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24/7 Access to IC Going Live just Ruined Design and Purpose of IC

  • Levo18
    Iggybot wrote: »

    Again, I said give PvEers an ungated campaign and let everyone else play it the way it was meant to be played. It's hardly a serious obstacle and it's one everyone has to deal with. Quit crying for handouts, it's not hard to 4-man an undefended keep.[/quote]

    Dont get me wrong im a PvPer everyday in cyrodiil but im still against gated access
  • Hiero_Glyph
    1) Population imbalance needs to be addressed by ZoS in Cryodiil before it will ever be fair or made to matter.

    2) Gated access can only happen once #1 is resolved.

    At the start of the campaign every alliance can enter IC. Larger alliances get more players inside and outside. Eventually access is lost and players either remain inside (and never leave) or go outside to fight (and risk losing access). Alliance with larger populations can leave, retake home keeps, capture enemy home keeps to prevent access, and go back inside. Smaller alliances cannot leave unless they want to retake home keeps and potentially lose access for the remainder of the campaign. This includes leaving for Undaunted Pledges or VDSA.

    Again, larger alliances can move in/out freely while smaller ones are locked out or inside and unable to leave unless they want to lose access. Population size matters and larger ones can shut down access at will while still maintaining their own. If they get bored of IC they just go back to Cyrodiil for a bit, do a VDSA or Undaunted Pledge and go right back to IC. The same does not happen for smaller allainces so #1 is essential.

    3) Cyrodiil needs to have some added incentive so make it just as viable to play as IC. Once #1 and 2 are resolved then besides gaining IC access, there needs to be a reason to want to fight in Cyrodiil as well. Fighting over Emperor is good but gated access directly conflicts with this idea. In short, Cyrodiil needs to matter just as much as IC so being locked out of IC is not detrimental to player progression but offers alternative progress.

    My previous suggesstion was to add Champion NPC that have exclusive drops, higher chances for Master's gear, etc. and help in defense of keeps once specific conditions are met. This would make attacking keeps more involved and these Champions would be extremely strong, requiring groups to take down. I'm sure this could be tied to lore in some manner. A notification system could be used to inform players when these Champions arrive, both for defense and for assualting. Rewards are given if the keep is held for a set amount of time so both sides can benefit.
  • snackrat
    By far the majority of PvP players are AD -- enough that other faction PvPers move to AD just for PvP. This is followed by EP, who will occasionally be able to control one campaign for several hours.
    So what about the EP on the other campaigns, or more so - the DC? When do THEY get into the city?

    Without a PvE 'campaign' for people to enter regardless, without fear of attack, they would scarcely ever be able to enter at all. In the rare moments they could enter, they'd get to be there for all of a couple hours before it was lost again, and the streets flooded with enemy players.

    And of course, such a 'campaign' would undermine the point of the Imperial City and Cyrodill's design intentions.
  • TheBonesXXX
    How about just needing the gate keeps cause again this is a PAID DLC and if some pays for it and can't access it cause some other faction is being rude that's gonna cause said players to quiet cause they wasted there money on content they can't even get into.

    It's a bloody PVP DLC and we STILL have to get our set pieces from PvE content.

    Boohoo that PvE'rs are force'd to do PVP for once, while PvPers have been forced to do PvE content for the best gear.

    Get over it.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Can we start calling it IZ now before it gets cool?
    -Unknown American
  • Casdha
    How about just needing the gate keeps cause again this is a PAID DLC and if some pays for it and can't access it cause some other faction is being rude that's gonna cause said players to quiet cause they wasted there money on content they can't even get into.

    It's a bloody PVP DLC and we STILL have to get our set pieces from PvE content.

    Boohoo that PvE'rs are force'd to do PVP for once, while PvPers have been forced to do PvE content for the best gear.

    Get over it.

    No need, now that it is launching with open access, it is now officially PvE with PvP enabled.

    I still think the best solution (compromise) would have been leave keep control as was announced and add a cadwell sewer access point for PvE folks who completed gold or for folks as a second option if they couldn't get in other wise. Both take at least some effort. This way PvP folks could have ganked crafters till their hearts content but at least everyone would have a way in and still require some up front effort first. Also Good PvP groups would have the potential to gain access quicker but everyone could eventually get in one way or the other.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • TheBonesXXX
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RichLambert

    You have a great opportunity to impress the old school PvP veterans of UO, AC, DAoC, and SB. A great damn opportunity to give us SOMETHING worthy of a semblance of REAL PvP.

    Gated access is your opportunity to impress the crowd that SHOULD matter to you and the rest of community to let them know that us old cut throats are waiting to NOT be ignored by the new era.

    MMO Developers are sucking as of late to deliver top notch quality PvP. The PvP that was Ultima Online, Asherons Call, Dark Age of Camelot, and Shadowbane was the best PvP to date, not WoW and it's "arena", that's still PKLite, that's pink PvP; it's superficial competition with a mathematical predetermined outcome, due to FOTM comps and builds.

    It is in your hands, with Cyrodiil to get it to deliver some of the greatest moments in modern PvP history.

    It's not like we're asking for full loot, we're asking for you to make good on your original word and idea. 100% drop TV stones and Gated Access.

    Catering an inch should be an afterthought in IC, it belongs to the people who are participating in the very heart of ESO, the Three Banners War, it should be the pinnacle and centerpiece in this game when it comes to development.

