No the set should not to additional damage to shields or anything else. It HAS to bypass the shield conpletely otherwise its useless. All you shield users are whining cause you cant have your easy Mode just L2P and adapt to it dont cry nerf this nerf that you carebears!!
R.I.P Nightblade/Templars/Dragonknights with Harness, not so fun for them to get hit by Snipe/Wrecking Blow + light attacks + Shield Breaker directly to their health.
For sorcs there is alot of counters to this, but mostly will take a sacrafice in other stats / ability's.
- Stack more Health Regeneration
- Get more Health
- Swap Healing Ward for Blessing of Restoration/Mutagen
- High stamina recovery for dodge rolls
- Time your burst (Detonation / Meteor) and pressure the shield breaker guy first (1vX)
- Fight around obstacles with mines
- Don't use Entropy, always Power Surge
The only problem I have is seeing people without any IQ using a weighted bow and ONLY spamming light attacks. I'm sure there are skilled players around that are using this set as an extra, not as their main damage.
1vX an enemy group that has a good templar with a buddy using shieldbreaker and you are screwed already.
For shield-stacking I agree it's to strong, but it's for ZOS to make them crittable. Also remake the shield breaker set to like: 'all attacks will have 1-2k extra damage (against the shield, not health) to players having a shield active', physical damage will not proc the shield breaker set when players have harness magicka active that is supposed to absorb magic damage.
A recording I made this weekend in which you can see that stacking shields with this amount of magicka is overpowered, while I have no problems with magicka, only with stamina at one point.
Actually, the video doesn't really proof anything, as the opponents were just bad. The last guy spammed Brawler, I mean come on.
You could tank 2 good players just spamming shields though, that would make clear how broken the system is - however, it would not tell us that shields are the actual problem, just that you shouldn't be able to spam optimized shields forever.
I'd make it take a percentage of total shield strength, so it doesn't make small shields useless...
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »The best way would be for this set's damage to hit the Wards instead of the HP and scale with the size of the Wards. For example 35% of the ward's value is added on top.
For example if you have a small 5k shield the set will hit ~1.7k extra damage on your shields. Still good DPS boost. If you have stacked a Hardened Ward and Healing Ward and Barrier and have a 30k shield, the set will add ~10k damage on the wards for that first hit.
No the set should not to additional damage to shields or anything else. It HAS to bypass the shield conpletely otherwise its useless. All you shield users are whining cause you cant have your easy Mode just L2P and adapt to it dont cry nerf this nerf that you carebears!!
Sorcerers are still overpowered as hell.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
So I play Sorc and NB. Ok I understand there is an issue with shield stacking, however , yesterday I was hit in Sewers with 20k Heavy Attack , plus 2.5k surprise attack (animation cancelling). I was dead instantly. Granted, he caught me unawares , browsing my bag and despite that I was in the same group in the same room with 10 other guildies and on TS, no one even saw him. This is with 50% damage reduction in IC ? 20k heavy attack, post 2.1?. Come on. Can I please get a dark cloak breaker.Or at least templar selfhealing breaker. Or at least one shot survival kit.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
What's the point of this comment? Did you just cherry pick the first paragraph and respond to that? Where's your response to the rest of the comment?
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
You still animation cancel other attacks with shieldbreaker.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
Thanks Marek, I tried to be sarcastic about it, point is , that there will be always issues with something in this game. People study with spreadsheets and such for C sakes, how to make better builds. Theorycrafters will always find a way to outperform casual players. I have no issue with that and yesterday, he killed me , we laughed about it, guildies teased me a little and it was fun overall. No big deal. My problem is with people screaming all over the forums , nerf this, nerf that, because they being killed. I loved to dodge roll on my NB and used to do that constantly to release the pressure from my faction, lets say defending a keep. 10 people chasing me around ( it's not my fault that it is so important to them just to kill one person) means 10 people less sieging or going into the breach. You cant do that anymore. Or with streak, I used to streak into large groups causing havoc ( still can do that just not as much as I used to). That's part of somewhat warfare tactics. Why everything needs to be nerfed? Should I become very vocal and make them nerf something that kills me all the time? Or should I think what i could've done to survive and maybe try to use different tactics next time?PenguinInACan wrote: »So I play Sorc and NB. Ok I understand there is an issue with shield stacking, however , yesterday I was hit in Sewers with 20k Heavy Attack , plus 2.5k surprise attack (animation cancelling). I was dead instantly. Granted, he caught me unawares , browsing my bag and despite that I was in the same group in the same room with 10 other guildies and on TS, no one even saw him. This is with 50% damage reduction in IC ? 20k heavy attack, post 2.1?. Come on. Can I please get a dark cloak breaker.Or at least templar selfhealing breaker. Or at least one shot survival kit.
