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24/7 Access to IC Going Live just Ruined Design and Purpose of IC

  • Docmandu
    Totally agree with the OP
  • Rex-Umbra
    I think you should need to control one of the Imperial keeps to access the Imperial city.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • sadownik
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    I think you should need to control one of the Imperial keeps to access the Imperial city.

  • Hiero_Glyph
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    I think you should need to control one of the Imperial keeps to access the Imperial city.

    Note that this directly conflicts with having an Emperor and gives even less value to Cyrodiil.
  • WebBull
    The OP is 100% correct. Open 24/7 for all alliances kills IC and likely Cyrodiil as well.
  • AssaultLemming
    Yep this is just a lazy solution. Should have made haderus all access, gated the other campaigns in line with their campaign rules, and provided a double TV stones multiplier to the gated campaigns.
  • AssaultLemming
    Imagine the free for all zerg lag fest this is going to be on
    Live... It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion...
    Edited by AssaultLemming on August 20, 2015 10:52PM
  • SeptimusDova
    Yes lag is the 800lb Gorilla that is being ignored not a single serious peep about it from Anyone at Zenimax.
  • Stikato
    I know people feel they should have access to paid DLC. I understand the argument.

    I also think that having v16 stuff practically exclusive to IC is wrong.

    That being said-- non-gated access to IC is the worst news I could have possibly read.

    Can someone please tell me, and I honestly mean please, WHAT WILL CYRODIIL BE GOOD FOR?

    IC has:

    TV Stones
    v15 crafting gear
    Trophy rooms
    Better and more rewarding quests
    Easier in-zone travel and ressing
    The ONLY new content in the game since Craglorn

    Cyrodiil has:

    Some exclusive skyshards
    Cracked Wood Cave

    Non-IC & Cyrodiil (rest of Tamriel) has:

    Unique crafting tables
    Some exclusive skyshards
    Some exclusive Undaunted Sets
    Ability to level Legerdemain
    Coldharbor flowers
    Dungeon skillpoints
    Respec area

    Right now, I run my "errands" and then pvp. I have had a 500k+ bounty for months. Sometimes I have to sneak into Mournhold for respecs which has become trivial.

    I don't grind goblins. Other than running to IC, is there some other reason I would ever go to Cyrodiil? Because I miss the f*cking steel tornado train? (Don't worry, that's moving to IC full-time too!)

    This game needs a director with some balls. Creating a game with a clear, sensible vision and compelling gameplay is what makes money. Not a damned pandering cash grab.
    Edited by Stikato on August 21, 2015 12:06AM
    Mordimus - Stam Sorc
  • Stikato

    With all due respect, WHY do people keep mentioning games as "being a success" when the game is not even available anymore?!? If it were so successful, wouldn't it be still going today because of the overwhelming popularity? I see this all the time, "ESO should be more like..." another defunct game. NO, ESO should not be like a game that died because it wasn't popular enough to keep it going. I also have to cringe when I see people talk about, "ESO should be more like..." my favorite game... which IS still going, and yet, here that player is leaving their 'favorite game' to play something else. Well, if your favorite game was so great, why did you stop playing it?!?

    There were a hell of lot more people playing PvP in DAOC PC a year after launch than playing ESO PvP. Thousands were playing at once. We can barely fill a campaign here. This is with a market that has increased at least 10x in size.

    DAOC PvP was far more successful than ESO PvP. We stopped playing it because it was dated.
    Edited by Stikato on August 21, 2015 12:03AM
    Mordimus - Stam Sorc
  • Draehl
    Yep this is just a lazy solution. Should have made haderus all access, gated the other campaigns in line with their campaign rules, and provided a double TV stones multiplier to the gated campaigns.

    This would work well...
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • Elijah_Crow
    Walking away from limited access to IC completely ruins the entire design. Players should have to fight for access and when they get access they should be able to push the opposing faction out. With all factions always having access there will rarely be times when you can push the opposing factions out. Worst decision ever.
  • Chaos_Deception

    I don't PVP yet as I am Still New to the Game, but I can already see a Potential Problem with Gated Access.


