100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Gidorick
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • RainfeatherUK
    Theres alot of argument perhaps coming from the lack of an idea on the worth of crowns. Its not like a few hundred is worthless in the slightest.

    For those people that have played since the beginning like me, we still had a game to play didnt we? When I started the last thing really on my mind was what bonus I might get. Just that I could play a game I wanted to play.

    If any of us stay around beyond the model shift, we are still contributing to the development. Be that ESO+ or cash shop purchases. So being given any crowns free - which technically subtracts from ZoS' over all income post cash shop (since we'll have room to buy things with the gift crowns before we need to buy more) isnt all bad at all.

    If they gave you too many crowns free, they'd be no income from you until your free/loyalty ones ran out. Considering DLC will be slow off the bat and cosmetics are a personal thing (some might not buy any) thats giving you alot of time where they'd have no income from you at all. Crazy talk, since this game needs money to live - its why we need consoles now to draw in money.

    So sure. Some might of liked a much bigger reward; and I'm not fully inline with how ZoS treated people along the way. That said the thing standing out is the bigger picture. If ESO is going to get on the rails and actually endure it needs money. Thats just the way it goes.
    Edited by RainfeatherUK on February 20, 2015 2:28PM
  • Gidorick
    A customer that feels appreciated is more likely to spend additional money, than a customer who does not. Customer retention is just as important, if not more important, than gaining new customers.

    Also, you said....
    Theres alot of argument perhaps coming from the lack of an idea on the worth of crowns. Its not like a few hundred is worthless in the slightest.

    A few hundred Crowns might not be worthless but you know what is? 100 Crowns.

    There is nothing in the store you can buy with 100C. Nothing. Making 100C, worthless. You know how much they are thanking us with for one month of our past subscription?

    Yea. 100C.

    So what can we then infer about the worth of one month of our subscription over the past 10 months?

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So what can we then infer about the worth of one month of our subscription over the past 10 months?

    We can infer that you got to play one month of an awesome Elder Scrolls game....

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So what can we then infer about the worth of one month of our subscription over the past 10 months?

    We can infer that you got to play one month of an awesome Elder Scrolls game....

    Quiet you! You stay out of this!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Zershar_Vemod
    It's sad when EA gives more of a "thanks" to subscribers (ex SWTOR) than ZOS.....

    At least with SWTOR it went F2P due to poor management, etc. and 500-600 Cartel Coins are rewarded per month to current subscribers.

    TESO....we essentially paid for a beta and given 100 a month that will get us nothing, "encouraging" us to but crowns left and right. This is pathetic.
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on February 20, 2015 2:51PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • Kragorn
    No matter what number they pick, some people will boo and hiss and others will say we are lucky to get anything. This whole discussion is stupid.
    I certainly agree with that viewpoint.
  • RainfeatherUK
    Cant say I agree.

    You could give people in excess of 1.5k for their pre 1.6 sub time and defeat that arguement. As nobody would complain at all within reason.

    Same as luck isnt really the point. Either you think people deserve something for their time or you dont. Its that fine line on 'if yes, then what and to what end', that is really in question.
  • nerevarine1138
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?
  • Nazon_Katts
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?

    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • nerevarine1138
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?


    Yeah, I was actually asking a rhetorical question. But if you replace "greed" with "capitalism", you're pretty much right.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. You got what you paid for. Period.

    I don't generally support these kinds of rewards, because it tends to encourage the very vocal part of the community which treats them as well-deserved payments instead of gifts.
  • Nazon_Katts
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?


    Yeah, I was actually asking a rhetorical question. But if you replace "greed" with "capitalism", you're pretty much right.

    You paid for a subscription to the game. You got what you paid for. Period.

    I don't generally support these kinds of rewards, because it tends to encourage the very vocal part of the community which treats them as well-deserved payments instead of gifts.

    You asked a question and got an answer. Even within capitalistic standards it does qualify as greed, considering the huge sums the subs already brought and that there's competitors that offer it all included in the sub. Blizz can afford it to be greedy, of course.

