Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

So, You have no reason to buy Imperial City if you dont like PVP. Period.

  • Sandmanninja

    PLEASE do a small amount of research before spamming lies, okay?


    The Imperial City is a complex piece of new content. There are PVE only sections, PVP only sections, PVE/PVP sections, new 4-man group PVE content and even a solo PVE arena.

    The sheer size of the sewers is crazy! Each alliance has two HUGE PVE only sewer sections and there is a huge central hub that is strictly PVP.

    PVE Only Sewer Sections
    So as mentioned if you control your home territory, you will be able to access the Imperial City through the sewers. Once stepping through your sewer entrance door (assuming you make it in), you are placed into a PVE-only section of sewer for your alliance. There is no PVP in this section. It’s simply you and your allies against the denizens of Coldharbour. If we look at the overview map above we see that each SECTION of the sewers is larger than Imperial City proper. They’re huge.

    The sewers are littered with questing, boss battles and “treasure hunting”.

    Imperial City Sewers Quests
    Complete quest "Bottled Despair" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Bullied" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Dremora on Patrol" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Forgotten Deeds" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Stitching Flesh" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Stolen Relics" in the Imperial City Sewers

    You will also be tasked with killing Daedric Leaders in the sewers:
    Ebral the Betrayer
    Emperor Leovic
    Gati the Storm Sister
    Lady of the Deep
    Otholug gro-Goldfolly
    Secundinus the Despoiler
    Taebod the Gatekeeper

    In addition to the quests above there are also Daedric and Imperial caches hidden throughout the sewers and city that are guarded by the meanest bosses we’ve seen to date. We will cover these in more detail later.

    PVP/PVE - Welcome to the City
    There are over 30 quests available in the Imperial City including a 3-stage city “main quest”:
    Complete quest "Drive to Victory" in Imperial City
    Complete quest "City in Peril" in Imperial City
    Complete quest "Imperial Intelligence" in Imperial City

    The city is broken into 6 sections. Three of the sections can be “captured” by each of the alliances or the denizens of cold harbour themselves. The sections that can be controlled are the Market District, Noble District and the Arboretum District. “Owning” a district provides three benefits:
    The ability to respawn in that location
    Special access to an armory within those districts each with a new crafted set
    A “defender” buff that increases XP for monster and player kills in all of Cyrodiil and the Imperial City

    Thats right. Three new CRAFTED sets! I have only been able to find details on two of the crafted sets:

    Set of the Redistributor
    When you are at full health, and cast an ability that would heal yourself, heal an ally within 28 meters for <<1>>. 2 second cooldown.

    Set of the Armor Master
    While you have a Heavy, Medium, or Light Armor Ability slotted, gain an additional <<1>> Maximum Health. Additionally, gain <<2>> Magicka Regen while you have a Light Armor ability active, <<3>> Stamina Regen while you have a Medium Armor ability active, and <<4>> Health Regen while you have a Heavy Armor ability active.

    As mentioned three of the city sections can also be controlled by Molag Bal’s minions. In order to take those sections back from them, you will need to once again venture into parts of Coldharbour. There are actually nine short jaunts into Coldharbour available in the Imperial City update.
    Edited by Sandmanninja on July 23, 2015 11:46PM
    [Hard Mode Dungeoneers] is recruiting all players of all levels for this new Guild.
    THIS IS A NEW-BUT-GROWING GUILD. We are focused on doing vet pledges, vet dungeons, getting achieves, & doing hard mode bosses.
    Most active GMT+10 (Australia time zone) in the afternoon Mon-Fri and all day Sat/Sun.
    Pst/email for info/invites.
  • Avenias

    PLEASE do a small amount of research before spamming lies, okay?


    The Imperial City is a complex piece of new content. There are PVE only sections, PVP only sections, PVE/PVP sections, new 4-man group PVE content and even a solo PVE arena.

    The sheer size of the sewers is crazy! Each alliance has two HUGE PVE only sewer sections and there is a huge central hub that is strictly PVP.

