Spy Addon Group Damage

  • maxjapank
    Function wrote: »
    Function wrote: »
    Ra'Shtar wrote: »
    The addon has been in the game for more than a week now, the only thread i see complaining about the addon is this one if no one has made another thread you can be sure the addon is not having a negative effect on the game but rather the opposite, people who are jerks will kick and miss treat low dps player no matter what it has happened before and it will keep happening this addon is not going to suddenly create a massive amount of jerks tough it did created a massive amount of whining from ultra casuals who get hurt by the wings of a butterfly.

    One week is far too short to evaluate any impact in the game. I'd say it's only one week and there's already a thread about it, that proves that there's an issue.

    And most of all... yet another supporter of this addon who speaks negatively of players who don't perform as well as they do. We can see a clear correlation here.


    Then why are you so gung *** over getting this add on removed? If not enough time has passed to be unsure of the impact why are you so adamantly against it?

    .. Haven't I explained enough already ... ?????

    Nothing I have read is a good logical reason to have this addon removed.. you say revealing your damage numbers is a breach of privacy but there shouldn't be any privacy on group information. Its like saying an addon that shows the amount of health your group members have is a breach of privacy as well.

    @Function This addon is something new. Until now, it was impossible to see another person's dps without them sharing it. There was a reason we couldn't. It was to protect the integrity of the game and the people who play it. ZOS has done many things different than other mmo's. Sometimes people haven't like it. But overall, they have been good changes.

    The current information that this addon gives is according to ZOS "an oversight and not intended" when they made changes to the "unit id in combat events that don't involve you." That right there tells you what ZOS's feelings are about this information. But they are also discussing it internally now. And I'm guessing that trying to change it back might be difficult.

    Even so, health bars have always been something we could see visually. The comparison you make is invalid. Everyone can see the health of the monsters and players they fight. And they can see the health of players in their group, which is necessary for healers to know. However, we cannot see the Magicka and Stamina resources of others.

    Also, when talking about group dungeons. There aren't very many fights where a dps race is necessary. And there are very few Boss enrages timers, though ZOS later made some. The Engine Guardian fight, for example, can take 5 minutes or 20 minutes. It's all about mechanics.
  • Shunravi
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • maxjapank
    Shunravi wrote: »

    I enjoyed a bowl of popcorn last night. It was darn good. I should eat more of it.
  • Shunravi
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Shunravi wrote: »

    I enjoyed a bowl of popcorn last night. It was darn good. I should eat more of it.

    I would recommend some. Kettle corn with herbs is my favorite.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Xexpo
    Ra'Shtar wrote: »
    The addon has been in the game for more than a week now, the only thread i see complaining about the addon is this one if no one has made another thread you can be sure the addon is not having a negative effect on the game but rather the opposite, people who are jerks will kick and miss treat low dps player no matter what it has happened before and it will keep happening this addon is not going to suddenly create a massive amount of jerks tough it did created a massive amount of whining from ultra casuals who get hurt by the wings of a butterfly.

    Actually its been around for like a month. And many people kept it sort of a secret because they knew it wasn't complying with what zos intended for allowed addon functionality.
    But your version of the facts is cool too!

    ZOSE :trollface: has said from day one they don't want this kind of addon.. someone did some coding gymnastics to make it work.
    Many of you are acting like not knowing some pugs dps is ruining the game for you. There are already legit addons for the hardcore carebears to share their dps with.
    Why the war over this one?

    Maybe spend some of this effort communicating with other players in a normal fashion about their dps/hps, instead of crutching and crying about an unintentionally allowed addon.

    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
    Histy-Fitz ~~~ Boozemer ~~~ Chace X'expo
    Lluvia De'Fuego ~~~ Shakes Spear
    Macro and Cheese NA/PC
  • Vangy
    kaer426 wrote: »
    Ra'Shtar wrote: »
    The addon has been in the game for more than a week now, the only thread i see complaining about the addon is this one if no one has made another thread you can be sure the addon is not having a negative effect on the game but rather the opposite, people who are jerks will kick and miss treat low dps player no matter what it has happened before and it will keep happening this addon is not going to suddenly create a massive amount of jerks tough it did created a massive amount of whining from ultra casuals who get hurt by the wings of a butterfly.

    Actually its been around for like a month. And many people kept it sort of a secret because they knew it wasn't complying with what zos intended for allowed addon functionality.
    But your version of the facts is cool too!