Defile CP and disease enchants can add up pretty well against the self heals.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »I'd make it take a percentage of total shield strength, so it doesn't make small shields useless...
Yep, called it.mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »The best way would be for this set's damage to hit the Wards instead of the HP and scale with the size of the Wards. For example 35% of the ward's value is added on top.
For example if you have a small 5k shield the set will hit ~1.7k extra damage on your shields. Still good DPS boost. If you have stacked a Hardened Ward and Healing Ward and Barrier and have a 30k shield, the set will add ~10k damage on the wards for that first hit.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.
There are 3 things with that you can "interrupt his light attack spam" and these don't force him into defense:
CC (wich is broken out of instantly), breaking LOS (wich is not always available) and range (wich is not available against a good player with a gap closer and pretty much giving up anyway, because both players have the same range).
No, you don't have to tell me how to play my class indeed, since you don't seem to know very much about it yourself.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »I'd make it take a percentage of total shield strength, so it doesn't make small shields useless...
Yep, called it.mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »The best way would be for this set's damage to hit the Wards instead of the HP and scale with the size of the Wards. For example 35% of the ward's value is added on top.
For example if you have a small 5k shield the set will hit ~1.7k extra damage on your shields. Still good DPS boost. If you have stacked a Hardened Ward and Healing Ward and Barrier and have a 30k shield, the set will add ~10k damage on the wards for that first hit.
This will not fix the issue. Then people simply can continue spamming shields without any issue?
I am still for a Minor/Major shield fix.
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »Thanks for the info man, I've not really ever looked at raising my stam outside of the champion system. I'm noticing that generally trade-offs are a bit easier in this latest patch. 1.6 was go all out damage or lose.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.
There are 3 things with that you can "interrupt his light attack spam" and these don't force him into defense:
CC (wich is broken out of instantly), breaking LOS (wich is not always available) and range (wich is not available against a good player with a gap closer and pretty much giving up anyway, because both players have the same range).
No, you don't have to tell me how to play my class indeed, since you don't seem to know very much about it yourself.
I know about it enough to tell shieldbreaker spam is only a problem for those unwilling to adapt. I have one of every class, by the way.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.
There are 3 things with that you can "interrupt his light attack spam" and these don't force him into defense:
CC (wich is broken out of instantly), breaking LOS (wich is not always available) and range (wich is not available against a good player with a gap closer and pretty much giving up anyway, because both players have the same range).
No, you don't have to tell me how to play my class indeed, since you don't seem to know very much about it yourself.
I know about it enough to tell shieldbreaker spam is only a problem for those unwilling to adapt. I have one of every class, by the way.
You end your comment with a little side blow wich I give right back to you at the end of mine and you decide to only answer on that anymore? Funny.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »FriedEggSandwich wrote: »Thanks for the info man, I've not really ever looked at raising my stam outside of the champion system. I'm noticing that generally trade-offs are a bit easier in this latest patch. 1.6 was go all out damage or lose.
In my endless quest to science my own science to improve my science, I agree with ToRelax. I too must say, that I have put 40 points into Stamina regain for CP, and 57 into Mana regain for CP. Plus use 1 medium armor piece + passives, and its actually super helpful having 15k stamina and 800 regain as a Mana focused Templar. Though I am on console for the moment, from what ToRelax says sounds like my set up above will be a lot better in the next patch. So yes, it is definitely worth investing early for the CP buffs but also the equipment as well.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.
There are 3 things with that you can "interrupt his light attack spam" and these don't force him into defense:
CC (wich is broken out of instantly), breaking LOS (wich is not always available) and range (wich is not available against a good player with a gap closer and pretty much giving up anyway, because both players have the same range).
No, you don't have to tell me how to play my class indeed, since you don't seem to know very much about it yourself.
