100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Elsonso
    Jiigen wrote: »
    And meanwhile, 14 pages in, there is still no reply from ZOS.

    What kind of response would you expect here?

    I suspect any would do.

    They have already made their statements regarding the subscriber transition at the time when Tamriel Unlimited was announced. The Road Ahead was really skimpy on this subject, so that leads me to believe that there is another statement coming. Until that statement comes, they are unlikely to add anything to this discussion.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • RainfeatherUK
    Well it 'is' better than nothing from a literal standpoint. Im just sticking with that idea that I have no idea if I even want to buy anything with them o.0

    DLC isnt really going to cut it my end either, since I'll already have it unlocked.

    I'll accept Maria Aliprando in a box though lol. That would be fine xD
  • GreySix
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Soulshine
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    You really want people to answer that???
  • GreySix
    Soulshine wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    You really want people to answer that???

    Not really, but the arguments presented in this thread bear a striking similarity, do they not? ;)
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Soulshine
    GreySix wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    You really want people to answer that???

    Not really, but the arguments presented in this thread bear a striking similarity, do they not? ;)

    In an very superficial way, as with most parables aimed at black and white thinking.
  • Gidorick
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    The circumstances are a little different. In our case we would have worked for the man for 10 days and at the end of 10 days he announced that anyone who works for him the 11th day will receive 1500 coins for that day and every day onward. Then he told those of us that had worked for him the previous 10 days that, as a token of his sincerest thanks, he would be giving us 100 coins per day for a total of 1000 crowns... I mean coins. :wink:

    Also... I ALWAYS thought that story was kind of messed up. I know the money is meant to be salvation and how salvation will be given to all no matter how long they have followed Christ but my problem has always been is that salvation isn't quantifiable, it's intangible... so to equate salvation to money is like equating with being safe with having sandwiches... it's a flawed metaphor.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 21, 2015 1:57AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • GreySix
    Gidorick wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    The circumstances are a little different. In our case we would have worked for the man for 10 days and at the end of 10 days he announced that anyone who works for him the 11th day will receive 1500 coins for that day and every day onward. Then he told those of us that had worked for him the previous 10 days that, as a token of his sincerest thanks, he would be giving us 100 coins per day for a total of 1000 crowns... I mean coins. :wink:

    Also... I ALWAYS thought that story was kind of messed up. I know the money is meant to be salvation and how salvation will be given to all no matter how long they have followed Christ but my problem has always been is that salvation isn't quantifiable, it's intangible... so to equate salvation to money is like equating with being safe with having sandwiches... it's a flawed metaphor.

    Can certainly see the difference.

    Won't get into a philosophical religious argument though ... just thought the similarity was striking, until of course you pointed out the discrepancies. ;)
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Livvy
    Whats insulting is people crying that theyre getting ANYTHING AT ALL.

    How many MMOs have gone F2P/B2P in the past and gave you ANYTHING as far as a cash equivilent for your prior time in the game?

    Ill wait.

    Veteran rewards have been a staple of games in many MMOs. You can certainly look at Champions Online as an example of a game that started as subscription and went F2P and many of the veteran reward sets (like costumes) went to their cash shop. So yeah, they certainly should be rewarding the players that stuck with them through the months, it's pretty much standard procedure these days.

    Veteran Rewards are equal to actual money being returned to you in the form of Crown Points?

    Yeah Okay buddy.

    Im still waiting.

    PS. As a subscriber thats been with the game prior to B2P. You are getting perks in the form of mounts and pets as you continue your subscription. So that right there is your Veteran Rewards.

    Im still waiting for the example of a company paying you back in any amount for your time in game that can be used in their Store.

    Actually, I got a very large amount of Turbine points when LOTRO went F2P. They even let us earn the regular monthly amount leading all the way up to when they went F2P.

    "Current LotRO subscribers can begin accruing Turbine Points well before the relaunch, correct?

    Yes, absolutely. Both lifetime and subscribers should be able to do that. As long as you have an active subscription and log in once a month, you'll start earning points today and you'll have a nice little stockpile of points in your account when we launch this fall."


    One measly month of normal monthly rewards would add to up more than the crappy amount of points they're giving us "loyal" subscribers in this game.
  • Gidorick
    @Livvy THAT would have been awesome! if they announced in Jan... all current subscribers will start earning 1500 points from now so that when ESO:TU launches, if you've been a subscriber Jan, Feb & March, you will have 4500 Crown.

    But the REASON LOTRO players had so many turbine points is they had like 2000 turbine points from 4 months of earning 500... is this correct or did they get even more on top of that?

