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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Nazon_Katts
    Inco wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    HOLY CRAP BALLS Nerevarine.. you need a HUG or what? Most grouchy poster I've seen in MMO's for a while. Telling all those pesky kids to get off ZOS lawn or you will hose them down with water.

    RELAX... the community has good reason to complain about this injustice. Yes the model is changing... we all have to suck it up (After promises to NEVER go F2P). Yes they are giving us a small token of appreciation via crowns for past subs. Finally, YES that small token is complete crap and silly that I can spend a fraction of what I did for 10 subs to get MORE crowns. Loyal players are a tad pissed off and they have a right to complain on the forums.

    The ASK US ANYTHING doesn't seem to have "100 crown issue" mentioned in any of the LIVESTREAMS cause they are avoiding it like the plaque. Much like this post it's not likely to get a response.

    I had to re-read that one a couple of times. Getting a gift and not liking it is an injustice? Really? I mean, you really think that you not getting enough free money for your taste can be called injustice?

    I never claimed anyone didn't have a right to complain in the forums. It's just a ridiculous thing to complain about. That's all.

    I find complaining about complaining and a near neurotic compulsion to correct others on their feelings by lecturing them about one's own perceived reality even more ridiculous, but hey, each to their own, I suppose.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • olsborg
    Good to know im not the only one who felt cheated by this.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Inco
    It's just a ridiculous thing to complain about. That's all.
    To you it might be, but a greater number of people (IE: MOST of them) disagree with you on that one.

    ZOS screwed up and insulted the player community with 100 crowns a month sub and they have been loyal for a LONG time. If you want to sit by and say "meh" water under the bridge that is your call. Don't expect others to be as polite about the topic.
  • Micallef
    Inco wrote: »
    To you it might be, but a greater number of people (IE: MOST of them) disagree with you on that one.

    ZOS screwed up and insulted the player community with 100 crowns a month sub and they have been loyal for a LONG time. If you want to sit by and say "meh" water under the bridge that is your call. Don't expect others to be as polite about the topic.

    Absolutely correct. While I can and have used my wallet to speak for me on this, I also feel compelled to use this venue to make my displeasure about this disaster known.
    You can dress up a pig and slap on make-up all you want, it's still just a pig.
  • Seraphyel
    What you pay before Tamriel Unlimited never guaranteed you any so called "new" content, but rather a service. I have read the therm of use and it was pretty clear in it and I advice you to check it out. The subscribtion will allow you to unlock any DLC content if you don't waste your crowns on the store first for cosmetics, so buying crowns or subscribing to ESO+ allow you to unlock that new content forever if you have subscribed long enough or buyed enough crowns. So in no ways are you paying twice since you were allowed to play those DLCs during your membership and buy them with that same subscribtion. Unless ZOS gives us new content every month, I doubt very much we will ever have issues to unlock DLC content while subscribed.

    I don't get how people can be so naive.

    We are paying twice. You can deny it but that doesn't change facts.

    They showed us Imperial City, Murkmire, Orsinium etc. last summer. That's been 5+++ months before they announced B2P. When you get some blinks on upcoming new content, you don't think those things are 1 year or further away. You think that those things will be implemented in a reasonable time AND for the game as a P2P model.

    This was posted in December:

    Update 6 is so large that we’ll be holding the Imperial City PvP area for a future update. With all of our QA and testing resources focused on the far-reaching Justice and Champion Systems (along with other systems impacted by the update), we want to be sure that the Imperial City is fully ready when it hits PTS and moves on to launch.

    Guess what: they don't brought up IC with 1.6 because they hold it back so that they can make cash out of it.

    Oh and here a nice other advertisement:

    We talked about a whole bunch of new systems and features during our QuakeCon presentation. Here’s a short update on some of the systems we talked about and roughly when you can expect to see them in an Update. As I said when I introduced the panel, we talked about features and systems that extend through the end of this year and beyond, so not all of them are short term.

    “Expect to see soon”: new facial animation system, improved grouping, fixes to player separation issues

    “Expect to see in a while”: Imperial City, Champion System

    “Expect to see later”: Justice System, Spellcrafting

    Sorry I can’t be more explicit than that, but obviously we need to make sure that the live game is tended to, with fixes and tweaks as appropriate while we work on big new systems like these. Stay tuned to patch notes and future Road Ahead articles for more information.


    Excuse me when I say it again, but IC is nearly finished and deliberately delayed. Look at their Road Ahead interview. We get Justice System that was expected to be here "later" but we don't get IC that was expected to be here with the Champion System.

    Sure they could have changed the order, but it's quite obvious what they did here.
    I had to re-read that one a couple of times. Getting a gift and not liking it is an injustice? Really? I mean, you really think that you not getting enough free money for your taste can be called injustice?

