Darnathian wrote: »
How exactly were shields nerfed? No they were not. Sorc shield stacking is still supreme. Equally skilled nb vrs sorc the sorc will always win still.
False I tear through magicka shield stacking sorcs. Without shield breaker.
My own experience corroborates Cathexis' claims. Hardened Ward and Healing Ward are considerably less powerful than they were in 1.6 and it's easy for a well geared stamina user to break through. Many sorcs now are putting more points back into health and running Combat Prayer to combat this. The shield stackers in this patch with zero points into health once I get their shields down are into execute range after a fear and small burst. And I'm not even that well geared.
My own experience corroborates Cathexis' claims. Hardened Ward and Healing Ward are considerably less powerful than they were in 1.6 and it's easy for a well geared stamina user to break through. Many sorcs now are putting more points back into health and running Combat Prayer to combat this. The shield stackers in this patch with zero points into health once I get their shields down are into execute range after a fear and small burst. And I'm not even that well geared.
False I tear through magicka shield stacking sorcs. Without shield breaker.
My own experience corroborates Cathexis' claims. Hardened Ward and Healing Ward are considerably less powerful than they were in 1.6 and it's easy for a well geared stamina user to break through. Many sorcs now are putting more points back into health and running Combat Prayer to combat this. The shield stackers in this patch with zero points into health once I get their shields down are into execute range after a fear and small burst. And I'm not even that well geared.
Darnathian wrote: »
But you can't just simply remove the player variable to satisfy the argument that one skill completely negates another. That doesn't work. You're putting all the skills in a vacuum and not considering the idea that the player's response can directly influence the impact of a counter. The only skill/counter combo you listed that might be a hard counter when you take that into consideration is a dot/purge interaction, and even then dots still do damage before the purge. Every supposed hard counter you mentioned is circumstantial. Dodge roll only counters wrecking blow if the end of the roll occurs after the swing and outside its range. Players influence both the direction of rolls and the subsequent positioning of the wrecking blow. Same goes for caltrops, detect pots, steel tornade, etcetc.
Well 0.5% of sorcs had super op shields and teleport.
Both got nerfed bc if these few players. Why should it be different for NBs.
Darnathian wrote: »
Because you are a NB!!!!!!!! Lol
And Cathexis is a stamsorc. You think stamina NB's hit hard because they're NB's? Stamina Sorcs, Templars and DK hit crazy hard too. I believe I've seen a vid of a stamina DK absolutely wrecking face with heavy bow attacks from stealth and molten weapons from this patch. And I thought NB's hit hard from stealth. Stamina Sorcerers have movement speeds comparable to a Magicka NB in stealth they can fly across the map all the while having the damage of a stamina user. Stamina Templars have huge upfront damage with Biting Jabs.
There's a reason even sorcerers are switching to stamina now. The top ten leaderboards in Asura's on PS4 has a stamsorc in it. Second place last I checked with 6 days to go on the campaign.
The_Outsider wrote: »
I'm not removing player variables. I am considering the "response" of BOTH players. While you, are considering only the response of the NB. How is that a fair comparison?
A NB counters a detect pot by moving away from it, right? By your argument, detect pots don't hard counter Cloak because the NB can move away from the potion user. What you are not considering is that the user of the detect pot is moving toward the NB.
Given that the NB is within the radius of the potion, there is nothing he can do to make Cloak perform it's intended function. That is the definition of a hard counter.
Cloak will never function inside caltrops. Dots will never tick after they have been purged. WB will never hit a dodging player. Shield Breaker will always pass through a shield.
Stamina nightblades were never the specific problem being addressed. The problem being addressed was the nb capacity to spam cloak indefinitely as a means to avoid damage and the capacity to use mobs as an instant escape. Also a significantly greater proportion of most leaderboards are now nightblades.
I'm not only considering the response of the nightblade with respect to counters, in fact that was exactly my point. The player interaction directly influences the concept of what is considered a hard counter, and as I said in my last post, you can't just declare a counter infallible without considering the players on either end. Hense my original point which is that a counter isn't a dedicated I win button, it is just a means to keep up with the opponent. The problem with cloak spam is that it allows the nightblade to expend the resources of their opponent indefinitely to keep , at a significantly higher cost.
Yes the user is moving toward the nightblade, but that doesn't mean nightblades are incapable of evading a potion. Evade the potion > cloak functions.
Lastly I'd like to return to an important point which has also been made which is to remind nightblades that they not only have cloak but some of the best mobility skills and CC in the game.