    I also really liked LOTRO's answer to:

    What brought this decision about? Was it to counter a drop in subscriptions, or to grow the brand?

    "Well, we definitely liked what we saw in DDO, without a doubt. We saw the community really grow, we saw a lot of opportunity for players who had tenure with the game to provide advice and support for new players. We felt that while LotRO was really doing well as a subscription game, we could really grow the experience and make it a much more rich and full experience for all of the players we currently have and the players who wanted to get in but were turned off by the subscription."

    Edited by Gidorick on February 21, 2015 3:00AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Livvy
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Livvy THAT would have been awesome! if they announced in Jan... all current subscribers will start earning 1500 points from now so that when ESO:TU launches, if you've been a subscriber Jan, Feb & March, you will have 4500 Crown.

    But the REASON LOTRO players had so many turbine points is they had like 2000 turbine points from 4 months of earning 500... is this correct or did they get even more on top of that?

    I also really liked LOTRO's answer to:

    What brought this decision about? Was it to counter a drop in subscriptions, or to grow the brand?

    "Well, we definitely liked what we saw in DDO, without a doubt. We saw the community really grow, we saw a lot of opportunity for players who had tenure with the game to provide advice and support for new players. We felt that while LotRO was really doing well as a subscription game, we could really grow the experience and make it a much more rich and full experience for all of the players we currently have and the players who wanted to get in but were turned off by the subscription."


    Exactly! THAT would have made sense to me and felt like a real reward that wasn't outlandish but made us feel like our time supporting the game up to that point meant something and gave us something to use in the new update.

    I think the reason we had a pretty good number of turbine points was just the fact they let us accrue them leading up to the launch of F2P. I don't remember getting anything extra. But it was a while ago, so I could be wrong.
    Edited by Livvy on February 21, 2015 3:08AM
  • Gidorick
    Livvy wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Livvy THAT would have been awesome! if they announced in Jan... all current subscribers will start earning 1500 points from now so that when ESO:TU launches, if you've been a subscriber Jan, Feb & March, you will have 4500 Crown.

    But the REASON LOTRO players had so many turbine points is they had like 2000 turbine points from 4 months of earning 500... is this correct or did they get even more on top of that?

    I also really liked LOTRO's answer to:

    What brought this decision about? Was it to counter a drop in subscriptions, or to grow the brand?

    "Well, we definitely liked what we saw in DDO, without a doubt. We saw the community really grow, we saw a lot of opportunity for players who had tenure with the game to provide advice and support for new players. We felt that while LotRO was really doing well as a subscription game, we could really grow the experience and make it a much more rich and full experience for all of the players we currently have and the players who wanted to get in but were turned off by the subscription."


    Exactly! THAT would have made sense to me and felt like a real reward that wasn't outlandish but made us feel like our time supporting the game up to that point meant something and gave us something to use in the new update.

    I think the reason we had a pretty good number of turbine points was just the fact they let us accrue them leading up to the launch of F2P. I don't remember getting anything extra. But it was a while ago, so I could be wrong.

    I agree. That would have been a MUCH cleaner way of handling this. Just say "from now on subs get 1500 Crown per month".

    The issue we seem to be having is ZOS wants to show us that they appreciate us, but they just haven't found an appropriate way to show this. Now, I believe they DO appreciate us but they want and need to please new customers to keep them playing.

    This is what happened with the Senche mount. They WANTED it to be a reward just for us, they wanted it to be for those that were with them from the beginning. Then people complained because they had a vacation for a month... or their credit card expired.... or they forgot to update their information... or their dog ate their subscription. They made such a fuss and ZOS decided the easiest thing to do was to appease these players. Once they made this concession, it was easy to just go ahead and make the same concessions for the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter.

    Now, at this point ZOS is left with nothing to give those of us that have been loyal to them from the beginning. I'm sure they don't like this as much as those of us that feel slighted don't like it... but that's the way it is.

    I'm really hoping that they use the 'prior crows per month' option to show us that appreciation but perhaps not.

    They also have the option of figuring it out later. The fact that we have subscribed the entire time before ESO:TU was launched will not change... so this isn't a time sensitive thing.

    I guess we'll see. :smile:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Soulshine
    Keep telling everyone about that about the Senche if you like, it still doesn't add up to what they said and did about it.

    There were many choices available to show people an appreciation for time in the game that was not tied to the money they spent here. If Turbine can even do that, it should not be such a problem here.
  • Livvy
    At this point, I honestly/personally don't think they care that we are unhappy. They've had many many MANY chances, IMO. And they've chosen to not deliver on any of them.

