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delayed release of information

  • captainwolfos
    I hope we get a release date soon -- I'm planning on booking time off work for this.

    I need it.
    Enemy of Boob Plates
    For the Covenant! For the High King!
    Solo Player | PVEer | Not caring about PVP since 1992
    Spill some blood for me, dear brother
  • Rasimir
    Well, what reasons are there to delay communication?

    Usually a company that delays an announced press release date has to tell something bad. I hope this isn't the case here...

    - Someone important who was planned for this announcement got ill (best wished... just in case)
    - some technical reasons out of Zenimax' control (video equipment failed or such)
    - hmm, find some more...

    (My personal opinion: the feature creep got them. They put more and more stuff into that single update and it is out of control)
  • LaerothKeykalyn
    Edited by LaerothKeykalyn on July 14, 2015 4:29AM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    It is typical of how ZOS is ran. Its like children got this massive amount of money. How on earth could a week make any difference? Also you are going to start talking about features? You better start talking about when it is coming out not talking about features. Im embarrassed to admit to my friends I still play this game.
  • Gidorick
    I don't think this is the case, but ZOS would really start to mend customer trust if the announcement was "IC is on PTS NOW! It will be on Live in 4 weeks."
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  • FancyTuna8
    I figured there might be some uncertainty on a legal matter, and they needed to confirm something before announcement.
  • delushin
    FancyTuna8 wrote: »
    I figured there might be some uncertainty on a legal matter, and they needed to confirm something before announcement.

    They aren't listed are they? Therefore regardless of what they announce cant really ever be disputed, we just have to take it and if we choose to agree or disagree, leave or stay it is what it will be.

    Unless of course there are additional risks that were never assessed with the console release and increased interface with the respective platform overseers.

    That is to say if a commercial risk assessment was even carried out, it does seem more erratic than systematic so probably not.

    Anyways I hope its good news while I smash through 12 months worth of content on the console.
    Raven Guard - PS4 [PvE/PvP] NA Server - Daggerfall Convenant
    #1 AUS/NZ Guild -
  • Faulgor
    Kai said in the German forums that some assets weren't finished in time for the announcment, in case you were still wondering.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • P3ZZL3
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Kai said in the German forums that some assets weren't finished in time for the announcment, in case you were still wondering.

    In fairness, "some assets" haven't probably even been started on ;)

    Doesn't mean they can't talk about where they are at. As everyone keeps telling them, don't promise us something you clearly won't deliver on, but help us help you by at least talking to us, man up, and tell us where stuff is at.
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
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  • delushin
    Communication is key and it doesn't matter if its bad news, as long as the stakeholders are being (or made to feel) included in the progress and development towards announcements.

    If ZOS had of taken lessons learned from say CD Projeck on how to interact with fans then we would be sitting here hypothetically already had an explanation of the issues with IC or the announcement and the forums would be filled with support and threads like.

    Good work ZOS release it when its ready
    Love the way ZOS interacts with the community
    Great company, doesn't hold back bad news

    Instead you have a business that regardless of how many years its been around doesn't have that culture in house, and you cant buy that off a shelf.

    So we have a forum full of depressing comments and upset fans, who would instantly jump back on thw wagon if you just open up clear lines of communication.

    BAD NEWS / GOOD NEWS - It doesn't matter just get better at talking.
    Edited by delushin on July 14, 2015 7:50AM
    Raven Guard - PS4 [PvE/PvP] NA Server - Daggerfall Convenant
    #1 AUS/NZ Guild -
  • Faulgor
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Kai said in the German forums that some assets weren't finished in time for the announcment, in case you were still wondering.

    In fairness, "some assets" haven't probably even been started on ;)

    Doesn't mean they can't talk about where they are at. As everyone keeps telling them, don't promise us something you clearly won't deliver on, but help us help you by at least talking to us, man up, and tell us where stuff is at.

    Assets in this case mean stuff used for the presentation, such as videos, maps, web applications, etc. Not the update itself.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • firudesu
    Soul Shriven
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Kai said in the German forums that some assets weren't finished in time for the announcement, in case you were still wondering.

    If that's the actual reason, then its the worst reason ever. I don't see how assets could delay a written word announcement or some still images.

