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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • firstdecan
    EsORising wrote: »
    I have subscribed since beta been through bugs, bots, gold spammers, quest that wouldnt work, 10 ESO live sessions, and reported my fair share of things that needed to be fixed, as well as, participated in every single PTS to do bug reports .

    I wish we at least got a title or something special that other players don't get like a costume. Something that other players can not get unless they were playing for a whole year. I would defintely settle for something else to show we been here since beta instead of 100 crowns a month that can't buy anything, need 1 entire year of gameplay12 months at 14.99 and contributed $179.88 and all i can get is a mount? Actually that's still 100 crowns short of a mount because theya re about 1300 crowns. We should just get a special mount instead that shows the time we have played this game. LIke a different color horse or guar at the very least, maybe even a dremora mount.

    I felt like we paid to test the beta for consoles smooth transition of ESO. I think we deserve something to show our colors and how long we have helped eso grow. If anything; allow the purchase of the mount only available to players that have played long enough. Then it becomes a benefit for the crown store and keeping players consitantly paying to play.

    We got a monkey. I actually used it on one of my toons and had several people whisper me asking how they could get one. They did not like the fact that the answer involved time travel.

    The fact of the situation is this: ZOS is rebooting their game after less than a year on the market. Those of us who have been here since the beta and through the paid beta are no longer ZOS' concern. Their focus is on the revenue stream that is going to be generated through the B2P and freemium business models (the game will go true f2p. It's a question of when, not if). Our only reward for participating in the paid beta is that we get to keep our characters in v2.0 (release 1.6) of the game.

    The only reason we're getting ANY crowns for our previous game time is so we can buy *something* from the crown store, which will encourage other players to make purchases from the crown store. It's not a reward for players, it's done to stimulate demand.

    Nothing in this game is done for the sake of art. It's all cold, calculated business decisions designed to line ZOS' pocket books. Their only concern regarding their 'fan base' is how quickly that fan base can be separated from the George Washingtons in their pockets (or whoever is honored on non-US currency).

    This is not an Elder Scrolls game. This is a revenue generating machine with an Elder Scrolls façade. It was made clear to ZOS that their game is not good enough to be supported by a subscription model, so they changed it.

    TL;DR Summary:

    Just to keep this on-track and reiterate a previous point, the only reason we're getting 100 crowns per month is so we can buy *something* from the crown store, flaunt it in front of other players and stimulate demand for crown store items. ZOS does not care about ES fans or a loyal customer base. You are a revenue stream, they only care about maximizing their profits.
  • cubbyhomesb14_ESO
    I said it on another thread, I'll say it again.

    What you, and most other people who agreed with your post did for the past year was essentially pay to beta-test a game that is just now about to be launched.

    I'm sorry, life isn't fair.
  • ArconSeptim
    I also don't like the 100 crowns per month, plus this senche tiger and loyalty rewards it just starts to feel like some p2w mmo just for cosmetic things...
  • Elsonso
    firstdecan wrote: »
    The fact of the situation is this: ZOS is rebooting their game after less than a year on the market. Those of us who have been here since the beta and through the paid beta are no longer ZOS' concern. Their focus is on the revenue stream that is going to be generated through the B2P and freemium business models (the game will go true f2p. It's a question of when, not if). Our only reward for participating in the paid beta is that we get to keep our characters in v2.0 (release 1.6) of the game.

    Yes, they are relaunching the game with Tamriel Unlimited as part of the console release. Aside from the chaotic timing, this was easily predicted as far back as October.

    They have to do a relaunch because otherwise they are just dropping console into an existing game. They need something new to attract attention.

    They have a rare second chance to launch the game. The console launch will be compared to the initial launch, fairly and unfairly, and they really need to pull this off smoothly. They know this. I know this. It is why they are not doing content between now and June, and it is the correct decision.
    firstdecan wrote: »
    Nothing in this game is done for the sake of art. It's all cold, calculated business decisions designed to line ZOS' pocket books. Their only concern regarding their 'fan base' is how quickly that fan base can be separated from the George Washingtons in their pockets (or whoever is honored on non-US currency).

