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The Prisoner of Jathsogur Glitch

  • TrueEyes
    Okay to clear up a few points lets go with helping the devs help the programmers to help us.

    This whole deal with where your standing inside the building is hogwash from the get go. This bug never had anything to do with where your standing. This bug arose from one thing and one thing only, which consequently is one of the best things about the game.

    The ability to simultaneously complete quests with others ie...If two people are trying to kill the same boss monster for the same quest and one of them kills it right as you walk in the room you still get quest completion status.

    Now I hate making guesses but if I had to I would say what happened with this quest is one person came in and bugged out the quest by doing a particular part out of order or quitting during the middle of it, then once they came back on everyone else got trapped into the same bug in a mass pileup that could only be fixed in one way, everyone fails the quest and goes back in at the same time. Problem being youll never empty that room of everyone.

    To you Devs..Gina, Jessica, Brian.......You now have two instances....One goes as such

    You log on and have defeat the silvanars captor, at which point you walk inside and Dragonias never spawns no matter where anyone stands. In this instance the silvenar is never visible at all downstairs.

    Second instance is the same as everyone has reported. You can teleport to another city and get defeat the silvenar captor status to trigger. Or simply go outside to the tree and trigger Talk to the silvenar. Either way the second you approach the door again you will immediatley go back to Defend the silvenar. In this particular instance Dragonias does spawn but fails to trigger the spirit from the purple stone which goes downstairs. In this instance at all times the silvenar is visibly standing up downstairs.

    Until the code can be rewritten for this I think ESO should have a game master in there coordinating, I know thats not a preferred solution but it is a solution.

    Gina I hope this helps and is there a reason your known console issues page hasnt been updated in the quests section with this, seems like practically the biggest problem on the game other than login issues.

    If anymore info is required please ask at any time.
  • FnG_BuffaloBill
    ^^^^^ That guy in to save the day. Very well put thank you TrueEyes for taking the time to say what all of us have been trying to convey but in a well thought more polite and intelligent manner. YOU DA REAL MVP!!!
  • TrueEyes
    Trust me Bill I wanted to say that alot sooner but ive been waiting on a forum invitation code from customer support lol. Ive had time to plan that post out!
  • Pelagius
    I'm going to tag a few ZOS staff to make sure they are aware of this, it certainly cripples the AD quest line and needs to be acknowledged as a problem so it can be fixed ASAP.

    I was under the impression it was being solved during the recent server maintenance. and just made into a solo quest. Unfortunately, now the boss doesn't even seem to spawn... The only thing that seemed to have changed is that now I can't even do area chat to co-ordinate with the fellow questers and attempt the quest.

    I was in the room for more than an hour yesterday and literally nothing happened. Just a bunch of people participating in the largest ESO circle jerk I've ever seen. There were at least 6 lap dances going on, with people doing the chair emote and others doing the dance emote in front of them whilst naked, 5 people doing the dead emote with people doing 'weak push-up/hump' emote on top of them whilst naked, and even one character who looked quite similar to Jesus with people all around him doing the worship emote...whilst naked of course.

    Granted, this is entertaining for a while, but it quickly wears off as one realizes that this puts a halt to the game play and wastes time. And one becomes especially weary when one logs in several days later to no change (except for the fact that there are 3X as many lap dances occurring now).

    So, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , @ZOS_GinaBruno , and @ZOS_KaiSchober , please feel free to ask any questions needed to help identify the issue and reach a timely solution. The community is ready and willing to provide whatever answers we can to help out, we just need some direction so we can provide you with the information you require. If the information you need happens to be a video clip of the lap dance *** that plague the quest, I've got several...

    TL;DR Unless the quest is actually to witness 50 Argonian lap dances while a Jesus avatar is worshiped in the background... The Prisoner of Jathsogur quest is quite broken.
    Edited by Pelagius on June 25, 2015 1:07AM
    xbox| HaWkMAN2121
    pc| smit2634
    server| NA
  • TrueEyes
    ....I bore witness to those atrocities as well pelagius....bet ebonheart is just laughing their poopshoots off
  • mbaker540
    I want to let you know Pelagius that if you are referring to to the guy who was pretending to be Jesus on Xbox I too was there for that.

    To be very honest I can't understand why the game masters can't just do what blizzard does when you have a problem with a quest they have no short fix for. At least blizzard will just mark the quiet complete for your account while Zenimax seems to be hiding.

