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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Varicite
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    The difference is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out eventually, people continue paying, everyone is happy.

    See, that's what would have happened if the sub model had continued.

    Now, what really happened is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out in a cash shop and must be paid for, even though they spent a year telling us that's what our money was ALREADY going toward. Customers are unhappy because they feel misled.

    Not really sure what's so hard to understand about people being unhappy at being misled.
  • Varicite
    Micallef wrote: »
    Hmmmnope. I cancelled my subscription and it ran out a month ago.
    I agree, 100 coins per month is an insult. At the same time, if it's a indicator of ZO appreciation, it makes it nice and clear to me where i stand.
    Really? That's weird. I couldn't sign into the forums anymore when my account wasn't active anymore and I was out of gametime.

    Also, how is it an insult that prior subscribers get a free 100 crowns per month subscribed? O_o

    Yeah, you're not supposed to be able to post w/out an active sub (or time remaining on a sub that was cancelled), but every now and then a few of us fall through the system.

    I cancelled sub at end of October and never had forum privileges revoked. Resubbed last week, though. I still feel kinda dirty about that, tbh.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Again, it doesn't matter if you perceive the situations to be different. The reality is that this doesn't actually change your ability to access future content.

    And again, that's not what our rant is about.

    If you are unable or unwilling to understand what the real deal-breaker here is, I am sorry.

    I'm not. Just ignore that spam. Unless you like dancing.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • nerevarine1138
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Again, it doesn't matter if you perceive the situations to be different. The reality is that this doesn't actually change your ability to access future content.

    And again, that's not what our rant is about.

    If you are unable or unwilling to understand what the real deal-breaker here is, I am sorry.

    I didn't realize that your issue wasn't that
    we payed $150 for development of a content we have to pay TWICE.
    I'm literally responding directly to your arguments, so what, exactly, is your grievance? That you perceive a situation where you're paying twice?

    You aren't paying twice for this content. You're paying exactly what you would have, or you're now being given the option of only paying a one-time fee for only the things you want.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on February 28, 2015 3:47PM
  • Gidorick
    Micallef wrote: »
    Hmmmnope. I cancelled my subscription and it ran out a month ago.
    I agree, 100 coins per month is an insult. At the same time, if it's a indicator of ZO appreciation, it makes it nice and clear to me where i stand.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 28, 2015 4:11PM
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  • Gidorick
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    They are not, but it wouldn't do them any harm and it would improve their reputation. Right now Zenimax is a notorious MMORPG developer with a horrible reputation in EVERY way of thinking - marketing, development, gameplay, quality etc. - there is not even one point that makes Zenimax an outstanding developer in a positive way.

    With their "generosity" to give us 100 Crowns per payed months they just worsen their reputation even more instead of making it better.

    I agree with you on this, and I believe their would be even less s*** talking right now if they didn't gave any crown to people whenever 1.6 is going live. But my point remains the same, the company can just do whatever they want until costumers understand they are not obliged to give them money if they are not satisfied with the current service they are paying for.

    A company without money is a dead company.

    There totally would be! I never expected any back-crowns. I didn't ask for them. If they had just said "hey the payment model is changing and from March 17th onward subscriptions will earn 1500 Crowns per month!" That would have been the end of it. I would have accepted change and moved on.

    But then they wanted to thank us. Thank us with an empty gesture. Thank us for each month we subscribe with a gesture that literally buys nothing in the crown store. Thank us for being such loyal customers by showing us EXACTLY how little we actually meant.

    As I've said before. It's not about the Crown's. It's about the message that those Crowns send. I would have preferred no thanks at all than this thanks.

    ESPECIALLY since our other "loyalty appreciation gifts" can just be outright bought by those who wish to pay the amount required.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Slurg wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Congratulations everyone! The original post has achieved 150 agrees! It's good to know that we're not alone in our feelings about the 100C.

    Not that it matters, but it's good to know we're in like minded company.

    21 pages now and no green response, not even for moderation? Is that a record? It's good to see a thread where people are arguing their viewpoints in a mostly civil manner. But it would be so very nice if someone from ZOS would pop in before the transition even just to say thanks for the suggestion to increase the allotment but no thanks.