    This is not an Elder Scrolls game. This is a revenue generating machine with an Elder Scrolls façade. It was made clear to ZOS that their game is not good enough to be supported by a subscription model, so they changed it.

    This is an Elder Scrolls game. It is also a revenue generating machine, like Oblivion and Skyrim before it. If you think that Skyrim was not a calculated business decision designed to line pockets with money, you are sorely mistaken. ZeniMax Media is in the business to sell games and related merchandise. The games that they sell have to fund development of future games or they have to face the prospect that they will have to stop making games.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Elloa
    I hate when people get a present and spit on it. Haven't you learn your politeness? If Aunt Isabelle give you a awfull green sweeter, you say "Thanks" with a smile and a hug.

    They weren't forced to give us any crown at all. We will recieve 100 by months. Sound very fine to me. It's 100 more than what I expected, I'll certainly not be the one whining cause "its not enough"
  • Ysne58
    firstdecan wrote: »
    EsORising wrote: »
    I have subscribed since beta been through bugs, bots, gold spammers, quest that wouldnt work, 10 ESO live sessions, and reported my fair share of things that needed to be fixed, as well as, participated in every single PTS to do bug reports .

    I wish we at least got a title or something special that other players don't get like a costume. Something that other players can not get unless they were playing for a whole year. I would defintely settle for something else to show we been here since beta instead of 100 crowns a month that can't buy anything, need 1 entire year of gameplay12 months at 14.99 and contributed $179.88 and all i can get is a mount? Actually that's still 100 crowns short of a mount because theya re about 1300 crowns. We should just get a special mount instead that shows the time we have played this game. LIke a different color horse or guar at the very least, maybe even a dremora mount.

    I felt like we paid to test the beta for consoles smooth transition of ESO. I think we deserve something to show our colors and how long we have helped eso grow. If anything; allow the purchase of the mount only available to players that have played long enough. Then it becomes a benefit for the crown store and keeping players consitantly paying to play.

    We got a monkey. I actually used it on one of my toons and had several people whisper me asking how they could get one. They did not like the fact that the answer involved time travel.

    The fact of the situation is this: ZOS is rebooting their game after less than a year on the market. Those of us who have been here since the beta and through the paid beta are no longer ZOS' concern. Their focus is on the revenue stream that is going to be generated through the B2P and freemium business models (the game will go true f2p. It's a question of when, not if). Our only reward for participating in the paid beta is that we get to keep our characters in v2.0 (release 1.6) of the game.

    The only reason we're getting ANY crowns for our previous game time is so we can buy *something* from the crown store, which will encourage other players to make purchases from the crown store. It's not a reward for players, it's done to stimulate demand.

    Nothing in this game is done for the sake of art. It's all cold, calculated business decisions designed to line ZOS' pocket books. Their only concern regarding their 'fan base' is how quickly that fan base can be separated from the George Washingtons in their pockets (or whoever is honored on non-US currency).

    This is not an Elder Scrolls game. This is a revenue generating machine with an Elder Scrolls façade. It was made clear to ZOS that their game is not good enough to be supported by a subscription model, so they changed it.

    TL;DR Summary:

    Just to keep this on-track and reiterate a previous point, the only reason we're getting 100 crowns per month is so we can buy *something* from the crown store, flaunt it in front of other players and stimulate demand for crown store items. ZOS does not care about ES fans or a loyal customer base. You are a revenue stream, they only care about maximizing their profits.

    If your theory that the reason for the gift was to promote spending in the cash shop, they would have given us more so we could spend more. This isn't one of the issues I really care about.

    I just wish they would apologize for their dishonesty and lack of integrity.
  • Dalbhach
    I was happy paying my subscriber every month since beta. I didn't need anything extra. I was happy. Getting a 100 crowns per month of past subscription is just a bonus to me.