    I never claimed anyone didn't have a right to complain in the forums. It's just a ridiculous thing to complain about. That's all.

    You don't get it. Not every gift is a nice gesture and Zenimax' gift isn't one for sure. Some kind of gifts are just humiliating and hurtful.
    Edited by Seraphyel on March 1, 2015 9:44AM
  • Jiigen
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Update 6 is so large that we’ll be holding the Imperial City PvP area for a future update. With all of our QA and testing resources focused on the far-reaching Justice and Champion Systems (along with other systems impacted by the update), we want to be sure that the Imperial City is fully ready when it hits PTS and moves on to launch.

    Guess what: they don't brought up IC with 1.6 because they hold it back so that they can make cash out of it.

    All their QA being us, on PTS. And we cannot track bugs and issues for three major changes; Justice System, Champion System and the Imperial City. Why? Because every time they patch PTS, we have to recheck everything we have checked previously only to find out that most bugs are still in there.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Seraphyel
    Excuse me, but this video is hilariously perfect for the current situation:
    Gidorick wrote: »

  • WhiskyBob
    Created a new poster :)

    Edited by WhiskyBob on March 1, 2015 10:13AM
  • AshySamurai
    @Gidorick almost 200 agrees. Don't forget to update later ^^
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Gidorick
    @Gidorick almost 200 agrees. Don't forget to update later ^^

    heh. Good Call. I'll keep an eye on it. I can't believe how quickly we've gone from 150 to 194.. geeze.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    What you pay before Tamriel Unlimited never guaranteed you any so called "new" content, but rather a service. I have read the therm of use and it was pretty clear in it and I advice you to check it out. The subscribtion will allow you to unlock any DLC content if you don't waste your crowns on the store first for cosmetics, so buying crowns or subscribing to ESO+ allow you to unlock that new content forever if you have subscribed long enough or buyed enough crowns. So in no ways are you paying twice since you were allowed to play those DLCs during your membership and buy them with that same subscribtion. Unless ZOS gives us new content every month, I doubt very much we will ever have issues to unlock DLC content while subscribed.

    I don't get how people can be so naive.

    We are paying twice. You can deny it but that doesn't change facts.

    They showed us Imperial City, Murkmire, Orsinium etc. last summer. That's been 5+++ months before they announced B2P. When you get some blinks on upcoming new content, you don't think those things are 1 year or further away. You think that those things will be implemented in a reasonable time AND for the game as a P2P model.

    This was posted in December:

    Update 6 is so large that we’ll be holding the Imperial City PvP area for a future update. With all of our QA and testing resources focused on the far-reaching Justice and Champion Systems (along with other systems impacted by the update), we want to be sure that the Imperial City is fully ready when it hits PTS and moves on to launch.

    Guess what: they don't brought up IC with 1.6 because they hold it back so that they can make cash out of it.

    Oh and here a nice other advertisement:

    We talked about a whole bunch of new systems and features during our QuakeCon presentation. Here’s a short update on some of the systems we talked about and roughly when you can expect to see them in an Update. As I said when I introduced the panel, we talked about features and systems that extend through the end of this year and beyond, so not all of them are short term.

    “Expect to see soon”: new facial animation system, improved grouping, fixes to player separation issues

    “Expect to see in a while”: Imperial City, Champion System

    “Expect to see later”: Justice System, Spellcrafting

    Sorry I can’t be more explicit than that, but obviously we need to make sure that the live game is tended to, with fixes and tweaks as appropriate while we work on big new systems like these. Stay tuned to patch notes and future Road Ahead articles for more information.


    Excuse me when I say it again, but IC is nearly finished and deliberately delayed. Look at their Road Ahead interview. We get Justice System that was expected to be here "later" but we don't get IC that was expected to be here with the Champion System.

    Sure they could have changed the order, but it's quite obvious what they did here.
    I had to re-read that one a couple of times. Getting a gift and not liking it is an injustice? Really? I mean, you really think that you not getting enough free money for your taste can be called injustice?

    I never claimed anyone didn't have a right to complain in the forums. It's just a ridiculous thing to complain about. That's all.

    You don't get it. Not every gift is a nice gesture and Zenimax' gift isn't one for sure. Some kind of gifts are just humiliating and hurtful.

    Ok, lets follow your idea that we have to pay twice for those DLCs, how would have it been different if TESO didn't go B2P and stayed P2P?

    Imperial City would still have been delayed, because of the major game overhauls, and you would still pay a monthly subscribtion because Zenimax would still focus their attention on their CP and Justice System because it affects the entire game. Even if the game stayed P2P, you would still be in a situation where you have to continuously pay before you get your new content.

    So, yes you paid for a subscribtion, yes that money went toward content which will be sold as DLCs. But the subscribtion you are paying for every month isn't a future investement like a lot of you would like to believe but rather a fee you have pay to get acces to a dayly service. When you understand what you are realy paying for you shouldn't have any issues with the changes running around.

