100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Livvy
    Elridge wrote: »

    Oh yea it is completely inevitable that they will keep adding more into it, I was just talking about how aggressively they do it. Long term I guess you are right, a small boost in crowns we get at the moment wont really effect how it is 2-3 years down the line.

    +1 to insightful (gotta promote healthy debate ;) haha)

    Haha, yes! Same for you! :smiley:
  • Gidorick
    "MMORPG.com: How often can we see items being added or removed to/from the item shop?

    A: We don’t have a firm fixed cadence yet, but expect to see rotation of inventory at least monthly, if not more often. We’ll have some limited time offers once in a while, etc."


    So... at least once a month.

    If we take this "once a month" and use the data we have gathered from the "DLC level content every 4-6 weeks" that was announced prior to ESO launching we find that we can expect the Crown Store to be updated every month until September, at that point updates slip to every other month. Then next January they will announce that they are adding another cash type where players have to buy DingleDoubloons , which are used to buy access quests in game and the crown store updates will move to a 6 month-update schedule. All of this will be done because of overwhelming feedback from the community.

    Hehe... sorry, I couldn't resist. :sweat_smile:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Inco
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.
  • nerevarine1138
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?
  • Gidorick
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    And maybe it will make people feel like there's no benefit in continuing as an ESO Plus member, because they're going to get $100 for doing nothing.

    No one is entitled to this. Complaining about free money is still complaining about free money, regardless of whether you think it's "enough".
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    And maybe it will make people feel like there's no benefit in continuing as an ESO Plus member, because they're going to get $100 for doing nothing.

    No one is entitled to this. Complaining about free money is still complaining about free money, regardless of whether you think it's "enough".

    You honestly don't understand that ZOS giving players a fake digital currency to buy fake digital items isn't the same as ZOS cutting a check to someone?

    Crowns aren't MONEY. They're s a digital currency in which there is one place to spend it.

    It's ZOS money to buy ZOS digital items.

    I'll again quote myself... from the quote that I quoted above.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    ... Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    Us loyal customers FRONTED money to get ESO going... they should FRONT us enough crowns to get the Crown Store going. I guarantee that giving their most loyal customers a fat-stack of crowns will earn them more in the long run than giving them a small handful.

    EXTEME ONE: Give them bunches of crowns... they feel good about being appreciated... they go to the crown store, buy items, have fun and feel comfortable which will lead to them putting more money into the crown store to buy more stuff because more stuff is coming out every month and they keep subscribed because they like the 1500 Crown they get per month and they are with ESO for a long time because they perceive value in the game.

    EXTREME TWO: Give them a few crowns... they feel bad about being underappreciated... they hoard their crowns to wait until there's something they 'really' want or to try to help pay for DLC. They become disillusioned because DLC isn't coming out as quickly as they want and they keep seeing that the Crown Store is being updated but are disgruntled about the lack of DLC. Because of this they unsubscribe and they end up only logging in when DLCs come out to play through the new area. They ONLY buy the DLC when it comes out and they pretty much ignore the crown store.

    While, in any situation most players will fall somewhere in between these two extremes why wouldn't ZOS want to try to get players to be more like EXTREME ONE? isn't that better for the game overall?

    I REALLY don't think there will be many people who get a bunch of crowns, so they horde those crowns and they stop playing ESO and never visit the crown store.

    If players have crowns 'in the bank' they will go to the crown store... they WILL spend money. This is consumer nature.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 21, 2015 8:06PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Nazon_Katts
    A gift is a gift and one should be happy to receive one. Present your significant other or even your mother the heartfelt gift of a small, luxurious and expensive pot of anti-wrinkle-cream and see how that goes.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    And maybe it will make people feel like there's no benefit in continuing as an ESO Plus member, because they're going to get $100 for doing nothing.

    No one is entitled to this. Complaining about free money is still complaining about free money, regardless of whether you think it's "enough".

    You honestly don't understand that ZOS giving players a fake digital currency to buy fake digital items isn't the same as ZOS cutting a check to someone?

    Crowns aren't MONEY. They're s a digital currency in which there is one place to spend it.

    It's ZOS money to buy ZOS digital items.

    I'll again quote myself... from the quote that I quoted above.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    ... Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    Us loyal customers FRONTED money to get ESO going... they should FRONT us enough crowns to get the Crown Store going. I guarantee that giving their most loyal customers a fat-stack of crowns will earn them more in the long run than giving them a small handful.