    PVE Only Sewer Sections
    So as mentioned if you control your home territory, you will be able to access the Imperial City through the sewers. Once stepping through your sewer entrance door (assuming you make it in), you are placed into a PVE-only section of sewer for your alliance. There is no PVP in this section. It’s simply you and your allies against the denizens of Coldharbour. If we look at the overview map above we see that each SECTION of the sewers is larger than Imperial City proper. They’re huge.

    The sewers are littered with questing, boss battles and “treasure hunting”.

    Imperial City Sewers Quests
    Complete quest "Bottled Despair" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Bullied" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Dremora on Patrol" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Forgotten Deeds" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Stitching Flesh" in the Imperial City Sewers
    Complete quest "Stolen Relics" in the Imperial City Sewers

    You will also be tasked with killing Daedric Leaders in the sewers:
    Ebral the Betrayer
    Emperor Leovic
    Gati the Storm Sister
    Lady of the Deep
    Otholug gro-Goldfolly
    Secundinus the Despoiler
    Taebod the Gatekeeper

    In addition to the quests above there are also Daedric and Imperial caches hidden throughout the sewers and city that are guarded by the meanest bosses we’ve seen to date. We will cover these in more detail later.

    PVP/PVE - Welcome to the City
    There are over 30 quests available in the Imperial City including a 3-stage city “main quest”:
    Complete quest "Drive to Victory" in Imperial City
    Complete quest "City in Peril" in Imperial City
    Complete quest "Imperial Intelligence" in Imperial City

    The city is broken into 6 sections. Three of the sections can be “captured” by each of the alliances or the denizens of cold harbour themselves. The sections that can be controlled are the Market District, Noble District and the Arboretum District. “Owning” a district provides three benefits:
    The ability to respawn in that location
    Special access to an armory within those districts each with a new crafted set
    A “defender” buff that increases XP for monster and player kills in all of Cyrodiil and the Imperial City

    Thats right. Three new CRAFTED sets! I have only been able to find details on two of the crafted sets:

    Set of the Redistributor
    When you are at full health, and cast an ability that would heal yourself, heal an ally within 28 meters for <<1>>. 2 second cooldown.

    Set of the Armor Master
    While you have a Heavy, Medium, or Light Armor Ability slotted, gain an additional <<1>> Maximum Health. Additionally, gain <<2>> Magicka Regen while you have a Light Armor ability active, <<3>> Stamina Regen while you have a Medium Armor ability active, and <<4>> Health Regen while you have a Heavy Armor ability active.

    As mentioned three of the city sections can also be controlled by Molag Bal’s minions. In order to take those sections back from them, you will need to once again venture into parts of Coldharbour. There are actually nine short jaunts into Coldharbour available in the Imperial City update.

    Oh god, not another *** health regen set
  • Bars
    lol all I can say is bugs and more bugs and pvp bugs and pve bugs and crap load of bugs so enjoy
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Hope499 wrote: »
    PvE-centric players form the significant majority of the paying playerbase.

    Saying that the expansion, which has PvE content embedded in it is somehow 'not for PvE'ers' is utter idiocy.

    The PvE MAJORITY have waited a very long time for new content, and have been fed a line? Is that what you are claiming?

    If, as seems readily apparent, this dlc is the stomping ground of no-lifers and FOTM cookie cutters and every else is a walking victim, then this game is going to die, and deservedly so.


    You sound like such an entitled cry baby....

    My God man...grow a pair. I am so happy this DLC is making people like you upset...words cannot describe.

    I truly hope you buy this DLC, just so I can steal your stones (sounds like you are in dire need of 2 stones in particular though...).

    "Words cannot describe"?

    You'll find there are plenty of words that are suitable, you just need to have the vocabulary...

    I am a mixed PvE/PvPplayer, and I run with some good PvP groups when I go into Cyrodiil. My best kill streak is over 50 kills, 1 death.