    Loyalty program? Flop. Loyalty Mount? Flop. Crowns for months of loyal subscription? Flop.

    Regarding the Sench Mount, there will always be people left out when it comes to things of this nature. Always. For the people that missed months due to hardships, etc, they could have simply put in the stipulation you had to have started playing the game by X date to qualify. To me, there were many ways they could have handled this that would have been far less disappointing and insulting.

    After so many attempts, and so many failures, eventually you lose hope of them ever doing anything along these lines that really means anything or matters. I kinda wish at this point they wouldn't even try(if you can even call it trying). Because they disappoint every single time. Sometimes nothing is better than something free. And sure, I can just throw them all away if I don't want them. But it's the fact they masquerade them all, as something they're not, that is so irksome. To me anyway. :)

    It would make me happy though if they suddenly proved me wrong.
    Edited by Livvy on February 21, 2015 7:32AM
  • Jiigen
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Keep telling everyone about that about the Senche if you like, it still doesn't add up to what they said and did about it.

    Dropping the requirement for a 12 month active subscription period to a 10 month non-consecutive subscription already made the Senche a lot less valuable. They could easily have made those 10 months into if you've had previously earned loyalty rewards, and have 10 months in subscription, you are eligible to receive the mount.
    The way it's set up now is just a meaning for them to get players to buy more subscription and thus ESO+ in the last weeks before TU release.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Turelus
    500/month would probably let you buy every single item in the store on release day, then there would be no reason to buy crowns or a sub.

    Sad to say not a good business choice for them.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Rosveen
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Keep telling everyone about that about the Senche if you like, it still doesn't add up to what they said and did about it.

    Dropping the requirement for a 12 month active subscription period to a 10 month non-consecutive subscription already made the Senche a lot less valuable. They could easily have made those 10 months into if you've had previously earned loyalty rewards, and have 10 months in subscription, you are eligible to receive the mount.
    The way it's set up now is just a meaning for them to get players to buy more subscription and thus ESO+ in the last weeks before TU release.
    There was never a 12 month requirement. There couldn't be, on March 17th the game won't even have been out for 12 months and the first month doesn't count. I don't remember who said it during the livestream, but they simply misspoke.
  • Jiigen
    Turelus wrote: »
    500/month would probably let you buy every single item in the store on release day, then there would be no reason to buy crowns or a sub.

    Sad to say not a good business choice for them.

    No it's not, it would give you 5500 crowns, +500 from game purchase is 6k in crowns. It takes about 20k to purchase everything on the store.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Turelus
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    500/month would probably let you buy every single item in the store on release day, then there would be no reason to buy crowns or a sub.

    Sad to say not a good business choice for them.

    No it's not, it would give you 5500 crowns, +500 from game purchase is 6k in crowns. It takes about 20k to purchase everything on the store.

    I stand corrected. :sweat_smile:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Jiigen
    Rosveen wrote: »
    There was never a 12 month requirement. There couldn't be, on March 17th the game won't even have been out for 12 months and the first month doesn't count. I don't remember who said it during the livestream, but they simply misspoke.

    Yes there was, the loyalty program was a special reward for those loyal players who have been playing for X months, every 3 months they released a pet, then a few live-streams ago they were asked if they would ever consider something other than pets, and they said they were thinking about it.
    Now, going on the with their loyalty program that would be 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. As 12 months is indeed no longer a sensible option due to the drop in subscription, they moved it to 10 months. But it was definitely their intention to reward loyal subscribers with a reward every 3 months (thus 12 month subscription).
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • infraction2008b16_ESO
    100 crowns per month for old players is fine, what is insulting to new players however if they buy a copy of the game after march 17th they don't get the 30 days sub that comes with the box instead just 500 crowns.
  • Digiman
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    Except in this case we have been paying and supporting this buggy release for what is essentially 15 cents a month for the 15 dollars we were charged to play this game "premium" game.

    I mean this would be different if the items in the cash shop were less then 50 crowns each. but even the cheapest items will take up 2 months of that paid subscription from launch. When SWTOR went free to play and gave cartel credits for each subscribed month not even they were that cheap and they were being run by EA.

    Sorry but even with the new mount and mask I still feel the stab of betrayal and disrespect for the year long loyalty I gave to this game as ZoS mistreats with this utter token support from the people I helped made sure they received food and support during their most trying and risky launch of an MMO like this.