    We didn't play a beta. We played a full game. Things change, but really nothing has changed. I will still pay my subscriber fee and play the same exact game I have been enjoying since beta.
  • Gidorick
    firstdecan wrote: »

    Nothing in this game is done for the sake of art. It's all cold, calculated business decisions designed to line ZOS' pocket books. Their only concern regarding their 'fan base' is how quickly that fan base can be separated from the George Washingtons in their pockets (or whoever is honored on non-US currency).

    This is not an Elder Scrolls game. This is a revenue generating machine with an Elder Scrolls façade. It was made clear to ZOS that their game is not good enough to be supported by a subscription model, so they changed it.

    This thread was made because I still have hope! It's my last ditch effort to see if ESO more than a tes Cash Machine.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Tintinabula
    Play on PTS. You will find that the crowns supplied to you for the months you have played is quite enough.

    Ive been here since release and I received 5500 crowns on PTS. I bought everything I wanted plus a few things I really didn't and still have 1500-2000 left.
    Edited by Tintinabula on February 14, 2015 7:17PM
  • Jiigen
    Ive been here since release and I received 5500 crowns on PTS. I bought everything I wanted plus a few things I really didn't and still have 1500-2000 left.

    Then you have a very small desire for cosmetics, I'm sure, as when you do feel like you are one of those achievement/cosmetic hoarders that many MMOs have, you are off by at least two times the amount you have gotten. If we would have had 10k of crowns, it would still not cover all the things we would have wanted, had we had the crowns for it and not have been very selective. Sure one guar variation is enough, I already have a horse, so why buy another horse skin?
    It's for collectors and RPers which, if this truly is the Elder Scrolls game that @lordrichter‌ claimed it was, the community will be full of it.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    Play on PTS. You will find that the crowns supplied to you for the months you have played is quite enough.

    Ive been here since release and I received 5500 crowns on PTS. I bought everything I wanted plus a few things I really didn't and still have 1500-2000 left.

    You do realize that on the LIVE server we will get much less than 5500C, right? If you subscribed since day one, you may get 1100C for the past 11 months (the thank you amount) and then 500 for the "box"... so 1600C.

    If we received 500C per past month (as has been suggested) we would be getting 5500 that you received in PTS as a thank you and 500 for the "box", which I think would be a wonderful amount to give players. But the amount we got on the PTS is not the amount they are thanking us with. They are thanking us with less than a 1/3 of that.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 14, 2015 8:46PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    You guys know everyone got 5500 crowns on PTS right? That doesnt mean you will get that much March 17th.
  • Tintinabula
    ✭✭✭✭✭ was guar variation...
    we already have horses..
    how many dogs do you want?..
    How many pets can you have follow you?
    The wedding dress is butt ugly(its only a "LOL" factor for fat orc males).
    The jester outfit is cute but for ppl who have subbed 9 months,you're getting a jester you really want two?

    Go to PTS. Figure out what you REALLY like and buy March 17th.
    I don't know what to tell all of you RP hoarders who want EVERYTHING in the crown store.."Buy some crowns?"..but surely don't expect ZOS to supply you with enough crowns to buy everything! Choices are hard!!..mmkay?
    Edited by Tintinabula on February 14, 2015 10:31PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Looks to me like I will have 3100 crowns.

    1100 for the 11 months I paid for including March so might only be 1000 if March doesnt count towards this.

    1500 for March Plus

    500 for buying the box

    So 3000 or 3100.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on February 14, 2015 10:32PM
  • Gidorick
    Looks to me like I will have 3100 crowns.

    1100 for the 11 months I paid for including March so might only be 1000 if March doesnt count towards this.

    1500 for March Plus

    500 for buying the box

    So 3000 or 3100.

    but only 1100 of those are the "thanks". The 1500 is the regular ESO:TU benefit, so is the 500.

    I'm actually going to have 3 months of ESO:TU because I bought the 6 months subscription. In total, I'll have 6100C, which is more than enough to buy what I'd like from the initial Crown Store offering.