    I already stated that I don't have an in-game issue with my character and this dlc, but you left that out of your little quote selection there... so good luck getting hold of the TVS I'll be carrying... if you pay as little attention to what I do to you, as what I write... :D

    No. The real difference between you and I, and the point you seem incapable of seeing is that the damage this will do to the game is self-evident to me... whilst all you have is an issue with manners, your comprehension skills and a certain inability to see beyond your immediate perceived benefit.

    Talking of your pair - I'd recommend you stop thinking with them for 5 minutes so you'll be able to work out the wider ramifications of the new meta with this dlc.

    I'd rather see pure PvE players ENJOY the dlc and KEEP PLAYING... you'd rather just use them as TVS feedbags repeatedly until they ragequit.

    You need to Google 'Wheaton's Law' and start practicing it dude...
    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on July 24, 2015 12:52AM
  • DDuke
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »

    The biggest problem with your analysis, is you don't know how large the population of ESO players is. For that reason alone, your analysis fails.

    I don't know how many people who no longer subscribe are going to choose not to purchase that content. I do know some of them are not going to purchase.

    I also don't know how many of the people who still subscribe will play, nor do I know how many will decide this poor decision on the part of ZOS to encourage poor behavior will be the last straw. It's going to be interesting to find out. However, your poll is no more accurate than anything a "psychic" would predict.


    You don't need to know the total population to determine public opinion. That's kind of the point of margin of error.
    Again, I advise you to read how science works in this instance rather than coming up with your own conclusions.

    But lets assume this game had 10 million players (more than generous). With that number, we can still set the margin of error to 6.5%.

    Here, have a calculator:

    Next time before commenting & making a fool of yourself, study how things work in the real world.

    You are missing a key of my quote, which I added less than 5 minutes after I posted.

    This is not a random sample. Which also makes what you are claiming false. I'm not the one making a fool of myself. You are, by claiming it's even possible for a forum pole that a fraction of the people who visit the forums voted on somehow makes a valid sample for the whole of the ESO world. There is absolutely no way this can work as valid statistical sample. This is not a random sample. At best it might reflect the buying habits of the people who post here, and even that is problematic.

    The number of people voting in the poll is simply too small a sample and not random enough to give you any valuable information on a much larger group that you have no way finding out the size of. The fact that you use wikipedia as your source material also reflects poorly on you. In essence you are posting nonvalid and possibly false information. Do please remember that posting false information violates the TOS.

    edited to fix the typos i could find.
    The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in a survey's results. It asserts a likelihood (not a certainty) that the result from a sample is close to the number one would get if the whole population had been queried.

    That is from wikipedia, but margin of error is one of the numerous things I've actually studied.
    If you can't accept a wikipedia link, I can find more for you just by using google:

    You are of course free to argue that this is all false and not correct (yes same thing, just making sure you understand).
    You are also free to argue that the Earth is flat, or that 1+1=3.

    Suit yourself.

    Now, with a very simple calculation we can narrow down the margin of error to just 6.5%, as quoted above, without knowing the size of full population.

    You can even use a very, very simple calculator if you didn't read the above links and dont trust me:

    Type in the poll results, number of votes & set the population to infinite, or whatever you wish.

    You're just not accepting this fact because it doesn't fit your own fantasy world where the majority always agrees with you.

    Of course, there's the 1% chance that you are correct since we use 99% confidence level when calculating the margin of error, but I'd say odds are against you.
    Edited by DDuke on July 24, 2015 12:56AM
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Great Job in creating this community divided environment ZOS of PVE Vs PVP I just started playing the game since Beta
    and truly this is just down right pathetic

    Yeah - they excel at divide and upset.

    They want everything as competitive as possible, but based on little more than time spent playing... so even the least skilled no-lifers can be on top in all areas of MMO activity - from crafting (soon to be gank-to-win), to gold acquisition (play 24/7 to win), PvP rank & AP (play 24/7, guild-farm-emperor-blob-to-win), PvE set acquisition (no-lockouts-spam-10-minute-instance-to-win), Champion Points (play 24/7 to win) etc.