    ZOSE :trollface: has said from day one they don't want this kind of addon.. someone did some coding gymnastics to make it work.
    Many of you are acting like not knowing some pugs dps is ruining the game for you. There are already legit addons for the hardcore carebears to share their dps with.
    Why the war over this one?

    Maybe spend some of this effort communicating with other players in a normal fashion about their dps/hps, instead of crutching and crying about an unintentionally allowed add-on.

    I would.... Or at least I've tried. What this addon has taught me is that 80% of casuals/pugs love to lie about their dps. I don't know why? Maybe it feeds their ego? When I've asked them for their dps they go oh I've cleared vet wgt vet icp trials blah blah I pull 20k single target and get into my no death speed run. Then Lo and behold they barely pull 8k during boss fights with multiple deaths. When I call them on their bull *** and kick them it feels soooo good. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with pugs who openly declare thyre new and haven't done a particular dungeon before. For a regular daily pledge I have no problems taking an extra 30 mins of my life just to help these guys get into the game. After all i received the same help at one point in time.

    I do however have a problem with lying little dip ****s who deserved to be kicked cos they're leeching on the effort of other people. Thyre easy enough to spot in pledges & I make it my personal vendetta not to carry these liars but in 12 man trials it can be impossible to spot. Say no to leechers. Say yes to meritocracy. Viva la revolutionz.
    Edited by Vangy on January 18, 2016 9:41AM
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • TorvenTool
    At last u know that u r in the wrong guild if u get flamed and roasted when ur damage lacks a bit in compared to the guilds 24/7 players :smiley: .
    Edited by TorvenTool on January 18, 2016 9:42AM
    Ich bremse auch für Bergblume und Akelei.

    PC-Spieler, da zu alt für Konsolen.
  • Vangy
    TorvenTool wrote: »
    At last u know that u r in the wrong guild if u get flamed and roasted when ur damage lacks a bit in compared to the guilds 24/7 players :smiley: .

    No one in my guilds get flamed for Low dps. They do however get called out on lying about their dps. If your dps is Low and you ask for help, no sane person in your guild is going to flame you. However if u inflate ur dps numbers by 15k and can't walk the walk I dare say your going to annoy anyone serious enough to competitively run trials.
    Edited by Vangy on January 18, 2016 9:45AM
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • coolmodi
    maxjapank wrote: »
    I'm still not saying that I support this addon. But not being able to link info does address one of my main concerns. That being keeping unfriendly players from belittling others.
    That's why I left out a chat report function intentionally, the only problem I had with dmg-meters in WoW were the people spamming their numbers all the time when beeing #1. That's just not the intention of this addon.
    Carry on, @coolmodi ! Each time, you're revealing more and more of your state of mind when writing this addon ! For everyone here to make up his mind.
    Yes, I'm a bad person for having a problem with having 2 DDs in a dungeon that do nothing, or doing 60% of the dmg myself.
    It's no big problem if they're just new, or don't know how to play their char, this addon is ultimately exactly for helping with that, but if they're just doing bearly anything, well then it just pisses me off. Is that so bad?

    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    Edited by coolmodi on January 18, 2016 9:50AM
  • Vangy
    coolmodi wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    I'm still not saying that I support this addon. But not being able to link info does address one of my main concerns. That being keeping unfriendly players from belittling others.
    That's why I left out a chat report function intentionally, the only problem I had with dmg-meters in WoW were the people spamming their numbers all the time when beeing #1. That's just not the intention of this addon.
    Carry on, @coolmodi ! Each time, you're revealing more and more of your state of mind when writing this addon ! For everyone here to make up his mind.
    Yes, I'm a bad person for having a problem with having 2 DDs in a dungeon that do nothing, or doing 60% of the dmg myself.
    It's no big problem if they're just new, or don't know how to play their char, this addon is ultimately exactly for helping with that, but if they're just doing bearly anything, well then it just pisses me off. Is that so bad?

    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    Preach it man. Your addon is the ONLY reason I even bother trying vet wgt or icp without a full team of friends/guild mates. If your addon gets taken off the table there's no frigging way I'm running those thanks to having no idea what's going wrong and how the other dds are faring.
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • TorvenTool
    coolmodi wrote: »
    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    This at least. I've tried it last weekend and found myself back in reality or at least in the magicka DK's reality. Althought I am satisfied with my damage because I'm mainly a PVP player the output of the sorv and NB was insane compared to mine.
    Ich bremse auch für Bergblume und Akelei.

