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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Gidorick
    @xaraan , I think that's their 'tactic'. They are giving us enough to buy like one or two items, hoping we will say "well I guess Ill just stay subscribed to get the crowns every month."

    Just like Fat Marcus down on 33rd. First one is ALWAYS free. :wink:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 24, 2015 1:29PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Well, it looks like they are holding fast to the 100C per past subscribed month. @charley222 asked about how many crowns he was gong to get for THIS month and @ZOS_GaryA was kind enough to reply with the following:
    ZOS_GaryA wrote: »
    Hey there @charley222,

    If your subscription ends in 3 days, you will receive 100 crowns for each 30 day period that is completed prior to the release of Tamriel Unlimited on the 17th, including this one.

    The amount of crowns you'll receive when Tamriel Unlimited goes live is based on your previous subscription periods and your renewal period. Since you're guaranteed to exceed the release at this point, if you renew on the 27th for 30 days, you'll receive 1500, 90 days you'll receive 4500, and 180 days you'll receive 9000 for that particular subscription; +100 for each 30 day period completed up that that point.

    The last potential situation is that your subscription is canceled, in which case you would still receive the 100 crowns for each 30 day period completed including this one, but you will lose access to the game until Tamriel Unlimited goes live.

    So, as of now the plan is still 100C for each previous month. Not that I didn't think this was the case... but this is just about the ONLY mention of this program that I've seen in a while. Thought it was worth posting here. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Ysne58
    I don't think it's going to change. I'm at the point that I don't really care anymore. They aren't going to take responsibility and apologize/explain the sneaky way the went about making all these changes either. The created their credibility issues. Only they can change things.
  • Varicite
    I'm mostly upset that a lot of the content that was shown to us during this previous year that we thought we were supporting them to develop is actually what's going on the Crown store now. Pony Guar mounts, tiger mounts that were hinted at (anyone remember mount racials? : D), Wrothgar will be future DLC, Imperial City, etc.

    A lot of that stuff was likely finished a long time ago (such as the guar mounts), stuff that we continued paying subscription fees so that they could develop during that year, and now they are turning around and asking us to pay for it again.

    Yes, I know that if we continue to sub, we can use the crowns they give us to get that stuff anyway, but that doesn't stop the reality of the situation from being disappointing. It's still kinda shady.

    Like another poster said, they don't need to give us anything and acknowledgement is nice, but 100 crowns is what.. like a dollar? You're giving us 1 dollar for each month of the year that we basically beta tested your game for consoles and stuck it through all the bugs and broken quests and goldsellers and bad press because we knew ESO had potential still and wanted to see it through?

    That's cool, I guess, but that won't even cover a single month's sub. Now, I never thought I'd go and try to put a dollar value on my loyalty, but ZOS did. 12 bucks.
  • Jiigen
    @Varicite That's exactly the point, and you even managed to make it sound worse in the polite manner you have put it.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    How are we paying for this content again? As far as we knew the imperial city could have been labelled an expansion and they could have charged us for it on top of the sub. Now the sub includes DLC. I agree with everything but we are paying for it again. Likely you get it with your sub now where before they were going to charge us like $20 on top of the sub.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on February 25, 2015 3:29PM
  • Soulshine
    How are we paying for this content again? As far as we knew the imperial city could have been labelled an expansion and they could have charged us for it on top of the sub. Now the sub includes DLC. I agree with everything but we are paying for it again. Likely you get it with your sub now where before they were going to charge us like $20 on top of the sub.

    No one has any clue what is included in the DLC so arguing that at this stage is rather pointless, from either side.

    To date we have not a detail one concerning the release of this project or even an estimated ETA. If it is as large as was initially presented last year, it could conceivably BE an expansion to the game and not just DLC - either way that could be totally wrong as well, since this is all conjecture and nothing more.

    I have no doubt once they actually release the price point, there will be many people back here complaining even more about their crown allotment, both those received before B2P as well as after.
  • Jiigen
    Soulshine wrote: »
    No one has any clue what is included in the DLC so arguing that at this stage is rather pointless, from either side.

    That isn't the entire issue, because there are also going to be changes made to the game which will not be classified as DLC and will thus be available for everyone, ie: the removal of Veteran Ranks. And possibly even the Enforcer side of the Justice System, however that may be paid DLC.
    What we do know now is that all the Crowns we get, we have to save to buy the DLC should you ever stop subscribing.
    Or maybe there will be actual expansions that do cost crowns for everyone, and that just the normal "update" content comes free with ESO Plus.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    Well said @Varicite. You summarized our feelings excellently! Thank you for that.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Soulshine
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    No one has any clue what is included in the DLC so arguing that at this stage is rather pointless, from either side.