    Every incremental change they make widens the gulf between the majority casual players and the whiny, noisy nasal-gazing minority who want the whole thing their way, even if it means upsetting large numbers of their fellow players.

    They are Trolls, and Zenimax seem to insist on feeding the Trolls T-Bone steak every time they change something old or introduce something new.

    They are killing (some say they have already killed) everything truly TES about ESO. The freedom to play your own way and go wherever you want and adventure however you feel like is an increasingly distant broken promise.

    I started this game with a guild of over 30 people who signed on in the first week. PvP'ers, PvE'ers and every flavour of player from my time in WoW and on the PvP all-areas Fury server in AoC.

    The one truly common thread is they all LOVED TES.

    Not ONE of them still plays "Dark Age of Gankalot", and it is likely more will join them in the not too distant future.

    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on July 24, 2015 12:56AM
  • Syntse
    Samadhi wrote: »
    The PvP players would be in Cyrodiil and the PvE players would be in the dungeons.
    There would be no more reward associated with the risk, because the PvP gears would be cheap and freely available to PvP players without having to even enter Imperial City to engage in PvP -- they would be flooding the guild traders.
    Save money and stick to Cyrodiil at that point.

    Since there would be no reward, there would also be no real risk.
    Dropping stones to another player would be trivial because the gear would have no real value anyway.
    Since the system would provide nothing in terms of new gameplay, it would provide no incentive to buy the DLC.

    I associate the reward to the stones not gear as gear can be useless anyway for all we know. So what you are saying even the PvP gamers would not risk to reward unless they are forced into it. And that they would go spending gold to buy stuff instead of playing the game and game mode they have been waiting for.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • marco.cuevas.ventob14_ESO
    Great Job in creating this community divided environment ZOS of PVE Vs PVP I just started playing the game since Beta
    and truly this is just down right pathetic

    Yeah - they excel at divide and upset.

    They want everything as competitive as possible, but based on little more than time spent playing... so even the least skilled no-lifers can be on top in all areas of MMO activity - from crafting (soon to be gank-to-win), to gold acquisition (play 24/7 to win), PvP rank & AP (play 24/7, guild-farm-emperor-blob-to-win), PvE set acquisition (no-lockouts-spam-10-minute-instance-to-win), Champion Points (play 24/7 to win) etc.

    Every incremental change they make widens the gulf between the majority casual players and the whiny, noisy nasal-gazing minority who want the whole thing their way, even if it means upsetting large numbers of their fellow players.

    They are Trolls, and Zenimax seem to insist on feeding the Trolls T-Bone steak every time they change something old or introduce something new.

    They are killing (some say they have already killed) everything truly TES about ESO. The freedom to play your own way and go wherever you want and adventure however you feel like is an increasingly distant broken promise.

    I started this game with a guild of over 30 people who signed on in the first week. PvP'ers, PvE'ers and every flavour of player from my time in WoW and on the PvP all-areas Fury server in AoC.

    The one truly common thread is they all LOVED TES.

    Not ONE of them still plays "Dark Age of Gankalot", and it is likely more will join them in the not too distant future.

    Great Job in creating this community divided environment ZOS of PVE Vs PVP I just started playing the game since Beta
    and truly this is just down right pathetic

    Yeah - they excel at divide and upset.

    They want everything as competitive as possible, but based on little more than time spent playing... so even the least skilled no-lifers can be on top in all areas of MMO activity - from crafting (soon to be gank-to-win), to gold acquisition (play 24/7 to win), PvP rank & AP (play 24/7, guild-farm-emperor-blob-to-win), PvE set acquisition (no-lockouts-spam-10-minute-instance-to-win), Champion Points (play 24/7 to win) etc.

    Every incremental change they make widens the gulf between the majority casual players and the whiny, noisy nasal-gazing minority who want the whole thing their way, even if it means upsetting large numbers of their fellow players.

    They are Trolls, and Zenimax seem to insist on feeding the Trolls T-Bone steak every time they change something old or introduce something new.

