Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Ebonheart Pact needs some Love

  • Ahk1lleez
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.
  • OdinForge
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    This potato farmer knows what he is talking about

    The Age of Wrobel.
  • Corpsage
    Where. Dey. At. Doe?

    Just want to but in here and say that in the case of Haderus, prior to becoming a Zergfest over the weekend, Requiem was one of, if not THE ONLY DC guild(s) in the campaign.
    Edited by Corpsage on January 5, 2016 6:20PM
    Corpsage The Blackened - V16 Altmer Templar DC
    Corpsage The Bane - V16 Imperial Templar DC
    Corpsage The Decimator - V16 Dunmer Night Blade DC
    Corpse Guevara - 32 Dunmer Dragon Knight DC
    Corpsage The Iniquitous - 27 Orc Night Blade DC
    The Lord Corpsage - 5 Altmer Sorcerer DC
    We are the many who is One
  • Seraph702
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more
    Praise be to Unruh our Let it Rain Lord and Savior
  • tinythinker
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    It is difficult. I have joined up with PUGs lately and offered suggestions to them on how to siege, where to siege, how to handle breaches and most of the time it is shrugged off (and I'll do as they ask, I'm not here to take over a group and be an arrogant ***) and they get mowed over or I get told that they're going to do it their way even if they're going to get stomped every single time. And you know what? Sometimes you have to let them fail over and over again, and hope they learn from mistakes. That's how we learn. There are a lot of all around egos in EP who don't want help, don't think they need it, and egos of people who believe they don't want to be arsed to help. The only thing we as a faction can do is keep trying and hope that people are open to it. Every little victory, even if it's to get a PUG to put down 12 siege instead of 3, is a step in the right direction.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.
    I somehow ended up running with your "Nexus" incarnation half a dozen times last summer, and you all seemed nice enough, but I can see why a divide might be there. Some of that is definitely on the guild, some is not. But coordination across guilds and groups is never easy. You guys have been a welcome sight lately when the small group I've been running with has had similar ideas about where to attack in order to push out from the turtling and found waaaaay to many enemy players to handle at once. So thanks for the rescues. Plus you make zone chat less boring. Keep trying to reach out, it may take a while for some people to be receptive and some never will, but the alternative is just a wider divide. In the end, actions will speak loader than /z.
    Edited by tinythinker on January 5, 2016 6:22PM
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Ghostbane
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ghostbane wrote: »
    Silence you filthy barbarians! Surrender your lumbermill!

    Ghost... if you come near my LM i will kill you with the fire of 1 million meteors and inner fire synergies i swear it upon the almighty lusty argonian maid!

    Bro, I can spam wings faster than the fastest KFC employee of the month.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Alomar
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    Well what did you expect? (Not directed at you, but your associated guilds) From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map. The only 2 things they have shown to regularly care about is farming AP and crowning their own emp. Playing the primary objectives when it makes them efficient ap or effects getting emp so they can make more ap. I fairly certain someone said something like this on the forums before, and Meth essentially said yeah that is true.

    edit: It just seems silly that the faction with the most high ranked players is complaining about a lack of leadership.

    You don't seem to play very much then. Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago. If an attack turns into a farm it is simply because 12-16 people cannot siege a keep and fend off 30-40 enemies at the same time. Out of the hardcore guilds that play on AZ regularly we easily farm least. If we care less about objectives at times it is because we need a break from constant defending against the 5-6 enemy hardcore pvp guilds who are nonstop at us. Maybe someone with hate goggles on like yourself who just likes to gank lesser capable players can't see this but we like challenges and good fights and seek them out no matter where they are.

    We are able to earn so much ap because we have constant action from two factions with a hard on for us more often than not pushing us. This coming from you is rich, 90% of the time I've seen you in the past 3+ months is ganking pugs in between objectives without any involvement in objective attacks or defenses.
    manny254 wrote: »
    Jules wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map.

    I never really played much with Nexus but the fact that people think this about Haxus is just silly. Ofc we care about earning AP but we also generally place having our home keeps at the top of the priority list. We make efforts to take and defend keeps constantly. Decent AP gain comes from this anyway.

    Going to be 100% honest. To me this entire thread looks like this:

    We need people to be competent for us so we can get more AP and hold our Emp longer. We are too good to add more people to our group.