    PC-Spieler, da zu alt für Konsolen.
  • Destruent
    TorvenTool wrote: »
    coolmodi wrote: »
    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    This at least. I've tried it last weekend and found myself back in reality or at least in the magicka DK's reality. Althought I am satisfied with my damage because I'm mainly a PVP player the output of the sorv and NB was insane compared to mine.

    Not the magicka-DKs fault ;-)
  • TorvenTool
    Destruent wrote: »
    TorvenTool wrote: »
    coolmodi wrote: »
    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    This at least. I've tried it last weekend and found myself back in reality or at least in the magicka DK's reality. Althought I am satisfied with my damage because I'm mainly a PVP player the output of the sorv and NB was insane compared to mine.

    Not the magicka-DKs fault ;-)

    Haha, yes...maybe.
    Ich bremse auch für Bergblume und Akelei.

    PC-Spieler, da zu alt für Konsolen.
  • Flameheart
    Destruent wrote: »
    TorvenTool wrote: »
    coolmodi wrote: »
    Thanks to this addon I can finally, even as a casual player without a guild or people I play with that I could compare with by exchanging data, compare myself with others and get an idea on how I and my build fare. Without I could very well also be one of those bad DDs and don't even know it, and that's something I just don't like, a game where I have no clue whether I'm good or bad.

    This at least. I've tried it last weekend and found myself back in reality or at least in the magicka DK's reality. Althought I am satisfied with my damage because I'm mainly a PVP player the output of the sorv and NB was insane compared to mine.

    Not the magicka-DKs fault ;-)

    I agree. I play a magicka NB, a magicka Sorc and a magicka DK. While a PO-using Sorc is off limits dps wise, magicka DK and magicka NB are pretty equal...and decent concerning dps. Without warhorn your dps should be around 15k dps in a 4-player-group enviroment. I presuppose, that the player has 100 CPs at least in the dominating damage attribute (Elemental Expert, Thaumaturge). Thief mundus is meta.

    Edited by Flameheart on January 18, 2016 12:05PM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

    Selissi - CP 1k+ Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Silmerel - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Templar (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sunja - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Destruent wrote: »
    Not the magicka-DKs fault ;-)

    That's yet another issue. Not all classes are equal when it comes to DPS output, which in turn depends on environment (not all mobs have the same resistances) and on group settings (support abilities provided by other group members). And what about synergies, which is damage provided by two or more players together ?

    Yet (most) people will still consider the top result as mentioned by the addon as "the best" and the worse as "the weak link". Very few players are actually experienced and knowledgeable enough to read these raw numbers properly in order to evaluate player's performance.

    - "Nova 2, please ? Who's got Nova ready ?"
    - "Sorry, there are only sorcs in the group's DPSers. "

    - "Warhorn 2 please ? Who's got warhorn ?
    - "Sorry I'm a sorc, I'm nothing without overload, so I won't slot war horn, 'cause ya know, DPS-meter..."


    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 18, 2016 1:21PM
  • Destruent
    Destruent wrote: »
    Not the magicka-DKs fault ;-)

    That's yet another issue. Not all classes are equal when it comes to DPS output, which in turn depends on environment (not all mobs have the same resistances) and on group settings (support abilities provided by other group members). And what about synergies, which is damage provided by two or more players together ?

    Yet (most) people will still consider the top result as mentioned by the addon as "the best" and the worse as "the weak link". Very few players are actually experienced and knowledgeable enough to read these raw numbers properly in order to evaluate player's performance.

    - "Nova 2, please ? Who's got Nova ready ?"
    - "Sorry, there are only sorcs in the group's DPSers. "

    - "Warhorn 2 please ? Who's got warhorn ?
    - "Sorry I'm a sorc, I'm nothing without overload, so I won't slot war horn, 'cause ya know, DPS-meter..."


    group-support etc is the same for everyone in a group...I know that you can't compaire your raid-dps with your dps in a pug-group. But you CAN compare the dps of DDs in the same pug-group. Regarding your examples...a (sorc-)dd? warhorn?? rly??
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Destruent wrote: »
    group-support etc is the same for everyone in a group...I know that you can't compaire your raid-dps with your dps in a pug-group. But you CAN compare the dps of DDs in the same pug-group. Regarding your examples...a (sorc-)dd? warhorn?? rly??

    Activating a synergy arithmetically lowers the DPS of the person who activates it. Extra damage is not calculated as his own output. Many players don't bother activating them because of "DPS-meters", that's a fact. "Public" DPS-meters will only make things worse.