    Think I won't notice the 1100 crowns, probably wouldn't 5500 even. So I'm with you, that we'd been better off without this appeasement gift at all, since it's clearly not having the intended effect.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So... ZOS announced that every loyal customer that has been with ESO since the beginning will be getting a special Striped Senche mount. People complained... and they changed it to "If you've paid for 300 days"

    Clarification: nothing was "changed" on the Senche criteria. It was noted very clearly in the original annoucement that you must have "paid for 300 total days of subscription time (non-consecutive), prior to March 16th." it was added later that the days need not have lapsed by the deadline.

    Obviously the crown allotment people will get for subbing can be spent on the DLCs, assuming they are not set at some ridiculous price point, so there is no need to pay twice for already developed content from last year. If on the other hand people go spend all their crowns on fluff before the DLCs get released then I'd say their priorities speak for themselves and they should not be complaining about not having enough crowns to buy everything. As is, we have no clue when the first DLC release will be, so in theory you could spend away on fluff and still have enough crowns to buy a DLC if they take till fall or later to release one.
  • Gidorick
    The original announcement wasn't Feb 12th. It was Jan 21st. I can look up the specifics later if you want me to but they said that those that were with ESO from the beginning would get something to ride, which is clearly not what the Senche mount is indicative of. There were 3 weeks of forum whining between Jan 21st and Feb 12th that seems to have influenced the 'official announcement'.

    Let me know if you want specific quotes and whatnot. I'll provide them.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The original announcement wasn't Feb 12th. It was Jan 21st. I can look up the specifics later if you want me to but they said that those that were with ESO from the beginning would get something to ride, which is clearly not what the Senche mount is indicative of. There were 3 weeks of forum whining between Jan 21st and Feb 12th that seems to have influenced the 'official announcement'.

    Let me know if you want specific quotes and whatnot. I'll provide them.

    I don't need them. The point is that it was never intended as that type of incentive and the fact such language was used in the first place is what caused all the stink - not the criteria in of itself, which again they never changed. He was very clear that the impetus behind the reward was nothing more and nothing less than investment in the game during the subscription period: "what it is intended to do is to make sure that people who subscribed the entire time the game was sub-based get a really cool exclusive reward. Expect details on that soon." Neglecting to point out that non-consecutive time counted is not a change in that view.
  • Gidorick
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The original announcement wasn't Feb 12th. It was Jan 21st. I can look up the specifics later if you want me to but they said that those that were with ESO from the beginning would get something to ride, which is clearly not what the Senche mount is indicative of. There were 3 weeks of forum whining between Jan 21st and Feb 12th that seems to have influenced the 'official announcement'.

    Let me know if you want specific quotes and whatnot. I'll provide them.

    I don't need them. The point is that it was never intended as that type of incentive and the fact such language was used in the first place is what caused all the stink - not the criteria in of itself, which again they never changed. He was very clear that the impetus behind the reward was nothing more and nothing less than investment in the game during the subscription period: "what it is intended to do is to make sure that people who subscribed the entire time the game was sub-based get a really cool exclusive reward. Expect details on that soon." Neglecting to point out that non-consecutive time counted is not a change in that view.

    That's where I'm saying they changed the criteria. Being subscribed the entire time the game was sub based is no longer what is required. The intention was not realized.They announced their intention, then their official announcement did not reflect that intention. To me that constitutes a change in their criteria. But you're right. When they officially announced the speed Senche mount they said 300 days.... perhaps the Striped Senche Mount isn't what they were talking about on Jan 21st. Maybe "people who subscribed the entire time the game was sub-based" are still going to "get a really cool exclusive reward."

    Ya think? :tongue:

    Thanks for getting that quote, by the way.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • A1exeR
    Theres alot of argument perhaps coming from the lack of an idea on the worth of crowns. Its not like a few hundred is worthless in the slightest.

    For those people that have played since the beginning like me, we still had a game to play didnt we? When I started the last thing really on my mind was what bonus I might get. Just that I could play a game I wanted to play.

    If any of us stay around beyond the model shift, we are still contributing to the development. Be that ESO+ or cash shop purchases. So being given any crowns free - which technically subtracts from ZoS' over all income post cash shop (since we'll have room to buy things with the gift crowns before we need to buy more) isnt all bad at all.