    They are killing (some say they have already killed) everything truly TES about ESO. The freedom to play your own way and go wherever you want and adventure however you feel like is an increasingly distant broken promise.

    I started this game with a guild of over 30 people who signed on in the first week. PvP'ers, PvE'ers and every flavour of player from my time in WoW and on the PvP all-areas Fury server in AoC.

    The one truly common thread is they all LOVED TES.

    Not ONE of them still plays "Dark Age of Gankalot", and it is likely more will join them in the not too distant future.


    Well I'll tell you what I am going to do....

    So ESO went F2P in the hopes that some players will sub and spend crowns after all this is a business and they want to make money.

    SO why should I spend money on crowns or even SUB if this game is so broken still and there are so many exploits?
    Every F2p game that I have played I have subbed for to help the developers after all it costs money to keep the game going.

    I spent 60 dollars on this game so far I have been playing it for 3 weeks once I reach 50 I am going to put it down and wait for some drastic changes to take place both in PVP and PVE because after what I have witnessed over at PVP land this game is a hackfest and exploiters paradise. SO ZOS has failed to yet again retain a new customer. I would say I should be 50 in about a week or two (work issues) so I guess I will have gotten my moneys worth. If ZOS wants to retain customers they have to fix this game first before releasing DLC.
    Edited by marco.cuevas.ventob14_ESO on July 24, 2015 4:48AM
  • Samadhi
    Syntse wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    The PvP players would be in Cyrodiil and the PvE players would be in the dungeons.
    There would be no more reward associated with the risk, because the PvP gears would be cheap and freely available to PvP players without having to even enter Imperial City to engage in PvP -- they would be flooding the guild traders.
    Save money and stick to Cyrodiil at that point.

    Since there would be no reward, there would also be no real risk.
    Dropping stones to another player would be trivial because the gear would have no real value anyway.
    Since the system would provide nothing in terms of new gameplay, it would provide no incentive to buy the DLC.

    I associate the reward to the stones not gear as gear can be useless anyway for all we know. So what you are saying even the PvP gamers would not risk to reward unless they are forced into it. And that they would go spending gold to buy stuff instead of playing the game and game mode they have been waiting for.

    PvP for stones --> Sell gear --> Buy potions/ingredients --> Spend more time in PvP and less time farming in non-PvP zones and activities.
    Facilitates the cycle that allows me to stay active in PvP, rather than having to go farm in other game modes in order to keep PvPing.
    Similar to AP, but more exciting to participate in due to the risk/reward factor.

    You're right though, the gear could be useless and people making a fuss about how the system needs to change so they can get the gears with no risk could be making that fuss over nothing.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • OzJohnD
    The real solution is the have the ability at time of character creation specify this toon will be a dedicated PvPér and it will automatically be levelled to V16, given tokesn for a full set of maxed PvP gear and given 3000 CP's .. and forever be locked into Cyrodil never to be permitted to PvE outside Cyrodil
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • Avenias
    Just give me a pay to win option, and i'll buy the dlc. Game time is very limited due to work but i am for buying my way up like other heavy pvp focuses game. I am not interested to join a fight handicapped and waste my precious game time feeding other players.
  • Dru1076
    Was considering coming back to check the PVE part of IC out, but now I am not so sure....

    Let me see if I understand this correctly: You pay for ESO Plus or buy the DLC outright, both involving handing over some cash... But if you want into the sewers (apparently PVE zones) your alliance has to maintain control over keeps? So... If that's right...I'd be buying a zone I need to then earn my way into?

    If I was doing PVP anyway I guess this would be sort of okay... Sort of... But why would I want to buy something I then have to earn? And why would PVP players be rewarded for PVP success with PVE zones? None of this makes sense to me... Surely I am picking up incorrect info?
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Septimus_Magna
    @Sandmanninja What would be the PVP only area in Imperial City? As far as Ive heard there's PVE/PVP or PVE content, everywhere you can fight other players there will be NPC mobs.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Sharee

    PLEASE do a small amount of research before spamming lies, okay?


