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No to VR16

  • Elijah_Crow
    Maybe the new benefits is that veteran Rank will apply to all characters on your account after the character reaches 50. Curious as to what those could be.
  • EQBallzz
    All I have to say to this is...."Hahahaha. Told you so." I just have to laugh at all the people who have posted over the last few months that were so sure VR would be removed even though we had zero details or explanation of how that much progression could be removed from the game without catastrophic results. I didn't think they would remove them (without replacing them with regular levels) but even I didn't consider they would add even more so soon. I think that should give everyone a pretty clear idea of just how difficult it will be for them to remove them completely. They can't even stop adding them without halting progression. Don't's still their "long term goal". Keep holding your breath guys.

    In all seriousness this isn't a bad thing. XP boosts to make leveling less painful but adding more progression to the game is a good thing. Without progression you have a homogeneous and boring game like GW2.
  • Arato
    lathbury wrote: »
    wraith808 wrote: »
    wraith808 wrote: »
    Brandalf wrote: »
    wraith808 wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    nastuug wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    nastuug wrote: »
    Thalmont wrote: »
    arena25 wrote: »
    Ok, what happened? What's with this whole "Veteran Rank 16" craze about? Did QuakeCon already occur or did I just fall asleep?

    With how this thread is proceeding you'd have thought you awoke in hell.
    Seriously though I'm new to ESO being on Console and all, but I'm VR1 and don't see much issue. I wasn't there for the great 12 month content drought many talk about but you weathered through that so honestly how is 2 VR all that bad?

    It's more the point that the last thing we heard from ZOS a few months back was that they were planning on literally phasing out the VR. Now we hear they are increasing the VR cap. Just another lie. Another betrayal...

    Well, in ESO live they did say it's a LONG term goal.. so they still want to..

    @MissBizz So continue to build upon a flawed, extremely unpopular concept only to remove it years down the road? Which is a direct waste of development dollars. Sorry, I don't buy that.

    Well, @nastuug I'm not going to argue you. I definitely didn't say I thought it was smart lol. It does seem super weird to add more when it's said they want to get rid of them.

    They realize they need to add content. I think everyone does. But new content without advancement is also self-defeating. And taking the VRs out is a big deal. So... this.

    Advancement can exist without additional levels in the form of new and useful items, consumables, sets, etc.that only drop in the new content areas. That's enough to give people that feeling of meaningful advancement. That's the way to do it without making your playerbase feel like you've just handed them a steaming pile of sh*t and told them it was delicious candy.

    So these new items consumables and sets would all be VR14? Of the same power level that we already are? And you'd be OK with that? Seems more than a bit unlikely to me.

    new unique set bonuses you can't get anywhere else?

    That function on the same stats? And how is that different than having to upgrade armor and such for a new level? That new gear will have to be upgraded also. And if it's so much better than the old armor, then it's not really balanced, right?

    All I really care about is getting new content- if this is a gateway to doing so, then I'm willing to go along. And I *still* say that VRs are scapegoats for everything that people see wrong with the endgame, when taking them away will cause more problems than they solve. There are other ways to fix the perceived downfalls.

    But it's much easier to think that after VRs are removed there will be rainbows and blue skies than to really look at those downfalls.

    Because it makes it completely optional for you if you want to replace your old gear for the new set. That's the difference here. When they introduce new ranks like this, everyone's forced to trash their old set.

    again false logic if you would not be forced to trash that gear why would you be forced to trash this gear?

    You kind of are, because in 1.6 they made it so that values on equipment that are lower level than you give less.

    If you're VR14 and you're wearing a piece of gear that's VR14 that gives 1000 health, if you go up to VR16 and are still wearing that same piece of gear, it'll give 900 health instead of 1000, simply because your gear is lower level than you., and the VR16 equivalent would give 1200 health or something. So not only is your gear not improving with you as you level, it gets worse, encouraging you to scrap your old gear and get new gear that matches your level.
  • Nightingale1176
    we don't want to talk about v16 rank. we don't want v16 rank. we don't even have v14 content except S.O.

