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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • WhiskyBob
    This thread has 15k views. OP has 150+ agrees. 20 pages of posts. No official statement.

    This only proves:
  • PlagueMonk
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    The fact is they stated more than once that the fees were allowing them to pay for content that is and in some cases has been ready to go for months. Instead of releasing it for testing and then live, they have created a cash shop through which they can sell it.
    Do you have proof that any upcoming content is both
    1) ready to go and
    2) has been held back specifically to sell?

    Well um, actually we do. While I cannot locate a specific quote for you, we were told the Imperial City was pretty much finished but including it in 1.6 would make the patch too big so they are pushing it back.........8+ months. So basically yes, when it is released, we will end up paying for content we already paid for by subbing for the time period up to TU.
    Since November we have basically been paying for Zenimax to create a cash store and console versions of the game INSTEAD of releasing the finished or near finished content they promised us would come every 4-6 weeks if we subbed.

    Edited by PlagueMonk on February 28, 2015 3:04AM
  • Jiigen
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Well um, actually we do. While I cannot locate a specific quote for you, we were told the Imperial City was pretty much finished but including it in 1.6 would make the patch too big so they are pushing it back.........8+ months.

    Yes, I do remember that as well. It was said in an ESO Live, perhaps the 8th or 9th, though I am not too sure about that.
    Edited by Jiigen on February 28, 2015 7:13AM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Seraphyel
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    The fact is they stated more than once that the fees were allowing them to pay for content that is and in some cases has been ready to go for months. Instead of releasing it for testing and then live, they have created a cash shop through which they can sell it.
    Do you have proof that any upcoming content is both
    1) ready to go and
    2) has been held back specifically to sell?

    Well um, actually we do. While I cannot locate a specific quote for you, we were told the Imperial City was pretty much finished but including it in 1.6 would make the patch too big so they are pushing it back.........8+ months. So basically yes, when it is released, we will end up paying for content we already paid for by subbing for the time period up to TU.
    Since November we have basically been paying for Zenimax to create a cash store and console versions of the game INSTEAD of releasing the finished or near finished content they promised us would come every 4-6 weeks if we subbed.

    That is exactly the issue.

    And they don't make it better, they make it even worse with giving loyal subscribers only 100 Crowns per months whilst new subscribers get 1500 per month. That's hilarious. Just makes Zenimax reputation even worse in the industry.
  • Valn
    Valn wrote: »
    That's what your money was used for, not what you paid for. If I pay a magazine for a subscription, it doesn't mean that I actually paid someone's salary. I paid for the magazine. If the magazine used my money to help pay a writer, then great. But I didn't pay the writer.

    When you pay for the magazine, that money goes to the writer. How is that difficult for you to understand?

    My money goes to the magazine. At that point, it's no longer my money. If the magazine's leadership chooses to use their money to pay their writers, then it still wasn't my money paying them. It was their money. If they choose to spend the money on a new pony, it's no concern of mine, because I'm not an investor in the business.

    People have this weird idea of money being permanently theirs. Once you spend money, it ceases to be your money. You no longer possess it, and you no longer have any say over what people do with it.

    The money goes to the magazine...which in turn goes towards paying the writers... I don't know any high end magazines that sell them but have the writers work for free.....
  • Valn
    Valn wrote: »
    That's what your money was used for, not what you paid for. If I pay a magazine for a subscription, it doesn't mean that I actually paid someone's salary. I paid for the magazine. If the magazine used my money to help pay a writer, then great. But I didn't pay the writer.

    When you pay for the magazine, that money goes to the writer. How is that difficult for you to understand?

    My money goes to the magazine. At that point, it's no longer my money. If the magazine's leadership chooses to use their money to pay their writers, then it still wasn't my money paying them. It was their money. If they choose to spend the money on a new pony, it's no concern of mine, because I'm not an investor in the business.

    People have this weird idea of money being permanently theirs. Once you spend money, it ceases to be your money. You no longer possess it, and you no longer have any say over what people do with it.

    Yeah, but when said magazine brings only pony pictures ever after, people will wonder where their money went. Full circle again, feel free to keep spinning!

    I'm sure they will. It doesn't give them any actual say over how the magazine conducts their business, but they are welcome to stop subscribing.

    Thats what forums are for, for people to give their say over how they conduct their business.

    You're one of those "dont like it, dont play it" people aren't you? There's always one....
  • Valn

    This is not a well-earned reward. This is not a reimbursement. This is a gift.

