It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:
The Champion System was born.
It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:
The Champion System was born.
Raises hand, umm excuse me, but I was a Mara tester and member of the closed beta and I do not remember any small subset of the players complaining that they didn't' want to roll alts. In fact, the opposite is true!
We begged the devs to realize their game ended at 50! That playing through the other factions was NOT end game! That this was causing us to NOT roll alts because we'd seen all the darn content already. It kills faction loyalty, and destroys the purpose for alts. Honestly, I was convinced that this system was just during closed beta because they didn't have anything else for us to do, (this was before they expanded VR at all) and they wanted us to keep testing, so they sent us to other factions. At least that would make sense!
They didn't listen to our heartfelt feedback, and now you say this You have no idea the amount of time some of us spent thoughtfully filling out survey after survey, in game and through email, and we were ignored. Heck, did you know that after we spent countless hours testing the final build, they released an untested build for launch? I need coffee, this is depressing.
It's rehashed content. That you are forced to do.
Multiple times.
It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:
The Champion System was born.
Plenty of people manned up by finding other games that aren't needlessly tedious to play, just like plenty of people came back when it went B2P, realized it still sucks to grind V1-14 and left again.
The Champ System is going. Period. That's still the plan, which they confirmed again recently.
Sometimes you gotta man up. And sometimes you gotta realize that *** ain't sunshine.
That goes both ways. Merely removing the VRs isn't going to do anything for the perceived problems. Who knows what the end game is? The best result would be to unlock content and allow for a equitable experience gain from progressing in different ways. Removing VRs by itself addresses none of the underlying issues. VR is just a scapegoat.
Sphinx2318 wrote: »Keep Vet Ranks and re-introduce grinding areas. problem solved
Nobody has suggested to just remove VRs and leave everything else as-is.
MrDenimChicken wrote: »When 1.6 came out, I came back and started playing both ESO and GW2 as a noob in both. I actually had fun while leveling. I couldn't decide on which game I wanted to be my main game between ESO and GW2 at first. But just hearing about leveling in veteran ranks really dissuades me from becoming invested in the game.
The whole concept just sounds horrible, and just hearing about it is enough to make me switch over to GW2 and not touch ESO, despite liking the pve aspect on the way to endgame. Getting one level per zone and grinding through the OTHER realm's quests?? And trash mobs become more of a chore to kill? That just sounds like it would become pure work, with little feeling of character development.
I'm not sure if this is violating any rules, talking about liking another game more. It probably is. But I just wish ESO knew that their game has potential. They just get in their own way by holding on to some really poor design decisions, which as we see with some games, like Diablo 3, can really be fixed for the better.
Nobody has suggested to just remove VRs and leave everything else as-is.
You... haven't been reading much, I take it? There are some variations, but that's all that is meant in the end. Change the VR ranks from 14 to level 64. Just make it stop at 50. There are a few other variations... but, yes Virginia, there are quite a few people posting that just want them removed or the names changed. You can't make this kind of stuff up.
theweakminded wrote: »Crybabies are complaining about Vet ranks because effort is too hard. Looking at 3-5hrs(1-3 if you just grind mobs) per vet rank is not really that bad. Recently there have been plenty of people doing dungeon content from V1-v10 leaving plenty to be done. PvP is not all too horrible as a low Vet if you stick with a group.
Eliteseraph wrote: »GW2 is mostly a skill based game. You as the player get better instead of just smashing your enemies with superior levels or gear. That's miles ahead of what other MMOs do.
All the depth of GW2 is in the possible builds and roles. Its not simple tank/heal/DPS.
And that's why I quit GW2 less than a month after launch. Completely boring. MMO's and "twitch" combat are a horrible combination. If I wanted a "twitch" game, I'd buy a console and play an FPS.
Not to mention that their "new content" mainly consists of seasonal/holiday events that last a week or so, then disappear.
I couldn't agree more. That game was boring. No character progression. I would also argue it is not a skill based game because there is no trinity. It's nothing more than a bunch of DPS mashing buttons and dodging AE circles endlessly and mindlessly. Those big dragon events were laughable. No skill whatsoever. Just a mass zerg of players. Is it even possible to lose one of those? i doubt it. Dungeons were nothing more than ppl dying repeatedly and running back over and over. I actually liked the atmosphere and graphics of GW2 but the progression and lack of trinity killed it for me. No healing or tanking = boring pile of crap.