    Yes, warhorn for a sorc-DD. I am a sorc DD and I am often required to slot warhorn. Simply because other players don't want to because of "Holy-DPS-meter". I know it's ridiculous, a waste of potential, but I don't care if my DPS sinks by 5K if it benefits the group's global DPS by 30K, but some people prefer to care of their own DPS. It's gonna be worse when they'll fear the judgement and "rankings" induced by this addon. ESPECIALLY IN PUGs. Nobody will want to slot war horn if they believe that their individual ultimate will prevent them from ranking last and appear as being carried by the group.


    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 18, 2016 1:43PM
  • Destruent
    Destruent wrote: »
    group-support etc is the same for everyone in a group...I know that you can't compaire your raid-dps with your dps in a pug-group. But you CAN compare the dps of DDs in the same pug-group. Regarding your examples...a (sorc-)dd? warhorn?? rly??

    Activating a synergy arithmetically lowers the DPS of the person who activates it. Extra damage is not calculated as his own output. Many players don't bother activating them because of "DPS-meters", that's a fact. "Public" DPS-meters will only make things worse.

    Yes, warhorn for a sorc-DD. I am a sorc DD and I am often required to slot warhorn. Simply because other players don't want to because of "Holy-DPS-meter". I know it's ridiculous, a waste of potential, but I don't care if my DPS sinks by 5K if it benefits the groups global DPS by 30K but some people prefer to care of their own DPS. It's gonna be worse when they'll fear judgement and "rankings" induced by this addon. ESPECIALLY IN PUGs. Nobody will want to slot war horn if they believe that their individual ultimate will prevent them from ranking last and appear and being carried by the group.


    it's best when healers/tanks use warhorn...DDs should use DPS-ultimates and sorc have to use Overload (in my opinion as a raidleader). Synergies can be activated by tanks/heals, they don't have to care about their DPS primarily...
  • Shunravi
    Destruent wrote: »
    group-support etc is the same for everyone in a group...I know that you can't compaire your raid-dps with your dps in a pug-group. But you CAN compare the dps of DDs in the same pug-group. Regarding your examples...a (sorc-)dd? warhorn?? rly??

    Activating a synergy arithmetically lowers the DPS of the person who activates it. Extra damage is not calculated as his own output. Many players don't bother activating them because of "DPS-meters", that's a fact. "Public" DPS-meters will only make things worse.

    Yes, warhorn for a sorc-DD. I am a sorc DD and I am often required to slot warhorn. Simply because other players don't want to because of "Holy-DPS-meter". I know it's ridiculous, a waste of potential, but I don't care if my DPS sinks by 5K if it benefits the group's global DPS by 30K, but some people prefer to care of their own DPS. It's gonna be worse when they'll fear the judgement and "rankings" induced by this addon. ESPECIALLY IN PUGs. Nobody will want to slot war horn if they believe that their individual ultimate will prevent them from ranking last and appear as being carried by the group.


    Wait.... You're serious?
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Shunravi wrote: »
    Wait.... You're serious?

    Yes. Why do you ask ?
    Things like that happen all the time, in guilds' groups, in half-guild groups (that's what I call groups made of several guilds), in half-pug groups (that's how I call a PUG group made via, for instance, a trading guild), and pure pug groups. To several extents and in different forms (sometimes people will tell you straight away that they're only making this run for a personal DPS check against Valariel or the mage or the manti... , sometimes they'll pretend to just not have war horn and no skill points left...).
    Happens all the time, and no raid leader "authority" can counter that.

    Actually the place where it is most likely to happen is a pure pug group, and the place where it is less likely to happen is in a top progression guild (because people there really care about group results, and individualism is less tolerated).


    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 18, 2016 1:57PM
  • Cuyler
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    But they should not be able to measure that other persons DPS without their say so.
    SirDopey wrote: »
    WOW....this thread certainly blew up. If you have crap DPS your group's already going to know, so don't be scared people....
    ^THIS. We already know. This "spying" or "without consent" labeling of this addon is ridiculous. You guys are fear mongering about information that is already is already available just not exacting. The addon simply makes it exact.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Kyoma
    Destruent wrote: »
    group-support etc is the same for everyone in a group...I know that you can't compaire your raid-dps with your dps in a pug-group. But you CAN compare the dps of DDs in the same pug-group. Regarding your examples...a (sorc-)dd? warhorn?? rly??