    I would like to see a Game master just go ahead and tell us what they are at least working on right now and provide with some sort of ETA. Every answer Zenimax has provided so far has been shrouded in mystery and I'm almost contemplating on calling Microsoft to ask for a full refund because as it stands I am not getting the expierence I paid for.

    I feel like this is becoming a common practice in the gaming industry where developers bring out games that are incomplete. I'm in sales and I understand the whole take a leap and hope for the best, but when you sell quality you must produce the quality goods. I've been hoping that people take a lesson from the playbook of games like Sim City, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, The Master Chief Collection, and the release of Elder Scrolls Online on the of.

    The truth of situation seems to prove to me that at the end of the revenue is more important that the promise of a quality product being delivered. If you were to this at the company I work for they would walk you right out the door.
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • FireflyNeph
    Does anyone know if at least someone has finished this quest in the past week or so? I'm just curious if anyone had been able to finish it, and if so, if they just happened to get extremely lucky with their timing.
    PS4 NA
  • chrystalwhite
    As it happened. because of this massive update we had on ps4, i was able to complete the quest this morning because there was no-one there. I dont know if it had anything to do with the update. but im glad i made it after a week. Hope they fixed it for you lots.

    let us hope this doenst happen in a quest further in our Aldmeri Dominion story line.
    Aldmeri Dominion, European server.

    Aedric spear Templar V1
    Playstation 4
  • sadownik
    As it happened. because of this massive update we had on ps4, i was able to complete the quest this morning because there was no-one there. I dont know if it had anything to do with the update. but im glad i made it after a week. Hope they fixed it for you lots.

    let us hope this doenst happen in a quest further in our Aldmeri Dominion story line.

    Oh it will. There are couple of quests in all faction main lines that had this problem on pc.
  • Surak73
    As it happened. because of this massive update we had on ps4, i was able to complete the quest

    Me too. Actually, I didn't have to fire a single shot: as soon as I entered the hall, some players finished killing the last bad guys and the program said "Defend the Silvenar - Quest completed, now talk to the Silvenar"... :)
  • westpoint94
    I am running into this same problem. I sent in a ticket on it last night, as well.
  • MarsVoltron
    Soul Shriven
    I've sent tickets of this on PC and not surprised it's still going on with consoles. I feel even if they made this mission a solo instance it would help. Not sure if we'll ever get a fix for this
  • nebuloss124
    ive yet to see it spawn since the patch. of course i couldnt get online for 9 hours to try and sneak in to get it done because of the huge patch

    not getting any feedback at all is the worst part ZOS won't even give us an update. I doubt they are doinganything to fix it. might as well quit playing or move on and miss out on a great quest and start the next zone low lvl and gimped as ***.
    Edited by nebuloss124 on June 25, 2015 11:39AM
  • westpoint94
    Sixteen people in here waiting to complete the quest at 0815 EST on a Thursday. This is broken. For PC players, can you just pick up next stage of the main quest line in Reaper's March without doing this part?
  • chrystalwhite
    I've sent tickets of this on PC and not surprised it's still going on with consoles. I feel even if they made this mission a solo instance it would help. Not sure if we'll ever get a fix for this

    Probably somewhere in the future, im just glad i got past this quest finally :P maybe in the future when i make a second AD char the problem is solved haha
    Aldmeri Dominion, European server.

    Aedric spear Templar V1
    Playstation 4
  • TrueEyes
    I swore I wouldn't but I started on reapers March last night, I'm just taking great care to avoid quests that have anything to do with the silvenar
  • TrueEyes
    Added bonus of bugged dialogue everytime i travel through a wayshrine now. Get to hear the Silvenar tell me to come up the hill and save him.
  • enaKmoT
    Soul Shriven
    TrueEyes wrote: »
    Added bonus of bugged dialogue everytime i travel through a wayshrine now. Get to hear the Silvenar tell me to come up the hill and save him.

    I have the same problem. I have been trying this quest for days. Trolls are a big problem. people come here just to mess up the quest and ruin it for everyone. Please give us some information on the status of this quest as i have done almost everything else i can do and I am now just sitting around. I really like your game and you have done a great job but this one quest is ruining my experience...
  • Pelagius
    TrueEyes wrote: »
    Added bonus of bugged dialogue everytime i travel through a wayshrine now. Get to hear the Silvenar tell me to come up the hill and save him.