    If they gave you too many crowns free, they'd be no income from you until your free/loyalty ones ran out. Considering DLC will be slow off the bat and cosmetics are a personal thing (some might not buy any) thats giving you alot of time where they'd have no income from you at all. Crazy talk, since this game needs money to live - its why we need consoles now to draw in money.

    So sure. Some might of liked a much bigger reward; and I'm not fully inline with how ZoS treated people along the way. That said the thing standing out is the bigger picture. If ESO is going to get on the rails and actually endure it needs money. Thats just the way it goes.

    If they want our money, they should work, not rest. Let them release some content, and we'll pay for it. In 1.6 we get little or no content. Half a year with the launch of 1.5 and another half a year before the summer - no content. I have passed all trials and DSA, except for the hard mode SO. What do I do in the game before game run on consoles?
  • A1exeR
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?

    Blizzard can afford to behave insolently. Besides their expansion packs more large than ESO patch.

    As for Tiger, irritates me that people were allowed to buy the missing days. I have subscribe from start without interruption and some guy can now buy a lot of month and we together get mount. This is stupid. Where is my exclusive?
    Edited by A1exeR on February 20, 2015 6:04PM
  • Slurg
    A1exeR wrote: »
    A1exeR wrote: »
    Gidorick says the right thing. Awards should be enough to buy at least one DLC in store plus some cosmetics, because they were developed when we paid subscription. Why do we have to pay again?

    Expansion packs for WoW were developed while people were paying subscriptions for the current version. Why should they have to pay for the new expansion?

    Blizzard can afford to behave insolently. Besides their expansion packs more large than ESO patch.

    As for Tiger, irritates me that people were allowed to buy the missing days. I have subscribe from start without interruption and some guy can now buy a lot of month and we together get mount. This is stupid. Where is my exclusive?
    And don't forget that when we transition to TU that the random guy who came in late with a wad of prepaid cards who will get the same exclusive mount as the early adopters will also get a whole bunch more crowns to spend in the crown store than either of us will, for the same amount of money paid in, just because he paid later (1,500 up front for each remaining month on his subscription).

    I enjoyed the game and felt I got my money's worth from the subscription, though I felt there should have been more content added for the monthly fees we paid. But the recent blatant cash grab to allow people to "buy" loyalty rewards and the disregard shown for long term customers that they don't even try to hide is a bit distasteful.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Elsonso
    It's sad when EA gives more of a "thanks" to subscribers (ex SWTOR) than ZOS.....

    At least with SWTOR it went F2P due to poor management, etc. and 500-600 Cartel Coins are rewarded per month to current subscribers.

    TESO....we essentially paid for a beta and given 100 a month that will get us nothing, "encouraging" us to but crowns left and right. This is pathetic.

    Given: EA mismanaged SWTOR and it went F2P
    Given: EA gave better "thanks" to subscribers
    Conclusion: ZOS should be more like EA

    I disagree with the quote above. I don't think that ESO went to B2P due to mismanagement, so I don't feel the need to use EA as a benchmark for how ZOS should transition subscribers.

    In general, I am not impressed by statements along the lines of "Company X did it this way, ZOS should do the same" and "Company Y screwed it up, ZOS will, too".

    I am also of the idea that it was a bad move to even suggest the 100 Crowns. This is one time they should have just kept quiet. I think these Crowns are the wrong message in the first place. They should not be handing out Crowns to existing subscribers based on length of service. They did it to be nice, but it is not being interpreted that way.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • Gidorick
    I agree @lordrichter. If they hadn't said anything and when ESO:TU launched I received an email saying "thanks for being a past subscriber, here's 1000 Crowns!" I would have just been "cool!" And gone on my way.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Soulshine
    It's sad when EA gives more of a "thanks" to subscribers (ex SWTOR) than ZOS.....

    At least with SWTOR it went F2P due to poor management, etc. and 500-600 Cartel Coins are rewarded per month to current subscribers.

    TESO....we essentially paid for a beta and given 100 a month that will get us nothing, "encouraging" us to but crowns left and right. This is pathetic.

    Given: EA mismanaged SWTOR and it went F2P
    Given: EA gave better "thanks" to subscribers
    Conclusion: ZOS should be more like EA

    I disagree with the quote above. I don't think that ESO went to B2P due to mismanagement, so I don't feel the need to use EA as a benchmark for how ZOS should transition subscribers.

