Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Imperial City Info Released

  • psicorpb16_ESO
    Was quite excited when I first saw this but now , unless I'm mistaken , this is PVP. ! I don't play PVP !
    Not a chance in this world or any other will I carry on subscribing if the future of this game/DLC is Pvp.

    I don't do 'I'm leaving posts' and usually laugh at them but if I've been waiting over a year for 'The Big DLC Content' and its gated behind PVP then nope sorry I will be out, it really saddens me to say.

    I so hope I'm wrong .....
  • Tholian1
    So this will be forced PvP? No interest in PvP at all and won't pay for DLC I can't enjoy fully without being required to PvP.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Maotti
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    One other question I came across after I had already posted this one.

    Will all crafting be able to be done for the new Vet Levels V15 & V16? The reason I ask is the new "token" system being put in place for the V16 PVP gear. I want to make sure that as a max crafter I will still be able to create my own gear at the highest level which soon will be V16.

    Thank you!

    Yes, you'll will be able to craft VR15 and VR16 items, but it will require the acquisition of new materials. These materials are not obtained through harvest nodes the way other crafting materials typically are. Instead, you must obtain them by deconstructing VR15 and VR16 drops and then using those materials to craft new items. Also, the new materials are tradeable, so you can buy and sell them with other players, and you can buy them with Tel Var Stones in the Imperial City.

    Eh, why change what isn't broken?
    PC EU
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Essentially PvPers looking to take part in Cyrodiil will be possibly forced to go into other Campaigns to get their large scale PvP fix. Because everyone looking to explore the new zone will be filling PvP Campaigns left and right.

    Im not sure Im happy with the idea of PvPers being denied access to their Campaigns due to an overwhelming number of non-PvPers flooding the zone.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Don't then. You can buy orsinium when it launches soon. We already had numerous pve additions and none to pvp. That's the great thing about the model here... if a dlc package doesn't offer what you like, you can keep playing without buying it.

    I'm much more concerned as to the XP gap between mob grinding in pve versus what we get for pvp'ing. Will this be brought to better parity with the imperial city patch, @ZOS_BrianWheeler ? :)
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Faulgor
    Was quite excited when I first saw this but now , unless I'm mistaken , this is PVP. ! I don't play PVP !
    Not a chance in this world or any other will I carry on subscribing if the future of this game/DLC is Pvp.

    I don't do 'I'm leaving posts' and usually laugh at them but if I've been waiting over a year for 'The Big DLC Content' and its gated behind PVP then nope sorry I will be out, it really saddens me to say.

    I so hope I'm wrong .....

    Come back for Christmas when they release Orsinium.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Snit
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    So this will be forced PvP? No interest in PvP at all

    Similarly, it looks like PvP players will be.. let's call it heavily encouraged to grind PvE. Nobody wants to be left behind in gear progression. That's a concern. I don't think anyone should have to spend an inordinate amount of time in a game-mode they do not enjoy.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • SorataArisugawa
    If all Veteran Dungeons are going to be scaled to v16, what is going to happen to ALL of our Veteran Dungeon sets we have:

    Worm Cult
    Destruction Suit
    Arms of the Infernate
    Arms of the Ancestor
    etc etc etc

    These sets are all RNG, meaning it is completely rando with what you can get. To add to this the loot table on any main dungeon boss is a list of over 250 items. I have done at least 1000 full vet dungeon runs between the six originals and still missing at least 4 items from these sets. That is 12 months of grinding and doing at least 2-3 Vet dungeons a day. Some days I have done 10-15.

    I am concerned with that fact that those of us who do collect and use these sets are going to be screwed because now ALL vet dungeons are going to be scaled to v16.

    I thought last week during the ESO live, itemization was going to be discussed?? This game desperately needs gear to scale off of player level or add the ability for crafters to add levels to gear, including jewelry.

    I do not mind having to grind again to a point, but when I have killed the same bosses hundreds and hundreds of times and only see the item I need drop twice to other people in my group; that kind of makes me want to quit.