    Ah....there it is. I knew there'd be a post like this.

    "B-bb--bb-but its a gift!!! You don't deserve anything!!!!!111one11"
  • Islyn
    Inco wrote: »
    Sorry.. it's just bad form on ZOS part.

    10 months of subs is equal to $150 and 1,000 crowns.
    ONE month sub if made today is $15 and worth 1,500 crowns. ($135 less and 500 more crowns)

    That's pouring salt into the wound if you ask me.


    10 months of subs is equal to 10 months of access to the servers under the subscription payment model.
    1 month of ESO Plus membership is equal to 1 month of ESO Plus benefits under the new model plus free access to the servers.

    You cannot compare month-to-month under radically different payment models.

    15 per month is 15 per month what do you mean with different payment model??
  • Islyn
    firstdecan wrote: »
    The game has gone F2P (B2P, whatever). ZoS started with one model and switched to another. We will never know if this is by design (i.e. they intended a year of subs as a cash grab) or by circumstance (they tried to make the subs work but couldn't due to lack of interest \ Microshaft \ whatever).

    Everything that they're doing is in support of the new model. The 100 crowns per month you're getting is not a loyalty reward, nor is it an entitlement from subbing. It's being offered so that current players will buy *something* from the crown store..............

    Yep. This and 'leveling' the playing field so noobs won't feel so noob and QQ - is just icky.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.
    EDIT: This post now has over 150 "Agrees"! It's good to know so many others feel the same way about the 100 crowns!

    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    Basicaly ESO+ membership is going to be a whole new thing part of a new promotional offer and by giving them money previously you accepted their previous offer and conditions in which they have clearly stipulated, as a company, they were in no way obliged to compensate you for anything should that offer change.

    Exemple : Lets say I buy a cofee machine for 150.00€. A month later, I see that same machine only at 120.00€ with an extra set of cups of cofee. Can I claim my 30.00€ back and get my set of cups of cofee for free? Nope, because it's part of another promotion package deal and it works exactly the same way for video games (including MMO subscribtions).

    So be happy you even got something... because legaly, they could just have completely ignored the old playerbase and give it absolutely nothing in compensation.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on February 28, 2015 11:38AM
  • Valn


    no way obliged

    So be happy you even got something

    There it is!!! Classic phrases

    "we're giving players 1 crown for each month they've subscribed previously because it's a different payment model"
    "bb--b-be happy you got something!!11one1!!!"
    Edited by Valn on February 28, 2015 11:53AM
  • Bashev
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.
    EDIT: This post now has over 150 "Agrees"! It's good to know so many others feel the same way about the 100 crowns!

    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    Basicaly ESO+ membership is going to be a whole new thing part of a new promotional offer and by giving them money previously you accepted their previous offer and conditions in which they have clearly stipulated, as a company, they were in no way obliged to compensate you for anything should that offer change.

    Exemple : Lets say I buy a cofee machine for 150.00€. A month later, I see that same machine only at 120.00€ with an extra set of cups of cofee. Can I claim my 30.00€ back and get my set of cups of cofee for free? Nope, because it's part of another promotion package deal and it works exactly the same way for video games (including MMO subscribtions).

    So be happy you even got something... because legaly, they could just have completely ignored the old playerbase and give it absolutely nothing in compensation.
    Let me give you another example. Imaging that you bought an apartment in a building and you have a contract with the agency to whom belong the rest of the building that you will pay them each month a fee and they will use the money to maintain the building and they will make improvements in your apartment and renovate it. Lets say that they will use 30% of the money for maintaining the building and 70% for the renovation. After 9 months they told you that now if you want the renovation that they planned you have to pay for it.
    We got only 2-3 veteran dungeons, one zone Craglorn with trials and DSA and thats it. For the rest we have to pay. If ZoS needs 5 USD per month for maintenance and the rest 10 they use for new content, then I gave them 90 USD for nine months and received almost nothing. I bought the game for 60 USD and received 10 times more content that I got for the 90 USD that I paid for content. Now we have to pay for the content that they developed while we were paying.
    Because I can!
  • Seraphyel
    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    They are not, but it wouldn't do them any harm and it would improve their reputation. Right now Zenimax is a notorious MMORPG developer with a horrible reputation in EVERY way of thinking - marketing, development, gameplay, quality etc. - there is not even one point that makes Zenimax an outstanding developer in a positive way.