    What's the harm in boosting that number to 300 hundred if you subscribed for more then 3 months? I am not asking because for a castle, I just want some actual appreciation and courtesy.
  • nerevarine1138
    Digiman wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    Except in this case we have been paying and supporting this buggy release for what is essentially 15 cents a month for the 15 dollars we were charged to play this game "premium" game.

    I mean this would be different if the items in the cash shop were less then 50 crowns each. but even the cheapest items will take up 2 months of that paid subscription from launch. When SWTOR went free to play and gave cartel credits for each subscribed month not even they were that cheap and they were being run by EA.

    Sorry but even with the new mount and mask I still feel the stab of betrayal and disrespect for the year long loyalty I gave to this game as ZoS mistreats with this utter token support from the people I helped made sure they received food and support during their most trying and risky launch of an MMO like this.

    What's the harm in boosting that number to 300 hundred if you subscribed for more then 3 months? I am not asking because for a castle, I just want some actual appreciation and courtesy.

    I'm sorry, did your subscription not grant you access to the servers while you were paying it? Because that's what your money was paid for.

    This is not a well-earned reward. This is not a reimbursement. This is a gift.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Digiman wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    Except in this case we have been paying and supporting this buggy release for what is essentially 15 cents a month for the 15 dollars we were charged to play this game "premium" game.

    I mean this would be different if the items in the cash shop were less then 50 crowns each. but even the cheapest items will take up 2 months of that paid subscription from launch. When SWTOR went free to play and gave cartel credits for each subscribed month not even they were that cheap and they were being run by EA.

    Sorry but even with the new mount and mask I still feel the stab of betrayal and disrespect for the year long loyalty I gave to this game as ZoS mistreats with this utter token support from the people I helped made sure they received food and support during their most trying and risky launch of an MMO like this.

    What's the harm in boosting that number to 300 hundred if you subscribed for more then 3 months? I am not asking because for a castle, I just want some actual appreciation and courtesy.

    I'm sorry, did your subscription not grant you access to the servers while you were paying it? Because that's what your money was paid for.

    This is not a well-earned reward. This is not a reimbursement. This is a gift.

    A not so well received one. We've been there so many times, you certainly must love dancing.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Elridge
    Digiman wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Why am I reminded of this story?

    Except in this case we have been paying and supporting this buggy release for what is essentially 15 cents a month for the 15 dollars we were charged to play this game "premium" game.

    I mean this would be different if the items in the cash shop were less then 50 crowns each. but even the cheapest items will take up 2 months of that paid subscription from launch. When SWTOR went free to play and gave cartel credits for each subscribed month not even they were that cheap and they were being run by EA.

    Sorry but even with the new mount and mask I still feel the stab of betrayal and disrespect for the year long loyalty I gave to this game as ZoS mistreats with this utter token support from the people I helped made sure they received food and support during their most trying and risky launch of an MMO like this.

    What's the harm in boosting that number to 300 hundred if you subscribed for more then 3 months? I am not asking because for a castle, I just want some actual appreciation and courtesy.

    Multiply 200 by the numbers of players given the extra crowns for each month, convert the number of crowns into dollars = the harm

    I don't see why LOTRO and SWTOR keep getting brought up in how /they/ do things... from my understanding of the general outlook on those games... isn't that kind of the opposite of the type of model people want? Not sure about LOTRO since I didn't play it.. but the cartel store from SWTOR (and their overall payment system) was gross, plus it screwed up the in game market.

    I would assume giving everyone more crowns would make them focus more on producing new items in the store? Since everyone who was given more crowns (the same people most likely to be buying them) have already gotten what they wanted from the store. Dunno about you guys, personally I'd rather them focus elsewhere, chances are they will focus on it enough already.
    Edited by Elridge on February 21, 2015 4:49PM
    Account Name:@Elridge
    "Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy." -Stendarr "Ten Commands of the Nine Divines"
  • Livvy
    Elridge wrote: »
    I don't see why LOTRO and SWTOR keep getting brought up in how /they/ do things... from my understanding of the general outlook on those games... isn't that kind of the opposite of the type of model people want? Not sure about LOTRO since I didn't play it.. but the cartel store from SWTOR (and their overall payment system) was gross, plus it screwed up the in game market.

    I am the opposite, where I am only familiar with LOTRO, not SWTOR. But the reason I think it is a direct comparison is because LOTRO very much started out just like it is starting out here. Their store got much worse and much more important with time. Which is the same fear I have for the ESO Crown Store. LOTRO may be bad now, and not something we want in ESO. But it doesn't mean it started out that way. And all we're talking about now is the inception.