    The Imperial City is a complex piece of new content. There are PVE only sections


    PVE Only Sewer Sections
    So as mentioned if you control your home territory, you will be able to access the Imperial City through the sewers. Once stepping through your sewer entrance door (assuming you make it in), you are placed into a PVE-only section of sewer for your alliance. There is no PVP in this section. It’s simply you and your allies against the denizens of Coldharbour. If we look at the overview map above we see that each SECTION of the sewers is larger than Imperial City proper. They’re huge.

    The thread(and info) you linked is outdated. There is no PvE-only section of sewers where you could safely farm TV stones. There is a safe area that you arrive in when entering sewers from cyrodiil, but that's just your alliance's base. Anywhere there are enemy mobs, there can be enemy players(except the instanced dungeons of course, but those do not drop TV stones)

    Source: German mod post here:

    What he says is, roughly translated, "It takes a lot of time to get from one alliance base to the other... the front of your alliance bases' door, you will be able to farm mobs relatively undisturbed, because the enemies that dare to go there there will be outnumbered by your forces, and reinforcements streaming from the base

    So the front of your alliance's base is not a pure PvE area, it is just relatively safe compared to the rest of IC.
  • iTzStevey
    I love pvp and still dont have a reason to buy IC, looks meh to me tbh.
  • Lava_Croft
    NobleNerd wrote: »
    Correct and this is where it becomes clear that this is not PvP love when it hinders the PvE experience. I am not upset because they are finally adding more PvP to the game. My concern is this will only end up catering to those who find a way to manipulate the system like so many in PvP have already or for the ganking groups that will be lurking everywhere.
    Because PvE love like Nirnhoned (Craglorn) has never hindered PvP and because PvE players are completely alien to the concept of manipulating the system.

    Edited by Lava_Croft on July 24, 2015 8:59AM
  • helediron
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Syntse wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    The PvP players would be in Cyrodiil and the PvE players would be in the dungeons.
    There would be no more reward associated with the risk, because the PvP gears would be cheap and freely available to PvP players without having to even enter Imperial City to engage in PvP -- they would be flooding the guild traders.
    Save money and stick to Cyrodiil at that point.

    Since there would be no reward, there would also be no real risk.
    Dropping stones to another player would be trivial because the gear would have no real value anyway.
    Since the system would provide nothing in terms of new gameplay, it would provide no incentive to buy the DLC.

    I associate the reward to the stones not gear as gear can be useless anyway for all we know. So what you are saying even the PvP gamers would not risk to reward unless they are forced into it. And that they would go spending gold to buy stuff instead of playing the game and game mode they have been waiting for.

    PvP for stones --> Sell gear --> Buy potions/ingredients --> Spend more time in PvP and less time farming in non-PvP zones and activities.
    Facilitates the cycle that allows me to stay active in PvP, rather than having to go farm in other game modes in order to keep PvPing.
    Similar to AP, but more exciting to participate in due to the risk/reward factor.

    You're right though, the gear could be useless and people making a fuss about how the system needs to change so they can get the gears with no risk could be making that fuss over nothing.

    Same kind of cycle works for PvE too. If we forget the PvP side from IC for a moment, the TV stone system would be a great improvement for PvE. The non-sellable RNG loot as end reward from dungeons is much hated. When i first time heard about TV stones, i thought FINALLY we get token system. That system should be in PvE dungeons regardless PvP. Forcing ZOS to make that means much ado.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • sirhctpac
    I only did a find on page search on each page of this thread for it so I apologize if I missed someone making my point.
    This DLC is a direct rip off of Warhammer Online's first content patch: land of the dead. Every detail is the same; gaining entrance though traditional PvP thus locking out the opposing faction, PvE content within the area, new advancement based on LotD content, EVERYTHING! The only way for there to be PvP with in IC itself is if the faction that loses control stays in until they're killed. In warhammer this lead to the most fun I had in the game: running a small gank squad when our faction got kicked out and taking on much larger, less organized groups. One problem: it killed the game because the faction with control instantly ported to LotD, ignoring the traditional PvP thus triggering an endless cycle of undefended LotD unlocks followed by a short burst of PvP upon the zone unlock, then passing the ball to the kicked out faction. Cool eh?
    The only possible saving grace for this might be the fact that there's 3 factions. Everything hinges on the unlock protocol.
    Just my two cents. =)
  • DDuke
    helediron wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Syntse wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    The PvP players would be in Cyrodiil and the PvE players would be in the dungeons.
    There would be no more reward associated with the risk, because the PvP gears would be cheap and freely available to PvP players without having to even enter Imperial City to engage in PvP -- they would be flooding the guild traders.
    Save money and stick to Cyrodiil at that point.