    With their "generosity" to give us 100 Crowns per payed months they just worsen their reputation even more instead of making it better.
  • GaldorP
    To be honest, I think it's nice we're getting 100 per month.
    We paid for game time and were able to play the game in the time we had bought. Any time we haven't used up yet will be converted to the new ESO Plus subscription model and grant 1500 crowns per 30 days. 100 crowns for each month that has already been consumed is an additional, completely free gift and I think it's a nice gesture from ZOS.

    Obviously, there's going to be a lot of agrees if people hope they can get more crowns for free (and everyone who can post here currently has an active account) :)
    Edited by GaldorP on February 28, 2015 12:26PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Islyn wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    Sorry.. it's just bad form on ZOS part.

    10 months of subs is equal to $150 and 1,000 crowns.
    ONE month sub if made today is $15 and worth 1,500 crowns. ($135 less and 500 more crowns)

    That's pouring salt into the wound if you ask me.


    10 months of subs is equal to 10 months of access to the servers under the subscription payment model.
    1 month of ESO Plus membership is equal to 1 month of ESO Plus benefits under the new model plus free access to the servers.

    You cannot compare month-to-month under radically different payment models.

    15 per month is 15 per month what do you mean with different payment model??

    I would have thought that was fairly obvious.

    Under the current payment model, we pay for access to the servers. In a couple of weeks, we won't have to do that anymore. Different payment models.
    Bashev wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.
    EDIT: This post now has over 150 "Agrees"! It's good to know so many others feel the same way about the 100 crowns!

    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    Basicaly ESO+ membership is going to be a whole new thing part of a new promotional offer and by giving them money previously you accepted their previous offer and conditions in which they have clearly stipulated, as a company, they were in no way obliged to compensate you for anything should that offer change.

    Exemple : Lets say I buy a cofee machine for 150.00€. A month later, I see that same machine only at 120.00€ with an extra set of cups of cofee. Can I claim my 30.00€ back and get my set of cups of cofee for free? Nope, because it's part of another promotion package deal and it works exactly the same way for video games (including MMO subscribtions).

    So be happy you even got something... because legaly, they could just have completely ignored the old playerbase and give it absolutely nothing in compensation.
    Let me give you another example. Imaging that you bought an apartment in a building and you have a contract with the agency to whom belong the rest of the building that you will pay them each month a fee and they will use the money to maintain the building and they will make improvements in your apartment and renovate it. Lets say that they will use 30% of the money for maintaining the building and 70% for the renovation. After 9 months they told you that now if you want the renovation that they planned you have to pay for it.
    We got only 2-3 veteran dungeons, one zone Craglorn with trials and DSA and thats it. For the rest we have to pay. If ZoS needs 5 USD per month for maintenance and the rest 10 they use for new content, then I gave them 90 USD for nine months and received almost nothing. I bought the game for 60 USD and received 10 times more content that I got for the 90 USD that I paid for content. Now we have to pay for the content that they developed while we were paying.

    And if they stayed under the subscription model, how would this change?

    You still wouldn't get access to the new content if you stopped paying for your subscription. You'd still have to pay to even get access to the core game.

    The problem is that you (and most of the people in this thread) think that when a company spends their earned money on specific items, that you somehow become entitled to those items. If ZO had said, "We're using subscription fees to finance the company waterpark," that wouldn't mean that you were entitled to free admission to the waterpark.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Bashev wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.
    EDIT: This post now has over 150 "Agrees"! It's good to know so many others feel the same way about the 100 crowns!

    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    Basicaly ESO+ membership is going to be a whole new thing part of a new promotional offer and by giving them money previously you accepted their previous offer and conditions in which they have clearly stipulated, as a company, they were in no way obliged to compensate you for anything should that offer change.

    Exemple : Lets say I buy a cofee machine for 150.00€. A month later, I see that same machine only at 120.00€ with an extra set of cups of cofee. Can I claim my 30.00€ back and get my set of cups of cofee for free? Nope, because it's part of another promotion package deal and it works exactly the same way for video games (including MMO subscribtions).

    So be happy you even got something... because legaly, they could just have completely ignored the old playerbase and give it absolutely nothing in compensation.
    Let me give you another example. Imaging that you bought an apartment in a building and you have a contract with the agency to whom belong the rest of the building that you will pay them each month a fee and they will use the money to maintain the building and they will make improvements in your apartment and renovate it. Lets say that they will use 30% of the money for maintaining the building and 70% for the renovation. After 9 months they told you that now if you want the renovation that they planned you have to pay for it.
    We got only 2-3 veteran dungeons, one zone Craglorn with trials and DSA and thats it. For the rest we have to pay. If ZoS needs 5 USD per month for maintenance and the rest 10 they use for new content, then I gave them 90 USD for nine months and received almost nothing. I bought the game for 60 USD and received 10 times more content that I got for the 90 USD that I paid for content. Now we have to pay for the content that they developed while we were paying.