    Activating a synergy arithmetically lowers the DPS of the person who activates it. Extra damage is not calculated as his own output. Many players don't bother activating them because of "DPS-meters", that's a fact. "Public" DPS-meters will only make things worse.

    Yes, warhorn for a sorc-DD. I am a sorc DD and I am often required to slot warhorn. Simply because other players don't want to because of "Holy-DPS-meter". I know it's ridiculous, a waste of potential, but I don't care if my DPS sinks by 5K if it benefits the group's global DPS by 30K, but some people prefer to care of their own DPS. It's gonna be worse when they'll fear the judgement and "rankings" induced by this addon. ESPECIALLY IN PUGs. Nobody will want to slot war horn if they believe that their individual ultimate will prevent them from ranking last and appear as being carried by the group.
    This is just ridiculous, any sorc that would be forced to use warhorn would be reluctant to do so, "Holy-DPS-meter" or not. All these examples you keep bringing up have nothing to do with the use of a DPS-meter or not, just examples of people being *** to others. And in that regard, if people use this addon it will become alot clearer of who they are exactly so you can properly avoid them.

    Edit: Oh and as a sorc that has had a long-time support role I often ran it, did it hurt my DPS? Of course. But everybody in my group knew that so there was no problem. If they would have seen I only did 15k, it wouldn't have mattered one bit. THEY ALREADY KNEW IT WAS A SACRIFICE FOR THE REST OF THE GROUP.
    Edited by Kyoma on January 18, 2016 2:03PM
    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • Shunravi
    Shunravi wrote: »
    Wait.... You're serious?

    Yes. Why do you ask ?
    Things like that happen all the time, in guilds' groups, in half-guild groups (that's what I call groups made of several guilds), in half-pug groups (that's how I call a PUG group made via, for instance, a trading guild), and pure pug groups. To several extents and in different forms (sometimes people will tell you straight away that they're only making this run for a personal DPS check against Valariel or the mage or the manti... , sometimes they'll pretend to just not have war horn and no skill points left...).
    Happens all the time, and no raid leader "authority" can counter that.

    Actually the place where it is most likely to happen is a pure pug group, and the place where it is less likely to happen is in a top progression guild (because people there really care about group results, and individualism is less tolerated).


    Really? Just.... Really?

    Since when is warhorn required for anything but leaderboard runs? Props to you for running it, its a great support skill, but really? Worse, if you are the one pushing to use it that kinda makes you the elitist jerk here...

    @Cuyler is it true what our mutual sorc buddy Vivian tells me? Do you guys activate synergies on your runs? Just curious because reasons....
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • maxjapank
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    But they should not be able to measure that other persons DPS without their say so.
    SirDopey wrote: »
    WOW....this thread certainly blew up. If you have crap DPS your group's already going to know, so don't be scared people....
    ^THIS. We already know. This "spying" or "without consent" labeling of this addon is ridiculous. You guys are fear mongering about information that is already is already available just not exacting. The addon simply makes it exact.

    We are not fear mongering. At least I'm not. We are having a discussion about something that until now has not been available data-wise for people to see. And the reason this data is now available is because of an "oversight" by ZOS. They did not intend for this info to be available.

    Can you at least recognize that this data makes some players uncomfortable, even downright good players? I'm not just speaking for myself. I've had several friends express concern about being compared to others. They really are excellent and competitive players. But they've enjoyed this freedom of not being judged. Maybe that's hard to understand for some.

    In the end, ZOS will make a decision. My guess is that it will be too much trouble to change things back. So those who want this addon to stay will be happy in the end. And those who don't will learn to live with it. But if you and others can walk away from this thread being just a little more aware of how it does make some uncomfortable, then that is a good thing.
  • Naslu
    Hello Kitty Online?
    Guild Hodor
    • Marbella Ori / Temp Healer
    • Naslu / Stam Templer
    • Ordaril / Magicka Sorc
    • Allaine De Ladonia / Magicka DK
    • Gretel Witchhunter / Magicka NB
    • Lili Catani / Magicka Tank NB
    • Prince Adam of Eternia / Stam DK

  • Xantaria
    Naslu wrote: »
    Hello Kitty Online?


    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Kyoma wrote: »
    This is just ridiculous, any sorc that would be forced to use warhorn would be reluctant to do so, "Holy-DPS-meter" or not. All these examples you keep bringing up have nothing to do with the use of a DPS-meter or not, just examples of people being *** to others. And in that regard, if people use this addon it will become alot clearer of who they are exactly so you can properly avoid them.