    Aldemeri Dominion, Gains Access to the Imperial City. Wipes Out Opposing Forces due to Larger Forces.

    Then takes on the PVE and Collects Powerful Equipment Etc.

    Aldemeri retain control due to the Advantage gained through Imperial City gained Equipment.

    Maybe I am completely wrong, but this is My Fear.
  • BRogueNZ
    cjthibs wrote: »
    How about just needing the gate keeps cause again this is a PAID DLC and if some pays for it and can't access it cause some other faction is being rude that's gonna cause said players to quiet cause they wasted there money on content they can't even get into.

    Being rude?!
    It's a simulation of a war...


    Not even close. its simulation of human behaviour, internet warriors filling the void of under achievement IRL by suceeding at a game by any means, ethics and morals aside.

    I suppose you could just swap sides at will during a war depending on who had access to the best brothals and bars, but I doubt you'd survive.

    No res for the wicked.
  • SeptimusDova
    Benedict Arnold didn't fare to well after swapping sides. No one trusts a traitor. His black shield at W.P is a testament to that
  • ADarklore
    People seem to forget that there are tons of online games out there offering PvP so there are tons of options for people to play something other than ESO... further, not everyone who likes PvP wants to play an Elder Scrolls-type game. JUST BECAUSE it is PvP does not mean every player who plays PvP is going to want to play in an Elder Scrolls universe just because it has PvP. Regardless of whether this game is 'like' another that was more popular- I'm sure that other game was not set in an Elder Scrolls universe with the same ESO classes and ESO abilities. People choose to play games based upon what type of genre, combat style, etc that they enjoy... not simply because of the format of 'PvP'.

    There is also a huge disagreement here among those who DO enjoy PvP regarding what type of format, style, etc. PvP should take. So if those who enjoy PvP cannot even agree, imagine the trouble ZOS has in making decisions about the direction they should take.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Hektik_V
    With open access to Imperial City there will be no incentive to take keeps or hold keeps. As it is right now it's hard enough to reclaim Drakelowe, because honestly no one cares about it. There is little to no incentive right now to winning a campaign as the rewards are absolute rubbish. Requiring home keeps to enter the imperial city gave actual weight to playing objectives and at least taking your own home keeps. If this change to the access of Imperial City is made Cyrodiil overworld will become a land of PvDoor since only about seven people actually care about winning campaigns anymore.

    Das Hektik
    Hektik V

  • Taonnor
    I don't PVP yet as I am Still New to the Game, but I can already see a Potential Problem with Gated Access.


    Aldemeri Dominion, Gains Access to the Imperial City. Wipes Out Opposing Forces due to Larger Forces.

    Then takes on the PVE and Collects Powerful Equipment Etc.

    Aldemeri retain control due to the Advantage gained through Imperial City gained Equipment.

    Maybe I am completely wrong, but this is My Fear.

    Your wrong. IC & Cyrodiil have the same population. So if AD is inside IC, there will be only a small amount of AD to defend the keeps of IC control.

    Gated access is a dynamic ingame population balance system. So @ZOS_BrianWheeler why you disabled these brilliant balance system.

    Gildenleiter von Lux Dei (EU/AD). Offizieller Gildenspotlight für ESOTU!
    Guild leader of Lux Dei (EU/AD). Official Guild Spotlight for ESOTU!

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    Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
    Thao Annare, Nightblade
  • Morvul
    completely agree with the OP
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Im sorry, but making the Imperial City open Access to all just made the rest of Cyrodiil pretty much irrelevant and all but guarantees the Imperial City will be Zerg City USA.

    At the very least you should have to have control of your home keeps to have the very least.

    I think DC is capable of holding on to its home keeps in a campaign, thats not really asking for the world.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • sadownik
    Stikato wrote: »
    I know people feel they should have access to paid DLC. I understand the argument.

    I also think that having v16 stuff practically exclusive to IC is wrong.

    That being said-- non-gated access to IC is the worst news I could have possibly read.

    Can someone please tell me, and I honestly mean please, WHAT WILL CYRODIIL BE GOOD FOR?