    If ZOS you are not going to add item scaling or something for crafters, you really need to address the loot tables and RNG on some aspects of this game.

    yeah pls @JessicaFolsom Could you ask the team if it possible to increase the drobchance of

    Worm Cult

    a little bit. I play vet dungeons for over a half year and don't have 5 pieces of wom cult. It is soooo seldom. With the Level cap increase, I have to start again. With this rate it will be ridicoulus... Please Jessica help!!!
    Edited by SorataArisugawa on July 15, 2015 4:04PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Amdirial wrote: »
    Guess we aren't getting any new trials in this either.

    We are working on more Trials for the future, just not as a part of Imperial City. :)

    (Edit: Trials not Trails...good grief.)

    Will the existing Trials scale to VR16? What about Vet City of Ash? What about VDSA? I know the pledge dungeons are scaling to VR16, but those have been scaling since 2014, so the mechanism is already in place. But Trials, VCoA, and VDSA have never scaled, always being locked into 1 level. Will they continue to be VR12 only (AA and HRC) and VR14 only (SO, VCoA, VDSA)?
  • Flaminir
    Essentially PvPers looking to take part in Cyrodiil will be possibly forced to go into other Campaigns to get their large scale PvP fix. Because everyone looking to explore the new zone will be filling PvP Campaigns left and right.

    Im not sure Im happy with the idea of PvPers being denied access to their Campaigns due to an overwhelming number of non-PvPers flooding the zone.

    If they keep the number of campaigns as it is & don't increase the population cap then it will be fair across the board... both PvP'ers & PvE'ers won't be able to access the content as the campaigns are already pop-locked and have no capacity for the extra people IC will bring in.

    They need to add some temporary campaigns for the Imperial City launch in the same way as they did for console launch
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • psicorpb16_ESO
    Ok cool , didn't realise there was something for pve'ers on the horizon (sorry Christmas which year?) just so I know when to check back in , have the Devs seen the mmo's being released in the next 12 months?

    Just let me know how many months of ESO+ membership I can save until it's worth me coming back pls, and let's hope nothing better comes out in the meantime
  • Darklord_Tiberius
    If all Veteran Dungeons are going to be scaled to v16, what is going to happen to ALL of our Veteran Dungeon sets we have:

    Worm Cult
    Destruction Suit
    Arms of the Infernate
    Arms of the Ancestor
    etc etc etc

    These sets are all RNG, meaning it is completely rando with what you can get. To add to this the loot table on any main dungeon boss is a list of over 250 items. I have done at least 1000 full vet dungeon runs between the six originals and still missing at least 4 items from these sets. That is 12 months of grinding and doing at least 2-3 Vet dungeons a day. Some days I have done 10-15.

    I am concerned with that fact that those of us who do collect and use these sets are going to be screwed because now ALL vet dungeons are going to be scaled to v16.

    I thought last week during the ESO live, itemization was going to be discussed?? This game desperately needs gear to scale off of player level or add the ability for crafters to add levels to gear, including jewelry.

    I do not mind having to grind again to a point, but when I have killed the same bosses hundreds and hundreds of times and only see the item I need drop twice to other people in my group; that kind of makes me want to quit.

    If ZOS you are not going to add item scaling or something for crafters, you really need to address the loot tables and RNG on some aspects of this game.

    yeah pls @JessicaFolsom Could you ask the team if it possible to increase the drobchance of

    Worm Cult

    a little bit. I play vet dungeons for over a half year and don't have 5 pieces of wom cult. It is soooo seldom. With the Level cap increase, I have to start again. With this rate it will be ridicoulus... Please Jessica help!!!

    Not just those, ALL Veteran Dungeon sets including the weapon sets.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Snit wrote: »
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    So this will be forced PvP? No interest in PvP at all

    Similarly, it looks like PvP players will be.. let's call it heavily encouraged to grind PvE. Nobody wants to be left behind in gear progression. That's a concern. I don't think anyone should have to spend an inordinate amount of time in a game-mode they do not enjoy.