    We want information, we don't need a 5 min trailer with bells and whistles every time they wish to let us know about something.

    This is what should have happened. Monday they write a nice long post about what's coming and then gone we will have a trailer later in the week or expect some more news later in the week when the assets where finished.

    I think Zenimax need to stop acting all worried about sharing stuff with the community, you do realise we don't care if stuffs not done or its not perfect.

    we realise we are playing a game under development with future content so share it with us.

    You did an amazing job at last years Quakecon and walked away there on a high because you just shared stuff with us and then you went silent.

    What the community does however want is transparency and information. So what if a assets not finished DO we as a whole care no we don't.

    what we care about is hearing about the stuff we want to see you guys excited about sharing stuff.

    and at the moment your acting to corporate and not enough like like a game dev talking to the community.

    I don't understand why your so secret and closed about information, we don't care about hearing soon and this zone isn't coming for another year.

    but how about you stop being closed super secret corporate company and more like a dev whos saying to the community come for a ride heres a bit of this and heres a bit of that.

    The days of being scared to show off things to early is gone, with the rise of early access and more and more high profile indie devs releasing stuff and working with the community.

    I understand its not always perfect but I think you need to start striking a balance. You want to get people excited about stuff coming and you don't do near enough of this.

    I get that there is a process and checks and rechecks and you'll being told not to release stuff to early and show things if it looks rubbish and you want to wait till all the things are in place before showing it.

    and I would say your dead right around 5 years ago. The audience now is use to seeing not finished games, thousands and thousands of people buy games in alpha.

    we don't care as much about how a game currently looks, what we do care about is information and exciting stuff coming and you guys shouldn't be business like about sharing it.

    cut loose a little, open up the freedom of communication relax and chill a little, don't be worried to explain WHY something has been delayed.

    The worse thing you can do as a company is just say a delay and not saying why. If you was on the stock market you know full well you couldn't just say delay without giving a reason.

    I assume your privately owned and still have a board and inverters, would they be happy with you just going " yeah we delayed that sorry wait till later in the week sometime....maybe" It wouldn't work would it!

    See us as shareholders, it wouldn't wash in a business sense and it shouldn't wash here.

    Sorry for the lengthy post but as a fan of this game its just frustrating.
  • Carde
    Sharakor wrote: »
    I'd rather have a game that takes its time before releasing an update than having them update the game with a broken update, so everyone stfu

    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • P3ZZL3
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Assets in this case mean stuff used for the presentation, such as videos, maps, web applications, etc. Not the update itself.

    If this is the case and the real reason, then it just sums up the complete ineptness of the Marketing team once again.
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • SantieClaws
    If the marketing bells and whistles are not done then stuff them - release them later.

    All we want now is words, actual information.

    It's not Monday any more.

    A little progress update would be appreciated.
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  • JacksonCarter13
    this is my new thing @zos where you at?? lets get some info everyone has already told you how they feel! wheres the love? really I mean everyone has said it over and over SPEAK UP PLEASE!
  • SantieClaws
    I guess they will all be asleep still in the US - but I'm hoping this afternoon (UK time) that we get some info - or at least info on why we don't have any info.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • FireCowCommando
    My Tl;dr opinion?

    Even though i already gave up on playing the live version of ESO, i followed the news enough to know about this announcement, now they are not going to give me enough pre warning on when its happening for me to even watch the event live.

    Im not going to follow closely every day listening when the company itself has no clue
    Edited by FireCowCommando on July 14, 2015 11:25AM
  • Nifty2g
    hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry up @ZOS
  • Hoodster92_ESO
    For everyone who is currently saying "Let ZOS take its time so it releases good content" Let me give you a little history lesson.

    - Game Drops and people rush to max level, the only people who are able to clear through the VR content are the people who are in groups because the content was so imbalanced. Then the leveling system became such a terrible grind through questing people resorted to the VR Darkshade Caverns grind where they killed the bosses adds over and over again to get VR 10. After a week the way that ZOS "fixes" this problem was giving no XP or rewards for killing this boss, you didn't even get it marked as an achievement. This "fix" persisted a solid 5 months until it was eventually fixed.

