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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Inco
    I still feel that 100 per month of PAST SUB's is extremely low considering the SUB going forward is 1,500 per month PLUS extra benefits that we don't have today.

    I just don't get the math.. spending say 9 months as a SUB I get LESS crowns than the guy that just bought the game last week and subbed for a month. Don't throw in the whole "You got a pet thing" either... strictly on MATH here.

    100 crowns per month for past is TOO LOW... period.
  • Maverick827
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I do not get this either. I understand they cant give 1500 per month for every month we have paid a sub. I think 500 would be a better deal. Seriously how many times are they going to kick us long term subscribers in the teeth? They gave away our loyalty rewards to anyone with a few bucks to spare. Now they are handing some new guy just started 400 more crowns than I get for being a sub every month since launch?

    Seriously ZOS you guys need to do better. I feel almost like the people who run this game blame the players who have been paying from day one for the disaster this game is currently in. Its not our fault. We did everything possible but you would rather listen to freebie reddit users who want something for nothing.
  • nerevarine1138
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?
  • Nazon_Katts
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They caved in gave any tom richard or harry the loyalty rewards. Why not throw us a bone who are long term subscribers?
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on February 23, 2015 11:30PM
  • charley222
    486 reply

    12.8K view

    eso any answer ???? for the Community??? oh maybe you waiting for eso live too answer us(ESO Live - Ask Us Anything! ) ????
    Edited by charley222 on February 23, 2015 11:39PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • nerevarine1138
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.
  • Kevinmon
    Each subscriber needs to receive 1500 crowns per month they have subscribed. END OF STORY.
  • Nazon_Katts
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Inco
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    You know what.. IMHO that's WHY they actually have a good standing with the customer(S). They LISTEN to feedback on the forums and make changes based on solid suggestions and ideas brought forth. Other MMO's don't exactly do that and if they do it's pretty slow going and almost forgotten by the time it happens.
  • nerevarine1138
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.
  • Nazon_Katts
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    And I can assure you that you cannot keep that promise.

    Offering an inadequate gift to your customers will cost you customers.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Gidorick
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    yea... kind of surprising when you consider the cry for the Senche Mount and Mask of Cheerful Slaughter had WAY less activity than this topic and they actually received not only responses but they changed policy to appease those players.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 24, 2015 1:17AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    And I can assure you that you cannot keep that promise.

    Offering an inadequate gift to your customers will cost you customers.

    This very succinctly sums up my feelings.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Inco
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    Sadly you are in the minority on this topic and don't seem to get the points being made.

    IF we demanded tribute out of the blue yes I would agree with you, BUT we are not doing that. We are asking for ZOS to revisit the number of crowns being given to long term subs to the game that kept it going when many left.

    I've worked in customer service and understand the concept very well. The fact we have so many people feeling very strongly about "somewhat better" treatment for previous subs than future subs is an indicator something is wrong.

    Do the MATH! A 10 month SUB = 1,000 crowns. Example: Little Johnny just bought the game yesterday and 60 day game card from Gamestop and BOOM he gets 3,000 crowns automatically. (Leaving out the Account ## crowns all get).

    Take it one step further.. Johnny gets wise to the 9 month SUB by March 16th mount and Mommy/Daddy buy him 4 more 60 day cards so he can get that mount as well a massive 15,000 crowns. Yes.. 15,000 crowns for 10 months of SUB. Yea.. 10 months of subs got what? Extended beta testing for most of those 10 months and 1,000 crowns.. WOW... really? A whole 6% of what Johnny has for the same SUB time already invested. We helped fund this expansion with our subs and now would like to see some ROI in all reality.