    Truthfully, Gated Access is the only thing special about the DLC, because theres nothing special about killing mobs, I could go hunting boar with my bow in my home state if I wanted to grind mobs.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on August 22, 2015 12:03PM
  • Cathexis
    Cathexis right now well at least last night on AS the blueberries were winning they had emp /5 scrolls and all the inner keeps.Bananas had 0 scrolls fare and gate keeps the apples had 2 gate keeps and one scroll and were losing a gate keep when i logged off. N/A Server

    edited for server

    @Thalmor-Nordmaster forgive me if I implied that my fellow blueberries were not the most fierce and loyal comrades in all of Cyrodiil, capable of stomping the drooling, mindless hordes of bananas and cherries into the finest DC brand jam spread one could ever hope to spread upon ones morning toast.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    Cat its ok I forgive you. But when stomping on Bananas remember the peels are slippery and many a blueberry has lost their footing and fallen into the blender.

    And to the bones.. Can you write a post that is not rude, insulting or crass. Or were you brought up with no manners.
  • wraith808
    And to the bones.. Can you write a post that is not rude, insulting or crass. Or were you brought up with no manners.

    It's par for the course. I think that this is the first time that many posters were let out into civilized climes. I miss the days where we could disagree and respect be maintained- for each other, and the developers. It's a game, after all.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    I used to be on reddit and other places like reddit and Maybe its just the internet mindset. What I do know is that many people who talk like this on the internet would not be doing such in person. And depending on who you act rude to it can have consequences. If some of these things I have seen written here were put on paper and physically mailed to someone it would be cause for concern.

    It is a game, and for Zenimax employees its more than just that,

    It is a mechanism to generate income. So they can feed their families,pay their bills adopt a kitty kat or adopt 31 puppies, take care of their parents, hospital bills, and provide a future for each other. This is their lively hood. SD I hope you reconsider your last remark but if you don't. I got dibs on that massive pile of AP your hoarding.

    Each decision made by ZOS takes all of the above into account. And speaking of accounts I'm pretty sure that at the end of each fiscal quarter the Accountants have the final say in game direction.

    For those of you who find this game your passion remember the the friend of Passion is Compassion.

    Without inner mastery one cannot stand. Without outer rectitude one cannot act.

    In managing affairs one must weigh the heavy and the light; when speaking out one must first think and reflect. strive to accord the middle way, do not allow bias. hasty and careless actions seldom bring success.

    Usually when people always dwell in inner reflection, they are able to clearly understand much, but when they get involved in things, running outside, then they oppose integration and lose the body of reality.
    Edited by Thalmor-Nordmaster on August 22, 2015 4:52PM
  • Saturn
    If they didn't have at least one campaign with access to the Imperial City for everyone, then you'd have a lot of frustrated players because their alliance may not be able to gain entry.

    Buying a DLC that you cannot access = angry customers = *** for ZOS. So on their part this is a very wise decision, because I know on the NA the Daggerfall Covenant would have access to the IC maybe once or twice every week, we are seriously outnumbered and suffer from horrible infighting.

    Plus, they have said they would mess around with the campaigns and have some with access for all and others with different kind of access rules.

    Personally I would hate to have to hold onto certain keeps to get access, since as soon as you get those special keeps you will have 90% of your fighting force going into the city, which makes those keeps ridiculously easy to back capture. Also, I really despise the Cyrodiil zerg vs zerg fights, they are extremely boring to me. Imperial City PvP is what interests me.

    Also, it is very hard to zerg in the IC, you'd know if you have been on the PTS.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    ZOS cant keep anything challenging PvP wise or casual tears will flood cyrodiil.
  • Chaos_Deception

    Also with the way the Game works in PVP, would it not be more Appropriate to call it Players VS Tanking Framerate.

    The Framerate of Large Fights is Nauseating!
  • sagitter
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RichLambert

    You have a great opportunity to impress the old school PvP veterans of UO, AC, DAoC, and SB. A great damn opportunity to give us SOMETHING worthy of a semblance of REAL PvP.

    Gated access is your opportunity to impress the crowd that SHOULD matter to you and the rest of community to let them know that us old cut throats are waiting to NOT be ignored by the new era.

    MMO Developers are sucking as of late to deliver top notch quality PvP. The PvP that was Ultima Online, Asherons Call, Dark Age of Camelot, and Shadowbane was the best PvP to date, not WoW and it's "arena", that's still PKLite, that's pink PvP; it's superficial competition with a mathematical predetermined outcome, due to FOTM comps and builds.

    It is in your hands, with Cyrodiil to get it to deliver some of the greatest moments in modern PvP history.

    It's not like we're asking for full loot, we're asking for you to make good on your original word and idea. 100% drop TV stones and Gated Access.

    Catering an inch should be an afterthought in IC, it belongs to the people who are participating in the very heart of ESO, the Three Banners War, it should be the pinnacle and centerpiece in this game when it comes to development.

    Truthfully, Gated Access is the only thing special about the DLC, because theres nothing special about killing mobs, I could go hunting boar with my bow in my home state if I wanted to grind mobs.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]

    You stolen the words from my mouth, +1
  • Amica
    My thought is, you have to hold x keeps to get in. If another faction takes them keeps or controls a map, factions start loosing points down to no more than 1000. A faction must have a min of say 2000 alliance points for example. And to control X amount of keeps to enter the city. This would make for a awesome fight over the city and not kill off Cryodiil like i think it will.
    It will also mean that the zerg farmers in the city will have to leave once in a while to hold the keeps and to keep the points up. Just a thought, could be improved i know. Shashu of DC
    NB Shashu of DC
    DK William x Wallace of DC
    In game @Amica.
    "i Thought i was poor having no shoe's, Until i saw a man with no feet"
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