    I only mention this to show that the issue for me isn't how many Crowns I am going to get... I'm going to get plenty for what I would like. It's about the 1100C and the insignificance of the 100C per month that is being given to us as thanks.

    Without the 1100, I'd be getting 5000 Crowns, That's still more than I am going to spend! The 1100 just doesn't do anything.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 14, 2015 10:55PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Wolfshead
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Oh and @wolfshead ... you should be more respectful in your comments. Saying we are whining and that people are stupid makes it seem like you're trolling for a verbal fight. Which you might be.

    Troll for tell the true every since the say ESO is go B2P most post in this forum have been about how bad thing will be and the we should get more thing for thanks for been around since start serious in my eyes that is people just whine about everything and if you read this post from start you should have see that basically people was tell (whine) that we should get more crown from ZoS for the are being so bad towards us.

    And if people take the thing i say for trolling then those people dont really know what trolling is on forum for tell other how i feel and think the are acting is not even close to be a troll.

    If you want to see who people are trolling then you should go take look at WoW forum on weekend or other forum.


    from now on, it's only getting to get worse...

    Yeah that is sad part off all this that it go to get worse :neutral_face:
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • Stonesthrow
    I'm digging the new Sench Mount for 300 days subscribed... that's more than enough for me.


    And also the end of the loyalty rewards after the 9 month Mask of Cheese... good timing.
  • Gidorick
    So... ZOS announced that every loyal customer that has been with ESO since the beginning will be getting a special Striped Senche mount. People complained... and they changed it to "If you've paid for 300 days"

    ZOS also announced that a 9 month Mask of Cheerful Slaughter subscriber reward would be given to those who have reached their 9th moth of subscription prior to the loyalty program going away March 17th. People complained... and they changed it to "if you've paid for 9 months" (270 days).

    I agree with both of these changes and think it seems like a fair compromises to make customers happy.

    HOWEVER... this leaves us with only ONE actual "subscription duration" reward... the 100 Crown per month thank you.

    As of this writing the OP has 137 Agrees. It has been viewed over 10,000 times and has had over 375 comments. We can be pretty certain that ZOS has seen this.

    So, ZOS... with the Mount and 9 month costume being given to anyone that pays for the time, regardless of whether or not they have ACTUALLY been with ESO since the beginning, you are left with only this per month "thank you" with which you can show appreciation to those that have actually been with ZOS since the beginning. I'm really curious to see if the change in the Senche Mount and the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter has any impact on the amount of crowns we are going to get per month. I am actually going to suggest that you implement the reward system suggested by @WebBull back on the 6th page of this thread:
    WebBull wrote: »
    I don't really care since I will probably have more crowns then I will use (don't care about mounts or costumes) but 100 crowns for each month subscribed is pretty weak. Should start at 500 for 1st month and go up by 100 each month for each month subscribed.
    (so... 500, 600, 700.... all the way to 1400 for the 10th month of subscription)

    This tiered reward system would truly reward long-term subscribers of ESO, since nothing else is at this point. It should be tied to months that have PASSED, not months paid in advance.

    I feel the need to remind everyone that a player that joins TODAY and pays for 10 months of subscription will receive the Striped Senche Mount, the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, 1 month of "thank you" Crowns and 13500 Crowns for 9 months of Tamriel Unlimited subscription.

    The suggestion by @WebBull will yield at MOST 9500C for a player that has been subscribed for the past 10 months.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 20, 2015 1:20AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Jiigen
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I feel the need to remind everyone that a player that joins TODAY and pays for 10 months of subscription will receive the Striped Senche Mount, the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, 1 month of "thank you" Crowns and 13500 Crowns for 9 months of Tamriel Unlimited subscription.

    The suggestion by @WebBull will yield at MOST 9500C for a player that has been subscribed for the past 10 months.