    EXTEME ONE: Give them bunches of crowns... they feel good about being appreciated... they go to the crown store, buy items, have fun and feel comfortable which will lead to them putting more money into the crown store to buy more stuff because more stuff is coming out every month and they keep subscribed because they like the 1500 Crown they get per month and they are with ESO for a long time because they perceive value in the game.

    EXTREME TWO: Give them a few crowns... they feel bad about being underappreciated... they hoard their crowns to wait until there's something they 'really' want or to try to help pay for DLC. They become disillusioned because DLC isn't coming out as quickly as they want and they keep seeing that the Crown Store is being updated but are disgruntled about the lack of DLC. Because of this they unsubscribe and they end up only logging in when DLCs come out to play through the new area. They ONLY buy the DLC when it comes out and they pretty much ignore the crown store.

    While, in any situation most players will fall somewhere in between these two extremes why wouldn't ZOS want to try to get players to be more like EXTREME ONE? isn't that better for the game overall?

    I REALLY don't think there will be many people who get a bunch of crowns, so they horde those crowns and they stop playing ESO and never visit the crown store.

    If players have crowns 'in the bank' they will go to the crown store... they WILL spend money. This is consumer nature.

    We didn't front anyone anything. We paid for our subscription. We got it.

    This may be digital currency, but it costs real life currency. The "fake" money they give us costs them potential real money from people buying crowns or using ESO Plus.

    The level of entitlement required to demand more free money is absolutely astronomical. There is literally no reason that we need more, and there's every reason that ZO should play the stern parent here and not give in to overly loud complaining.
  • Soulshine
    A gift is a gift and one should be happy to receive one. Present your significant other or even your mother the heartfelt gift of a small, luxurious and expensive pot of anti-wrinkle-cream and see how that goes.

    It would probably turn into an argument about how you are trying to tell her she looks old and wrinkled : p
  • Nazon_Katts
    Yep. And here we got the argument about 'do we look that cheap'? We possibly are, just like mom's getting old, but hence the discontent.

    The 100 CP show a lack of tact.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Gidorick
    A gift is a gift and one should be happy to receive one. Present your significant other or even your mother the heartfelt gift of a small, luxurious and expensive pot of anti-wrinkle-cream and see how that goes.

    Present them with dollar store tub of lotion and tell them it's a token of your appreciation for all they mean to you while also telling them you're giving that luxurious anti-wrinkle-cream to a new friend you just met and see how THAT goes.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 21, 2015 10:03PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    And maybe it will make people feel like there's no benefit in continuing as an ESO Plus member, because they're going to get $100 for doing nothing.

    No one is entitled to this. Complaining about free money is still complaining about free money, regardless of whether you think it's "enough".

    You honestly don't understand that ZOS giving players a fake digital currency to buy fake digital items isn't the same as ZOS cutting a check to someone?

    Crowns aren't MONEY. They're s a digital currency in which there is one place to spend it.

    It's ZOS money to buy ZOS digital items.

    I'll again quote myself... from the quote that I quoted above.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    ... Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    Us loyal customers FRONTED money to get ESO going... they should FRONT us enough crowns to get the Crown Store going. I guarantee that giving their most loyal customers a fat-stack of crowns will earn them more in the long run than giving them a small handful.

    EXTEME ONE: Give them bunches of crowns... they feel good about being appreciated... they go to the crown store, buy items, have fun and feel comfortable which will lead to them putting more money into the crown store to buy more stuff because more stuff is coming out every month and they keep subscribed because they like the 1500 Crown they get per month and they are with ESO for a long time because they perceive value in the game.

    EXTREME TWO: Give them a few crowns... they feel bad about being underappreciated... they hoard their crowns to wait until there's something they 'really' want or to try to help pay for DLC. They become disillusioned because DLC isn't coming out as quickly as they want and they keep seeing that the Crown Store is being updated but are disgruntled about the lack of DLC. Because of this they unsubscribe and they end up only logging in when DLCs come out to play through the new area. They ONLY buy the DLC when it comes out and they pretty much ignore the crown store.

    While, in any situation most players will fall somewhere in between these two extremes why wouldn't ZOS want to try to get players to be more like EXTREME ONE? isn't that better for the game overall?