    - Adventure Zone release (I believe it was around 2 months after initial release maybe 3??). We trust that they would be good however we found that due to class imbalances that only Magic DPS (Specifically DK's and Sorcs) were the only classes you could bring for damage. Some found some tricks with NB healers and such but ultimately, trials blew when they came out. Took them months to fix it and eventually make them easy mode for another solid 5 months (within that time releasing a bug to where all trial gear was tradeable). Not to mention with Craglorns release there were bugs that prevented quest lines, had grind spots that weren't intended, no good rewards for doing quests, no good XP from doing quests.

    - PvP sense launch instead of actually getting new content ended up getting bugs, high lags, and broken spells, over time they were promised better and eventually Zenimax released a statement saying "We don't know how to fix it". After months of them saying they had a "solution" or a "fix to the lag". Granted its 5xBetter then what it used to be now, but when selling a product that points out in particular its "100 vs 100 battles" this is a cheap lie they threw out without any testing.

    - The Loading Screen boss, still a problem to this day......

    - VCoH up until recently had a bug where fire balls would spawn everywhere and kill people who couldn't move while stuck in the air. VCoA still to this day has atronachs that if you are close too will attack you and be unkillable, DSA to this day, has bugs that cause mobs to be stuck in the walls, preventing you from moving to new rounds and having to reset the entire run.

    So what is the meaning of this history lesson? Simple, Zenimax has proven even with time that they can't fix nor release good content. And now that we have given them time they have switched to not only not releasing good tested content, to not releasing any content at all......

    Like people said before a Road Ahead hasn't been posted sense Feb..... and the most we got recently was a Video of "Look at all the shinnies we have we are working on" but lets face it, that was mainly for the console players who don't know any better and who Zenimax wants money from.....

    So people like Sharakor and other Fanbois out there who haven't had the well versed History of this company like the rest of us Vets..... shut up and let the elders speak their frustrations.....
  • Sallington
    delushin wrote: »


    BAD NEWS / GOOD NEWS - It doesn't matter just get better at talking.

    This is what's important. Players appreciate openness and honesty above all else. If you can't meet a deadline, tell us why. I bet that the real reason wouldn't be as bad as some of the tinfoil hat theories people come up with. They'd be able to put an end to a lot of the guesswork going on in the community. The less that is known, the more divided and hostile the community gets.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
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  • Enodoc
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Carde
    Edited by Carde on July 15, 2015 3:07PM
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Enodoc
    Carde wrote: »
    @Carde Yeah I did, right above your post ;)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Carde
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Carde wrote: »
    @Carde Yeah I did, right above your post ;)

    @Enodoc weird, your post literally did not show up for me, lol. Whatever, I embedded the video, ONEUPSMANSHIP.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • EQBallzz
    Sharakor wrote: »
    I'd rather have a game that takes its time before releasing an update than having them update the game with a broken update, so everyone stfu

    Except that's not what you will get. You will get a game that takes its sweet time releasing updates and then is also still broken with bugs. Enjoy.

    Also, in light of the new info about IC...
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    NobleNerd wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Predicting it right now ... they are trying to come up with a way to look us in the eyes & tell us the Imp City DLC will cost 5000 crowns.

    Naw. They already looked us in the eyes and sold us a 3000 crown mount. We will probably be lucky if the DLC that has actual content is only 5000. If one ugly (lore breaking?) mount costs 3000 you would have to assume an entire DLC will be 10k crowns or more.

    If they try to charge us for Imperial City, content that was promised to us shortly after launch (when we were all paying for the game monthly) then it would cause a HUGE exodus of players (myself included).

    If there was a charge for the Imperial City it would probably already be in the crown store.

    You guys have an amazing capacity for optimism considering the circumstances. The reality is that I don't think they hurriedly foisted a B2P system on us so they could release content for free. I would be very surprised if IC was released without charge. It doesn't matter if we were paying a sub back then for that content because they have shown they don't care about that. There were many things we were ostensibly "paying" for during the sub period that we clearly didn't get so IC is just another on the list. The fact that it's not on the crown store already (IMO) is only an indication that they don't want to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth just yet.

    Yes, I quoted myself just to say, "I told you so!" Sorry about that. >:)
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