    In general, I am not impressed by statements along the lines of "Company X did it this way, ZOS should do the same" and "Company Y screwed it up, ZOS will, too".

    I am also of the idea that it was a bad move to even suggest the 100 Crowns. This is one time they should have just kept quiet. I think these Crowns are the wrong message in the first place. They should not be handing out Crowns to existing subscribers based on length of service. They did it to be nice, but it is not being interpreted that way.

    I do not see it that way because it is obvious it isn't. Nicety has nothing to do with it. The crown allotment for subbing is nothing but an incentive program for sales of yet more crowns. "Nice" (let alone equitable...) would have been an allotment on par with post launch 1500 figure. Yet the distinction gets muddied further because some people consider it appropriate to get more crowns for subbing after you no longer have to, yet fail to realize the missing link here is price point on DLCs - which we know good and well they have set already but are for obvious reasons refusing to release information on at this time. I have no doubt that once they disclose that, the QQ volume will go even higher about the allotment of crowns given both before and after B2P launch.
  • Gidorick
    So... Since it was clarified to be exactly as I read it to be. .. I'm reposting this
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So... ZOS announced that every loyal customer that has been with ESO since the beginning will be getting a special Striped Senche mount. People complained... and they changed it to "If you've paid for 300 days"

    ZOS also announced that a 9 month Mask of Cheerful Slaughter subscriber reward would be given to those who have reached their 9th moth of subscription prior to the loyalty program going away March 17th. People complained... and they changed it to "if you've paid for 9 months" (270 days).

    I agree with both of these changes and think it seems like a fair compromises to make customers happy.

    HOWEVER... this leaves us with only ONE actual "subscription duration" reward... the 100 Crown per month thank you.

    As of this writing the OP has 137 Agrees. It has been viewed over 10,000 times and has had over 375 comments. We can be pretty certain that ZOS has seen this.

    So, ZOS... with the Mount and 9 month costume being given to anyone that pays for the time, regardless of whether or not they have ACTUALLY been with ESO since the beginning, you are left with only this per month "thank you" with which you can show appreciation to those that have actually been with ZOS since the beginning. I'm really curious to see if the change in the Senche Mount and the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter has any impact on the amount of crowns we are going to get per month. I am actually going to suggest that you implement the reward system suggested by @WebBull back on the 6th page of this thread:
    WebBull wrote: »
    I don't really care since I will probably have more crowns then I will use (don't care about mounts or costumes) but 100 crowns for each month subscribed is pretty weak. Should start at 500 for 1st month and go up by 100 each month for each month subscribed.
    (so... 500, 600, 700.... all the way to 1400 for the 10th month of subscription)

    This tiered reward system would truly reward long-term subscribers of ESO, since nothing else is at this point. It should be tied to months that have PASSED, not months paid in advance.

    I feel the need to remind everyone that a player that joins TODAY and pays for 10 months of subscription will receive the Striped Senche Mount, the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, 1 month of "thank you" Crowns and 13500 Crowns for 9 months of Tamriel Unlimited subscription.

    The suggestion by @WebBull will yield at MOST 9500C for a player that has been subscribed for the past 10 months.

    And this. ..
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I feel the need to remind everyone that a player that joins TODAY and pays for 10 months of subscription will receive the Striped Senche Mount, the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, 1 month of "thank you" Crowns and 13500 Crowns for 9 months of Tamriel Unlimited subscription.

    The suggestion by @WebBull will yield at MOST 9500C for a player that has been subscribed for the past 10 months.

    If it wasn't for all the research I had done in crafting, I would prefer to buy another account, pay for 10 months and get all of that. Or even better, having bought and registered ESO prior to June 2014, but simply never having played it, then a few days before Tamriel Unlimited hits you pump it with subscription, then buy the PS4 version and the character transfer to it and suddenly have two accounts filled with crowns, rewards, Imperial Edition, etc. Because I'm guessing crowns will move over to the console version as well, as they also move over all collectibles.

    yea... pretty much any way you cut it, those of us who have been with them since the beginning... through the lag and gold spammers and bugs... aren't really getting our own reward anymore. Not unless they did as I jokingly suggested in one of the earlier pages of this thread and reward us 20,000 Crown... hmm... what if they started at 20K and divided by 2 for each month less subscribed. (rounded up to the nearest 10)