    The more I attempt this quest the more I think there is a dev somewhere who is watching my character and laughing as he trolls his little trolly balls off.

    Seriously, it feels like this quest was designed to peak your frustration and then rub it in... I know it's not true, but that's how abysmal this quest is. It is negligence bordering on open trolling at this point. Been more than a week since I first attempted and I've just put the game down for now. Really it has become a necessity, so that I don't stroke out from frustration.
    Edited by Pelagius on June 25, 2015 3:37PM
    xbox| HaWkMAN2121
    pc| smit2634
    server| NA
  • TrueEyes
    lol...Lots of quests out in reapers march can be done without fear of screwing up the main story line or double bugging yourself, whats irking me is the fact is its still not in the known console issues post by Gina .....well that and it was an issue that they knew about from PC and should have absolutely been fixed by console launch.......

    That being said I understand why the quest is doing what its doing, technically it really isnt a bug.....if single folks were going in there it would run smooth as butter. But traffic jam 5000 people on the same quest and well...the humping animations start
  • Germal
    i just logged in the room and wet my pants xD the yelling in voice and insulting is so real, everybody reports everybody. Thats the best in this game so far, tears from loling xD
  • TrueEyes
    Nah my favorite part is where one person always trys to organize everyone upstairs, downstairs, or by the door as if any position whatsoever will help.......then the extra smart ones still think that dragonias actually walks downstairs...im like folks have you even watched the youtube video of this quest being completed??? you kill her, purple stone sends a spirit down to silvenar, talk to him, kill the baddys, quest complete
  • Tyrellius
    Soul Shriven
    So most of us can't complete the Aldmeri Dominion quest line until either everyone leaves the room (impossible with 15+ players), or wait till Zenimax fixes it... Which at this point will be months from now since their Console Issues page doesn't even mention this problem, plus this also isn't new, PC players have had this since launch.. What.!? How is this acceptable..?

    But then to tell us that leaving the room and resetting everyone's quest, or have all players hide downstairs (btw how well does that really work for you..? With the trolls, afk humpers, and people who just got the quest the first time)... It's near impossible to coordinate every player inside Jathsogur as well as the countless people without mics or chat on, or those guys who aggro her for "lols", cursing and every now and then throwing racial/sexist comments

    What about players who don't know it's glitched, run in to find this mess of blue animals and a half-naked orchestra bombarding a poor women who really doesn't deserve all this treatment. :'(
  • Sidhlairiel
    Soul Shriven
    Currently with around fifty people in the room. Waiting for two whole hours, chatting and laughing with people, which is nice. But i really want to complete the quest and move forward with the story.

    Is there any update or statement from Zenimax on this issue?
  • TrueEyes
    Currently with around fifty people in the room. Waiting for two whole hours, chatting and laughing with people, which is nice. But i really want to complete the quest and move forward with the story.

    Is there any update or statement from Zenimax on this issue?

    To each their own Sid but personally 5 minutes worth of Jay & Silent bob inside there is enough for me....and honestly its not bothering me quite as much now that im in reapers march but it worries me that im gonna accidentally do a quest pertaining to the silvenar and then once they fix this i go back do that one and get screwed again down the road.

    @Tyrellius you can hang up coordinating in any spot in there, only way to complete is for everyone to fail!!! That should be the aldmeri dominions motto.

    Not that i wish this tragedy on others but at least Ebonheart is finally experiencing a game breaker on their side now in Shadowfen.
  • Sidhlairiel
    Soul Shriven
    Is it ok to skip the quest? It won't effect questing in reapers march?
  • TrueEyes
    You can skip it Sid but in my opinion you should avoid the quests that directly involve the silvenar.....ive been doing the lil village quests and fighters guild stuff over there, i did finally reach one of the citys where it started a silvenar quest and i just backed out of it.
  • Sidhlairiel
    Soul Shriven
    As it is one of the 'main' Dominion quests, is it possible to continue with the 'main' questline in reapers march? Or do i have the skip the whole questline?
  • Enodoc
    Is it ok to skip the quest? It won't effect questing in reapers march?
    That's fine.
    There are no quests in Reaper's March which directly involve the Silvenar, he just turns up as a background character in a few of them.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • TrueEyes
    What you must remember Neo is that the rules of ESO are no different than the rules of a computer system...some of them can be bent, others can be broken..now finish Jathsogur...if you can!!
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