    I fail to see how you can't see the issue here. Are you being dense on purpose and just wanting to argue with folks on the way out the door or something? The crowns are not real money and nobody is asking for money back, but they would like a fair shake at getting at least a decent fraction of what NEW SUBS are getting. Right now it's a whopping 6% fraction of 1,500 crowns per month and that doesn't include the extra benefits. Keep in mind this is a ONE TIME cash-out and should have some additional "umph" in the mix to reward those that stuck around while being told "Never going F2P".. which technically is TRUE it didn't, but still a pretty darn close second with B2P.
  • Gidorick
    @Inco I think @nerevarine1138 secretly agrees with us and is helping keep this topic visible by presenting a differing side to the argument so we CAN argue about it... which keeps this thread on page one!

    -whispers- thanks nerevarine1138 :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Inco
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Inco I think @nerevarine1138 secretly agrees with us and is helping keep this topic visible by presenting a differing side to the argument so we CAN argue about it... which keeps this thread on page one!

    -whispers- thanks nerevarine1138 :wink:

    Well then... FIST BUMP out to @nerevarine1138 I say. :p
  • nerevarine1138
    Inco wrote: »
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    Sadly you are in the minority on this topic and don't seem to get the points being made.

    IF we demanded tribute out of the blue yes I would agree with you, BUT we are not doing that. We are asking for ZOS to revisit the number of crowns being given to long term subs to the game that kept it going when many left.

    I've worked in customer service and understand the concept very well. The fact we have so many people feeling very strongly about "somewhat better" treatment for previous subs than future subs is an indicator something is wrong.

    Do the MATH! A 10 month SUB = 1,000 crowns. Example: Little Johnny just bought the game yesterday and 60 day game card from Gamestop and BOOM he gets 3,000 crowns automatically. (Leaving out the Account ## crowns all get).

    Take it one step further.. Johnny gets wise to the 9 month SUB by March 16th mount and Mommy/Daddy buy him 4 more 60 day cards so he can get that mount as well a massive 15,000 crowns. Yes.. 15,000 crowns for 10 months of SUB. Yea.. 10 months of subs got what? Extended beta testing for most of those 10 months and 1,000 crowns.. WOW... really? A whole 6% of what Johnny has for the same SUB time already invested. We helped fund this expansion with our subs and now would like to see some ROI in all reality.

    I fail to see how you can't see the issue here. Are you being dense on purpose and just wanting to argue with folks on the way out the door or something? The crowns are not real money and nobody is asking for money back, but they would like a fair shake at getting at least a decent fraction of what NEW SUBS are getting. Right now it's a whopping 6% fraction of 1,500 crowns per month and that doesn't include the extra benefits. Keep in mind this is a ONE TIME cash-out and should have some additional "umph" in the mix to reward those that stuck around while being told "Never going F2P".. which technically is TRUE it didn't, but still a pretty darn close second with B2P.

    Again, two totally different models.

    You paid a subscription for a game that required one. Little Johnny is paying for premium membership in a B2P game (which you can still do).

    If you felt that your subscription was paying for a sub-standard product, it's your fault for continuing to subscribe. You got exactly what you paid for.
  • Gidorick
    Inco wrote: »
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    Sadly you are in the minority on this topic and don't seem to get the points being made.

    IF we demanded tribute out of the blue yes I would agree with you, BUT we are not doing that. We are asking for ZOS to revisit the number of crowns being given to long term subs to the game that kept it going when many left.

    I've worked in customer service and understand the concept very well. The fact we have so many people feeling very strongly about "somewhat better" treatment for previous subs than future subs is an indicator something is wrong.

    Do the MATH! A 10 month SUB = 1,000 crowns. Example: Little Johnny just bought the game yesterday and 60 day game card from Gamestop and BOOM he gets 3,000 crowns automatically. (Leaving out the Account ## crowns all get).

    Take it one step further.. Johnny gets wise to the 9 month SUB by March 16th mount and Mommy/Daddy buy him 4 more 60 day cards so he can get that mount as well a massive 15,000 crowns. Yes.. 15,000 crowns for 10 months of SUB. Yea.. 10 months of subs got what? Extended beta testing for most of those 10 months and 1,000 crowns.. WOW... really? A whole 6% of what Johnny has for the same SUB time already invested. We helped fund this expansion with our subs and now would like to see some ROI in all reality.