Every single one of those suggestions includes rebalancing the game to accommodate the changes. I haven't seen a single poster say "just make it stop at 50" w/out further including a caveat about trying to make it work also when further pressed.
VR 1-14 is a complete and utter breeze now. It is not hard or tedious it's just something that the instant gratification generation is too lazy to put the effort in to do it. Man up and do it or don't complain that you're character is weaker. If it's that unappealing for people then it's obvious they picked the wrong game.
Yeah, it's a breeze if you're unemployed and single.
Other than that it takes forever man.
But on a different note, other than time... It's just the simple fact that I (and a LOT of other ppl) don't want to help the other factions man.. That just makes the time sink 10x worse.
I'm married, full time jobs and a very active 3 yr old, in midst of finding new property to move and financing and all that crap.
I spent 1hr at least, sometimes 2hr every night (except weekends?).
Took me a couple enjoyable and fun weeks to go through VR for a new char.
What's the problem here? That the content is so boring that you sleep on your keyboard? Because all you want to do is the "end game" raiding and gears looting?
It's not a time sink. It's content. If you don't like it, then you're playing the wrong game.
Man up, boy.
Damn, MMO players who wants to enjoy end-game only kinda tick me off.
Maybe it's Monday morning. Maybe I haven't had my coffee.
PS: As a Nord, I'm VERY loyal subject to the Pact, and I feel your pain of not wanting to help the other alliance. In fact, that is the biggest motivator for me to keep playing PvP.
But sometimes you gotta man it up and try to look at things differently, adjust your expectation and figure out cost vs benefit... then just try to enjoy it.
Eliteseraph wrote: »Eliteseraph wrote: »GW2 is mostly a skill based game. You as the player get better instead of just smashing your enemies with superior levels or gear. That's miles ahead of what other MMOs do.
All the depth of GW2 is in the possible builds and roles. Its not simple tank/heal/DPS.
And that's why I quit GW2 less than a month after launch. Completely boring. MMO's and "twitch" combat are a horrible combination. If I wanted a "twitch" game, I'd buy a console and play an FPS.
Not to mention that their "new content" mainly consists of seasonal/holiday events that last a week or so, then disappear.
As opposed to ESO new content, which....isn't here at all.
Some people like gear-based progression. Personally I find that kind of game old and boring. If something challenges me as a player instead of challenging how many hours I've spent on my character, then that's a good game. It's one of the reasons why ESO feels so dull and half-arsed to me. I'm not rewarded for being good at the game. I'm rewarded for grinding endless hours to up my vet level and champion points until I can overpower content. Or worse....I'm rewarded for using a macro or addon to abuse something like animation cancelling.
BTW, you should give GW2 another try. You can unlock all previous living story events now and play them at your leisure, and they've made significant upgrades to the quality of life in that game. But YMMV of course.I couldn't agree more. That game was boring. No character progression. I would also argue it is not a skill based game because there is no trinity. It's nothing more than a bunch of DPS mashing buttons and dodging AE circles endlessly and mindlessly. Those big dragon events were laughable. No skill whatsoever. Just a mass zerg of players. Is it even possible to lose one of those? i doubt it. Dungeons were nothing more than ppl dying repeatedly and running back over and over. I actually liked the atmosphere and graphics of GW2 but the progression and lack of trinity killed it for me. No healing or tanking = boring pile of crap. according to your definition of skill, a game MUST have tank/heal/DPS trinity? This is what's wrong with today's gamers. Good god.
I get that you like games with the trinity, but you're grossly limiting yourself, and vastly understating or not seeing the depth of GW2s systems. It's like I said originally: GW2 is about progressing the player, not your character.
Looking at 3-5hrs(1-3 if you just grind mobs) per vet rank is not really that bad.
I literally cannot stand to level to max again. I'm VR3 (gained V1-V3 doing solo PvP in Cyrodiil) and I cannot PvE for more than 30 seconds without losing complete interest so much so that I either re-enter Cyrodiil, or exit the game.
I know they plan to remove the Veteran Ranks in June, but why wait..? Just do it. I cannot push myself to go through another 100 levels worth of content for a second time...