    I REALLY don't think there will be many people who get a bunch of crowns, so they horde those crowns and they stop playing ESO and never visit the crown store.

    If players have crowns 'in the bank' they will go to the crown store... they WILL spend money. This is consumer nature.

    We didn't front anyone anything. We paid for our subscription. We got it.

    This may be digital currency, but it costs real life currency. The "fake" money they give us costs them potential real money from people buying crowns or using ESO Plus.

    The level of entitlement required to demand more free money is absolutely astronomical. There is literally no reason that we need more, and there's every reason that ZO should play the stern parent here and not give in to overly loud complaining.

    MANY of us hopped onto ESO because we wanted to support the MMO and we believed in it. If it was JUST about the server access to an MMO I would have played one that is much more established, like WOW. MMOs grow... and we were supporting that growth with our subscriptions. ZOS knows this. This is why they made all those claims prior to ESO launching, to let us know their vision for ESO.

    If was JUST about server access, why would ANYONE ever pay for an MMO subscription prior to the MMO being... oh, 3 years old? We all know there are going to be bugs and issues.

    But you're right, the ONLY thing the money provided to ESO was for was access to ESO. I'm sure all that money sent to keeping the servers up and none of that money went to paying the salaries of those that were making content or coding and designing the crown store or all the meetings that were held to discuss whether or not people should be able to pay up front in order to qualify for the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter.

    And are you seriously STILL insisting the Crowns ZOS is giving us is coming directly out of their future profits? Crowns does not equal money... the level of facepalm at the fact that you don't understand that is absolutely astronomical.

    And this WHOLE thread isn't about the EXACT amount of crowns they are giving us. it's about perception and message that 100 crowns sends. It's... screw it... I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over again.

    You don't get it... we get that you don't get it. You've spoken down to us. You've called us entitled. You've effectively called us spoiled little children.

    I'm done here.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 21, 2015 11:44PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    It's NOT a payment. It's NOT a refund.

    This is a VERY simple yet VERY important distinction. there are literally dozens of posts explaining this throughout this thread.

    But people are basing their demands on how long they've been subscribed and using it to demand a wholly unreasonable amount. It's asking ZO to credit you up to two thirds of the money you paid for your subscription in the form of Crowns. It makes no sense for them to be giving people $100 spending money for something that they don't even have to be doing in the first place.

    Sigh... I'll quote myself in a response that I made to YOU. Since you obviously haven't been paying attention.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Anvos wrote: »
    I agree that 100 is somewhat of an insult, but I could see maybe 600-800 per month, being reasonable.

    Just to be clear, you think that reimbursing us for half the subscription fee is reasonable?

    When you subscribed, you got what you paid for. Giving us all a little boost in the Crown Store is a nice gesture to people who have been subscribed, but it's certainly not necessary. And it certainly doesn't qualify as an insult.

    A lot of you seem to be misunderstanding. This is NOT a reimbursement. It's a gesture of appreciation. It's not like they're going to give us money back or that by giving us more crowns they would get less money from us. Maybe initially they would, sure, but in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    Using your logic ZOS will be making NO money on 30 day subscriptions and will LOSE money on 60 and 90 day subs (assuming 100 crown= $1)... and we know that just isn't the case. Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    And maybe then they'll buy that wedding dress they've had their eye on. :blush:

    And maybe it will make people feel like there's no benefit in continuing as an ESO Plus member, because they're going to get $100 for doing nothing.

    No one is entitled to this. Complaining about free money is still complaining about free money, regardless of whether you think it's "enough".

    You honestly don't understand that ZOS giving players a fake digital currency to buy fake digital items isn't the same as ZOS cutting a check to someone?

    Crowns aren't MONEY. They're s a digital currency in which there is one place to spend it.

    It's ZOS money to buy ZOS digital items.

    I'll again quote myself... from the quote that I quoted above.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... in the long run a customer that feels appreciated will return and open their wallets, a customer that does not feel appreciated may begrudging return but that wallet isn't going to open as readily.

    ... Giving loyal customers more crowns to show their appreciation would only serve to make loyal customers feel appreciated.

    Us loyal customers FRONTED money to get ESO going... they should FRONT us enough crowns to get the Crown Store going. I guarantee that giving their most loyal customers a fat-stack of crowns will earn them more in the long run than giving them a small handful.