    Also I am so very amused by the posters who argue that giving the legacy players more crowns for previous months (say 500 instead of 100) would cause the company terrible financial loss. If this company is in such bad financial shape that they can't afford such a tiny amount now for a customer retention program to keep their long term customers paying them a year from now, then there's not much hope for the longevity of the game is there? So I do not think being able to afford it is a factor in this decision.

    This gave me a pretty good chuckle. Thanks @Slurg. :wink:
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  • Gidorick
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    This is just another example of ZOS going about presenting things in the worst possible way. Remember this?

    Hey loyal subscribers who have been with us since the beginning! We're gonna give you an EXCLUSIVE awesome mount!


    Oh yeah, we're also putting the exact same mount in the cash shop just in different colors...and probably more desirable colors to most people.

    Sometimes it just seems as if they open their mouths merely in order to exchange feet.

    So now we have...

    Hey loyal subscribers! We're going to give you a bunch of free crowns 'cause we're so nice and we appreciate you so much!

    Followed by...

    And we're gonna give brand new players vastly MORE crowns if they just drop a bunch of cash on us via time cards right now.

    Now sure, I guess I could run out and stock up on time cards and I'd get the same bennies PLUS the pittance ZoS is willing to toss my way already. It's frankly the way they present this stuff that really ticks people off. What clearly happened was that they saw a way to quickly grab some cash by extending these benefits to new players via time cards purchased in bulk. I don't blame them for wanting the money. But a little GOOD PR would go a long way to generating good will with he ESTABLISHED playing community. Their "thank you" to us needs to be increased in light of what they've done.

    Yea... @MornaBaine gets it! Some companies really underestimate the value of loyalty. You can't tell me that WOW has reigned KING of the MMOs for over a decade because it is constantly gaining NEW customers? Nope... it's the loyal customers that have kept WOW in the #1 spot for so long.
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  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.
    EDIT: This post now has over 150 "Agrees"! It's good to know so many others feel the same way about the 100 crowns!

    Exactly what I was thinking. It's like spitting on us after they kicked us in the guts and knocked us down.
  • Thymos
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.
    The Older Gamers Recruitment Thread
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  • Seraphyel
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    They technically don't have to maintain a 24h server uptime. They could take the servers offline from 22-6 o'clock due to money or unsatisfying working hours.

    They don't do that because... yeah, obvious reasons. It's the same with the crowns we get.

    Gidorick said it a few posts up there:
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here I go...

    Zenimax Online isn't entitled to give you anything in return for the months you played before. You know why? Because you payed for a subscription fee under a different policy and the chart you sign with Zenimax will not even be the same when Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    They are not, but it wouldn't do them any harm and it would improve their reputation. Right now Zenimax is a notorious MMORPG developer with a horrible reputation in EVERY way of thinking - marketing, development, gameplay, quality etc. - there is not even one point that makes Zenimax an outstanding developer in a positive way.

    With their "generosity" to give us 100 Crowns per payed months they just worsen their reputation even more instead of making it better.

    I agree with you on this, and I believe their would be even less s*** talking right now if they didn't gave any crown to people whenever 1.6 is going live. But my point remains the same, the company can just do whatever they want until costumers understand they are not obliged to give them money if they are not satisfied with the current service they are paying for.

    A company without money is a dead company.

    There totally would be! I never expected any back-crowns. I didn't ask for them. If they had just said "hey the payment model is changing and from March 17th onward subscriptions will earn 1500 Crowns per month!" That would have been the end of it. I would have accepted change and moved on.

    But then they wanted to thank us. Thank us with an empty gesture. Thank us for each month we subscribe with a gesture that literally buys nothing in the crown store. Thank us for being such loyal customers by showing us EXACTLY how little we actually meant.

    As I've said before. It's not about the Crown's. It's about the message that those Crowns send. I would have preferred no thanks at all than this thanks.

    ESPECIALLY since our other "loyalty appreciation gifts" can just be outright bought by those who wish to pay the amount required.

    Edited by Seraphyel on February 28, 2015 4:28PM
  • Gidorick
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 28, 2015 5:19PM
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  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Varicite wrote: »
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    The difference is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out eventually, people continue paying, everyone is happy.