    Since there would be no reward, there would also be no real risk.
    Dropping stones to another player would be trivial because the gear would have no real value anyway.
    Since the system would provide nothing in terms of new gameplay, it would provide no incentive to buy the DLC.

    I associate the reward to the stones not gear as gear can be useless anyway for all we know. So what you are saying even the PvP gamers would not risk to reward unless they are forced into it. And that they would go spending gold to buy stuff instead of playing the game and game mode they have been waiting for.

    PvP for stones --> Sell gear --> Buy potions/ingredients --> Spend more time in PvP and less time farming in non-PvP zones and activities.
    Facilitates the cycle that allows me to stay active in PvP, rather than having to go farm in other game modes in order to keep PvPing.
    Similar to AP, but more exciting to participate in due to the risk/reward factor.

    You're right though, the gear could be useless and people making a fuss about how the system needs to change so they can get the gears with no risk could be making that fuss over nothing.

    Same kind of cycle works for PvE too. If we forget the PvP side from IC for a moment, the TV stone system would be a great improvement for PvE. The non-sellable RNG loot as end reward from dungeons is much hated. When i first time heard about TV stones, i thought FINALLY we get token system. That system should be in PvE dungeons regardless PvP. Forcing ZOS to make that means much ado.

    Yes, many of us have been asking for a token system (or Need/Greed) to replace the atrocious RNG where you always end up with the loot your group mates need and vice versa.

    However, this does not mean every token in game should be PvE centric & made for PvErs specifically.

    I hope Orsinium comes with a PvE token system, or other kind of improvements to the current RNG system.
  • Enodoc
    sirhctpac wrote: »
    I only did a find on page search on each page of this thread for it so I apologize if I missed someone making my point.
    This DLC is a direct rip off of Warhammer Online's first content patch: land of the dead. Every detail is the same; gaining entrance though traditional PvP thus locking out the opposing faction, PvE content within the area, new advancement based on LotD content, EVERYTHING! The only way for there to be PvP with in IC itself is if the faction that loses control stays in until they're killed. In warhammer this lead to the most fun I had in the game: running a small gank squad when our faction got kicked out and taking on much larger, less organized groups. One problem: it killed the game because the faction with control instantly ported to LotD, ignoring the traditional PvP thus triggering an endless cycle of undefended LotD unlocks followed by a short burst of PvP upon the zone unlock, then passing the ball to the kicked out faction. Cool eh?
    The only possible saving grace for this might be the fact that there's 3 factions. Everything hinges on the unlock protocol.
    Just my two cents. =)
    @sirhctpac I'm pretty sure Darkness Falls pre-dates Land of the Dead, so LotD is the rip-off here. The difference between IC and both DF and LotD though is that all three factions can have access at once if they go down the "6 home keeps" route. To lock out another faction, you will have to take over some of their keeps too, but when the map is "neutral" (no gains or losses), everyone will have access.
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  • sirhctpac
    @Enodoc Touchy are we? Lol. Mythic can't rip off its own design; I mentioned warhammer cause I played it extensively.
  • pdebie64b16_ESO
    JMadFour wrote: »
    I've seen this mentioned a few times in various threads now, so i'll clarify some here. Imperial City is meant for the PVP player - it's their turn for some love. If you love PVE and are clamoring for more of that type of content, the Orsinium DLC will be exactly what you want.