    That isn't the entire issue, because there are also going to be changes made to the game which will not be classified as DLC and will thus be available for everyone, ie: the removal of Veteran Ranks. And possibly even the Enforcer side of the Justice System, however that may be paid DLC.
    What we do know now is that all the Crowns we get, we have to save to buy the DLC should you ever stop subscribing.
    Or maybe there will be actual expansions that do cost crowns for everyone, and that just the normal "update" content comes free with ESO Plus.

    Well yes, again all conjecture since there is no hard information on this to date. Fact remains, it is obvious the crown allotment given is nothing but a price check for future sales, very clearly meant as a "taste" and nothing more. They want people to buy more crowns, whether they are subbed or not, and they seem to think that giving you a sum for prior sub time is the way to motivate you to buy more - obviously flawed thinking on their part.

    As I have stated elsewhere, I believe the real failure here was to give crowns for past months subbed in the first place. No one asked for them. People did begin almost immediately asking however about previously promoted content. What should be done is make DLCs permanently unlocked for subs, and end of story. If people want fluff from the store they could plunk down the cash for crowns same as anyone else non-subbing. You generate revenue on both ends that way.
  • Sarannah
    Normally I do not post on forums for games that I play, however since the conversion to buy to play I wanted to voice out for once.

    In my opinion: because a new month after the buy2play conversion is worth 1500 crowns, so should all previous months be! All bought months should be worth the same, no matter when they were bought.

    I'm totally against the b2p conversion, but can live with that(I hope). But not giving every bought month the same amount of crowns is totally unfair, and would chase me away from the game completely because of principles.

    Also, I've been reading this thread and people seem to assume they will be able to buy DLC with crowns. I have a feeling this will not be the case, and that DLC will have to be bought with $ instead of crowns. This has been my experience with other b2p/f2p games.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.
  • Jiigen
    @Sarannah They've announced that all DLC will be included in ESO Plus for those that remain subscribers, and for all of those who don't, they can buy the DLC using Crowns, which will cost them $. Additionally, when a player stops subscribing, they lose their access to the DLC, even though they have previously been able to use it, and thus have toe still purchase that DLC using Crowns.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.

    OR you'll feel free to spend what you have, get used to the crown store and become a regular customer. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.

    OR you'll feel free to spend what you have, get used to the crown store and become a regular customer. :wink:

    There is literally no way that anyone would be able to spend 15,000 Crowns (plus their 1,500 per month allotment) in any reasonable amount of time.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.

    OR you'll feel free to spend what you have, get used to the crown store and become a regular customer. :wink:

    There is literally no way that anyone would be able to spend 15,000 Crowns (plus their 1,500 per month allotment) in any reasonable amount of time.


    Digital Imperial Edition Upgrade – 2100
    Starter Bundle - 1500
    Crown Health potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Stamina potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Magicka Potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Soul Gems for (20 items) - 200
    Crown Repair Kit for (10 items) - 400
    Armored Knights Pack Bundle - 700
    Stealthy Rogues Pack Bundle - 700
    Tribal Shamans Pack Bundle - 700
    Woodland Scouts Pack Bundle - 700
    Chef - 400
    Black & Maroon Dress - 400
    Draugr Polymorph - 1000
    Royal Court Jester - 700
    Wedding Dress - 700
    White Mane Horse - 900
    Piebald Destrier - 900
    Dapple Gray Palfrey - 900
    Tessellated Guar - 1300
    Banded Guar Charger - 1300
    Housecat - 400
    Alik’r Dune-Hound - 400
    Bantam Guar - 400
    Striated Pony Guar - 400
    Whindhelm Wolfhound - 400
    Striped Senche Panther - 700

    TOTAL Crown Cost: 18,800

    18,800-15500 = 3,300... so it would take three more months of ESO:TU subscription to buy all the items in the initial crown store offering and they will be adding content at least monthly.

    So it's literally possible to spend that many crowns in the crown store.

    I got all the prices from HERE:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 26, 2015 1:16AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Edited by Gidorick on February 26, 2015 1:16AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.

