Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Audigy
    This is a heated topic and my comment I gave before. Yet I wanted to add something else in general.


    a lot of the people posting in this thread are mad, mad about decisions that were made. A good example is all that promised content from the past, be it the JS with PVP aspects, the Imperial City, Spell Weaving or Wrothgar. None of these promised features are even close to being implemented and to a lot of people the Crown Shop and the CS are the reason for that.

    Features, that nobody ever asked about or wanted in first place.

    The CS therefore needed a lot of positive marketing by ZO and I believe they as a company succeeded there. While I am strongly against the current plans of the CS, many others really believe in the good of it, also because they got their will with 70 CP for free as a VR 14.

    You can say that ZO is just like a mother, she gives its children something and then the children will always remember this and demand more every day.

    As a mother you can now do two things. You either accept this and give your child always something extra until all you can give is the sleeping place under a bridge, or you can teach it early that life isn't a pony range and that even she has to work hard for it.
    Those talks are necessary for a mother, if she wants a good child that is in one or another way able to understand why it cant get the real black pony, but only a tiny rocking one for its room.

    Exactly here, both ZO and the Community failed.

    The community failed because it got the finger and now demands the whole hand, a typical behavior for kids but not adults. While I understand your reasoning behind it, its still inappropriate for grown ups. But also ZO failed in not explaining properly why things are how they are.

    I want to strongly point out that this isn't the fault of Gina & Co. but more of the PR department of ZO who directs them. Not only did they give their fans too much information, information that too often was so detailed and explained as "very soon" that the customers really believed into a release next week or month, but they also gave the former subscribers another finger with the 100 Crowns.

    Of course the community now act´s like the child, knowing very well that it worked out more than once before and again ZO makes the mistake of not explaining why 100 Crowns and no more. Why the Crown shop is coming and why the prices are like they are and what the DLC feature will look like in regards of how many crowns are needed etc.

    This thread here shows it very well, two sides fighting over something that could be so easily fixed. Fixed by just talking and understanding the other side.

    I don't work for ZO and I am definitely not in the position to make suggestions to experts, but I think it would be wise to make some type of "declaration of Crowns", explaining their reasoning and also talking some sense to the people in this thread.

    Gina tried this when she explained that it was only a gift and not a reward like the Tiger which we get soon for our subs.
    I second this explanation, even though I don't like the idea of 100 Crowns only - especially since we didn't get the content we paid our subs for. (I act like a child here too ;) ) Personally I would had liked it a lot if Wrothgar, Spell Weaving and JS would be free or offered for a discount to long time subs.

    The disappointment of people is mostly because of the lack of content that they paid real money for. It can very well be that some people at this forum have a hard time putting those 15 bucks together and they feel treated wrong. Maybe ZO could show a last good will in explaining what happened to the once promised content, but in such a way that it is not a promise of "in three months Wrothgar is live", but a look ahead of what the Dev´s currently do.

    Long ago I suggested a timeline for the official ESO website, a timeline that shows what was currently done behind the scenes. Let the people know that for instance you just created a village at Wrothgar, that you just run an internal test of the PVP inside the justice system ... Make a tiny video or screenshot and put it in that timeline. You can also use your ESO live feed, if anything was said there earlier. Just make sure its transparent as the unknown scares us humans most and right now the people at this forum are scared ;)

    There doesn't need to be a date for future content, this would be silly as deadlines change. But letting the people know their money was used for something good is how you can motivate them and show that you as a company care.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe that people in this thread only want to know what their money was used for and the 100 Crowns seem like a reward to them and this compared to the potential 1500 feels wrong.
  • Simzani
    Hi there, everyone. We understand that the transition of our business model and the initial crown allotment may not make everyone happy. Your subscription in previous months gave you access to the game and all updates; consider the additional crowns you get for this time as a loyalty bonus and a simple thank you. Please make sure you keep your discussion constructive, otherwise we'll need to close this thread.

    Maybe you didn't read the thread. I, as for some others, consider that 100 crowns not as a thanks but as an insult. With what I quoted, you insult us one more time. I'm waiting for your apologies for this multiple insults.
  • Pappa
    Simzani wrote: »
    Hi there, everyone. We understand that the transition of our business model and the initial crown allotment may not make everyone happy. Your subscription in previous months gave you access to the game and all updates; consider the additional crowns you get for this time as a loyalty bonus and a simple thank you. Please make sure you keep your discussion constructive, otherwise we'll need to close this thread.

    Maybe you didn't read the thread. I, as for some others, consider that 100 crowns not as a thanks but as an insult. With what I quoted, you insult us one more time. I'm waiting for your apologies for this multiple insults.

    I wouldn't hold your breath...

    *Kiss the goat*
  • ZOS_ShannonM
    Hello folks,

    We appreciate your feedback on this issue, but feel this thread has run its course and will be closed, in addition to the request made by the original poster. We would like to encourage you to always voice your concerns and thoughts, but to do it in a constructive manner.

    Thank you for understanding.
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