    This is a significant issue that only will be brought even more to the forefront if PVP xp gain isn't brought to par with pve mob grinding :(. I also hope that rewards for the worthy bags in pvp will be able to be deconstructed the same way VR15 drops in the imperial city are going to be, for the materials to craft with, and not just the ones from mobs.
    If all Veteran Dungeons are going to be scaled to v16, what is going to happen to ALL of our Veteran Dungeon sets we have:

    Worm Cult
    Destruction Suit
    Arms of the Infernate
    Arms of the Ancestor
    etc etc etc

    These sets are all RNG, meaning it is completely rando with what you can get. To add to this the loot table on any main dungeon boss is a list of over 250 items. I have done at least 1000 full vet dungeon runs between the six originals and still missing at least 4 items from these sets. That is 12 months of grinding and doing at least 2-3 Vet dungeons a day. Some days I have done 10-15.

    I am concerned with that fact that those of us who do collect and use these sets are going to be screwed because now ALL vet dungeons are going to be scaled to v16.

    I thought last week during the ESO live, itemization was going to be discussed?? This game desperately needs gear to scale off of player level or add the ability for crafters to add levels to gear, including jewelry.

    I do not mind having to grind again to a point, but when I have killed the same bosses hundreds and hundreds of times and only see the item I need drop twice to other people in my group; that kind of makes me want to quit.

    If ZOS you are not going to add item scaling or something for crafters, you really need to address the loot tables and RNG on some aspects of this game.

    yeah pls @JessicaFolsom Could you ask the team if it possible to increase the drobchance of

    Worm Cult

    a little bit. I play vet dungeons for over a half year and don't have 5 pieces of wom cult. It is soooo seldom. With the Level cap increase, I have to start again. With this rate it will be ridicoulus... Please Jessica help!!!

    I'm not sure how often or quickly you clear them then... I usually see a piece of one of those sets every couple of runs and it only takes 10 to 15 minutes for most of the vet dungeons, excluding city of ash which doesn't drop those. I didn't run vet dungeons particularly heavily and had all of the main ones except Thorn, within a couple of months and they're hardly necessities.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 15, 2015 4:17PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • ADarklore
    The new materials are nowhere near as rare or difficult to obtain as Nirnhoned Trait materials. :) Though you don't obtain the new materials via crafting nodes, getting them through deconstruction is more comparable to other types of ingots. As you run around the Imperial City killing monsters, you'll get item drops like you would in a normal overland zone or dungeon. You can then deconstruct those for a chance to get the new materials.

    New question... what level will be required to craft with these new materials? Currently only level 40 is required to use material to craft VR 9-14 gear.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Francescolg
    Dear Dev's!
    The actual amount of CP/AP for pure PvP AINT ENOUGH!! Please do your analyzations correctly and not just by taking into account powergamers and organized (fotm) team players. Look at the pure numbers, as there are enough players who do solely PvP! Compare them to VR 10 area / High End Dungeon Farming... Please! The gap between single-pvp powergamers and single-pve power-farmers is already a several hundred CP large! (I'm not joking! And this is a disbalance you created!

    --> LOOK at the majority (! not the leaders !) of PvP players and how much CP they earn compared to any form of PvE-farming!!

    Overall CP/AP Xp for player kills (for single players and small teams) HAS to be raised much, much more!

    Please look into your data! At least, do it this time!! Please! Please! Please!
    Please, do it this time! For the sake of PvP, raise player kill XP by more than 100%!
    I'm asking for equality, not for any kind of favour!
    Edited by Francescolg on July 15, 2015 4:24PM
  • GTech_1

    I'm curious, with the new VR 15 and 16 crafting materials being added to the game, how will this affect top end crafting writs?
  • Alphashado
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    1- I see that we are getting two new Racial Styles for crafting. Are there any Traits being added with these or just the Styles?
    2- The article mentions updates to existing sets but nothing about if new craft able sets are being added. Is there going to be new craft able sets we will be able to make and if so, how many?

    Hey @Robbmrp! There is one new Enchantment being added to the game with the Imperial City release (not a Trait.) Though it will be available only in Imperial City, players can sell it to anyone regardless of whether they have the Imperial City DLC game pack or not.

    There will also be three new item sets you can craft via set-specific crafting stations in Imperial City. You do need to physically go to those special crafting stations in the Imperial City to craft the new sets.

    We'll have more details about to share about both topics in the next week or two. :)

    Just a heads up: I hope you guys will have these crafting stations in a secure location otherwise they are just going to be a giant bullseye for for griefers.

