I'm experiencing an unusual form of lag since around the last Mon/Tue or abouts (Jul 20, 2015). When moving and aiming my forward momentum with the mouse, sometimes the camera will "stick," not allowing me to direct my movement until something "catches up," almost like the server is recording my mouse/camera rotation and lagging somehow. As well, sometimes while walking forward, then releasing the W key, the movement "sticks" and I keep walking forward until something "catches up" and I have control again.
The game is fairly unplayable due to this unpredictable loss of control. Some times are better than others, but it seems completely random when this is. It doesn't seem to get better by changing to a less populated zone in the game.
I'm not the only one experiencing this either. My sister (same household) and a friend (north 6 hours) are also having this problem.
Speed tests to ISP check out okay, and I have no network issues otherwise using other services. I don't know what hostname/IP to do a traceroute on to see if there's some kind of issue between my ISP and the ESO servers.
Game Server: North America
Physical Region: Northwestern US
Seems very odd that camera rotation and movement "sticks" like this, though.
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