    Yes the Devs told us things, yes they changed their plans. But aren't they allowed to change those plans according to the term we signed for? If the game isn't doing well enough, should they realy focus on content or fix the core game and make it better?

    I personnaly prefere a polished game, but that's just an oppinion.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on March 1, 2015 11:44AM
  • Zershar_Vemod
    You'll never see an official response here sadly, but power to you none the less.

    100 is a joke; even EA/Bioware give 500-600 "Cartel Coins" a month in SWTOR, STO still gives larger stipeds too...years after going F2P.

    ~500/month is honestly not some crazy amount in my opinion. You'd think things like that or continuation of the Loyalty Program would be given serious considerations....the more incentives to sub will result in a higher chance of retaining subs.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • nerevarine1138
    You'll never see an official response here sadly, but power to you none the less.

    100 is a joke; even EA/Bioware give 500-600 "Cartel Coins" a month in SWTOR, STO still gives larger stipeds too...years after going F2P.

    ~500/month is honestly not some crazy amount in my opinion. You'd think things like that or continuation of the Loyalty Program would be given serious considerations....the more incentives to sub will result in a higher chance of retaining subs.

    You do realize that the ESO Plus subscription will be paying out 1500 Crowns per month, right?

    This thread is about people complaining for not being retroactively given a tribute of more Crowns in exchange for their enjoying a game while it was under a different payment model.
  • lord_dal
  • Varicite
    This thread is about people complaining for not being retroactively given a tribute of more Crowns in exchange for being misled numerous times over what their subscription fees were going toward and having content withheld until it can be placed in a cash shop.

    Fixed that for you.
  • nerevarine1138
    Varicite wrote: »
    This thread is about people complaining for not being retroactively given a tribute of more Crowns in exchange for being misled numerous times over what their subscription fees were going toward and having content withheld until it can be placed in a cash shop.

    Fixed that for you.

    You were misled?

    Hang on, let me check the ToS... *riffles through sheets of paper*... ah, here we go. So you feel that your subscription fee wasn't going towards your monthly access to the servers? Were you denied said access?

    And about that content that was "withheld": which content is ready to go? And what's your evidence (not speculation) for that?

    Finally, if anyone would care to point out how this changes anything, I'm all ears. You're able to pay the exact same subscription fee and continue to get access to all the content that's being "withheld". So what's the problem here?
  • Varicite
    You were misled?

    Hang on, let me check the ToS... *riffles through sheets of paper*... ah, here we go. So you feel that your subscription fee wasn't going towards your monthly access to the servers? Were you denied said access?

    And about that content that was "withheld": which content is ready to go? And what's your evidence (not speculation) for that?

    Finally, if anyone would care to point out how this changes anything, I'm all ears. You're able to pay the exact same subscription fee and continue to get access to all the content that's being "withheld". So what's the problem here?

    Pretty sure we've been over this numerous times over the past 10 pages or so.

    You may want to check there if you've somehow forgotten.
  • nerevarine1138
    Varicite wrote: »
    You were misled?

    Hang on, let me check the ToS... *riffles through sheets of paper*... ah, here we go. So you feel that your subscription fee wasn't going towards your monthly access to the servers? Were you denied said access?

    And about that content that was "withheld": which content is ready to go? And what's your evidence (not speculation) for that?

    Finally, if anyone would care to point out how this changes anything, I'm all ears. You're able to pay the exact same subscription fee and continue to get access to all the content that's being "withheld". So what's the problem here?

    Pretty sure we've been over this numerous times over the past 10 pages or so.

    You may want to check there if you've somehow forgotten.

    I guess I just missed where, in those 10 pages, someone was able to point to the part where our subscription money paid for something other than access to the servers.

    ZO may have used their money to finance development of new content (they definitely have been using it for that, based on the sheer size and scope of 1.6). But my money was only used to pay for my subscription.
  • Roechacca
  • Roechacca
    But there's one awesome so I think mine makes 200
  • Micallef
    And that makes 200 agrees.
  • Soulshine
    ZO may have used their money to finance development of new content (they definitely have been using it for that, based on the sheer size and scope of 1.6). But my money was only used to pay for my subscription.

    You can continue to argue and dance on semantics until blue in the face that the subscription pays for nothing but access to the game but it will never make the arguement true. As is, there are literally thousands of articles from respected game developers and marketing analysists alike discussing the ways in which subscriptions to online games work, what they pay for, why they succeed in some cases, why they fail in others, etc.

    Your ignoring that this is a known fact about online games does not make the rest of us idiots for pointing it out.

    It is also merely one in a series of reasons why some people here have issues over the crown alloment for last year's subs. It is not the ONLY reason, as the thread has proven based on the variety of responses.

