Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »NB cloak needs to get the same threatment as sorc Streak do.. its the same type of skill that is used to get away from a fight.. so when streak got nerfed so should NB cloak nuff said
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »It's easy in threads to see who plays NB and who dont.. people never do like balance when its their class thats gonna take the hit to balance it out
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »im not the one who dont want a balance in the game
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »i have pointet out that since streak got nerfed for being used as a get out of fight tool so needs NB cloak... at a sorc u can at least see where he/she go with a NB perma spam cloak u cant, so in that point of view cloak is stronger then streak ever was
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »how is dodge roll over all nerf something to do with NB cloak?
Cloak is fine, it has several counters when people can be bothered to slot them.
Give me something to stop healers healing or sorcs streaking and then we can talk.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
Healers = defile
Sorc = gap closer
These have been in the game for a long time.
Cloak = randomly spam aoe and hope you hit them the first time otherwise the nb is gone.
Overpowered in what sense? A nightblade who cloaks continuously for 10 seconds is running away, not fighting anyone. I don't see what this proposed change would solve.
Yea, killing a magicka NB when i am on my DK is a pain in the ass, but that has more to do with healing ward than cloak.
Well all of the NBs called for a streak nerf for this exact reason...
Well all of the NBs called for a streak nerf for this exact reason...
SuraklinPrime wrote: »
So your argument is basically spite and revenge? (Also can't be 'all' because I didn't - ambush can counter streak, takes a bit of skill & luck to time it right but it can be done)
No the argument is NOT spite and revenge but it´s for the sake of equality. It´s clearely not desired by the games designers for any class to disengage from combat at will so when the ability to do so gets removed from one class it´s only fair to do so for the others aswell.
SuraklinPrime wrote: »
'The' argument may not be - his seems to be
I don't think we know what they intended as they have never been clear - it is possible that they do want NBs to keep manoeuvrability in keeping with our stealthy nature. It seems unlikely they would spend over a year trying to get the skill to actually work in time for their new gankfest only to nerf it 3 weeks later.
Damn i should open a topic on this subject too. Beucase 4 topics not enough obviously. And no any kinda nerf to cloak would kill stam nb. Most of them have 9-13k magicka so they cant spam cloak anyway. Im not gonna even mention that there are more than 10 ways to counter cloak for every class. Its even useless to argue that. It is balanced at the moment. People should just leave farming TV stones next to their base like a sheep flock instead of complaining about cloak. So maybe they can learn how to counter their opponents abilities.
It's not my argument at all. I was merely pointing out that I find Sharee's point funny, given that so many NBs called for a streak nerf because of the fact it allowed you to escape from combat. That's not okay, but when a nightblade is doing it, it's fine!
Actually cloak is working differently from bolt escape.
I personally think it would be way better to halt magica regen while you´re not visible to any other player while in cloak. Cloak by design needs to be spammed in certain situations to even get it to work. Also there is no way of telling if someone is using a detect potion.
If it were to work like streak you´d pretty much be able to shut it down 100% as a defensive skill. Therefor i´d tie the penatly to the skill actually working (only when your character is hidden).
WalksAmongShadows wrote: »
I think you have a good idea here, perhaps completely halt magicka regen or reduce it by certain percentage, needs some testing first.
Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
Well all of the NBs called for a streak nerf for this exact reason...
No. The reason why people (everyone, not just NBs) called for a streak nerf is the fact that there is no potion that would make streak use magicka and then not work, there is no skill that would make streak use magicka and then not work.
For cloak, there is both.