    See, that's what would have happened if the sub model had continued.

    Now, what really happened is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out in a cash shop and must be paid for, even though they spent a year telling us that's what our money was ALREADY going toward. Customers are unhappy because they feel misled.

    Not really sure what's so hard to understand about people being unhappy at being misled.

    I have a hard time finding out how you are feeling misled? Your subscribtion allows you to play any DLC content and with the crowns you get every months you can choose to buy costumes/mounts in the crown store or choose to buy any future DLCs. Meaning you actualy choose which content you want to unlock with the money you spend on subscribtion fees.

    But in no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on February 28, 2015 5:43PM
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    That would be a good thing to. As I have said... I'd rather not even have the crowns than have ZOS blow smoke up our rears about being appreciated.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Varicite wrote: »
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    The difference is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out eventually, people continue paying, everyone is happy.

    See, that's what would have happened if the sub model had continued.

    Now, what really happened is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out in a cash shop and must be paid for, even though they spent a year telling us that's what our money was ALREADY going toward. Customers are unhappy because they feel misled.

    Not really sure what's so hard to understand about people being unhappy at being misled.

    I have a hard time finding out how you are feeling misled? Your subscribtion allows you to play any DLC content and with the crowns you get every months you can choose to buy costumes/mounts in the crown store or choose to buy any future DLCs. Meaning you actualy choose which content you want to unlock with the money you spend on subscribtion.

    In no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    1500C per month will not, in any way, give the player enough to buy everything from the crown store. So to experience "all" the content it will cost players more than the sub fee each month.

    I think that's where some players have a feeling of being mislead. they are being asked to pay for more than their subscription. Imagine if the crown store was added WIHTOUT dropping the subscription requiremnet. people would have gone insane!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Brasseurfb16_ESO

    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    Removing the crowns reward would just make the situation worse. They have already made a big mistake with their previous decisions. There is no need to twist the knife even further into the wound.
  • popplebottom
    Soul Shriven
    I can see both sides but personally I'm fine with the 100 crowns gesture. Could they have given us more? Sure, but it likely would have resulted in higher prices in the crown store to try to pull them back out of circulation. I'm good.
  • Seraphyel
    But in no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    Sure are we paying twice for the same content. To question where customers were misled... sorry, only a White Knight or a Fanboy can be so naive. It's obvious where we (=loyal customers) were misled, more than once.

    We payed once with our subscription the last 10 months and we are paying again with either our continuing subscription or Crowns.

    They showed us Imperial City, Murkmire and Orsinium last summer, long before B2P was ever mentioned. So it's obvious that we'll get that content in a reasonable amount of time and don't have to pay once again cause it was delayed (or better hold back) to sell it in the Crown Store or as exclusive subscriber content after the B2P transition.
    Edited by Seraphyel on February 28, 2015 6:16PM
  • Ysne58
    I'm surprised to see this thread still going. As I've said before, the sneaky underhanded way that the company went about this change really stinks.

    I do really hope that the change doesn't destroy the game. My sub is up in May because I did add a 60 day time card to qualify for that senche mount.

    I will decide in May whether to continue to subscribe or not.
  • Kevinmon
    no ZOS comment yet on this change?
  • Inco
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    HOLY CRAP BALLS Nerevarine.. you need a HUG or what? Most grouchy poster I've seen in MMO's for a while. Telling all those pesky kids to get off ZOS lawn or you will hose them down with water.

    RELAX... the community has good reason to complain about this injustice. Yes the model is changing... we all have to suck it up (After promises to NEVER go F2P). Yes they are giving us a small token of appreciation via crowns for past subs. Finally, YES that small token is complete crap and silly that I can spend a fraction of what I did for 10 subs to get MORE crowns. Loyal players are a tad pissed off and they have a right to complain on the forums.

    The ASK US ANYTHING doesn't seem to have "100 crown issue" mentioned in any of the LIVESTREAMS cause they are avoiding it like the plaque. Much like this post it's not likely to get a response.
  • Inco
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    I'm surprised to see this thread still going. As I've said before, the sneaky underhanded way that the company went about this change really stinks.

    I do really hope that the change doesn't destroy the game. My sub is up in May because I did add a 60 day time card to qualify for that senche mount.