    OR you'll feel free to spend what you have, get used to the crown store and become a regular customer. :wink:

    There is literally no way that anyone would be able to spend 15,000 Crowns (plus their 1,500 per month allotment) in any reasonable amount of time.


    Digital Imperial Edition Upgrade – 2100
    Starter Bundle - 1500
    Crown Health potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Stamina potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Magicka Potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Soul Gems for (20 items) - 200
    Crown Repair Kit for (10 items) - 400
    Armored Knights Pack Bundle - 700
    Stealthy Rogues Pack Bundle - 700
    Tribal Shamans Pack Bundle - 700
    Woodland Scouts Pack Bundle - 700
    Chef - 400
    Black & Maroon Dress - 400
    Draugr Polymorph - 1000
    Royal Court Jester - 700
    Wedding Dress - 700
    White Mane Horse - 900
    Piebald Destrier - 900
    Dapple Gray Palfrey - 900
    Tessellated Guar - 1300
    Banded Guar Charger - 1300
    Housecat - 400
    Alik’r Dune-Hound - 400
    Bantam Guar - 400
    Striated Pony Guar - 400
    Whindhelm Wolfhound - 400
    Striped Senche Panther - 700

    TOTAL Crown Cost: 18,800

    18,800-15500 = 3,300... so it would take three more months of ESO:TU subscription to buy all the items in the initial crown store offering and they will be adding content at least monthly.

    So it's literally possible to spend that many crowns in the crown store.

    I got all the prices from HERE:

    Sorry, I should have rephrased.

    There is no way that anyone without a serious spending problem could spend 15,000 Crowns in that short a time span.
  • Tapio75
    Consensus might be that 500 is about right but i think thats too much.. Then again 100 is way too litle as well.. I think 200-250 would be reasonable to ask...

    Then again.. It should be less than everything one person wants to buy from crown store when it launches.. If they get too many crowns for being subscriber before.. It just gives most items they want for free. Bad thing for marketing dept, even if i hate the whole concept of money saying what should happen in games fantasy world.
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Mettaricana
    question are subs gonna be gotten credit card or via crowns if so infinite free loophole of premium service?
  • WhiskyBob
    Basically this is how I would express my dissapointment with 100 crowns in a photoshop quickie.


  • Nazon_Katts
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    They don't want to give people like me 15,000 crowns plus the 500 for buying the game. They want me to buy crowns. If they give me enough to buy a lot then I wont purchase crowns for a long time if ever.

    OR you'll feel free to spend what you have, get used to the crown store and become a regular customer. :wink:

    There is literally no way that anyone would be able to spend 15,000 Crowns (plus their 1,500 per month allotment) in any reasonable amount of time.


    Digital Imperial Edition Upgrade – 2100
    Starter Bundle - 1500
    Crown Health potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Stamina potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Magicka Potions (20 items) - 200
    Crown Soul Gems for (20 items) - 200
    Crown Repair Kit for (10 items) - 400
    Armored Knights Pack Bundle - 700
    Stealthy Rogues Pack Bundle - 700
    Tribal Shamans Pack Bundle - 700
    Woodland Scouts Pack Bundle - 700
    Chef - 400
    Black & Maroon Dress - 400
    Draugr Polymorph - 1000
    Royal Court Jester - 700
    Wedding Dress - 700
    White Mane Horse - 900
    Piebald Destrier - 900
    Dapple Gray Palfrey - 900
    Tessellated Guar - 1300
    Banded Guar Charger - 1300
    Housecat - 400
    Alik’r Dune-Hound - 400
    Bantam Guar - 400
    Striated Pony Guar - 400
    Whindhelm Wolfhound - 400
    Striped Senche Panther - 700

    TOTAL Crown Cost: 18,800

    18,800-15500 = 3,300... so it would take three more months of ESO:TU subscription to buy all the items in the initial crown store offering and they will be adding content at least monthly.

    So it's literally possible to spend that many crowns in the crown store.

    I got all the prices from HERE:

    Sorry, I should have rephrased.

    There is no way that anyone without a serious spending problem could spend 15,000 Crowns in that short a time span.

    People with serious spending problems are the new target audience, however.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • badmojo
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.
  • Gidorick
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    While I logically agree with you here... the entirety of the crown store WAS made with the money we gave them with our subscriptions the reasonable and rational side of me says "but that's not good business practices".