  • Darklord_Tiberius
    Snit wrote: »
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    So this will be forced PvP? No interest in PvP at all

    Similarly, it looks like PvP players will be.. let's call it heavily encouraged to grind PvE. Nobody wants to be left behind in gear progression. That's a concern. I don't think anyone should have to spend an inordinate amount of time in a game-mode they do not enjoy.
    If all Veteran Dungeons are going to be scaled to v16, what is going to happen to ALL of our Veteran Dungeon sets we have:

    Worm Cult
    Destruction Suit
    Arms of the Infernate
    Arms of the Ancestor
    etc etc etc

    These sets are all RNG, meaning it is completely rando with what you can get. To add to this the loot table on any main dungeon boss is a list of over 250 items. I have done at least 1000 full vet dungeon runs between the six originals and still missing at least 4 items from these sets. That is 12 months of grinding and doing at least 2-3 Vet dungeons a day. Some days I have done 10-15.

    I am concerned with that fact that those of us who do collect and use these sets are going to be screwed because now ALL vet dungeons are going to be scaled to v16.

    I thought last week during the ESO live, itemization was going to be discussed?? This game desperately needs gear to scale off of player level or add the ability for crafters to add levels to gear, including jewelry.

    I do not mind having to grind again to a point, but when I have killed the same bosses hundreds and hundreds of times and only see the item I need drop twice to other people in my group; that kind of makes me want to quit.

    If ZOS you are not going to add item scaling or something for crafters, you really need to address the loot tables and RNG on some aspects of this game.

    yeah pls @JessicaFolsom Could you ask the team if it possible to increase the drobchance of

    Worm Cult

    a little bit. I play vet dungeons for over a half year and don't have 5 pieces of wom cult. It is soooo seldom. With the Level cap increase, I have to start again. With this rate it will be ridicoulus... Please Jessica help!!!

    I'm not sure how often or quickly you clear them then... I usually see a piece of one of those sets every couple of runs and it only takes 10 to 15 minutes for most of the vet dungeons, excluding city of ash which doesn't drop those. I didn't run vet dungeons particularly heavily and had all of the main ones except Thorn, within a couple of months and they're hardly necessities.

    Me and my team can clear any vet dungeon in 10-15 mins of the original 6. I think you missed my point. I have run over 1000 of them, do you really know how long that takes, I am guessing you do not because of your self entitled attitude. Just because you get something doesn't mean everyone gets the same thing, you see how that works? That's called RNG bud. I have probably gotten 10-20 duplicates of many of these dungeon sets.

    [Edit] If you understood how to theory craft, you would realize that some of these dungeon sets are some of the most valuable in the game; but alas, I wont give out my secrets.

    But you said yourself, you do not run dungeons heavily, so this topic does not concern you.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Trolling & Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_MaryB on July 15, 2015 9:00PM
  • Robbmrp
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    One other question I came across after I had already posted this one.

    Will all crafting be able to be done for the new Vet Levels V15 & V16? The reason I ask is the new "token" system being put in place for the V16 PVP gear. I want to make sure that as a max crafter I will still be able to create my own gear at the highest level which soon will be V16.

    Thank you!

    Yes, you'll will be able to craft VR15 and VR16 items, but it will require the acquisition of new materials. These materials are not obtained through harvest nodes the way other crafting materials typically are. Instead, you must obtain them by deconstructing VR15 and VR16 drops and then using those materials to craft new items. Also, the new materials are tradeable, so you can buy and sell them with other players, and you can buy them with Tel Var Stones in the Imperial City.

    This is going to cause prices to skyrocket for V15 & V16 items. We can't simply go farm the node for the material on this. Anyone wanting V15 & V16 crafted gear better be prepared to pay though the nose. People will be selling the mats for top dollar for sure.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Averya_Teira
    Tel Var Stone Legendary set currency....

    Uh oh.... This sounds like WoW ...
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Dear Dev's!
    The actual amount of CP/AP for pure PvP AINT ENOUGH!! Please do your analyzations correctly and not just by taking into account powergamers and organized (fotm) team players. Look at the pure numbers, as there are enough players who do solely PvP! Compare them to VR 10 area / High End Dungeon Farming... Please! The gap between single-pvp powergamers and single-pve power-farmers is already a several hundred CP large! (I'm not joking! And this is a disbalance you created!