    Again nothing informative or new just blind hate for your enemy. Spending any time in Azura's proves you wrong, which you either know or simply don't care. We've been recruiting since the creation of Haxus and we regularly have one trial in our groups. We want to keep standards and not fill our groups with people we don't know anything about and somehow that's a bad thing?

    Your also missing the whole point, there is no reason to recruit 50 more people and run 24+ mans and help create more latency issues ingame like other guilds do. If you opened your eyes you'd see more of the community would prefer two 12 man guild groups in separate places rather than one 24 man group worsening performance issues.

    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    Lol, we accept we will rarely have all our homes keeps because the majority of EP is unable to defend them and we are unable to get to them all in time and be multiple places at once. Your mindframe shows what is wrong with the majority of EP, if you cannot understand general strategy and simply label it "farming". How often do your raids and most of EP in general sit at the bridge while we're fighting off dc from Chal to bleaks? We go to the bridge for a break fight a couple of fights and leave to go back North. You are not in our teamspeak, you are not in communication with us, so please leave your guesses at the door and defend something tonight.
    Edited by Alomar on January 5, 2016 6:28PM
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • Humphie
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are talking about ignorance? So bftp going for a scroll instead of pushing further to dethrone or get emp...that is what I call ignorant regarding the good of the faction. Emp over scroll. Always
    It doesn't matter if this is just a recent development. This is about now and not last months or year! I don't mean to disrespect your guild and your leadership. Just stating how I see it. I am not so sure pugs would follow any of your commands in zone. I wouldn't!
    Pug for life
    Edited by Humphie on January 5, 2016 6:22PM
  • manny254
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This post is an excellent exemplification of why your faction discredits people from certain guilds. You manged to insult them, and you literally just tried to justify farming Ap while the rest of the faction struggles.

    Edit: What you said may or mat not have validity, but the way you said it just creates more trouble for yourself/ your faction.
    Edited by manny254 on January 5, 2016 6:26PM
    - Mojican
  • Ahk1lleez
    Humphie wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are talking about ignorance? So bftp going for a scroll instead of pushing further to dethrone or get emp...that is what I call ignorant regarding the good of the faction. Emp over scroll. Always
    It doesn't matter if this is just a recent development. This is about now and not last months or year! I don't mean to disrespect your guild and your leadership. Just stating how I see it. I am not so sure pugs would follow any of your commands in zone. I wouldn't!
    Pug for life

    To be fair...A different raid lead was leading and insisted on ignoring my calls for defense.
  • Humphie
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    Humphie wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are talking about ignorance? So bftp going for a scroll instead of pushing further to dethrone or get emp...that is what I call ignorant regarding the good of the faction. Emp over scroll. Always
    It doesn't matter if this is just a recent development. This is about now and not last months or year! I don't mean to disrespect your guild and your leadership. Just stating how I see it. I am not so sure pugs would follow any of your commands in zone. I wouldn't!
    Pug for life

    To be fair...A different raid lead was leading and insisted on ignoring my calls for defense.

    I am just saying...I really don't mean to be disrespectfull. But that is what I have seen happening. not only once! :)
  • _Chaos
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This sums up the thread.

    Guide them instead of slamming them, be the mentor. Haxus used to farm fer dayz no one can deny that (clearly they're trying to turn that around now and I thank them for that, it will lead to way better fights. When was the last time a raid lead from Haxus or Dynamic went in a BftP TS to show them the ropes? and if that ever happens, BftP, you guys need to have an open mind and listen to what these guys are telling you, they're incredibly smart and some of the best players on your team right now.

    Can we just take a moment here to let the following quote sink in? :lol:
    Alomar wrote: »

    Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago.
  • Manoekin
    diskiukas wrote: »
    Top guilds rarely recruit.Somebody posted topic not too long ago about it. I've been playing since release and I try to PVP almost everyday( love it a lot more than PVE), however I am part of 2 great PVE guilds, but never been able to join top PVP guild on DC side( well Cry Havoc was PVP guild, but raids used o be only 2 times a week though, dead guild now btw). Instead of being arrogant all the time( I've been ridiculed by top guild members for posting, in the chat, info about enemy movements ) , make some effort.People leaving? Do some recruitment , replenish your numbers, maybe it will help your guild in the long run and it will never die. Or dont and come back here and complain.