    As is , what you call "free money" is not "free" at all. It is tethered to a system meant to inherently change the value of the money we gave to begin with. It also sends entirely the wrong message to a player base that has already proven cash shops are not something they ever wanted in the first place - something which you completely overlook.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Finally, if anyone would care to point out how this changes anything, I'm all ears. You're able to pay the exact same subscription fee and continue to get access to all the content that's being "withheld". So what's the problem here?

    I'm trying to figure the same things out! But apparently, I must have left my brains somewhere in a locker because I am not able to understand the obvious! :wink:
  • ZOS_MichelleA
    We have removed several posts from this thread for trolling and baiting. We encourage everyone to be constructive and respectful, even when disagreeing with one another. As a good rule of thumb, if you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead.

    Thank you.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Vunter
    We have removed several posts from this thread for trolling and baiting. We encourage everyone to be constructive and respectful, even when disagreeing with one another. As a good rule of thumb, if you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead.

    Thank you.
    You know, you could have just written "avoid putting this thread on top of the others by replying since we won't even give a proper reply to it and it's preferable if not many people see it".
    Edited by Vunter on March 1, 2015 5:29PM
  • RainfeatherUK
    Vunter wrote: »
    You know, you could have just written "avoid putting this thread on top of the others by replying since we won't even give a proper reply to it and it's preferable if not many people see it".

    I imagine the Irony of making a disrespectful comment on another remarking about a lack of respect, is lost on you.

    If they wanted the thread gone, its but a click away. Please try and listen to the staff :)
  • nerevarine1138
    Soulshine wrote: »
    ZO may have used their money to finance development of new content (they definitely have been using it for that, based on the sheer size and scope of 1.6). But my money was only used to pay for my subscription.

    You can continue to argue and dance on semantics until blue in the face that the subscription pays for nothing but access to the game but it will never make the arguement true. As is, there are literally thousands of articles from respected game developers and marketing analysists alike discussing the ways in which subscriptions to online games work, what they pay for, why they succeed in some cases, why they fail in others, etc.

    Your ignoring that this is a known fact about online games does not make the rest of us idiots for pointing it out.

    It is also merely one in a series of reasons why some people here have issues over the crown alloment for last year's subs. It is not the ONLY reason, as the thread has proven based on the variety of responses.

    As is , what you call "free money" is not "free" at all. It is tethered to a system meant to inherently change the value of the money we gave to begin with. It also sends entirely the wrong message to a player base that has already proven cash shops are not something they ever wanted in the first place - something which you completely overlook.

    I don't have to make much of an argument. You signed a contract stating exactly what I'm saying.

    Now, how a subscription model works for a company on a meta-level and how that company uses their money to do things is entirely different. Your money, however, is used for one purpose and one purpose only: to pay for a subscription to the game. All that includes is access to the servers. That's it. You can make up all the fringe benefits you want, but you literally signed a document stating that all you get is access.

    And if the playerbase doesn't want a cash shop, I'm sure they will vote with their wallets and leave. That simply isn't what this thread is about, because it's strongly indicated that people here want a cash shop. They just don't want to have to pay for the stuff in it.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on March 1, 2015 5:38PM
  • Thymos
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    You really believe that most of the players that are currently subscribed to the game are here on the forums? What is 200 to the 770kish players that are subscribed? An absent answer to this is going to be taken against this argument as someone that is fine with whatever they decide.
    Edited by Thymos on March 1, 2015 5:54PM
    The Older Gamers Recruitment Thread
    Always accepting new members for NA and EU server. PvP PvE RP all welcome. Must be 25+ yo to join.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Wether somebody signed a contract or not depends on the jurisdiction one happens to be under. I for sure didn't and governing law determines the business relationship with ZOS and not their ToS, at least not entirely.

    Additionally, people are expressing their emotions and how they feel about their standing with ZOS. Everyone is aware if you give money away, that you don't have it anymore. Repeatedly stating the obvious in ignorance of other peoples' emotions, no matter how verbose, doesn't help with the fact, that people still have every right to dislike what has been done with their money.

    Waiting in this thread for someone posting and expressing their feelings about this situation in preperation to jump on any mistake they might make shows a lack of respect and is only adding insult to injury. Wether intentionally or unintentionally, the only thing one can achieve with this behavior is inciting people, baiting them into posting even more emotionally than before.

    But it's probably pointless in posting this as well, as I don't see it going through the one thick skull it should reach, so I'll just embrace the old saying that ignorance truly is bliss at times.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Gidorick
    We have removed several posts from this thread for trolling and baiting. We encourage everyone to be constructive and respectful, even when disagreeing with one another. As a good rule of thumb, if you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead.

    Thank you.

    Hey! A response... I kind of figured we would eventually get THIS sort of response.

    OH... and we're over 200 "Agrees" now. yay! I guess... :lol:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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This discussion has been closed.