    I fail to see how you can't see the issue here. Are you being dense on purpose and just wanting to argue with folks on the way out the door or something? The crowns are not real money and nobody is asking for money back, but they would like a fair shake at getting at least a decent fraction of what NEW SUBS are getting. Right now it's a whopping 6% fraction of 1,500 crowns per month and that doesn't include the extra benefits. Keep in mind this is a ONE TIME cash-out and should have some additional "umph" in the mix to reward those that stuck around while being told "Never going F2P".. which technically is TRUE it didn't, but still a pretty darn close second with B2P.

    Again, two totally different models.

    You paid a subscription for a game that required one. Little Johnny is paying for premium membership in a B2P game (which you can still do).

    If you felt that your subscription was paying for a sub-standard product, it's your fault for continuing to subscribe. You got exactly what you paid for.

    I kind of feel that what you are saying illustrates my feelings quite well.

    The membership that little Johnny paid for is "premium"... ours isn't a premium membership. It's not worth as much... not as valued. Or at least that's how the 100C per month makes us feel.

    And you say its OUR fault for continuing to subscribe. I didn't feel what I receiving was substandard. I STILL don't feel it was substandard. What is, however, is the 'thanks' that is being offered.

    And to be fair... it's not like we KNEW ESO was going B2P. Most of us here, if we were told from day one that in less than 1 year ESO would be subscription-optional, wouldn't have subscribed for the next 10 months.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    The most agrees I've ever seen on a single post before.

    Still no green orouboroses in sight.

    What do you expect them to do? Just stop in to say, "You win," and give everyone more money?

    Now, that would at least be a start...

    That's a textbook example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," which is a terrible way to conduct business (and life).

    At this point, it would honestly be better if they took away the free Crowns altogether.

    Now that would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wouldn't it?!

    I promise that if anyone supporting this worked a single day in customer service, this thread wouldn't even exist.

    The customer is not always right. Subscribing to a game you enjoyed playing does not entitle you to free money. It absolutely doesn't entitle you to complain that you aren't getting more free money.

    Don't like the gift? Donate it to charity or ignore it. There's absolutely no excuse for demanding tribute from a company. If you don't like their product enough to play it without mini-bribes, then you clearly shouldn't be using the product.

    Sadly you are in the minority on this topic and don't seem to get the points being made.

    IF we demanded tribute out of the blue yes I would agree with you, BUT we are not doing that. We are asking for ZOS to revisit the number of crowns being given to long term subs to the game that kept it going when many left.

    I've worked in customer service and understand the concept very well. The fact we have so many people feeling very strongly about "somewhat better" treatment for previous subs than future subs is an indicator something is wrong.

    Do the MATH! A 10 month SUB = 1,000 crowns. Example: Little Johnny just bought the game yesterday and 60 day game card from Gamestop and BOOM he gets 3,000 crowns automatically. (Leaving out the Account ## crowns all get).

    Take it one step further.. Johnny gets wise to the 9 month SUB by March 16th mount and Mommy/Daddy buy him 4 more 60 day cards so he can get that mount as well a massive 15,000 crowns. Yes.. 15,000 crowns for 10 months of SUB. Yea.. 10 months of subs got what? Extended beta testing for most of those 10 months and 1,000 crowns.. WOW... really? A whole 6% of what Johnny has for the same SUB time already invested. We helped fund this expansion with our subs and now would like to see some ROI in all reality.

    I fail to see how you can't see the issue here. Are you being dense on purpose and just wanting to argue with folks on the way out the door or something? The crowns are not real money and nobody is asking for money back, but they would like a fair shake at getting at least a decent fraction of what NEW SUBS are getting. Right now it's a whopping 6% fraction of 1,500 crowns per month and that doesn't include the extra benefits. Keep in mind this is a ONE TIME cash-out and should have some additional "umph" in the mix to reward those that stuck around while being told "Never going F2P".. which technically is TRUE it didn't, but still a pretty darn close second with B2P.