    I don't think anyone is saying we want it to be like LOTRO is now, current day. Just the fact we're stuck with them implementing this, so why shouldn't past subscribers have earned something they can do with it when it goes live. Like those that were stuck with it in other games.

    We're forced to accept this new model if we want to play the game, just as we were when LOTRO went F2P. I personally think it is VERY similar.
  • Soulshine
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Keep telling everyone about that about the Senche if you like, it still doesn't add up to what they said and did about it.

    Dropping the requirement for a 12 month active subscription period to a 10 month non-consecutive subscription already made the Senche a lot less valuable. They could easily have made those 10 months into if you've had previously earned loyalty rewards, and have 10 months in subscription, you are eligible to receive the mount.
    The way it's set up now is just a meaning for them to get players to buy more subscription and thus ESO+ in the last weeks before TU release.

    I am well aware of that and have discussed it at length elsewhere in this and other threads. It is just a marketing tool.
  • Elridge
    Livvy wrote: »
    Elridge wrote: »
    I don't see why LOTRO and SWTOR keep getting brought up in how /they/ do things... from my understanding of the general outlook on those games... isn't that kind of the opposite of the type of model people want? Not sure about LOTRO since I didn't play it.. but the cartel store from SWTOR (and their overall payment system) was gross, plus it screwed up the in game market.

    I am the opposite, where I am only familiar with LOTRO, not SWTOR. But the reason I think it is a direct comparison is because LOTRO very much started out just like it is starting out here. Their store got much worse and much more important with time. Which is the same fear I have for the ESO Crown Store. LOTRO may be bad now, and not something we want in ESO. But it doesn't mean it started out that way. And all we're talking about now is the inception.

    I don't think anyone is saying we want it to be like LOTRO is now, current day. Just the fact we're stuck with them implementing this, so why shouldn't past subscribers have earned something they can do with it when it goes live. Like those that were stuck with it in other games.

    We're forced to accept this new model if we want to play the game, just as we were when LOTRO went F2P. I personally think it is VERY similar.

    But wouldn't requesting more free crowns make them put more items in the crown store (since they would be giving away free stuff from it, and now need more items to keep interest), essentially making it more important? I'm just thinking of the effect giving people more crowns could have, because nothing is truly "free" and cause and effect exists >.>

    I can agree, it is very similar, which is why I'm afraid of pushing ZoS too close down the same road and making the crown store too important.
    Edited by Elridge on February 21, 2015 5:11PM
    Account Name:@Elridge
    "Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy." -Stendarr "Ten Commands of the Nine Divines"
  • Livvy
    Elridge wrote: »
    But wouldn't requesting more free crowns make them put more items in the crown store (since they would be giving away free stuff from it, and now need more items to keep interest), essentially making it more important? I'm just thinking of the effect giving people more crowns could have, because nothing is truly "free" and cause and effect exists >.>

    I can agree, it is very similar, which is why I'm afraid of pushing ZoS too close down the same road and making the crown store too important.

    I can see your point. I personally think them adding more and more to the crown store is totally inevitable. And past subscribers getting a little more worth placed on their past time in game wouldn't have any effect on how aggressive they were with the crown store.

    Even if they had handled it like LOTRO, we wouldn't be able to buy everything in the store as it stands now. And we all know many many more things are on the horizon to be added.
  • Elridge
    Livvy wrote: »
    Elridge wrote: »
    But wouldn't requesting more free crowns make them put more items in the crown store (since they would be giving away free stuff from it, and now need more items to keep interest), essentially making it more important? I'm just thinking of the effect giving people more crowns could have, because nothing is truly "free" and cause and effect exists >.>

    I can agree, it is very similar, which is why I'm afraid of pushing ZoS too close down the same road and making the crown store too important.

    I can see your point. I personally think them adding more and more to the crown store is totally inevitable. And past subscribers getting a little more worth placed on their past time in game wouldn't have any effect on how aggressive they were with the crown store.

    Even if they had handled it like LOTRO, we wouldn't be able to buy everything in the store as it stands now. And we all know many many more things are on the horizon to be added.

    Oh yea it is completely inevitable that they will keep adding more into it, I was just talking about how aggressively they do it. Long term I guess you are right, a small boost in crowns we get at the moment wont really effect how it is 2-3 years down the line.

    +1 to insightful (gotta promote healthy debate ;) haha)

    Account Name:@Elridge
    "Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy." -Stendarr "Ten Commands of the Nine Divines"
This discussion has been closed.