    EXTEME ONE: Give them bunches of crowns... they feel good about being appreciated... they go to the crown store, buy items, have fun and feel comfortable which will lead to them putting more money into the crown store to buy more stuff because more stuff is coming out every month and they keep subscribed because they like the 1500 Crown they get per month and they are with ESO for a long time because they perceive value in the game.

    EXTREME TWO: Give them a few crowns... they feel bad about being underappreciated... they hoard their crowns to wait until there's something they 'really' want or to try to help pay for DLC. They become disillusioned because DLC isn't coming out as quickly as they want and they keep seeing that the Crown Store is being updated but are disgruntled about the lack of DLC. Because of this they unsubscribe and they end up only logging in when DLCs come out to play through the new area. They ONLY buy the DLC when it comes out and they pretty much ignore the crown store.

    While, in any situation most players will fall somewhere in between these two extremes why wouldn't ZOS want to try to get players to be more like EXTREME ONE? isn't that better for the game overall?

    I REALLY don't think there will be many people who get a bunch of crowns, so they horde those crowns and they stop playing ESO and never visit the crown store.

    If players have crowns 'in the bank' they will go to the crown store... they WILL spend money. This is consumer nature.

    We didn't front anyone anything. We paid for our subscription. We got it.

    This may be digital currency, but it costs real life currency. The "fake" money they give us costs them potential real money from people buying crowns or using ESO Plus.

    The level of entitlement required to demand more free money is absolutely astronomical. There is literally no reason that we need more, and there's every reason that ZO should play the stern parent here and not give in to overly loud complaining.

    MANY of us hopped onto ESO because we wanted to support the MMO and we believed in it. If it was JUST about the server access to an MMO I would have played one that is much more established, like WOW. MMOs grow... and we were supporting that growth with our subscriptions. ZOS knows this. This is why they made all those claims prior to ESO launching, to let us know their vision for ESO.

    If was JUST about server access, why would ANYONE ever pay for an MMO subscription prior to the MMO being... oh, 3 years old? We all know there are going to be bugs and issues.

    But you're right, the ONLY thing the money provided to ESO was for was access to ESO. I'm sure all that money sent to keeping the servers up and none of that money went to paying the salaries of those that were making content or coding and designing the crown store or all the meetings that were held to discuss whether or not people should be able to pay up front in order to qualify for the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter.

    And are you seriously STILL insisting the Crowns ZOS is giving us is coming directly out of their future profits? Crowns does not equal money... the level of facepalm at the fact that you don't understand that is absolutely astronomical.

    And this WHOLE thread isn't about the EXACT amount of crowns they are giving us. it's about perception and message that 100 crowns sends. It's... screw it... I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over again.

    You don't get it... we get that you don't get it. You've spoken down to us. You've called us entitled. You've effectively called us spoiled little children.

    I'm done here.

    I'm only insisting that you paid for services rendered. I simply cannot understand the attitude towards this. You got what you paid for, and now you're demanding more.

    It's not that I don't understand that this would make ZO more popular. I'm sure if Best Buy gave away TVs tomorrow, they'd be the most popular store in America. Doesn't mean it would be a good business practice, and it certainly doesn't mean that people were entitled to better free TVs.
  • Inco
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    Yes it does and I think you are missing the point. This is a ONE TIME event and going forward EVERY SUB gets 1500 Crowns per month (That means our previous subs are worth 6% of next months sub). It just seems pretty darn cheap that PREVIOUS paid months are getting a fraction of the crowns. At least they should do is increased to 33% for 500 crowns per month. Just seems pretty darn reasonable to me. I find it funny you think that all the SUB time since launch is worth LESS than one month of SUB in the ESO Plus model. I don't and will continue to ask for a bump (I don't agree it should be 1500, but certainly not ~100 per month).

    I'd agree that 250 crowns per SUB month last year would be a decent increase and 500 crowns would be a minimum with 1000 being a sweet spot.
  • nerevarine1138
    Inco wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    Yes it does and I think you are missing the point. This is a ONE TIME event and going forward EVERY SUB gets 1500 Crowns per month (That means our previous subs are worth 6% of next months sub). It just seems pretty darn cheap that PREVIOUS paid months are getting a fraction of the crowns. At least they should do is increased to 33% for 500 crowns per month. Just seems pretty darn reasonable to me. I find it funny you think that all the SUB time since launch is worth LESS than one month of SUB in the ESO Plus model. I don't and will continue to ask for a bump (I don't agree it should be 1500, but certainly not ~100 per month).

