struggle with resource management.
    recovery enchants and 5 seducers will probably be a must, leaves no room for damage.

  • Alabyn
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    4. My main complaint. All of the positive changes were for Magicka Templar only, which was already in a much better position than my Stamplar. All stamplar got was Major Mending which requires us to be stationary to use....

    With Focused Healing, there are two options with larger radii to get the major mending buff. So, you don't have to stay within the rune focus.
  • Lore_lai
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    I could probly handle all this just fine if they just made our Rune stick to us when we move. I don't wanna have to hit Restoring Focus before I rally/vigor every damn time.

    The rune *should* stick to us. We are the only class that has to stay in the damn rune like a mini-turret if we want the full duration on armor/spellresist buff.
    Not only that, but I'm in favor of keeping the extra buffs (like magicka restore/mitigation) stick to the rune too since all the other classes get extra benefits from applying their respective major buff skills.

  • Gigasax
    yet Templars and magic DKs will still be left in dark!
    I don't think I can play Templar or DK any longer I don't see it in me.
    Templars will not only struggle against harder hitting players we will struggle with resource management.
    recovery enchants and 5 seducers will probably be a must, leaves no room for damage.

    I think Magicka DK´s got a huge buff...
    Templar is the only class that will be nerfed to death..
    Edited by Gigasax on February 4, 2016 8:13PM
    - Noractis -
    - PC EU -
  • Pomaikai
    As a class, have we ever considered just going on strike, server wide? PC/Mac and consoles combined. All at once. No more Templars in game. Let's see how that plays out. If they're really not going to actually listen to us, maybe it's time we made them listen...
  • AfkNinja
    Gigasax wrote: »
    yet Templars and magic DKs will still be left in dark!
    I don't think I can play Templar or DK any longer I don't see it in me.
    Templars will not only struggle against harder hitting players we will struggle with resource management.
    recovery enchants and 5 seducers will probably be a must, leaves no room for damage.

    I think Magicka DK´s got a huge buff...
    Templar is the only class that will be nerfed to death..

    Magicka DK looks incredible right now, ZOS actually did exactly what was needed with DK. Stam DK was king and didn't need much so they focused on Magic DK and I think the changes look great. They did the opposite with Templar. Stamplar needed the most love and got almost nothing....
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