    IC has:

    TV Stones
    v15 crafting gear
    Trophy rooms
    Better and more rewarding quests
    Easier in-zone travel and ressing
    The ONLY new content in the game since Craglorn

    Cyrodiil has:

    Some exclusive skyshards
    Cracked Wood Cave

    Non-IC & Cyrodiil (rest of Tamriel) has:

    Unique crafting tables
    Some exclusive skyshards
    Some exclusive Undaunted Sets
    Ability to level Legerdemain
    Coldharbor flowers
    Dungeon skillpoints
    Respec area

    Right now, I run my "errands" and then pvp. I have had a 500k+ bounty for months. Sometimes I have to sneak into Mournhold for respecs which has become trivial.

    I don't grind goblins. Other than running to IC, is there some other reason I would ever go to Cyrodiil? Because I miss the f*cking steel tornado train? (Don't worry, that's moving to IC full-time too!)

    This game needs a director with some balls. Creating a game with a clear, sensible vision and compelling gameplay is what makes money. Not a damned pandering cash grab.

    Lack of solid vision and management is what led to all those... questionable decisions.
  • trimsic_ESO
    24/7 access to IC for the three factions will ruin the PVP outside IC.

    IC is a great addition to the PVP if and only if:
    - You have to fight in Cyrodiil to gain access to IC
    - You can wipe out all the enemies present in IC and, if they don't have access to IC anymore, they respawn to their home camp in Cyrodiil.

    - Cyrodiil will just be a huge deserted and desolated map
    - IC will just be a huge mess in each district (zerg vs zerg near the respawn camps)

    And nobody wants that.
  • Casdha
    OK here are a couple of arguments, if you say it is all about reward then lets just make it that you have to have been crowned Emperor to have access to IC, I mean if you want to earn it, lets really make you have to earn it. Its the same argument but in a different direction. If they made this rule how many would be crying foul to an access block then?

    Or How about when Orsinium comes out you have to have completed Cadwell's Gold for each character to have access to it. How many folks would be crying forced game play,, I shouldn't have to do that, I don't like to play that way, or I should only have to complete it once to have access for all of my characters,,,, its the same argument as telling someone to just make a toon in the faction that has access if you want in. Would you make a character in an alliance you didn't want to play just to have access to it.

    I'll also state that I will have access to IC whether I want it or not, my six month sub comes due after launch and I'm sitting on 9600 unused crowns if I don't renew again. At the rate they are coming out with content, I'd still be good for the next three years even picking up the DLCs I didn't want.

    If they wanted to have a competitive DLC area they shouldn't have placed crafting items and locations in that DLC, it should have been dropped gear only and the locations already present in game should be able to craft top level gear. Trying to force the various styles of game play to mix seems to be the problem here.

    Folks so called whining about access to IC and getting it changed to open access is no different from the folks who whined about how long it takes to learn how to craft something and getting the time to learn it reduced so they can make their own gear. Its also no different than the folks that whine about how much they had to do quests to level up because they didn't want to quest. I have no problem with folks making arguments for their style of game play, but if you are gonna call someone a whiner don't be a hypocrite about it.

    edit: something was dropped from the next to last paragraph
    Edited by Casdha on August 21, 2015 4:08PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Rook_Master
    Gated Access would be fine if Alliances were balanced... but, what Gated Access would really mean is that people on certain populated factions get to farm to their heart's content at no risk, while DC NA is totally screwed, and may have access on one campaign.

    Also, the idea of paying for DLC and then having it gated behind something as artbitrary as the status of a campaign is certainly disheartening.

    This change was necessary, in my opinion.
  • Stikato
    Casdha wrote: »
    OK here are a couple of arguments, if you say it is all about reward then lets just make it that you have to have been crowned Emperor to have access to IC, I mean if you want to earn it, lets really make you have to earn it. Its the same argument but in a different direction. If they made this rule how many would be crying foul to an access block then?