    I'd agree that 250 crowns per SUB month last year would be a decent increase and 500 crowns would be a minimum with 1000 being a sweet spot.

    That's ludicrous. First of all, ESO Plus is not a subscription to the game, so it's not remotely comparable.

    Your previous subscriptions aren't worth 6% of next month's ESO Plus rewards. They were worth exactly what you paid for them: $15 a month. The payment model didn't change retroactively.
  • Gidorick
    Inco wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    Yes it does and I think you are missing the point. This is a ONE TIME event and going forward EVERY SUB gets 1500 Crowns per month (That means our previous subs are worth 6% of next months sub). It just seems pretty darn cheap that PREVIOUS paid months are getting a fraction of the crowns. At least they should do is increased to 33% for 500 crowns per month. Just seems pretty darn reasonable to me. I find it funny you think that all the SUB time since launch is worth LESS than one month of SUB in the ESO Plus model. I don't and will continue to ask for a bump (I don't agree it should be 1500, but certainly not ~100 per month).

    I'd agree that 250 crowns per SUB month last year would be a decent increase and 500 crowns would be a minimum with 1000 being a sweet spot.

    I agree Inco. You make a good point that this is a one time event that, in the long run, won't have an impact on the future of ESO but it might have an impact on the future of specific subscribers.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Also... With the crown store updating every month even if ZOS gave all of us that have subscribed each month 20K Crowns, it wouldn't 'exhaust' the store at launch and there would be plenty more for us to buy later. I think we've all seen the Senche Mounts and the pets. Add DLC and... there's going to be plenty that people can spend their crowns on.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 22, 2015 2:13AM
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  • Rosveen
    I'm completely fine with the number of crowns I'll get because I have almost no interest in the crown store, there are maybe 3 things I'd like to buy. I'd be fine even if I didn't get any crowns at all. I paid for access to the game, not any future reimbursements, gifts or whatever you want to call it.

    Still, I think it's an ill-thought out decision to give people supporting the game for almost a year less crowns than they can get for one month of sub after March 17th. Seriously, that year is worth less than a month? I'm not surprised so many of you feel insulted.

    Anything between 200-500 per month would be nice. That 1000 suggestion is ludicrous. Oh Lord, I'm agreeing with Nerevarine again, what's happening to me?
  • Simzani
    Still no apologies from zos about this insulting 100 crowns ?
  • Nazon_Katts
    Inco wrote: »
    Inco wrote: »
    I agree that 500 or 1000 per month for PAST subscribers would be a better place to go instead of the 100 per month.

    Someone mentioned name one game that gave past subs anything? SWTOR did it and folks that had many paid months got a pretty healthy pool of cartel coins.

    So you literally want them to pay you one to two thirds of your subscription fee back in Crowns? Does that really sound reasonable to you?

    Yes it does and I think you are missing the point. This is a ONE TIME event and going forward EVERY SUB gets 1500 Crowns per month (That means our previous subs are worth 6% of next months sub). It just seems pretty darn cheap that PREVIOUS paid months are getting a fraction of the crowns. At least they should do is increased to 33% for 500 crowns per month. Just seems pretty darn reasonable to me. I find it funny you think that all the SUB time since launch is worth LESS than one month of SUB in the ESO Plus model. I don't and will continue to ask for a bump (I don't agree it should be 1500, but certainly not ~100 per month).

    I'd agree that 250 crowns per SUB month last year would be a decent increase and 500 crowns would be a minimum with 1000 being a sweet spot.

    That's ludicrous. First of all, ESO Plus is not a subscription to the game, so it's not remotely comparable.

    Your previous subscriptions aren't worth 6% of next month's ESO Plus rewards. They were worth exactly what you paid for them: $15 a month. The payment model didn't change retroactively.

    ESO Plus is a subscription to the premium membership club, yep. Subscription to the game prior to that ought to be a premium service. Different labels, slight changes, but mostly the same content. I don't understand what this is supposed to proof.