    --> LOOK at the majority (! not the leaders !) of PvP players and how much CP they earn compared to any form of PvE-farming!!

    Overall CP/AP Xp for player kills (for single players and small teams) HAS to be raised much, much more!

    Please look into your data! At least, do it this time!! Please! Please! Please!
    Please, do it this time! For the sake of PvP, raise player kill XP by more than 100%!
    I'm asking for equality, not for any kind of favour!

    Yep. I've been asking about this for months :(. I was expecting to at least see a large (200-300% extra gain, meaning triple to quadruple the player kill XP that you get now) buff to pvp-earned experience in the list when the Imperial City was announced, at least. This is a very big issue that is getting worse quickly as those of us who prefer pvp and trials to mob grinding fall further and further behind for playing the same amount of time by orders of magnitudes.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • MornaBaine
    Along with the Imperial City DLC game pack launch, everyone who owns The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will receive the base-game patch at no cost.

    Almost sounds like they considered the option to make people pay for the patch.

    No, that was never the case. We will continue to provide bug fixes and improvements to existing core game systems to all ESOTU game owners at no cost.

    That was just realllly poor wording Jessica. It was certainly nothing to brag about as if you were doing players a favor by NOT charging for it. Perhaps something like: "At the same time the game will be updated with a base-game patch. This is separate from the DLC and is part of our regularly scheduled updates and improvements."

    Please, let me help you. Let me proof for you! LOL
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Dagoth_Rac
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    One other question I came across after I had already posted this one.

    Will all crafting be able to be done for the new Vet Levels V15 & V16? The reason I ask is the new "token" system being put in place for the V16 PVP gear. I want to make sure that as a max crafter I will still be able to create my own gear at the highest level which soon will be V16.

    Thank you!

    Yes, you'll will be able to craft VR15 and VR16 items, but it will require the acquisition of new materials. These materials are not obtained through harvest nodes the way other crafting materials typically are. Instead, you must obtain them by deconstructing VR15 and VR16 drops and then using those materials to craft new items. Also, the new materials are tradeable, so you can buy and sell them with other players, and you can buy them with Tel Var Stones in the Imperial City.

    This is going to cause prices to skyrocket for V15 & V16 items. We can't simply go farm the node for the material on this. Anyone wanting V15 & V16 crafted gear better be prepared to pay though the nose. People will be selling the mats for top dollar for sure.

    I think we need to know if they will drop via the Undaunted pledges. If those are scaling to VR16, as stated, will the VR16 vendor trash loot dropped give the new material when deconstructed? Or will not just any VR16 gear work, only VR16 gear from Imperial City?
  • Iselin
    Tel Var Stone Legendary set currency....

    Uh oh.... This sounds like WoW ...

    No, it sounds like Darkness Falls in DAOC which pre-dated WOW by a long while.IT had its own unique drops (seals) which could be traded in to merchannts inside DF for the loot of your choice... and notice the word "choice" in there which is something most people are not talking about with the IC news: instead of getting set item drops that you have no use for, you get tokens (Tel Vals stones) that let you buy exactly what you want.

    I wish they'd apply the system to the whole game, including quest rewards.
  • Francescolg
    Yep. I've been asking about this for months :(. I was expecting to at least see a large (200-300% extra gain, meaning triple to quadruple the player kill XP that you get now) buff to pvp-earned experience in the list when the Imperial City was announced, at least. This is a very big issue that is getting worse quickly as those of us who prefer pvp and trials to mob grinding fall further and further behind for playing the same amount of time by orders of magnitudes.
    I fear it's already too late for this.

    That they did not already recognize the CP-gap/disparity is an evidence that they do not analyze player stats at all.. :-( I thought it's their PR-philosophy, not to inform us on player stats but I fear that they don't have any sort of these stats themselves. That's why they don't talk about it, not because some managment decided to hide the numbers.. :neutral:

    (( Concernig class-per-player numbers/stats: I just think that a huge number of players must have started playing sorcerer (even earlier than 1.6, see Mr. Wroebel interview and his reaction to the chat-sorc spam), so that they had to make a very unpopular desicion concerning Bolt Escape. :-) ))
    Edited by Francescolg on July 15, 2015 4:44PM
  • Mighty_oakk
    $20 pretty cheap for a dlc nowadays.