    That's one way to look at it, and it would be quite efficient if the community was made of 90% exactly like-minded "good people" and 10% of "black sheep" that we would just have to filter out to be in paradise. In reality however, we all have our qualities and faults (Obvious is my middle name). Being a little bit selfish in a raiding environment, or having a somewhat low DPS, even infiltrating better players' groups from time to time for the sake of an achievement, doesn't make anyone a bad person or a horrible buddy player altogether. This whole "Baddie-Lowbie-hunting" stuff is simply not my cup of tea.

    Shunravi wrote: »
    Since when is warhorn required for anything but leaderboard runs? Props to you for running it, its a great support skill, but really? Worse, if you are the one pushing to use it that kinda makes you the elitist jerk here...

    I am not the one leading the raids in my guild, but I think that war horn is an extremely useful skill in a 12-man instance, and it's a waste no to use it. What's "elitist" about it ? If you have a good group it can help you reach the leaderboards and if you have a weaker group it can help you avoid the enraging of mobs, it's good in both cases. It's basic math : no single-person DPS will ever be higher than an increase of 10%+ for everyone.

    maxjapank wrote: »
    In the end, ZOS will make a decision. My guess is that it will be too much trouble to change things back.

    I don't think so. Non-competitive players coming from the Elder Scrolls solo games are a HUGE part of the player base and ZOS knows they have to be very careful about such things to keep them in the game. And technically, they're incorporating DPS numbers and clouds as part of the base game, with next update (I think). That implies certainly a complete overhaul of the API and by doing so, they might easily choose carefully what info will be accessed by addons, and which info won't.


    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 18, 2016 2:52PM
  • Dawnblade
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    But they should not be able to measure that other persons DPS without their say so.
    SirDopey wrote: »
    WOW....this thread certainly blew up. If you have crap DPS your group's already going to know, so don't be scared people....
    ^THIS. We already know. This "spying" or "without consent" labeling of this addon is ridiculous. You guys are fear mongering about information that is already is already available just not exacting. The addon simply makes it exact.

    We are not fear mongering. At least I'm not. We are having a discussion about something that until now has not been available data-wise for people to see. And the reason this data is now available is because of an "oversight" by ZOS. They did not intend for this info to be available.

    Can you at least recognize that this data makes some players uncomfortable, even downright good players? I'm not just speaking for myself. I've had several friends express concern about being compared to others. They really are excellent and competitive players. But they've enjoyed this freedom of not being judged. Maybe that's hard to understand for some.

    In the end, ZOS will make a decision. My guess is that it will be too much trouble to change things back. So those who want this addon to stay will be happy in the end. And those who don't will learn to live with it. But if you and others can walk away from this thread being just a little more aware of how it does make some uncomfortable, then that is a good thing.

    Given how a lot of this game caters to the immersionist solo player by hiding damn near all useful information (unless one runs add-ons), they probably will break the add-on, unless the effort required is pretty substantial.

    And while I too have feelings of apprehension at times with regard to showing and sharing my performance, I do not feel that I have some sort of inalienable right to hide my performance from others when I join a group for group content.

    When in a group, the group comes first - not me nor my 'feelings' regarding my performance or its visibility to others in the group.

    If group dynamics are bad and oft-putting due to elitists attitudes, rude players, malcontents and such, then I just drop group.

    Oh and if someone doesn't want their performance to be judged, just don't group - problem solved.
    Edited by Dawnblade on January 18, 2016 3:04PM
  • Ruben
    This addon rocks. It let me see very early in a dungeon that the group needed serious help doing damage (I was the healer).

    I didn't quit, I didn't insult them. We eventually completed the dungeon.

    Please Zeni, don't break it.
    DK Stamina DPS
    DK Magicka DPS
    DK Tank
    Templar Healer
    Sorcerer Stamina DPS
    Nightblade Magicka DPS
    Nightblade Stamina DPS
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Dawnblade wrote: »
    Oh and if someone doesn't want their performance to be judged, just don't group - problem solved.

    ^^ This exactly.
    That's what people who feel uncomfortable with the mere existence of this add on will do because that is the ultimate counter for it.
    Problem is, grouping is what keeps people in the game. People would quit upon completing the content if it was not for their social contacts and guilds, which is nurtured by group content. People being happy and comfortable about grouping up is essential for the health of the game. That's why ZOS devotes many resources into fixing the grouping tools and allowing us to group up regardless of level and even, soon, regardless of faction.
    They won't let an add-on jeopardize their efforts.


This discussion has been closed.