    I will decide in May whether to continue to subscribe or not.

    I'm in the same boat as you on this one. I've just enough subs for the mount, and depending on the outcome of "CROWNGATE" ie: 100 a month for past subs I'll see if it's worth the time/effort to continue.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Varicite wrote: »
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    The difference is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out eventually, people continue paying, everyone is happy.

    See, that's what would have happened if the sub model had continued.

    Now, what really happened is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out in a cash shop and must be paid for, even though they spent a year telling us that's what our money was ALREADY going toward. Customers are unhappy because they feel misled.

    Not really sure what's so hard to understand about people being unhappy at being misled.

    I have a hard time finding out how you are feeling misled? Your subscribtion allows you to play any DLC content and with the crowns you get every months you can choose to buy costumes/mounts in the crown store or choose to buy any future DLCs. Meaning you actualy choose which content you want to unlock with the money you spend on subscribtion.

    In no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    1500C per month will not, in any way, give the player enough to buy everything from the crown store. So to experience "all" the content it will cost players more than the sub fee each month.

    I think that's where some players have a feeling of being mislead. they are being asked to pay for more than their subscription. Imagine if the crown store was added WIHTOUT dropping the subscription requiremnet. people would have gone insane!

    I don't call a Horse or a costume content (rather cosmetics and conveniences). When I speak about content, I talk only about DLCs. The current value of a DLC is undetermined yet but we know 100 crowns = 1€ if you subscribe (price for crowns might still change). We don't know the price of DLCs yet neither do we know how big those are going to be, but i'm pretty sure you we will be able to buy all DLCs just by staying subscribed as an ESO+ member. I realy don't see ZOS selling those for 3000 crowns (or 2 months worth of subscribtion), that would be very expensive for a little bit of content.

    Seraphyel wrote: »
    But in no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    Sure are we paying twice for the same content. To question where customers were misled... sorry, only a White Knight or a Fanboy can be so naive. It's obvious where we (=loyal customers) were misled, more than once.

    We payed once with our subscription the last 10 months and we are paying again with either our continuing subscription or Crowns.

    They showed us Imperial City, Murkmire and Orsinium last summer, long before B2P was ever mentioned. So it's obvious that we'll get that content in a reasonable amount of time and don't have to pay once again cause it was delayed (or better hold back) to sell it in the Crown Store or as exclusive subscriber content after the B2P transition.

    Nice way to put my quote out of context.

    What you pay before Tamriel Unlimited never guaranteed you any so called "new" content, but rather a service. I have read the therm of use and it was pretty clear in it and I advice you to check it out. The subscribtion will allow you to unlock any DLC content if you don't waste your crowns on the store first for cosmetics, so buying crowns or subscribing to ESO+ allow you to unlock that new content forever if you have subscribed long enough or buyed enough crowns. So in no ways are you paying twice since you were allowed to play those DLCs during your membership and buy them with that same subscribtion. Unless ZOS gives us new content every month, I doubt very much we will ever have issues to unlock DLC content while subscribed.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on February 28, 2015 11:38PM
  • Jiigen
    And also the latest promise hasn't been fulfilled:
    When you've been a paid subscriber for nine months, you'll receive it in your in-game mail! We plan to start sending this new costume at the end of February, so keep your eyes peeled.

    I could swear February has only 28 days this year.
    Edited by Jiigen on February 28, 2015 11:43PM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Inco
    I thought they posted or mentioned something about a delay on that reward?
  • Jiigen
    Inco wrote: »
    I thought they posted or mentioned something about a delay on that reward?

    Oh I have no idea, if it's not in the announcements there is no way of keeping track... I was expecting it. Also no mention of any delay in the latest ESO Live.
    Edited by Jiigen on March 1, 2015 12:04AM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Varicite wrote: »
    Again, what's the difference?

    If they stayed under the current model, you still wouldn't get access to content after cancelling your subscription. So you still miss out on all that content you "earned".

    P.S. Judas was the one who accepted the thirty pieces of silver, not the one who gave them out.

    The difference is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out eventually, people continue paying, everyone is happy.

    See, that's what would have happened if the sub model had continued.