Stamina nightblades were never the specific problem being addressed. The problem being addressed was the nb capacity to spam cloak indefinitely as a means to avoid damage and the capacity to use mobs as an instant escape. Also a significantly greater proportion of most leaderboards are now nightblades.
I'm not only considering the response of the nightblade with respect to counters, in fact that was exactly my point. The player interaction directly influences the concept of what is considered a hard counter, and as I said in my last post, you can't just declare a counter infallible without considering the players on either end. Hense my original point which is that a counter isn't a dedicated I win button, it is just a means to keep up with the opponent. The problem with cloak spam is that it allows the nightblade to expend the resources of their opponent indefinitely to keep , at a significantly higher cost.
Yes the user is moving toward the nightblade, but that doesn't mean nightblades are incapable of evading a potion. Evade the potion > cloak functions.
Lastly I'd like to return to an important point which has also been made which is to remind nightblades that they not only have cloak but some of the best mobility skills and CC in the game.
Stamina nightblades were never the specific problem being addressed. The problem being addressed was the nb capacity to spam cloak indefinitely as a means to avoid damage and the capacity to use mobs as an instant escape. Also a significantly greater proportion of most leaderboards are now nightblades.
I'm not only considering the response of the nightblade with respect to counters, in fact that was exactly my point. The player interaction directly influences the concept of what is considered a hard counter, and as I said in my last post, you can't just declare a counter infallible without considering the players on either end. Hense my original point which is that a counter isn't a dedicated I win button, it is just a means to keep up with the opponent. The problem with cloak spam is that it allows the nightblade to expend the resources of their opponent indefinitely to keep , at a significantly higher cost.
Yes the user is moving toward the nightblade, but that doesn't mean nightblades are incapable of evading a potion. Evade the potion > cloak functions.
Lastly I'd like to return to an important point which has also been made which is to remind nightblades that they not only have cloak but some of the best mobility skills and CC in the game.
The_Outsider wrote: »
Ahem. Stay close to the NB > Cloak functions. For some reason you're giving the hypothetical NB the advantage of being the better player. NB has tools to escape, Opponent has tools to pursue. At this point, we are just arguing technicalities, and we clearly have different understandings of the term "hard counter." We're actually saying very close to the same things, but stressing different sides!
When you successfully use an ability or item against another player, and your skill nullifies the effect of your opponent's skill, the first skill or item is a hard counter. Whether the opponent then responds in any other means (running away, casting more abilities, ect.) is irrelevant.
I only meant to point out that many of the thingsnot only help in combating cloak, they dispel it. It's the difference between a gap closer's effect on a shield, and Shield Breaker on a shield.
The capacity to cloak past mobs is only an issue in one DLC. DLC that will become obsolete in the near future if they keep releasing content quarterly. You can't justify potentially harming a class for all future content based on this.
Speaking of harming a class. A NB cannot go toe to toe with another class without cloak magicka NB's especially are extraordinarily squishy great mobility or not. A light armour sorcerer has a class shield, a light armour templar has the heals. Great mobility is countered easily because CC exists.
Stamina Nightblades only have access to rally if they are using 2-handed and Vigor. If your Bow and dual wielding you only have access to two HOTs Vigor and Blood Craze. HOT's do not keep you alive in toe to toe combat against a competent opponent.
If cloak is nerfed the entire class will have to be assessed. If it isn't NB's will the the worst class in PvP for survivability by a large margin. Unless everyone starts running Sword and Board or something. Which I think some people want to see because it's Nightblade bashing season.
Like fear moving a target away and then snaring them, or cripple giving the nb a speed buff and snaring their target, or the shade to teleport to when away from the detector.
This guy responded to you so I dont have to:
And also the problem is not just in the DLC it affect cyrodiil as well.
Cloak wasn't an issue before IC. Suddenly after IC release they're was uproar. This thread that we're debating on so heavily wasn't started before IC.
Yanno what. Cloak is a mobility tool. This meta currently mobility is king. The problem is the meta. Not individual classes or skills.
Cloak wasn't an issue before because the prepatch meta was instant kill.
And the ability was broken by gap closers/ anything that wasn't a projectile, and you could have near 100% detect uptime. While detected, cloak is already nerfed compared to 1.6 because in 1.6 projectiles would still miss even if you could be seen.
Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.
That's what the armor passives are for.....
Being a nightblade is playing on easy mode, if you nerf cloak they might actually have to try.