    How hard are you trying to join PvP guilds though. Most of the population seems to want to be recruited instead of asking how to join a guild. Unless you come recommended you probably won't receive an invitation. No one ever asks. I'll post a recruitment message in prime time and maybe get 2 whispers.

    As for scouting... it's more than just calling movements. I'm guilty of it too on both ends. If you don't call out specific numbers you will probably get yelled at, because no one wants to bring their guild to a keep only to find out it was 4 people trying to prep a 50/50 and you were screaming siege in zone. Not saying that's you, but what I've seen happen in zone.
  • Seraph702
    manny254 wrote: »
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This post is an excellent exemplification of why your faction discredits people from certain guilds. You manged to insult them, and you literally just tried to justify farming Ap while the rest of the faction struggles.

    Edit: What you said may or mat not have validity, but the way you said it just creates more trouble for yourself/ your faction.

    Not defending AP farming in any way.... i personally ap farm whenever we feel like it because pushing objectives in the lag becomes annoying headache enducing and all around just tedious when the lag is so insane that we should just be drinking my lag game 999+ ping 2 shots ^.^

    Also you shouldnt swing nasty words when all i ever see you doing now is small man AP farming the EP bads and i personally walk by without zerging you down because i feel bad taking my 12 man stomping you and ruining your fun.... its how you like to play and its actually a viable strat if i can sit at farmagyl or glademist keep it flagged for 30 minutes and kill all opposition that tries to come stop me while A. Haxus or B. Pugs push the map in the direction that i have said keep flagged and no one can unflag it.... so no im not defending AP farming its not very helpful to the faction but if you do it correctly it can give your pugs a break and give other teams the chance to take a keep or 2 without AD and DC pushing us to arrius.... AP farming Correctly Defended *ps* you farm ap just like the rest of us you just do it with 8 less members than i do and your AP farming doesnt actually contribute to your faction :)
    Praise be to Unruh our Let it Rain Lord and Savior
  • Aegonnn
    Grand Overlord DK - EP/DC
    Havöc and Dracarys
  • PosternHouse
  • SkarletLiqorish
    Edited by SkarletLiqorish on January 5, 2016 8:22PM
    ~~ Guild of Shadows ~~ Hellhoundz ~~ Teut Spindle Your Brindle ~~
    Lily the Succubus - Bosmer - CP767 Stamina NB (EP) - Alliance War Rank: General
    Lily Dark - Breton - CP767 Magicka NB (EP)
    Lily la Bloobury - Bosmer - level 40 Stamina NB (DC)
    Kitteh Le Mewz (aka Too Tall) - Altmer - CP767 Magicka Templar (EP)
    Succubus the Sorcerer - Dunmer - CP767 Magicka Sorc (EP)

    *There can only be ONE Lily*
    "If I knew it was going to be this hot, I would have dressed for it." ~ Abnur Tharn

  • Aegonnn

    i almsot picked that one!!
    Grand Overlord DK - EP/DC
    Havöc and Dracarys
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.
  • Alomar
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.

    Ya'll have taken this, like most on the ESO forums lol, way off topic. Haxus never stated anything of the sort that was a member of a different guild defending us, but he should of kept it a little more polite. The general topic is if you want a challenge we have it for ya, if ya want to troll and keep hating on us by all means continue.
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • manny254
    Alomar wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    Well what did you expect? (Not directed at you, but your associated guilds) From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map. The only 2 things they have shown to regularly care about is farming AP and crowning their own emp. Playing the primary objectives when it makes them efficient ap or effects getting emp so they can make more ap. I fairly certain someone said something like this on the forums before, and Meth essentially said yeah that is true.

    edit: It just seems silly that the faction with the most high ranked players is complaining about a lack of leadership.

    You don't seem to play very much then. Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago. If an attack turns into a farm it is simply because 12-16 people cannot siege a keep and fend off 30-40 enemies at the same time. Out of the hardcore guilds that play on AZ regularly we easily farm least. If we care less about objectives at times it is because we need a break from constant defending against the 5-6 enemy hardcore pvp guilds who are nonstop at us. Maybe someone with hate goggles on like yourself who just likes to gank lesser capable players can't see this but we like challenges and good fights and seek them out no matter where they are.