    Sure add v16 next year when you have the zones/content to support it and the grid (yes grind, screw questing 850k or 1.9m and all new gear..). Imperial city doesn't count.
    Founder - Nightingale Supply Co. YouTube - Nightingale Gaming

    Alexxia Aurelia - Stamplar
    Arena Gabrielle - Templar Healer
    Auri-ela - Magic Templar
    Crazy Uncle Sheo - DK Tank/Fire Mage - Retired
    Karliah Riggs - Crafter
    Nocturnal - NB Magic DPS
    Rolex Light-Dweller - Sorc
    Talks-N-Third-Person - NB Stamina DPS - Retired
    Tank Force One - DK Tank
    Valeriya Skoria - v16 DK Fire mage
  • GreySix
    More grinding!

    More cowbell!
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • OzJohnD
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • GreySix
    Heck, why not?

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • AngryNord
    Aunatar wrote: »
    I was SO GLAD I finally got the gear for my pve dps setup for over 750k gold, damn I was so happy!
    It was 24 hours before the v16 news.
    I just unsubbed.

    So, can I have your stuff?
  • GreySix
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Aunatar wrote: »
    I was SO GLAD I finally got the gear for my pve dps setup for over 750k gold, damn I was so happy!
    It was 24 hours before the v16 news.
    I just unsubbed.

    So, can I have your stuff?

    Unsubscribed does not equate to an arrest in play, so doubt you'll be getting anything.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • apostate9
    We do not want this...people want it gone - not increased. What are your thoughts on this?

    Speak for yourself. I, for one, am glad that they are expanding the veteran ranks.

    Removing veteran ranks was never a possibility. Absolutely everything in the entire game depends on it.

    For those who don't want it, sorry. Earn the veteran ranks just like everyone else has.

    QFT. Now tell Brian Wheeler, he wants to "battle level" VR1s in pvp so they don't feel like they are less powerful than the VR14s who put hours more into their characters. Go figure. Everyone gets a trophy.
  • delushin
    +1 - To increasing level cap and releasing new gear to work towards.

    +1 - To new content to explore and +1 to have green gear drop in that new content that is better then purple and gold! AKA as progression to even more better purple and gold gear.

    +1 - To having crazy raid and trial gear stuck behind bosses that need skill and coordinated groups to kill them.

    +1 - To fixing servers to allow 24 man raids, having said that though they will be very interesting with the current combat system hahaha anyways bring them on!
    Raven Guard - PS4 [PvE/PvP] NA Server - Daggerfall Convenant
    #1 AUS/NZ Guild -
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    My main attraction to this game (apart from being Elder Scrolls) has exactly been the expectation that there wouldn't be a gear grind. If you need to get new gear ever season or so then I WILL leave and stop paying eso+.
  • adriant1978
    Very very disappointed. Veteran Ranks need to disappear, not be increased.
  • Arato
    delushin wrote: »
    +1 - To increasing level cap and releasing new gear to work towards.

    +1 - To new content to explore and +1 to have green gear drop in that new content that is better then purple and gold! AKA as progression to even more better purple and gold gear.

    +1 - To having crazy raid and trial gear stuck behind bosses that need skill and coordinated groups to kill them.

    +1 - To fixing servers to allow 24 man raids, having said that though they will be very interesting with the current combat system hahaha anyways bring them on!

    There is no new content to explore, they're just raising the cap.
  • Rinmaethodain
    Molsondry wrote: »
    Its already hard to find a vr 14 group these days and they wann add more disparities between player.

    I taught the plan to remvoe vet rank was to allow mor eplayers to play together in pve and remove the lvl disparity. And now they add 2 more 1 million level GG zenimax Cp system , more VR , sold for cash xp potion and no new content . GG

    So you think that when they remove vet ranks everyone will magically start playing with everyone and we will all be a big happy family? Sorry that's really naive.