    Again, two totally different models.

    You paid a subscription for a game that required one. Little Johnny is paying for premium membership in a B2P game (which you can still do).

    If you felt that your subscription was paying for a sub-standard product, it's your fault for continuing to subscribe. You got exactly what you paid for.

    I kind of feel that what you are saying illustrates my feelings quite well.

    The membership that little Johnny paid for is "premium"... ours isn't a premium membership. It's not worth as much... not as valued. Or at least that's how the 100C per month makes us feel.

    And you say its OUR fault for continuing to subscribe. I didn't feel what I receiving was substandard. I STILL don't feel it was substandard. What is, however, is the 'thanks' that is being offered.

    And to be fair... it's not like we KNEW ESO was going B2P. Most of us here, if we were told from day one that in less than 1 year ESO would be subscription-optional, wouldn't have subscribed for the next 10 months.

    You can still pay for that same premium membership as Little Johnny now.

    And what "thanks" do you deserve? You got to play the game for the last 10 months, something Little Johnny didn't have the opportunity to do. And you presumably enjoyed playing it. So you got everything that you paid for.

    I call bull on the assertion that people wouldn't have played if they knew the subscription model would change. People were always aware that the payment model was subject to change, and they continued to pay for it.
  • Soulshine
    I call bull on the assertion that people wouldn't have played if they knew the subscription model would change. People were always aware that the payment model was subject to change, and they continued to pay for it.

    On this last point, call "bull" all you like. But I have stated multiple times here that had this game been B2P from the get go, I would never have bought it. Period. I do not like F2P games and B2P are barely better in my view. I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

  • Gidorick
    We never ASKED to be thanked @nerevarine1138. I never said we deserve more. I never said we're owed anything. What I have said, time and time again, is the "thanks" they are offering is insulting. It does NOT convey a thanks... it conveys an almost apathetic acknowledgement of "services rendered".

    They told us they were giving us this thanks. If the thanks stays at 100C and there is a way to OPT out of it... I totally will! I have 2 more months of sub after we go Buy to Play... I'll have 3500C to play with. no problem.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Soulshine wrote: »
    I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

    LOL. You and I came to ESO for the exact opposite order of reasons. I came to it because of the IP, because it was an MMO and lastly because it's a sub. IF ESO weren't an Elder Scrolls Game, I wouldn't be here.

    So are you going to stick around after the transition? Are you too hooked at this point? heheh

    Edited by Gidorick on February 24, 2015 4:14AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

    LOL. You and I came to ESO for the exact opposite order of reasons. I came to it because of the IP, because it was an MMO and lastly because it's a sub. IF ESO weren't an Elder Scrolls Game, I wouldn't be here.

    So are you going to stick around after the transition? Are you too hooked at this point? heheh

    Meh. My sub runs well into May, but at this point I am not convinced it is worth renuing, though this is a feeling I have had for some time now, quite before the B2P announcement, due to the lack of content coming into the game. I have been playing only on PTS for weeks to test things out for 1.6, since there is really nothing left for me to do in the game besides repeatbles and I have long since grown bored of them.
  • Gidorick
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

    LOL. You and I came to ESO for the exact opposite order of reasons. I came to it because of the IP, because it was an MMO and lastly because it's a sub. IF ESO weren't an Elder Scrolls Game, I wouldn't be here.

    So are you going to stick around after the transition? Are you too hooked at this point? heheh

    Meh. My sub runs well into May, but at this point I am not convinced it is worth renuing, though this is a feeling I have had for some time now, quite before the B2P announcement, due to the lack of content coming into the game. I have been playing only on PTS for weeks to test things out for 1.6, since there is really nothing left for me to do in the game besides repeatbles and I have long since grown bored of them.