    In the case you are presenting you could probably make appeal to a court because the contract you signed for wasn't respected. But in the following case you signed for a different type of contract in which you don't have much to say.
    Some Services require payment of a fee. You must have an Account and pay the applicable fees to participate in those Services]. For information about subscription and other fees for particular Services, visit Your particular Service’s product page or Customer Services at


    ZeniMax reserves the right to change the fees or billing methods at any time upon notice to You through Your Account. If You pay a periodic (e.g., monthly) subscription for a Service, ZeniMax will provide You with at least thirty (30) days advance notice of any such changes. Your continued use of the Service thirty (30) days or more after ZeniMax provides such notice of the changes means that You accept such changes. If any change is unacceptable to You, You may cancel Your subscription at any time, but ZeniMax will not refund any fees or prorate fees for any subscription. Depending on the country where You reside, including if You live in the EEA, Norway, Switzerland or Australia, the law may require different provisions to apply which will be specified when You subscribe and/or in the specific notice provided to You.

    ZeniMax does not guarantee that any Services will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, at any given time, or that it will continue to offer any particular Services for any particular length of time. Except as prohibited by applicable law, ZeniMax reserves the right to change and update Content without notice to You. ZeniMax also reserves the right to refuse Your request(s) to acquire Content, and to limit or block any request to acquire Content, including, but not limited to, Downloadable Content, for any reason.

    ZeniMax may patch, update, or modify at any time with or without notice to You. ]Notwithstanding the foregoing, ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services. ZeniMax makes no guarantees about the persistence or availability of any user names or other personas at any time and assumes no liability for lost or deleted Account data. Except as prohibited by applicable law, You agree that ZeniMax will not be liable for any interruption of the Services, delay or failure to perform, any loss of Content (including, but not limited to, User-Generated Content and Downloadable Content), and/or Account data (including, but not limited to, Character data) resulting from any causes whatsoever. ZeniMax reserves the right to offer new Services, change and/or discontinue certain Services at any time in its sole discretion."

    Remember this? That's only a small part of what we all signed for. Your subscription doesn't guarantees new content neither does it give you the right to ask for a refund. So in no way is Zenimax entitled to give us anything in compensation because we all signed for and agreed with their terms of use and they didn't with ours.

    If you are not satisfied with the service the company is selling to you, you have the right to cancel your contract anytime with them. If enough people do that, the company will either go bankrupt or review their policy to make their offer more appealing (which is already the case). But asking for some form of "refund" on the forums has no impactfull purpose and will only make fools out of those who blindly signed the terms of use and are asking for compensations.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on February 28, 2015 1:11PM
  • Micallef
    [quote (and everyone who can post here currently has an active account) :)[/quote]

    Hmmmnope. I cancelled my subscription and it ran out a month ago.
    I agree, 100 coins per month is an insult. At the same time, if it's a indicator of ZO appreciation, it makes it nice and clear to me where i stand.
  • Seraphyel
    And if they stayed under the subscription model, how would this change?

    You still wouldn't get access to the new content if you stopped paying for your subscription. You'd still have to pay to even get access to the core game.

    The problem is that you (and most of the people in this thread) think that when a company spends their earned money on specific items, that you somehow become entitled to those items. If ZO had said, "We're using subscription fees to finance the company waterpark," that wouldn't mean that you were entitled to free admission to the waterpark.

    You don't get the most important point.

    We payed - sure - for access to the game. But we spent $150 on subscription fees for nearly nothing, cause everything they announced and promised now will be deployed after the console version.

    So, we payed $150 for development of a content we have to pay TWICE just because Zenimax wants to make maximum money by completely neglecting loyal customers.

    Sure they owe us nothing, but their approach of customer care is simply awful. And as I said, Zenimax reputation is disastrous, with such a slap in the face they don't improve it, they worsen it - and a bad reputation destroys much more than anyone could imagine.

    The thing is - and it's more than obvious now - Zenimax doesn't care about actual players or the players who stayed her since launch. Those players are trash in their eyes, that's how it feels right now. And that's what bothers most of the people.