    If they would remove they will probably add just more "normal" levels, because it seems that what ticks everyone off is the "veteran part" they cant get and dont want anyone else to have it.

    So if its now LFM VR14 it will become something like LFM 62+
    Or players will find another way to distinguish grinders who just got to lvl50 asap but didnt learn anything during that from players who actually played game to high lvl and gained some 'experience' along the way.

  • noobfury
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.
    noobfury earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years. PC NA
  • Rinmaethodain
    noobfury wrote: »
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.

    They are crying over that extra 20-40 of hp/mag/stam they get per items lvl if its crafted set, or 10-20 of enhancement stat on armor. Now compare that even on full set compare that number with your current value of. Its fraction of it, insignificant.

    Somehow you got your shiny end game gear, either by money or dungeoing. They add VR16 gear? Then put your VR14 gear into use and get yourself VR16 when it comes to game?
  • AngryNord
    noobfury wrote: »
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.

    They are crying over that extra 20-40 of hp/mag/stam they get per items lvl if its crafted set, or 10-20 of enhancement stat on armor. Now compare that even on full set compare that number with your current value of. Its fraction of it, insignificant.

    Somehow you got your shiny end game gear, either by money or dungeoing. They add VR16 gear? Then put your VR14 gear into use and get yourself VR16 when it comes to game?

    Nooooo, are you crazy?? Then they'd actually have to PLAY the game!! Can't have antyhing of that!
  • Rinmaethodain
    AngryNord wrote: »
    noobfury wrote: »
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.

    They are crying over that extra 20-40 of hp/mag/stam they get per items lvl if its crafted set, or 10-20 of enhancement stat on armor. Now compare that even on full set compare that number with your current value of. Its fraction of it, insignificant.

    Somehow you got your shiny end game gear, either by money or dungeoing. They add VR16 gear? Then put your VR14 gear into use and get yourself VR16 when it comes to game?

    Nooooo, are you crazy?? Then they'd actually have to PLAY the game!! Can't have antyhing of that!

    Its funny because when i was looking for VR14 ring of footman many players told me that its as good as VR13, and VR14 version is worth it only if you do PVP because there every stat means.

    Could be that all those "No more vet ranks" whiners are once again PVP junkies and whiners trying to ruin game for majority of players doing PvE, just like with removing all stam regen while blocking
  • Adryssa_Joneley
    I don't mind Veteran Ranks, but if we werent forced into repeating other factions and let it be completed by choice, then it wouldnt be so bad, but they do need a zone to allow you to get XP from vet 1-10 at least, so it feels fresh. Its not alt friendly otherwise.

    This is the first I've heard of the mention of Vet rank increase. Can i please have the link to where this was mentioned? Is it all official? Or speculation?
  • NateAssassin
    AngryNord wrote: »
    noobfury wrote: »
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.

    They are crying over that extra 20-40 of hp/mag/stam they get per items lvl if its crafted set, or 10-20 of enhancement stat on armor. Now compare that even on full set compare that number with your current value of. Its fraction of it, insignificant.

    Somehow you got your shiny end game gear, either by money or dungeoing. They add VR16 gear? Then put your VR14 gear into use and get yourself VR16 when it comes to game?

    Nooooo, are you crazy?? Then they'd actually have to PLAY the game!! Can't have antyhing of that!
    Why even work for "end game" if you never use that fancy pants armor you worked so hard for? The whole "end game" term alludes me, end game for me is when I get bored and stop playing, not when I reach max level.

    I mean for Christ's sake, I am VR7 and I still use my old VR1 and VR2 gear because it's still almost as good as the new VR7 things I can craft, why waste the mats if my current armor already does the job well? My level 50 bow is still better than a VR7 bow, and I still use it and have no issue killing anything. The "end game" people speak of seems more like an excuse to complain about getting bored of a game. That's just the cycle of playing a game, you play it, eventually you will get bored and find a new game. Some people get bored faster, some get bored slower, either way you will get bored.