    Now, what really happened is this:

    ZOS says: Continue paying a monthly subscription, and THIS COOL STUFF is what we're using that subscription money to make.

    COOL STUFF comes out in a cash shop and must be paid for, even though they spent a year telling us that's what our money was ALREADY going toward. Customers are unhappy because they feel misled.

    Not really sure what's so hard to understand about people being unhappy at being misled.

    I have a hard time finding out how you are feeling misled? Your subscribtion allows you to play any DLC content and with the crowns you get every months you can choose to buy costumes/mounts in the crown store or choose to buy any future DLCs. Meaning you actualy choose which content you want to unlock with the money you spend on subscribtion.

    In no ways are you paying twice for the same available content.

    1500C per month will not, in any way, give the player enough to buy everything from the crown store. So to experience "all" the content it will cost players more than the sub fee each month.

    I think that's where some players have a feeling of being mislead. they are being asked to pay for more than their subscription. Imagine if the crown store was added WIHTOUT dropping the subscription requiremnet. people would have gone insane!

    I don't call a Horse or a costume content (rather cosmetics and conveniences). When I speak about content, I talk only about DLCs. The current value of a DLC is undetermined yet but we know 100 crowns = 1€ if you subscribe (price for crowns might still change). We don't know the price of DLCs yet neither do we know how big those are going to be, but i'm pretty sure you we will be able to buy all DLCs just by staying subscribed as an ESO+ member. I realy don't see ZOS selling those for 3000 crowns (or 2 months worth of subscribtion), that would be very expensive for a little bit of content.

    I think that's fair enough. It has yet to be seen if a subscription will afford a player enough Crowns to outright BUY the DLC that is going to be offered. I really hope it does!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Inco wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    I'm fine with what they are giving us. They technically don't have to give us anything. I will continue to pay for the sub, and will get more crowns as time goes on. Plus... even with as many agrees you have here, it still is a very very very miniscule minority.

    Have there been many other posts to get 175+ "agrees"?

    I tried to find a post about not being eligible for the Senche Mount or the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter that has contained anywhere near this number of "agrees" and have come up short. If you're able to provide this information, I'll stop mentioning how many people agree with this topic because I think the number says quite a bit.

    If it takes 25 or so agrees to get ZOS to change their mind about the Senche Mount or Mask of Cheerful Slaughter... then why doesn't 175+ agrees change their mind about this? I think the number of agrees on this topic, compared to similar topics about the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaugher certainly adds to the conversation about this being an insult and the message they are sending if a change isn't made.

    Why should it change their mind? It's not a good idea, and it's not a good business practice. The only change I'd like to see as a result of this thread is them taking away the bonus Crowns entirely. It would teach everyone a valuable lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    HOLY CRAP BALLS Nerevarine.. you need a HUG or what? Most grouchy poster I've seen in MMO's for a while. Telling all those pesky kids to get off ZOS lawn or you will hose them down with water.

    RELAX... the community has good reason to complain about this injustice. Yes the model is changing... we all have to suck it up (After promises to NEVER go F2P). Yes they are giving us a small token of appreciation via crowns for past subs. Finally, YES that small token is complete crap and silly that I can spend a fraction of what I did for 10 subs to get MORE crowns. Loyal players are a tad pissed off and they have a right to complain on the forums.

    The ASK US ANYTHING doesn't seem to have "100 crown issue" mentioned in any of the LIVESTREAMS cause they are avoiding it like the plaque. Much like this post it's not likely to get a response.

    I had to re-read that one a couple of times. Getting a gift and not liking it is an injustice? Really? I mean, you really think that you not getting enough free money for your taste can be called injustice?

    I never claimed anyone didn't have a right to complain in the forums. It's just a ridiculous thing to complain about. That's all.

    Not as ridiculous as complaining about the people that complain about the gift.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Kvothe
    It's too bad that so many people who subscribed to this game for he last year may end up with fewer crowns (after the awards for previous and remaining subscription time is tallied) than many of the people buying up prepaid cards who never played while there was a subscription rate.

    I think it would be great if ZOS offered more than 100 crowns to the people who have subscribed over the last year, if for no other reason than to even things out with the people stockpiling prepaid cards. However, I doubt it will happen.
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