    If it wasn't for all the research I had done in crafting, I would prefer to buy another account, pay for 10 months and get all of that. Or even better, having bought and registered ESO prior to June 2014, but simply never having played it, then a few days before Tamriel Unlimited hits you pump it with subscription, then buy the PS4 version and the character transfer to it and suddenly have two accounts filled with crowns, rewards, Imperial Edition, etc. Because I'm guessing crowns will move over to the console version as well, as they also move over all collectibles.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I feel the need to remind everyone that a player that joins TODAY and pays for 10 months of subscription will receive the Striped Senche Mount, the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, 1 month of "thank you" Crowns and 13500 Crowns for 9 months of Tamriel Unlimited subscription.

    The suggestion by @WebBull will yield at MOST 9500C for a player that has been subscribed for the past 10 months.

    If it wasn't for all the research I had done in crafting, I would prefer to buy another account, pay for 10 months and get all of that. Or even better, having bought and registered ESO prior to June 2014, but simply never having played it, then a few days before Tamriel Unlimited hits you pump it with subscription, then buy the PS4 version and the character transfer to it and suddenly have two accounts filled with crowns, rewards, Imperial Edition, etc. Because I'm guessing crowns will move over to the console version as well, as they also move over all collectibles.

    yea... pretty much any way you cut it, those of us who have been with them since the beginning... through the lag and gold spammers and bugs... aren't really getting our own reward anymore. Not unless they did as I jokingly suggested in one of the earlier pages of this thread and reward us 20,000 Crown... hmm... what if they started at 20K and divided by 2 for each month less subscribed. (rounded up to the nearest 10)

    10 months: 20,000 total Crowns awarded
    9 months: 10,000 total Crowns awarded
    8 months: 5,000 total Crowns awarded
    7 months: 2,500 total Crowns awarded
    6 months: 1,250 total Crowns awarded
    5 months: 630 total Crowns awarded
    4 months: 400 total Crowns awarded (at this point, they should go back to the 100 per month)
    3 months: 300 total Crowns awarded
    2 months: 200 total Crowns awarded
    1 month: 100 total Crowns awarded

    lol.. bah... even though this really would reward players the longer they have been subscribed... it just seems like WAY too much... I think @WebBull's suggestion is fair, even if the loyal customers aren't given as much as those that decided to jump on the ESO:TU party train until recently.

    We DID get to play ESO during the past 10 months, which really has been a blast. :smiley:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 20, 2015 1:54AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Anvos
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.
  • Gidorick
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Most of us think 500 would be alright... something that if you were only a one month subscriber you could buy SOMETHING.

    I'm actually really surprised we haven't heard anything about this from ZOS. It's not like the thread hasn't gotten attention.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Anvos
    Well yes but good negotiating says you start above your goal.

    Or make the amount per month based on your total sub time since release.
    Edited by Anvos on February 20, 2015 5:29AM
  • Gidorick
    LOL. This is true!.. but honestly it's not about the exact amount of crowns, it's about feeling like the 'thank you' is sincere. and now with the Striped Senche NOT being for just those that have been with ESO from the beginning it's like our only actual token of appreciation for being with them from the beginning... is this. and it's 100C, which buys nothing.

    I do like the idea where the amount they give us increases exponentially to where the longer you have subscribed the more you get each month (divided out). That seems like a really fair and appropriate way to handle this type of award.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    To you.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Saltypretzels
    No matter what number they pick, some people will boo and hiss and others will say we are lucky to get anything. This whole discussion is stupid.
  • Nazon_Katts
    No matter what number they pick, some people will boo and hiss and others will say we are lucky to get anything. This whole discussion is stupid.

    Starting from that premise, you could say the same of the whole board.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • SantieClaws
    This one was working out how many sweetrolls she could buy with this small pile of shiny coins then she found out they had stolen all of the sweetrolls :(

    Then this one thought she might buy some moon sugar and make her own very fine sweetrolls. Then this one found all the moon sugar will be mysteriously turning into beets.

    This one thinks that beetrolls just will not be the same .......
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • A1exeR
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?
This discussion has been closed.