    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • Rinmaethodain
    I don't mind Veteran Ranks, but if we werent forced into repeating other factions and let it be completed by choice, then it wouldnt be so bad, but they do need a zone to allow you to get XP from vet 1-10 at least, so it feels fresh. Its not alt friendly otherwise.

    This is the first I've heard of the mention of Vet rank increase. Can i please have the link to where this was mentioned? Is it all official? Or speculation?

    It was during yesterdays ESO live on twitch

    All this swarm of "no to VR" whine topics didnt appear just like that out of nowhere.
  • SantieClaws
    I'm not obsessed with getting to rank something or level something. I don't really care too much about gear either as long as I can potter along and not die every other minute.

    I do want new content. That doesn't mean one new dungeon. It doesn't mean more mounts. I want quests, I want landmasses. I want substance.

    To introduce more VR ranks when you can't reach the existing cap without significant repetitive grinding is crazy.

    Making a change to the xp earnt in VR ranks won't help those of us who have done pretty much every quest out there already.

    I can't think of any other MMO out there that could have survived so long without new zones. If this game wasn't standing on the shoulders of the Elder Scrolls IP it would probably have sunk horribly about six months ago.

    I love this game, I love the world, I love the art but the management and planning and generally getting the goods on the table side of things is ghastly.

    You need to keep your eye on the game first and tell your finance team to back the heck off.

    You can't milk a cash cow forever without feeding it reasonably too.
    Edited by SantieClaws on July 3, 2015 7:16AM
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • GamerzElite
    AngryNord wrote: »
    noobfury wrote: »
    Every mmorpg I ever played over the last ten years always increased the levels as well as the content and the gear.

    I hope they have even higher VR levels in the future , I'm glad their doing it .

    Cry more over gear lol. It's entertaining.

    They are crying over that extra 20-40 of hp/mag/stam they get per items lvl if its crafted set, or 10-20 of enhancement stat on armor. Now compare that even on full set compare that number with your current value of. Its fraction of it, insignificant.

    Somehow you got your shiny end game gear, either by money or dungeoing. They add VR16 gear? Then put your VR14 gear into use and get yourself VR16 when it comes to game?

    Nooooo, are you crazy?? Then they'd actually have to PLAY the game!! Can't have antyhing of that!
    Why even work for "end game" if you never use that fancy pants armor you worked so hard for? The whole "end game" term alludes me, end game for me is when I get bored and stop playing, not when I reach max level.

    I mean for Christ's sake, I am VR7 and I still use my old VR1 and VR2 gear because it's still almost as good as the new VR7 things I can craft, why waste the mats if my current armor already does the job well? My level 50 bow is still better than a VR7 bow, and I still use it and have no issue killing anything. The "end game" people speak of seems more like an excuse to complain about getting bored of a game. That's just the cycle of playing a game, you play it, eventually you will get bored and find a new game. Some people get bored faster, some get bored slower, either way you will get bored.

    When u reached at VR14 and when u go to Trail then you realise what low level armor and gear means to you. You cant beat bosses of HRC/SO with your level 50 bow and with 1k DPS.
    Edited by GamerzElite on July 3, 2015 7:18AM
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • NateAssassin
    When u reached at VR14 and attained Trail then you realise what low level armor and gear means to you. You cant beat bosses of HRC/SO with your level 50 bow and with 1k DPS.
    I know that but I don't do trials or pledges, I was preparing gold mats and materials for max level armor and after VR9 I was going to create and get new gear, it's just that PvE content in Cadwell's Silver and Gold is easy enough I don't need to worry about getting top end gear, but then again I am not a min/max player, I just play for fun and if it upsets some elitist, I don't care.