    There you have it, from the Horse's mouth.

    If you don't do PVP, then you have no reason to buy Imperial City. It's not for you. period.

    there is no point in continuing to complain about the Tel Var Stones. It's not designed for you, so you have no reason to bother with it. Just save your money for Orsinium, and let the PVPers have their expansion.

    I feel sorry for the Ganker tryhards who thought they were going to get some easy Carebear prey, but this Expansion is for PVPers, and no PVE Carebear should spend money on it. have fun getting stomped by real PVPers.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Bashing & Slanderous Comments]

    Why are alot of modern mmo players whining so fast if it gets to difficult for them? ESO is a PvE AND PvP game, just try to adept. People who played the Darkness Falls expansion in Dark Age of Camelot knowing what i mean, it was a simulair dungeon like the sewers in ic and i never seen anyone who whined after beeing ganked because it was just a part of the game.

    My suggestion is to adept, use more defense focussed gear and skills, practice escape techniques against gankers, read zone chat carefully so you know were you can expect enemy players, go with a guild group, avoid peak times and so on.
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    sirhctpac wrote: »
    Mythic can't rip off its own design

    Abolutely right, in that case it's self plagiarism.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Granz
    JMadFour wrote: »
    I've seen this mentioned a few times in various threads now, so i'll clarify some here. Imperial City is meant for the PVP player - it's their turn for some love. If you love PVE and are clamoring for more of that type of content, the Orsinium DLC will be exactly what you want.

    There you have it, from the Horse's mouth.

    If you don't do PVP, then you have no reason to buy Imperial City. It's not for you. period.

    there is no point in continuing to complain about the Tel Var Stones. It's not designed for you, so you have no reason to bother with it. Just save your money for Orsinium, and let the PVPers have their expansion.

    I feel sorry for the Ganker tryhards who thought they were going to get some easy Carebear prey, but this Expansion is for PVPers, and no PVE Carebear should spend money on it. have fun getting stomped by real PVPers.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Bashing & Slanderous Comments]

    Excellent news! About time!

  • Hope499

    I'm glad PvP has some love, but I just wish it wouldn't interfere with what makes the game exciting to me: PvE.

    Its not, its PvP content, so it has absolutely nothing to do with PvE.

    Its already been advertised as PvP content.

    PvE crybabies, GO AWAY and sush it, the tissues are running low on this thread.

    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • Syntse
    Hope499 wrote: »
    PvE crybabies, GO AWAY and sush it, the tissues are running low on this thread.

    PvE crybabies answer:

    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • sirhctpac
    Hmm. You'd think that there would be an easy fix to this that allowed everyone to access the PvE content and discouraged abuse at the same time: everyone's name displays as a color coded "con" when targeted, similar to how quests are color coded, denoting their relative strength to your own. It would take into account vet level, champ points, and alliance rank; anyone displaying grey - as a PvEer always would to a PvPer due to alliance rank - would drop little to no TVs.
    I would have thought such a system would be a given but saying, "if you only PvE, this DLC isn't for you" makes me question my assumption.
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    sirhctpac wrote: »
    anyone displaying grey - as a PvEer always would to a PvPer due to alliance rank - would drop little to no TVs.

    Well, than I would just make an alt, level up to 10 and go in and collect stones and do nothing else. See, that wouldn't work.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • sirhctpac
    Eh? I would assume that since they're for V16 gear, they'd only drop in vet campaigns.
    If necessary the stones, perhaps even the gear could be character bound; it's a far lesser evil than a system that actively rewards griefing like vamp/wolf bite.
    (And before someone says it, when stolen they'd obviously delete from your character and reward your killer with his own newly generated ones should a bind mechanic be implemented.)
    Edited by sirhctpac on July 24, 2015 4:03PM
  • urkonse
    im not epic pvp guy but i still may buy this dlc , as those stones can be banked to safe?
    Lightning guild is recruiting active players at any level & skill ( PS4 , EU)
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