    We are able to earn so much ap because we have constant action from two factions with a hard on for us more often than not pushing us. This coming from you is rich, 90% of the time I've seen you in the past 3+ months is ganking pugs in between objectives without any involvement in objective attacks or defenses.
    manny254 wrote: »
    Jules wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map.

    I never really played much with Nexus but the fact that people think this about Haxus is just silly. Ofc we care about earning AP but we also generally place having our home keeps at the top of the priority list. We make efforts to take and defend keeps constantly. Decent AP gain comes from this anyway.

    Going to be 100% honest. To me this entire thread looks like this:

    We need people to be competent for us so we can get more AP and hold our Emp longer. We are too good to add more people to our group.

    Again nothing informative or new just blind hate for your enemy. Spending any time in Azura's proves you wrong, which you either know or simply don't care. We've been recruiting since the creation of Haxus and we regularly have one trial in our groups. We want to keep standards and not fill our groups with people we don't know anything about and somehow that's a bad thing?

    Your also missing the whole point, there is no reason to recruit 50 more people and run 24+ mans and help create more latency issues ingame like other guilds do. If you opened your eyes you'd see more of the community would prefer two 12 man guild groups in separate places rather than one 24 man group worsening performance issues.

    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    Lol, we accept we will rarely have all our homes keeps because the majority of EP is unable to defend them and we are unable to get to them all in time and be multiple places at once. Your mindframe shows what is wrong with the majority of EP, if you cannot understand general strategy and simply label it "farming". How often do your raids and most of EP in general sit at the bridge while we're fighting off dc from Chal to bleaks? We go to the bridge for a break fight a couple of fights and leave to go back North. You are not in our teamspeak, you are not in communication with us, so please leave your guesses at the door and defend something tonight.

    If you think I have blind hate then you are surely the blind one.

    What you have done for a week or two mean nothing Alomar. I am referencing your history. Such as the end of the last campaign. It was quite a regular site to see Haxus taking brindle and farming pugs in southern keeps while Ep got slaughtered. Do you expect the EP pugs to be happy about things like this? I would also remember trying to dethrone blue emp and lo and behold you guys farming ad at the Nickel gate. Lets also recall the campaign where you did not have a player in your guild as #1. The only time Haxus could be seen at a relevant objective was the phat final emp keep AP. Frankly its almost absurd that I have to bring up examples. You must have an absurdly selective memory to claim that you don't ap farm.

    So sorry making one forums post trying to act like saints does not wash away months of ignoring your own faction and speaking down to them.
    Edited by manny254 on January 5, 2016 6:54PM
    - Mojican
  • emma666
    The main problem with this thread is that it just looks like you want to take the easy way out and bring your other faction friends and established guilds to come to your rescue instead of using the talents EP already have. If you want the faction to improve, don't ask for other factions to help (and also don't tell EP how horribly bad they are in zonechat either, solid tip) when it's not desperately needed and EP clearly already has the numbers and good players but the lack of leadership, communication and organization.

    Do you think EPs success came for free more than half a year ago? It took so much time, effort and communication between guilds to succeed the way EP did, I'm not even sure you PVPd by then Jules but it was alot of hard work from the best to the worst EP guilds, all working together no matter the skill without putting eachother down. Alomar should remember.

    An example of hidden treasures in EP, I got Methuselah and Thogurt invited to IR back in the day because I saw skill in both of them and look at them now. Some of the best pvpers around.

    Aegonnn wrote: »

    Pepsi sucks
    Nymeria - Ebonheart - Grand Overlady - Imperial Templar - Havoc

    I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
  • manny254
    Alomar wrote: »
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.

    Ya'll have taken this, like most on the ESO forums lol, way off topic. Haxus never stated anything of the sort that was a member of a different guild defending us, but he should of kept it a little more polite. The general topic is if you want a challenge we have it for ya, if ya want to troll and keep hating on us by all means continue.

    Saying something you don't want to hear = troll?

    Is this what we have come to?
    - Mojican
  • PosternHouse
    Alomar wrote: »
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.

    Ya'll have taken this, like most on the ESO forums lol, way off topic. Haxus never stated anything of the sort that was a member of a different guild defending us, but he should of kept it a little more polite. The general topic is if you want a challenge we have it for ya, if ya want to troll and keep hating on us by all means continue.