    That's a shame... and unfortunately I think this is one of the largest problems with ESO... content. We really should have had at least 3 questing zones by now and the core design of ESO should have included player-created quests. I will personally stick with ESO for a while but I'm not as hopeful as I used to be... but I'll still be around. I'm not too much into MMOs... but elder scrolls? oh yea.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

    LOL. You and I came to ESO for the exact opposite order of reasons. I came to it because of the IP, because it was an MMO and lastly because it's a sub. IF ESO weren't an Elder Scrolls Game, I wouldn't be here.

    So are you going to stick around after the transition? Are you too hooked at this point? heheh

    Meh. My sub runs well into May, but at this point I am not convinced it is worth renuing, though this is a feeling I have had for some time now, quite before the B2P announcement, due to the lack of content coming into the game. I have been playing only on PTS for weeks to test things out for 1.6, since there is really nothing left for me to do in the game besides repeatbles and I have long since grown bored of them.

    That's a shame... and unfortunately I think this is one of the largest problems with ESO... content. We really should have had at least 3 questing zones by now and the core design of ESO should have included player-created quests. I will personally stick with ESO for a while but I'm not as hopeful as I used to be... but I'll still be around. I'm not too much into MMOs... but elder scrolls? oh yea.

    Well that is a whole other topic. I have played every TES title since Morrowind and don't quite find ESO to be nearly TES'y enough. I just take it as an MMO with ES elements. That being said, I do have alts I can keep leveling, I am just not particularly inspired to do it after all this mess that has happened, and it is definitely not really even worth doing it until after 1.6 goes live anyway. If by May/June we finally have more info on content coming, and specifically DLC costs, then I will figure my next move, which is also what I have been saying all along since it isnt a matter of money for me. So until then - you are stuck arguing with me in the forums : p
    Edited by Soulshine on February 24, 2015 4:39AM
  • Gidorick
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    I came to this game specifically because of the sub first, MMO second, and mostly definitely not because of the IP alone.

    LOL. You and I came to ESO for the exact opposite order of reasons. I came to it because of the IP, because it was an MMO and lastly because it's a sub. IF ESO weren't an Elder Scrolls Game, I wouldn't be here.

    So are you going to stick around after the transition? Are you too hooked at this point? heheh

    Meh. My sub runs well into May, but at this point I am not convinced it is worth renuing, though this is a feeling I have had for some time now, quite before the B2P announcement, due to the lack of content coming into the game. I have been playing only on PTS for weeks to test things out for 1.6, since there is really nothing left for me to do in the game besides repeatbles and I have long since grown bored of them.

    That's a shame... and unfortunately I think this is one of the largest problems with ESO... content. We really should have had at least 3 questing zones by now and the core design of ESO should have included player-created quests. I will personally stick with ESO for a while but I'm not as hopeful as I used to be... but I'll still be around. I'm not too much into MMOs... but elder scrolls? oh yea.

    Well that is a whole other topic. I have played every TES title since Morrowind and don't quite find ESO to be nearly TES'y enough. I just take it as an MMO with ES elements. That being said, I do have alts I can keep leveling, I am just not particularly inspired to do it after all this mess that has happened, and it is definitely not really even worth doing it until after 1.6 goes live anyway. If by May/June we finally have more info on content coming, and specifically DLC costs, then I will figure my next move, which is also what I have been saying all along since it isnt a matter of money for me. So until then - you are stuck arguing with me in the forums : p

    I welcome the battle! :wink:
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  • xaraan
    You know, if they did give us more, it's not like we'd be on easy street either. If we keep paying a sub, yes, we get crowns and access to DLC as part of it, but if we quit paying a sub, we lose that access, which means we'll have to use our crowns we get to 'buy' the DLC so we can use it if we ever don't wanna sub years down the road and not have to buy a bunch of dlc all at once. I think giving us enough to have plenty of crowns to buy the first half dozen DLCs and store items would be a real loyalty reward.
    -- @xaraan --
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  • ZRage
    From their perspective the game goes free to play and if you want crowns you can stay with sub or simply buy them, but I agree that 100 crown per month looks just bad anyway.
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