    Or How about when Orsinium comes out you have to have completed Cadwell's Gold for each character to have access to it. How many folks would be crying forced game play,, I shouldn't have to do that, I don't like to play that way, or I should only have to complete it once to have access for all of my characters,,,, its the same argument as telling someone to just make a toon in the faction that has access if you want in. Would you make a character in an alliance you didn't want to play just to have access to it.


    If they wanted to have a competitive DLC area they shouldn't have placed crafting items and locations in that DLC, it should have been dropped gear only and the locations already present in game should be able to craft top level gear. Trying to force the various styles of game play to mix seems to be the problem here.

    Paragraph 1: Nobody ever proposed that! The fact of the matter is, the initial design of IC was based on Darkness Falls from Dark Age of Camelot, where Matt Firor of ESO got his start. The access to DF was even harsher than the "six home keep" requirement that was initially proposed for IC. And it was wildly successful, and something everyone remembers from that game as being an absolute high point.

    I'm sure some people are tired of talking about DAOC--the point is, it has been tried before on a very large scale and it was absolutely fantastic! Now- the new open access IC is replacing Cyrodiil. This is not good design.

    Paragraph 2: not really sure what you mean, but there are MMOs with separate faction areas that can't be accessed by the other realm, unless they reroll characters in that faction. This has been proven to be no big deal.

    Paragraph 3: I agree with you 1000000000000%!! This, again, is a terrible design. TV stones were one thing. They should have bought PvP-oriented gear. The rest, should not be exclusive to IC. V15 water, only in IC? Agreed, stupid. One special resource was enough.

    So. If they are forcing everyone to go there to get certain resources... And they are allowing everyone to go there all the time...

    Everyone can draw their own conclusions.

    I find the argument for open IC understandable. I really do. ZOS has created this entire issue. The DLC should have been free, and the loading of all of the valuable crafting mats into IC is terrible. I just don't want to see Cyrodiil deserted, and the special concept of IC ruined.

    Edited by Stikato on August 21, 2015 4:48PM
    Mordimus - Stam Sorc
  • Iggybot
    Just give the PvEers their ungated campaign and let the rest of us enjoy the content the way it was meant to be played. Calling it "gated" is ridiculous in the first place, between all the campaigns what's the longest time any given faction is without their home keeps, 24 hours maybe at worst? Sorry to inconvenience players to take an hour reclaiming they're home keeps which are largely undefended as the other factions will be inside IC.
  • Levo18
    So if your faction does not have enough keeps and is too stupid to claim more, you will just pay for nothing. No, just no..
  • Iggybot
    Levo18 wrote: »
    So if your faction does not have enough keeps and is too stupid to claim more, you will just pay for nothing. No, just no..

    Again, I said give PvEers an ungated campaign and let everyone else play it the way it was meant to be played. It's hardly a serious obstacle and it's one everyone has to deal with. Quit crying for handouts, it's not hard to 4-man an undefended keep.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Hektik_V wrote: »
    With open access to Imperial City there will be no incentive to take keeps or hold keeps. As it is right now it's hard enough to reclaim Drakelowe, because honestly no one cares about it. There is little to no incentive right now to winning a campaign as the rewards are absolute rubbish. Requiring home keeps to enter the imperial city gave actual weight to playing objectives and at least taking your own home keeps. If this change to the access of Imperial City is made Cyrodiil overworld will become a land of PvDoor since only about seven people actually care about winning campaigns anymore.


    I thought about this a bit, I am pretty sure they are afraid they won't be selling enough access to IC. Some players likely figured they would wait and see on IC before buying and would be content to play in Cyrodiil as long as you could still get v16 gear there and have fun with other players. Now you can't get V16 gear in Cyrodiil, now nobody will be playing there as you can get AP and stones in IC and only AP, a currency, beyond moving your alliance rank, only useful for buying wall repair kits. Basically if you don't buy IC you might as well quit till Orismer, because there will be no gear progression, no people to play with and only rehashed vet dungeons to do and trials nobody is interested in.
    -Unknown American
  • OGLezard
    the funniest part is everyone is not even noticing that Brian went back on his word with the travel to player thing........ you can still travel to player on pts..........
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