    Was hoping to see something about console text chat in there. Guess its not gonna happen
  • BigBoi314
    Gorthax wrote: »
    BigBoi314 wrote: »
    BigBoi314 wrote: »
    1) Testing on the PTS but not consoles?
    *Yes, I'm obviously a console player.

    2) What's so difficult about releasing stuff like this for all platform at the same time? It's not just them but when it comes to game DLC, the majority of companies make some people wait.
    *For THIS DLC, I understand PTS getting it before consoles since they've been waiting so long for DLC. The following DLC(s) should be held to release across all platforms at the same time.

    Easy answer to number 2 is that all DLC for consoles has to go through the approval process with Sony and Microsoft. That is out of ZOS's hands

    If that's the case, they shouldn't give separate release dates for future DLC(s), they should hold off any they finish before hand and release them all at the same time.

    so pc players should be forced to wait because console people have loops to go through? yea no, i dont think so

    With what I'm suggesting...PC players wouldn't know their version got held back until console versions were ready to release. I don't see how hard that is to understand.
  • Averya_Teira
    Sausage wrote: »
    "to win Tel Var Stones, the currency used to trade for mighty Veteran Rank 16 armor sets"

    So token system confirmed? So boring tbh. Hopefully it does not mean we need to log in daily. Does this mean they are moving from RNG entirely too.

    Don't like the idea other players can kill you and loot these Tel Var Stones from you. Looks like it's setting up to be one massive griefing festival that most people will be burnt out and frustraited with in about a month.

    Not thrilled about the currency thing but...

    That's actually a good thing, a sprinkle of ''full loot PvP'' in a carebear PvE game =P

    Remember they can loot yours, but you can loot theirs. And those stones will probably also drop in the PvE only sections of the city, so if you are scared, just stay in those zones.
    Edited by Averya_Teira on July 15, 2015 4:46PM
  • MCMancub
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    One other question I came across after I had already posted this one.

    Will all crafting be able to be done for the new Vet Levels V15 & V16? The reason I ask is the new "token" system being put in place for the V16 PVP gear. I want to make sure that as a max crafter I will still be able to create my own gear at the highest level which soon will be V16.

    Thank you!

    Yes, you'll will be able to craft VR15 and VR16 items, but it will require the acquisition of new materials. These materials are not obtained through harvest nodes the way other crafting materials typically are. Instead, you must obtain them by deconstructing VR15 and VR16 drops and then using those materials to craft new items. Also, the new materials are tradeable, so you can buy and sell them with other players, and you can buy them with Tel Var Stones in the Imperial City.

    This is going to cause prices to skyrocket for V15 & V16 items. We can't simply go farm the node for the material on this. Anyone wanting V15 & V16 crafted gear better be prepared to pay though the nose. People will be selling the mats for top dollar for sure.

    I don't see why. They will certainly be more than current material prices, but far, far lower than Nirnhoned trait materials, and isn't this how it should be?

    Currently, the V9-V14 materials are the cheapest you can buy because everyone farms the nodes all day for Nirnhoned materials. You can walk into Craglorn, zone chat "Anyone have a stack of Nightwood I can have?" and seconds later someone will have sent it to you for free (I do this quite frequently).

    End game crafted material should not be this way. I'm not saying it should be tedious and difficult to obtain, but it should have some kind of obstacle to obtain. I don't think regular drops are an issue at all. You won't be seeing them for 10g a piece, but you also won't be seeing them for 1000g a piece. I imagine they'll rest around 100-500g a pop. That should put an end game crafted piece of gear in the realm of about 5000g. Nothing wrong with that.
    Edited by MCMancub on July 15, 2015 4:46PM
  • BigBoi314
    $20 pretty cheap for a dlc nowadays.

    Was hoping to see something about console text chat in there. Guess its not gonna happen

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't every console come with a way to communicate via voice chat? I mean, the Xbox One comes with either the Kinect 2.0 or a headset, doesn't the PS4 have it the same way? I haven't looked into the PS4 since before the release.

    I'm just saying because with voice chat, text chat is pointless.
    Edited by BigBoi314 on July 15, 2015 4:47PM
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