    Note the stark contrast between how hard you want to coordinate with your faction and how easily you condescend to them.
  • Seraph702
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.

    i stated that the pug guilds and the 2 guilds we have actively pvping hardcore for EP hold the faction up but ive never been the nicest player on EP after running pug groups for months on end constantly day in and day out i have given up on the masses and i pvp with my tight knit group defend brk and chalamo and push keeps when the opportunity presents itself... PuGs on EP almost entirely refuse to learn as do their raid leads.....
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This sums up the thread.

    Guide them instead of slamming them, be the mentor. Haxus used to farm fer dayz no one can deny that (clearly they're trying to turn that around now and I thank them for that, it will lead to way better fights. When was the last time a raid lead from Haxus or Dynamic went in a BftP TS to show them the ropes? and if that ever happens, BftP, you guys need to have an open mind and listen to what these guys are telling you, they're incredibly smart and some of the best players on your team right now.

    Can we just take a moment here to let the following quote sink in? :lol:
    Alomar wrote: »

    Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago.

    Actively Frozn and Hektik have been tutoring the PuG guilds as i have not been asked to do so because i have little patience with the pugs as of late and their ignorance is painful to deal with i am happy to oblige any player or raid lead seeking tips in-game i always respond to my whispers with as much information on any given subject that i am questioned about but EP PuGs usually just want to be salty and blame someone for their misgivings.... so yar i smash them for being potatoes cuzz mashed potatoes is ofc my fav food ^.^
    Praise be to Unruh our Let it Rain Lord and Savior
  • Crown
    Alomar wrote: »
    Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago. If an attack turns into a farm it is simply because 12-16 people cannot siege a keep and fend off 30-40 enemies at the same time.

    @Alomar I have to respectfully disagree with this. I grant that I have no idea what you do most of the time (when I'm running solo/duo/small I try to stay away from Haxus, Vehemence and a few others who are near-impossible-kills-without-similar-numbers) and it's very possible you spend time on map control (which I also don't notice much lately), but whenever we see Bloodmayne or (Fare Lumber) getting hit by EP and we don't even have a scroll behind that gate, 19/20 times it's Haxus.

    There's no reason to hit Bloodmayne other than trying to get a farm going when the organized AD opposition is fighting DC, the less-organized AD randoms are obsessing about the bridge / Sej corridor, and there's no scroll to take.

    It's gotten to the point that I'll yell at the randoms to just leave you alone to sit happily in BM to drink/eat your punch and pie, and to take it back when you get bored and head up to Fare lumber (which is usually about 10-15 minutes when you don't make good AP).
    Alomar wrote: »
    Out of the hardcore guilds that play on AZ regularly we easily farm least.

    That's one of the issues these days - there are very very few hard core guilds running any more. If once every two or three days you guys decide, "We've had enough of fighting BRK/Chalman continuously, lets go do something insane like take Brindle" you're perfectly justified in doing so - you do whatever is most fun for you - though most of everyone else is going to see that as trying to start a farm.

    Note that I'm not complaining about you farming, just pointing out perception by others..
    Edited by Crown on January 5, 2016 7:00PM
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Manoekin
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    You are baffling mind numbing and potato. Without Haxus you pugs get rolled at home keeps daily without My guild or Haxus pushing the Back lines of the opposing factions they just roll right up to chalman and brk and take keeps without anyone "overextending" and not potato mode at the sej bridge theres no one to pull dc and ad off the front lines for potato EP guilds to potato into keeps and potato them down.... potato more

    This disgusting mentality regarding other players is why EP will continue to suffer, not that 'everyone won't listen to those who know better', but 'I'm so much better than you that you should immediately defer to me". Such guilds/groups deserve to fail in that respect.

    Let players make mistakes, let players learn or refuse to learn. If they get frustrated they'll find something else to do but if they can work around their difficulties and improve on their own initiative they will.

    Thinking that one or more guilds holds up an entire faction is an absurd notion. Hopefully most players are intelligent enough not to fall for such guilds run by con-artists and self-serving sycophants.

    Actually that's what happens. If you take Arrius/Fare/Glade the entire faction will go to defend that keep, usually even if a dethrone is on the line.