    To take your money 12 months for a broken promise ("We make a sub model because we think our game is worth it") is one thing, to make fun of all those loyal customers by offering the pitiful amount of ~ 1000 crowns is just... hideous.

    I rather take nothing than their thirty pieces of silver.
    Edited by Seraphyel on February 28, 2015 1:21PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    And if they stayed under the subscription model, how would this change?

    You still wouldn't get access to the new content if you stopped paying for your subscription. You'd still have to pay to even get access to the core game.

    The problem is that you (and most of the people in this thread) think that when a company spends their earned money on specific items, that you somehow become entitled to those items. If ZO had said, "We're using subscription fees to finance the company waterpark," that wouldn't mean that you were entitled to free admission to the waterpark.

    You don't get the most important point.

    We payed - sure - for access to the game. But we spent $150 on subscription fees for nearly nothing, cause everything they announced and promised now will be deployed after the console version.

    So, we payed $150 for development of a content we have to pay TWICE just because Zenimax wants to make maximum money by completely neglecting loyal customers.

    Sure they owe us nothing, but their approach of customer care is simply awful. And as I said, Zenimax reputation is disastrous, with such a slap in the face they don't improve it, they worsen it - and a bad reputation destroys much more than anyone could imagine.

    The thing is - and it's more than obvious now - Zenimax doesn't care about actual players or the players who stayed her since launch. Those players are trash in their eyes, that's how it feels right now. And that's what bothers most of the people.

    To take your money 12 months for a broken promise ("We make a sub model because we think our game is worth it") is one thing, to make fun of all those loyal customers by offering the pitiful amount of ~ 1000 crowns is just... hideous.

    I rather take nothing than their thirty pieces of silver.

    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on February 28, 2015 1:38PM
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    They are not, but it wouldn't do them any harm and it would improve their reputation. Right now Zenimax is a notorious MMORPG developer with a horrible reputation in EVERY way of thinking - marketing, development, gameplay, quality etc. - there is not even one point that makes Zenimax an outstanding developer in a positive way.

    With their "generosity" to give us 100 Crowns per payed months they just worsen their reputation even more instead of making it better.

    I agree with you on this, and I believe their would be even less s*** talking right now if they didn't gave any crown to people whenever 1.6 is going live. But my point remains the same, the company can just do whatever they want until costumers understand they are not obliged to give them money if they are not satisfied with the current service they are paying for.

    A company without money is a dead company.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on February 28, 2015 1:34PM
  • Seraphyel
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    What's the difference? You may be right in your conclusions BUT the reality is different.

    They didn't stay with the P2P model. They broke their "promise" what they defended for months, years. That changed everything. It changed our perception and it changed the situation. And with that it's just a slap in the face for loyal customers. That's it and to be honest, it can't be denied, not even by the biggest Zenimax-White-Knight.

    P.S. I know Judas accepted them. And in Zenimax eyes the loyal customers tend to be some kind of "Judas" and vice versa.
  • nerevarine1138
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    What's the difference? You may be right in your conclusions BUT the reality is different.

    They didn't stay with the P2P model. They broke their "promise" what they defended for months, years. That changed everything. It changed our perception and it changed the situation. And with that it's just a slap in the face for loyal customers. That's it and to be honest, it can't be denied, not even by the biggest Zenimax-White-Knight.

    P.S. I know Judas accepted them. And in Zenimax eyes the loyal customers tend to be some kind of "Judas" and vice versa.

    Again, it doesn't matter if you perceive the situations to be different. The reality is that this doesn't actually change your ability to access future content.
  • Seraphyel
    Again, it doesn't matter if you perceive the situations to be different. The reality is that this doesn't actually change your ability to access future content.

    And again, that's not what our rant is about.

    If you are unable or unwilling to understand what the real deal-breaker here is, I am sorry.
  • GaldorP
    Micallef wrote: »
    Hmmmnope. I cancelled my subscription and it ran out a month ago.
    I agree, 100 coins per month is an insult. At the same time, if it's a indicator of ZO appreciation, it makes it nice and clear to me where i stand.
    Really? That's weird. I couldn't sign into the forums anymore when my account wasn't active anymore and I was out of gametime.

    Also, how is it an insult that prior subscribers get a free 100 crowns per month subscribed? O_o
  • Slurg
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Congratulations everyone! The original post has achieved 150 agrees! It's good to know that we're not alone in our feelings about the 100C.

    Not that it matters, but it's good to know we're in like minded company.