No video-game should be painful in any aspect, and V1-V14 is just that, painful.
It does NOTHING good for the game. It creates GIGANTIC gaps between players, nothing more, nothing less. That is simply it. A gap creating element.
People who are really only interested in PvP become frustrated because they are nearly worhtless until around V10, and simply feel turned off to the game because they have to PvE.
Players who want to complete in the PvE that really matters (once you've loyally defended your alliance), only want to get sweet gear from dungeon runs (trials, etc.) and compete for top times, raid with friends, etc..
But they're forced to become a traitor and defend the other alliances (which many of us dispise).
ZoS... Please just remove them now. It does NOTHING to help your game. In fact, it really, really just hurts it.
The main reason why VR is still here is to provide an artifial time sink for players until ZoS releases new content in 6 months. If they removed it now, you'd soon realise how little there is to do at "endgame" ...
500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
I_killed_Vivec wrote: »
It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:
The Champion System was born.
Raises hand, umm excuse me, but I was a Mara tester and member of the closed beta and I do not remember any small subset of the players complaining that they didn't' want to roll alts. In fact, the opposite is true!
We begged the devs to realize their game ended at 50! That playing through the other factions was NOT end game! That this was causing us to NOT roll alts because we'd seen all the darn content already. It kills faction loyalty, and destroys the purpose for alts. Honestly, I was convinced that this system was just during closed beta because they didn't have anything else for us to do, (this was before they expanded VR at all) and they wanted us to keep testing, so they sent us to other factions. At least that would make sense!
They didn't listen to our heartfelt feedback, and now you say this You have no idea the amount of time some of us spent thoughtfully filling out survey after survey, in game and through email, and we were ignored. Heck, did you know that after we spent countless hours testing the final build, they released an untested build for launch? I need coffee, this is depressing.
Why do you think they didn't listen to your feedback?
They must have had some reasons for VR, maybe those reasons outweighed the criticisms...
ZoS is a business, hoping to make money out of this game. The one thing we can be sure of is that they want to keep the majority of players happy - not just those who use the forums. They will not make silly decisions just to be contrary; they will not ignore feedback just for fun. Maybe, instead of being idiots who have no idea how to develop an MMO, they actually have a plan how to keep the majority of their player base happy.
And for all we know it's working. We don't know the figures - but I'm sure that ZoS do - and maybe the majority (the vast majority) of players aren't concerned about alts and want to play with one character, seeing all of the zones. I'm one of them, and I've been here since beta - and I have the monkey to prove it
Lord_Draevan wrote: »500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
It would take them all of 5 seconds. Either yes, no, or we're not sure.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
It would take them all of 5 seconds. Either yes, no, or we're not sure.
I agree...
We don't need specific details, but SOMETHING would be nice.
"Yes, we're currently working on removing them." or "No, we've changed our mind and they're here to stay." would suffice.
Although, of course, a general timeline would be even better, I don't however expect that.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
It would take them all of 5 seconds. Either yes, no, or we're not sure.
I agree...
We don't need specific details, but SOMETHING would be nice.
"Yes, we're currently working on removing them." or "No, we've changed our mind and they're here to stay." would suffice.
Although, of course, a general timeline would be even better, I don't however expect that.
To be fair, they did say this a little over a week ago. They are still currently working on removing Veteran Ranks.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
It would take them all of 5 seconds. Either yes, no, or we're not sure.
I agree...
We don't need specific details, but SOMETHING would be nice.
"Yes, we're currently working on removing them." or "No, we've changed our mind and they're here to stay." would suffice.
Although, of course, a general timeline would be even better, I don't however expect that.
To be fair, they did say this a little over a week ago. They are still currently working on removing Veteran Ranks.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »500k+ replies. 12k+ views and still no answer from ZOS.
Can we at least get an official answer ?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_PaulSage @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_NickKonkle
It would take them all of 5 seconds. Either yes, no, or we're not sure.
I agree...
We don't need specific details, but SOMETHING would be nice.
"Yes, we're currently working on removing them." or "No, we've changed our mind and they're here to stay." would suffice.
Although, of course, a general timeline would be even better, I don't however expect that.
To be fair, they did say this a little over a week ago. They are still currently working on removing Veteran Ranks.