    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • Sharee
    The grind issues: I already grind because of champion points. The new VR's will basically come free with it.

    The gear issues: New sets are coming, abilities are being rebalanced, the game meta will be shaked upside down. Old gear inevitably becomes obsolete over time, additional VR's or not.
  • GamerzElite
    When u reached at VR14 and attained Trail then you realise what low level armor and gear means to you. You cant beat bosses of HRC/SO with your level 50 bow and with 1k DPS.
    I know that but I don't do trials or pledges, I was preparing gold mats and materials for max level armor and after VR9 I was going to create and get new gear, it's just that PvE content in Cadwell's Silver and Gold is easy enough I don't need to worry about getting top end gear, but then again I am not a min/max player, I just play for fun and if it upsets some elitist, I don't care.

    The fun ends when you repeat same content again and again over 1 year.
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • NateAssassin
    When u reached at VR14 and attained Trail then you realise what low level armor and gear means to you. You cant beat bosses of HRC/SO with your level 50 bow and with 1k DPS.
    I know that but I don't do trials or pledges, I was preparing gold mats and materials for max level armor and after VR9 I was going to create and get new gear, it's just that PvE content in Cadwell's Silver and Gold is easy enough I don't need to worry about getting top end gear, but then again I am not a min/max player, I just play for fun and if it upsets some elitist, I don't care.

    The fun ends when you repeat same content again and again over 1 year.
    Then go find a new game? I mean nobody forces you to play ESO and make 8 characters and level them all to VR14 and get them all the best Trial gear.

    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • GamerzElite
    When u reached at VR14 and attained Trail then you realise what low level armor and gear means to you. You cant beat bosses of HRC/SO with your level 50 bow and with 1k DPS.
    I know that but I don't do trials or pledges, I was preparing gold mats and materials for max level armor and after VR9 I was going to create and get new gear, it's just that PvE content in Cadwell's Silver and Gold is easy enough I don't need to worry about getting top end gear, but then again I am not a min/max player, I just play for fun and if it upsets some elitist, I don't care.

    The fun ends when you repeat same content again and again over 1 year.
    Then go find a new game? I mean nobody forces you to play ESO and make 8 characters and level them all to VR14 and get them all the best Trial gear.

    I am here since beta, nobody can tell me quit or go. I bought this game, supported game, spend hundreds of days So I have right to express my opinion what is right or wrong for me.
    Edited by GamerzElite on July 3, 2015 7:29AM
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
    Warden: GEonWAR (DC) Lvl in progress
    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • Heromofo
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Here's the logic of it:
    • Players express their disinterest and I'd say "disgust" with veteran ranks
    • ZOS increases the max VR from v10-12
    • Players continue to express their disinterest and I'd say "disgust" with veteran ranks
    • ZOS states they plan on removing them
    • Players cheer
    • Players continue to express their disinterest and I'd say "disgust" with veteran ranks
    • ZOS states they plan on removing them
    • ZOS increases the max VR from v12-14
    • Players continue to express their disinterest and I'd say "disgust" with veteran ranks
    • ZOS states they plan on removing them
    • ZOS increases the max vr from V14-16
    • Players continue to express their disinterest and I'd say "disgust" with veteran ranks

    When does it end? If the players don't like it then why keep increasing it? At least start testing out Champion Ranks with itemization if that is the problem but there's absolutely no reason to keep the players at odds with foolish decisions. Yes, increasing vet ranks again after players have expressed their dislike for them is foolish.

    Yep big time

    Champion points take over for vr levels
    every one sits at 50 and all focus is on champion points
    Meaning more groups for dungeons and trials
    and for newer ones you can get right into endgame and do sliver and gold on the side
    New content is not all about experience but the story

    I guess we will never see it :(

    But worse are the lies before long vr17 and 18


    Cmon fallout 4 i need ya lol
    Edited by Heromofo on July 3, 2015 7:41AM
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