    People already explained that there's been sentimental value attached to a subscription. You are around long enough to know about the almost ideological belief into subscription games. You seem to be more of the analytical mind, but if it is so hard to wrap it around emotional concepts, maybe it's just better for you to let it rest.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • xaraan
    I think seeing players pick up game cards and/or add sub time just to get the loyalty pets has made me agree that 100 points a month isn't enough. All those players will get months in advance paid and get points for those months as well, players that were actually loyal and have stayed subbed since launch get the same reward pet and have to keep buying subs or dlc as the game moves forward. Even if we got half the crowns for each month we have been subbed it would be closer to fair. But, with the way they are handling the "loyalty rewards" it's just not rewarding for real loyalty (and testing).
    -- @xaraan --
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  • Jiigen
    xaraan wrote: »
    I think seeing players pick up game cards and/or add sub time just to get the loyalty pets has made me agree that 100 points a month isn't enough. All those players will get months in advance paid and get points for those months as well, players that were actually loyal and have stayed subbed since launch get the same reward pet and have to keep buying subs or dlc as the game moves forward.

    Actually, it's worse than that. Because all those players that add months now to get the loyalty rewards will not get 100 crowns for their months, but 1500. Because every month they have left of subscription time after TU release, will convert to a full month of ESO Plus, and thus giving them 1500 for each month.
    So say there is a person now that only played his 30 days, didn't like it enough to keep paying to play, but now that it's going B2P he feels like giving it a chance again. When he finds out about the loyalty rewards he decides to get 10 months of subscription now. One month will go into February/March and the rest carries over into an ESO Plus subscription. That's 9x1500, that's 13500 crowns. How many do we get for our 11 months again? Lets see, 11x100=1100... Oh and don't forget about that persons past 1 month subscription. That's 13600 vs 1100 crowns.
    Edited by Jiigen on February 23, 2015 9:51AM
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  • nerevarine1138
    Jiigen wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    I think seeing players pick up game cards and/or add sub time just to get the loyalty pets has made me agree that 100 points a month isn't enough. All those players will get months in advance paid and get points for those months as well, players that were actually loyal and have stayed subbed since launch get the same reward pet and have to keep buying subs or dlc as the game moves forward.

    Actually, it's worse than that. Because all those players that add months now to get the loyalty rewards will not get 100 crowns for their months, but 1500. Because every month they have left of subscription time after TU release, will convert to a full month of ESO Plus, and thus giving them 1500 for each month.
    So say there is a person now that only played his 30 days, didn't like it enough to keep paying to play, but now that it's going B2P he feels like giving it a chance again. When he finds out about the loyalty rewards he decides to get 10 months of subscription now. One month will go into February/March and the rest carries over into an ESO Plus subscription. That's 9x1500, that's 13500 crowns. How many do we get for our 11 months again? Lets see, 11x100=1100... Oh and don't forget about that persons past 1 month subscription. That's 13600 vs 1100 crowns.

    What ridiculous math.

    First, if a person now buys 10 months of future ESO Plus membership, that's entirely different than someone paying in the past for a subscription to the game. Under the subscription model, a monthly fee was paid to play the game. Under the new model, that won't be required anymore.

    I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp. You already got exactly what you paid for. The payment model is changing, so the benefits of a monthly fee are changing too.
  • Gidorick
    I agree @nerevarine1138, it is different. Those of us who subbed for the past 10 months were foolish to do so. We should have waited with all the twitter followers and Facebook friends and reddit posters and just screamed for it to go f2p. Then sub up now, apply five 60 day time cards, get our loyalty rewards, 14,000 Crowns and be sitting pretty!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I agree @nerevarine1138, it is different. Those of us who subbed for the past 10 months were foolish to do so. We should have waited with all the twitter followers and Facebook friends and reddit posters and just screamed for it to go f2p. Then sub up now, apply five 60 day time cards, get our loyalty rewards, 14,000 Crowns and be sitting pretty!

    Good strategy.

    Except that I'm already at VR14, and you're playing catch-up.

    Why were you so willing to pay for your subscription for the last 10 months but not now? Seems a bit late for a change of heart.
  • Ivalice
    I'm not asking for 1,500, but honestly, 100 is really low.
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  • BBSooner
    While I'm not upset at getting 100, I feel like 100 is a pretty low number compared to what we'll be getting come TU. They should have made it 200-300 a month imo, but it may be more to do with how few things there are to purchase at the moment.
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