    Also, we've let players make mistakes for almost 2 years now, and they're still making them. Your solution to the problem is to do more of the same. What people usually do when they get frustrated is quit, not try to get better. If you're not in a guild group, or not in a group at all. Don't be making calls. You're not organizing anything. Refusing to listen to the experienced players is what hurts factions, and it's because of your own pride not theirs. The way you perceive their tone to be in chat is entirely up to you. They're not trying to coordinate with you to stroke their own ego and gloat over you. That's your own illness that you see it that way.
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    manny254 wrote: »
    Alomar wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    Well what did you expect? (Not directed at you, but your associated guilds) From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map. The only 2 things they have shown to regularly care about is farming AP and crowning their own emp. Playing the primary objectives when it makes them efficient ap or effects getting emp so they can make more ap. I fairly certain someone said something like this on the forums before, and Meth essentially said yeah that is true.

    edit: It just seems silly that the faction with the most high ranked players is complaining about a lack of leadership.

    You don't seem to play very much then. Haxus is not Nexus it is a separate guild and since it's creation we have never had a farm mindset in mind. We earn ap via attacking/defending objectives, as it has been from our creation 4-5 months ago. If an attack turns into a farm it is simply because 12-16 people cannot siege a keep and fend off 30-40 enemies at the same time. Out of the hardcore guilds that play on AZ regularly we easily farm least. If we care less about objectives at times it is because we need a break from constant defending against the 5-6 enemy hardcore pvp guilds who are nonstop at us. Maybe someone with hate goggles on like yourself who just likes to gank lesser capable players can't see this but we like challenges and good fights and seek them out no matter where they are.

    We are able to earn so much ap because we have constant action from two factions with a hard on for us more often than not pushing us. This coming from you is rich, 90% of the time I've seen you in the past 3+ months is ganking pugs in between objectives without any involvement in objective attacks or defenses.
    manny254 wrote: »
    Jules wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Pchela wrote: »
    Dutchessx wrote: »
    I have been reading through this tread and I can't speak to or won't attempt to speak to majority of what I am reading. However in regards to the part that I have been reading about EP being pop-locked (yes I know the picture that was posted was of Azura's, which I consider to be an outlying statistic) and I maybe as mixed up as a football bat but at least when I have been on Haderous and I have seen pop-locked EP most of the time it is because there are a lot of people in the sewers. Majority of the time from my experience only - the groups in the sewers hardly ever come out to play in Cyrodiil itself. If I do see them not in the sewers it is rarely in any kind of organized group. Most of the time it is in zone LFG or I get sent tells asking how they can find a group or if they can join mine. So in my opinion to say that "Oh look this faction is OK because they are pop-locked" without taking into account that a percentage of what you see maybe in IC/Sewer runs and hardly ever in Cyrodiil itself is not reasonable. When these groups do come they are usually over ran by one of the other factions. I have played in some of these groups or picked up people out of zone when I had been running solo prior starting a group. I usually end up face planting my keyboard because it is so painful to watch. Some have said the more experienced PvP'er's should teach them... most of the time - when I have picked up people out of zone (which it has been awhile since I have done this I have to admit) I either get no response from them other than to see them leaving group, running off to some other part of the map, or asking me where I get off telling them how to play. There have been rare incidences of one or two that I felt made any progress at all or I invited to join my social/pve guild (where I do sometimes help with doing pvp)- where they soon just disappear and never join back up to pvp or anything else. I have also recommended a few to guilds where I know they will get to play pvp regularly if they choose to. I have trained people to play games before playing ESO and have tried in my social/pve guild it is not an easy task. I do not have any recommendations I am just pointing out the obvious.

    Guild relations in EP must improve if we are to start working together to help each other. I am sad to say that there are a few guilds out there that think that just because I am in Haxus, that means I am not here to help the campaign. They are wrong, I love to help. I like objectives, I like helping learn... but I get shut down because I am Haxus. "Why are you coming to such-and-such keep to help, aren't you Haxus? Why do you care?" was a recent PM I got. This upsets me that we have gained this reputation. Despite that, I am still going to push to teach.

    From an outsiders perspective all Haxus/Nexus has shown on numerous occasions that they don't care about the map.