    10 months: 20,000 total Crowns awarded
    9 months: 10,000 total Crowns awarded
    8 months: 5,000 total Crowns awarded
    7 months: 2,500 total Crowns awarded
    6 months: 1,250 total Crowns awarded
    5 months: 630 total Crowns awarded
    4 months: 400 total Crowns awarded (at this point, they should go back to the 100 per month)
    3 months: 300 total Crowns awarded
    2 months: 200 total Crowns awarded
    1 month: 100 total Crowns awarded

    lol.. bah... even though this really would reward players the longer they have been subscribed... it just seems like WAY too much... I think @WebBull's suggestion is fair, even if the loyal customers aren't given as much as those that decided to jump on the ESO:TU party train until recently.

    We DID get to play ESO during the past 10 months, which really has been a blast. :smiley:

    Edited by Gidorick on February 20, 2015 9:08PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Decimus_Rex
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ...is insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    EDIT: The consensus seems to be that 500 or so would be reasonable.

    Now your catching on

    Welcome to the NEW AGE of Pc gaming

    I am old school (EQ1) and now it's all about the BIG money grab

    Welcome to the new age of money is the only variable that matters on the PIE chart

    You guys missed out

    It's sad really
  • Jiigen
    And meanwhile, 14 pages in, there is still no reply from ZOS.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • nerevarine1138
    Jiigen wrote: »
    And meanwhile, 14 pages in, there is still no reply from ZOS.

    What kind of response would you expect here?
  • Seraphyel
    Whats insulting is people crying that theyre getting ANYTHING AT ALL.

    How many MMOs have gone F2P/B2P in the past and gave you ANYTHING as far as a cash equivilent for your prior time in the game?

    Ill wait.

    There are more than enough MMORPGs that gave the playerbase something for their loyalty.

    In ESO you get an ugly pet and 100 Crowns per months, that's just ridiculous.

    You can wait any longer because OP has a reasonable question.

    100 for current subscribers, 1500 for future subscribers - that's the best proof for their ignorance when it comes to the beta testers that payed for ESO since March.
    manny254 wrote: »
    You are currently paying for access to game. When the new system come out you will no longer need to pay for that.

    So yeah it makes sense that you will get 1,500 crowns then, and you should be happy they give you anything at all for previous time subbed.

    I think it's ridiculous that guys like you get so many agrees.

    We should be happy that we get anything at all? LOL

    They should be happy that we bought the game and payed for a beta for MONTHS. If we haven't done that, there wouldn't be ESO anymore. They should be more than thankful for the support they got from the rest of the community they already alienated.
    Edited by Seraphyel on February 21, 2015 12:16AM
  • Nazon_Katts
    Jiigen wrote: »
    And meanwhile, 14 pages in, there is still no reply from ZOS.

    What kind of response would you expect here?

    I suspect any would do.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • RainfeatherUK
    Us getting 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed seems a little bit much to me.

    After all how much DLC would that buy? Everything until the year 2020? truth is we dont really know. That and im not really sure what I'd even do with them considering I'll be sat on ESO+

    At this rate we might as well ask for shares in the company too while we are at it lol /facepalm
  • Seraphyel
    manny254 wrote: »
    You are currently paying for access to game. When the new system come out you will no longer need to pay for that.

    So yeah it makes sense that you will get 1,500 crowns then, and you should be happy they give you anything at all for previous time subbed.

    I think it's ridiculous that guys like you get so many agrees.

    We should be happy that we get anything at all? LOL

    They should be happy that we bought the game and payed for a beta for MONTHS. If we haven't done that, there wouldn't be ESO anymore. They should be more than than
    Us getting 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed seems a little bit much to me.

    After all how much DLC would that buy? Everything until the year 2020? truth is we dont really know. That and im not really sure what I'd even do with them considering I'll be sat on ESO+

    At this rate we might as well ask for shares in the company too while we are at it lol /facepalm

    They could give all of the "launch" players the first DLC for free. That would be some kind of nice gesture. But no, they prefer giving us 100 Crowns a month which is nothing more than giving us 100 slaps in the face - per month!
This discussion has been closed.