    21 pages now and no green response, not even for moderation? Is that a record? It's good to see a thread where people are arguing their viewpoints in a mostly civil manner. But it would be so very nice if someone from ZOS would pop in before the transition even just to say thanks for the suggestion to increase the allotment but no thanks.

    Also I am so very amused by the posters who argue that giving the legacy players more crowns for previous months (say 500 instead of 100) would cause the company terrible financial loss. If this company is in such bad financial shape that they can't afford such a tiny amount now for a customer retention program to keep their long term customers paying them a year from now, then there's not much hope for the longevity of the game is there? So I do not think being able to afford it is a factor in this decision.
    Edited by Slurg on February 28, 2015 2:08PM
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • MornaBaine
    This is just another example of ZOS going about presenting things in the worst possible way. Remember this?

    Hey loyal subscribers who have been with us since the beginning! We're gonna give you an EXCLUSIVE awesome mount!


    Oh yeah, we're also putting the exact same mount in the cash shop just in different colors...and probably more desirable colors to most people.

    Sometimes it just seems as if they open their mouths merely in order to exchange feet.

    So now we have...

    Hey loyal subscribers! We're going to give you a bunch of free crowns 'cause we're so nice and we appreciate you so much!

    Followed by...

    And we're gonna give brand new players vastly MORE crowns if they just drop a bunch of cash on us via time cards right now.

    Now sure, I guess I could run out and stock up on time cards and I'd get the same bennies PLUS the pittance ZoS is willing to toss my way already. It's frankly the way they present this stuff that really ticks people off. What clearly happened was that they saw a way to quickly grab some cash by extending these benefits to new players via time cards purchased in bulk. I don't blame them for wanting the money. But a little GOOD PR would go a long way to generating good will with he ESTABLISHED playing community. Their "thank you" to us needs to be increased in light of what they've done.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Micallef

    Also, how is it an insult that prior subscribers get a free 100 crowns per month subscribed? O_o[/quote]
    Micallef wrote: »
    Hmmmnope. I cancelled my subscription and it ran out a month ago.
    I agree, 100 coins per month is an insult. At the same time, if it's a indicator of ZO appreciation, it makes it nice and clear to me where i stand.
    Really? That's weird. I couldn't sign into the forums anymore when my account wasn't active anymore and I was out of gametime.

    Also, how is it an insult that prior subscribers get a free 100 crowns per month subscribed? O_o

    I know, I fully expected to have no rights to post once my time ran out. <shrug>

    Imo 100 crown as a token of ZO appreciation is low at best. To be clear, I'm not claiming that I am owed anything (disregarding ZO doing a 180 on what they have been preaching prior to the F2P announcement) but it would have been less damaging had they not offered anything at all instead of these alms.
    As I see it, as my personal opinion, I think that the 100 crowns as their sign of appreciation actually shows a complete lack of appreciation.
    As someone who sat through beta tests (real and perceived) through bot infestation, bugs and stuck quests (still!) I feel insulted by this token 'gift', which I suspect is just enough to whet my whistle, cash store wise.
    It's ok though. I enjoy the game and I'm looking forward to playing it for free as long as the fun lasts. Meanwhile I'll be spending my cash elsewhere.
    Edited by Micallef on February 28, 2015 2:19PM
  • Micallef
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    This is just another example of ZOS going about presenting things in the worst possible way. Remember this?

    Hey loyal subscribers who have been with us since the beginning! We're gonna give you an EXCLUSIVE awesome mount!


    Oh yeah, we're also putting the exact same mount in the cash shop just in different colors...and probably more desirable colors to most people.

    Sometimes it just seems as if they open their mouths merely in order to exchange feet.

    So now we have...

    Hey loyal subscribers! We're going to give you a bunch of free crowns 'cause we're so nice and we appreciate you so much!

    Followed by...

    And we're gonna give brand new players vastly MORE crowns if they just drop a bunch of cash on us via time cards right now.

    Now sure, I guess I could run out and stock up on time cards and I'd get the same bennies PLUS the pittance ZoS is willing to toss my way already. It's frankly the way they present this stuff that really ticks people off. What clearly happened was that they saw a way to quickly grab some cash by extending these benefits to new players via time cards purchased in bulk. I don't blame them for wanting the money. But a little GOOD PR would go a long way to generating good will with he ESTABLISHED playing community. Their "thank you" to us needs to be increased in light of what they've done.

    This. So much this.
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    to me if u keep up ur sub then you should not have crowns but full and free axcess to the crown store
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • Kallipsoe
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

This discussion has been closed.