    I never really played much with Nexus but the fact that people think this about Haxus is just silly. Ofc we care about earning AP but we also generally place having our home keeps at the top of the priority list. We make efforts to take and defend keeps constantly. Decent AP gain comes from this anyway.

    Going to be 100% honest. To me this entire thread looks like this:

    We need people to be competent for us so we can get more AP and hold our Emp longer. We are too good to add more people to our group.

    Again nothing informative or new just blind hate for your enemy. Spending any time in Azura's proves you wrong, which you either know or simply don't care. We've been recruiting since the creation of Haxus and we regularly have one trial in our groups. We want to keep standards and not fill our groups with people we don't know anything about and somehow that's a bad thing?

    Your also missing the whole point, there is no reason to recruit 50 more people and run 24+ mans and help create more latency issues ingame like other guilds do. If you opened your eyes you'd see more of the community would prefer two 12 man guild groups in separate places rather than one 24 man group worsening performance issues.

    Ahk1lleez wrote: »
    I can tell you now as a BFTP raid lead that Haxis being concerned about the home keeps is only a very recent trend and only happens when they realize that EP pugs will almost refuse to defend and mindlessly zerg in a vain attempt to take keeps that amount to brick walls in terms of defense and initial resistance. In many cases earlier in this campaign and in the ones prior I've seen Haxis farming the AD/DC side of the map with no regard to our losing of home keeps because EP continues to overextend. Some of the observations and claims made in this thread are bafflingly ignorant and mindnumbing.

    Lol, we accept we will rarely have all our homes keeps because the majority of EP is unable to defend them and we are unable to get to them all in time and be multiple places at once. Your mindframe shows what is wrong with the majority of EP, if you cannot understand general strategy and simply label it "farming". How often do your raids and most of EP in general sit at the bridge while we're fighting off dc from Chal to bleaks? We go to the bridge for a break fight a couple of fights and leave to go back North. You are not in our teamspeak, you are not in communication with us, so please leave your guesses at the door and defend something tonight.

    If you think I have blind hate then you are surely the blind one.

    What you have done for a week or two mean nothing Alomar. I am referencing your history. Such as the end of the last campaign. It was quite a regular site to see Haxus taking brindle and farming pugs in southern keeps while Ep got slaughtered. Do you expect the EP pugs to be happy about things like this? I would also remember trying to dethrone blue emp and lo and behold you guys farming ad at the Nickel gate. Lets also recall the campaign where you did not have a player in your guild as #1. The only time Haxus could be seen at a relevant objective was the phat final emp keep AP. Frankly its almost absurd that I have to bring up examples. You must have an absurdly selective memory claim that you don't ap farm.

    So sorry making one forums post trying to act like saints does not wash away months of ignoring your own faction and speaking down to them.

    I also keenly remember just the other day where DC had snatched emp where, instead of pushing for the dethrone, I could only watch my own faction incessantly push south against all reason or logic. Bridge farms. Brindle farms. AD is just as guilty pushing BRK for example when Roebeck and Brindle are fully blue, and it's one of those enexorable situations that you can only wait out, but it's certainly pot calling the kettle black in those situations where you'll see someone scream for the faction to do something else like multi-pronged or diversionary sieges, oh but they'll stay right there to 'defend'.

    I don't think any amount of arguing will change what's going on. This is just a downtick cycle, and before long things will come full circle, and it'll be another faction lamenting poor organization or lack of participation. In fact I think all 3 factions are going through this simultaneously. It's the New Year. I had no intention of playing on a hardcore basis and I'm assuming alot of others didn't either. Half my buddy list hasn't been on in the past week or more, and those I've spoken to tell me they've either taken a break or have had RL issues to contend with.

    I can either pvp until I fall asleep or dust off my Steam library, but the options are there. they're ALWAYS there. Treating an aspect of gameplay as if it is the only thing you can focus on is just going to lead to unceccessary stress.
  • Huckdabuck
    Seraph702 wrote: »
    i always respond to my whispers with as much information on any given subject that i am questioned about

    Can confirm that Unruh responds to whispers while being groin dipped vigorously near Chalamo or Arrius LM!

    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • PosternHouse
    An artistic interpretation of this thread:

    Edited by PosternHouse on January 5, 2016 6:59PM
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