    I think what this statement does is provides further evidence and rationalization that the 100C per month amount is abysmally insignificant when compared to the offerings in the Crown Store.

    Thanks for displaying this point of view.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • nerevarine1138
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.
  • Nazon_Katts
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.

    You've been told many times before why that is so. We cannot help you any further and you should seek help understanding outside of this thread.

    This is not target, nor is this about towels.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • nerevarine1138
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.

    You've been told many times before why that is so. We cannot help you any further and you should seek help understanding outside of this thread.

    This is not target, nor is this about towels.

    This is a business, and you paid for services rendered. I only employ analogies because people seem incapable of grasping that their subscription was a paid service, not an investment in future services.
  • Gidorick
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.

    You've been told many times before why that is so. We cannot help you any further and you should seek help understanding outside of this thread.

    This is not target, nor is this about towels.

    This is a business, and you paid for services rendered. I only employ analogies because people seem incapable of grasping that their subscription was a paid service, not an investment in future services.

    Then why did ZOS announce their future plans with the road ahead announcements, why did they go over what they were working on at quake-con, and why did they give us a planned schedule of content releases? If the subscription that we were paying wasn't for the future of ESO... why did they tell us what was coming up? Why not just tell us what was currently in ESO if all we were paying for was the paid service of server access?

    Edited by Gidorick on February 26, 2015 5:01AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.

    You've been told many times before why that is so. We cannot help you any further and you should seek help understanding outside of this thread.

    This is not target, nor is this about towels.

    This is a business, and you paid for services rendered. I only employ analogies because people seem incapable of grasping that their subscription was a paid service, not an investment in future services.

    Then why did ZOS announce their future plans with the road ahead announcements, why did they go over what they were working on at quake-con, and why did they give us a planned schedule of content releases? If the subscription that we were paying wasn't for the future of ESO... why did they tell us what was coming up? Why not just tell us what was currently in ESO if all we were paying for was the paid service of server access?

    So you'd keep subscribing in future months. Was that a trick question? It doesn't make your subscription payment apply to anything except the month you paid for.

    Advertising and communication is not equivalent to saying that players are making down payments on future content.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    badmojo wrote: »
    We should get enough crowns to buy everything on the store when it launches. Technically our subscriptions paid for the development time that went into making all that stuff.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. Why does everyone insist on claiming they paid for something else?

    If I pay Target for a bath towel, and they use the profits from my sale to open a new store, I don't own part of that store. I own a bath towel.

    You've been told many times before why that is so. We cannot help you any further and you should seek help understanding outside of this thread.

    This is not target, nor is this about towels.

    This is a business, and you paid for services rendered. I only employ analogies because people seem incapable of grasping that their subscription was a paid service, not an investment in future services.

    Then why did ZOS announce their future plans with the road ahead announcements, why did they go over what they were working on at quake-con, and why did they give us a planned schedule of content releases? If the subscription that we were paying wasn't for the future of ESO... why did they tell us what was coming up? Why not just tell us what was currently in ESO if all we were paying for was the paid service of server access?

    So you'd keep subscribing in future months. Was that a trick question? It doesn't make your subscription payment apply to anything except the month you paid for.

    Advertising and communication is not equivalent to saying that players are making down payments on future content.

    So ZOS shows us FUTURE content so we will subscribe in the FUTURE? So a reasonable person who saw that stuff would say to themselves "wow... I can't wait for that stuff to come out so I can subscribe and play it!"

    Come on.

    Should I have stopped subscribing until that content came out? What if everyone did that? Wait... they did... and now we're going Buy to Play. lol. Seems like THAT worked out well for them.

    During their initial marketing of the subscription service they touted:

    "We are already working on content that will roll out to players after ESO’s launch. New quest lines, skills, zones, dungeons -are already in the pipeline. These things, in addition to our end-game content, PvP, and extraordinary customer service, are all part of making sure we’re delivering on that premium service – and that the player feels like they are getting their money’s worth. We won’t know the exact schedule until after ESO launches, but our target right now is to have new content available every four to six weeks." -Matt Firor

    MMOs aren't like other videogames where the company recoups their costs AFTER they finish the game. Without regular funding, MMOs die. To argue that ZOS WASN'T using future content to solicit subscriptions PRIOR to that content being released and that they used those subscriptions to develop the systems for ESO:TU is an act of willful and deliberate misunderstanding.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 26, 2015 5:49AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
This discussion has been closed.