I know about it enough to tell shieldbreaker spam is only a problem for those unwilling to adapt. I have one of every class, by the way.
You end your comment with a little side blow wich I give right back to you at the end of mine and you decide to only answer on that anymore? Funny.
The difference is that mine wasn't an insult.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »FriedEggSandwich wrote: »Thanks for the info man, I've not really ever looked at raising my stam outside of the champion system. I'm noticing that generally trade-offs are a bit easier in this latest patch. 1.6 was go all out damage or lose.
In my endless quest to science my own science to improve my science, I agree with ToRelax. I too must say, that I have put 40 points into Stamina regain for CP, and 57 into Mana regain for CP. Plus use 1 medium armor piece + passives, and its actually super helpful having 15k stamina and 800 regain as a Mana focused Templar. Though I am on console for the moment, from what ToRelax says sounds like my set up above will be a lot better in the next patch. So yes, it is definitely worth investing early for the CP buffs but also the equipment as well.
CPs are reset with patch so no need to "invest" early. Also if you're a werewolf you're going to lose that stam regen, if you're using drink it will no longer multiply with CP passives, if you were emp you'll lose the passives, any racial stam passives becomes additive instead of multiplicative etc.
Stam recovery is nerfed almost any way you look at it in 2.1.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »I'd make it take a percentage of total shield strength, so it doesn't make small shields useless...
Yep, called it.mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »The best way would be for this set's damage to hit the Wards instead of the HP and scale with the size of the Wards. For example 35% of the ward's value is added on top.
For example if you have a small 5k shield the set will hit ~1.7k extra damage on your shields. Still good DPS boost. If you have stacked a Hardened Ward and Healing Ward and Barrier and have a 30k shield, the set will add ~10k damage on the wards for that first hit.
This will not fix the issue. Then people simply can continue spamming shields without any issue?
I am still for a Minor/Major shield fix.
Shield "Stacking" has never been the problem. I really don't understand why people continue to think that would solve anything.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »If you are so low on health that the pitiful damage from shieldbreaker kills you, then you would not be able to survive a real damage skill without the shield, no matter what armor and resists you have.
I'm sorry, but WTAF? So, so, so, short-sighted it's unreal.
First off, the damage is not pitiful at all. 2.3k on legendary v16 set, is as much as my crushing shock tooltip
And how effective would you be at killing someone if you tried to do it with nothing but crushing shock?. Not very effective. You would probably fail to kill him unless he was afk.
Thus, pitiful damage.
Unless, of course, I would ignore most active and all passive defense... >_>
Even then. Killing someone with(at most) 4K DPS only takes so long that the target has all the time in the world to do something about it. Against any decent opponent, just spamming shieldbreaker while he is at full HP will quickly result in either the spammer dying (to far more than 4K DPS), or the target bolting twice around a corner(or something similar).
Personally, i only utilize the set after a conventional fight leaves the enemy at very low health, at which point he used to bolt->healing ward->hardened ward which effectively reset the fight back to where it started, and i couldn't do anything about it.
Now, i can.
If there is nothing you can do about it, then all the time in the world won't help you.
Someone is slowly killing you with DPS that will never exceed 4K (and that only if he is using a weighted bow) - and you can't do anything about it? How about pressure him with your own damage (far greater than 4K DPS) so he has other things to worry about than freely spamming light attacks? Roll dodge, cloak, bolt out of LOS, heck, heal yourself, simply healing springs with rapid regeneration will cut that 4K DPS down to almost nothing, buying you even more time to pressure him with your own DPS.
That only works on bad players. A good player will use his own defensive mechanisms, wich are still intact. A NB could cloak a lot, that'd give me 15-20 seconds to kill him if I use a detection potion and eventually time it with Clouding Swarm. A DK would use scales and thus reflect most of my attack if I use them. Both can outheal the damage that still does get through, and a Templar is able to outheal all my damage anyway.
I never said you won't have to work for your wins. Pressure the enemy to interrupt his light attack spam and force him into defensive, use dodges, use heals, break away when needed - streak through him, streak again around corner, there's no way he can CC break fast enough to catch you (he can't block the streak CC because you can't spam light attacks and block at the same time), drop healing ward/hardened ward combo, there's no way he can kill you before the healing pops, etc. etc.
I'm sure i don't have to tell you how to play your class.