Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Quintal
    Agreed, they can't just kick Day 1 players out of the train...ZOS should prove that they care about old players as well. 100 crowns are not enough for beta testing...
    Edited by Quintal on February 7, 2015 10:44AM
    ''Subscription fee means that we will offer players the game we set out to make, and the one that fans want to play. Going with any other model meant that we would have to make sacrifices and changes we weren't willing to make.''
    -Matt Firor
    Nick Konkle no longer part of ZOS
    Maria Aliprando no longer part of ZOS
    Paul Sage no longer part of ZOS
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    Going off of the information found here:

    If you add up the Pets, Costumes and Mounts you get 13,300 Crowns. If you add the Imperial Edition Upgrade (2100) we're over 15,000 Crowns. If you add all the consumable bundles the cost is close to 20,000 Crowns

    Giving us 500 Crown per month wouldn't allow us to buy everything in the store. Not even close.

    If they gave us 1,500 Crowns per month we would be at 15,000 Crown, so yea... I can see how that would seem unreasonable (even though they used the money provided to them by us subscribers to plan, design, and implement this system.)
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Jiigen
    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.
    Even with the 7600 crowns gotten on PTS I didn't have enough crowns to buy everything I wanted, let alone everything in the store.
    Assuming they will be putting out DLC on the Crown Store costing more than the Imperial Edition Upgrade of 2100 crowns, I definitely think that even 500 crowns a month on return won't be any less profitable to ZOS than only 100. I actually think it's the opposite. Too few crowns means not enough people spending the ones they have, saving them instead.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    If they gave us 1,500 Crowns per month we would be at 15,000 Crown, so yea... I can see how that would seem unreasonable (even though they used the money provided to them by us subscribers to plan, design, and implement this system.)
    Even with 1500 crowns for each previous month subscribed, that's just enough for everything we want to buy. Meaning they will be forced to bring out new items and DLC for the Crown Store, isn't that their business model? What they're doing right now is motivating players to save their crowns rather than spend them and thus get used to spending them so they will get more.
    Edited by Jiigen on February 7, 2015 1:21PM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    So 8.3k wiews 303 comments, yet no responce of anykind from zos. they have seen this post, but it is now safe to assume: they will not change this in anyway 100c/every month paid. I can deal with that.
    But it would be well-mannered from zos to reply, " we have seen your concerns about crowns, thank you for your feedback, but we will stick on our original plans."

    @ZOS_Ginabruno @ZOS_TristanK I find that bit rude, you dont reply in anyway to this post.
    Edited by Anu_Saukko_Tutkija on February 7, 2015 12:35PM
    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • rynth
    So 8.3k wiews 303 comments, yet no responce of anykind from zos. they have seen this post, but it is now safe to assume: they will not change this in anyway 100c/every month paid. I can deal with that.
    But it would be well-mannered from zos to reply, " we have seen your concerns about crowns, thank you for your feedback, but we will stick on our original plans."

    @GinaBruno @TristanK I find that bit rude, you dont reply in anyway to this post.

    since you are still here you obliviously have gotten something enjoyable from the game and got your moneys worth. So why do you need something extra? Since you continued to pay for gaming time the company met its obligation. Now they are changing their billing and giving you the same game without having to pay and you complain. I don't get it, did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee all this time for a game you weren't happy with or felt wasn't meeting your needs.

    Also Zos has already stated what they are doing, I may be going out on a limb here. But, I'm sure they have already had big meetings on this and discussions within the company on how they are going to go about switching to their no format. Did you not understand what they are doing? Perhaps it was the wording? I don't know seems rather cut and dry what they are doing and how they are handling things, but hey that's just me.
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    rynth wrote: »
    So 8.3k wiews 303 comments, yet no responce of anykind from zos. they have seen this post, but it is now safe to assume: they will not change this in anyway 100c/every month paid. I can deal with that.
    But it would be well-mannered from zos to reply, " we have seen your concerns about crowns, thank you for your feedback, but we will stick on our original plans."

    @GinaBruno @TristanK I find that bit rude, you dont reply in anyway to this post.

    since you are still here you obliviously have gotten something enjoyable from the game and got your moneys worth. So why do you need something extra? Since you continued to pay for gaming time the company met its obligation. Now they are changing their billing and giving you the same game without having to pay and you complain. I don't get it, did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee all this time for a game you weren't happy with or felt wasn't meeting your needs.

    Also Zos has already stated what they are doing, I may be going out on a limb here. But, I'm sure they have already had big meetings on this and discussions within the company on how they are going to go about switching to their no format. Did you not understand what they are doing? Perhaps it was the wording? I don't know seems rather cut and dry what they are doing and how they are handling things, but hey that's just me.

    I am not complaining at all, you must be really smart person because you can say someone else is stupid. in other hands you are being rude. you must be psychiatrist at least, because you can tell how i feel, how i do things. how my personal doings and feelings has anything to do about, i can ask some compensation for testing their game. since when asking about reply to post is stupid? i dont have anything personal going on with you, yet you had to attack with critique, where are you manners sir?

    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • rynth
    When did I call "you" stupid? I did say it would be stupid if you continued to pay for a game that you didn't get anything out of. That does seem rather common sense. At least it does to me. The way the word "you" is used does no refer to you personally it refers rather a generalized person. It would seem unwise and very confusing for someone or anyone to pay for something monthly that they did not receive some sort of positive feeling or out come. There that wording work better for you? And yes so you don't have any confusion that question was directed at you.

    Compensation for what. Did we not get the game we paid for and continued to pay for? The same game that was being paid for is now going to be free how is that not a positive thing? You can still pay if you want to or not. But how has not kept up their end by offering a game that we paid for in the past to right now? As far as I know when I agreed to pay a monthly fee it did not entitle me to dictate how the future of the game or company was going to be handled. I thought I was just paying a fee monthly to play their mmo. I have to confess I really didn't read it to much since I knew what I was paying for.
    Edited by rynth on February 7, 2015 1:22PM
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    rynth wrote: »
    When did I call "you" stupid? I did say it would be stupid if you continued to pay for a game that you didn't get anything out of. That does seem rather common sense. At least it does to me. The way the word "you" is used does no refer to you personally it refers rather a generalized person. It would seem unwise and very confusing for someone or anyone to pay for something monthly that they did not receive some sort of positive feeling or out come. There that wording work better for you? And yes so you don't have any confusion that question was directed at you.

    "did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee"
    sight* Again me using my money to support game even if its developers did not quite delivered what they stated at first during the road. Is not common sense to you. what does it matter what is it to me. But i wonder how you make it your bussiness by with your critique, and you seem to know my feelings and doings better than i do. how does anything you said or this conversation to do op's post. what's it to you my personal things and feelings. If you have something not related to this post, send it private to me.

    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • Iago
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    So there is a list of what crown store items cost now? I haven't found one yet, I must go look now
    Edited by Iago on February 7, 2015 1:55PM
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    Iago wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    So there is a list of what crown store items cost now? I haven't found one yet, I must go look now

    there is some prices yes.
    zos has stated those prices might not be final.
    so dont lean on that to much, we will see soon.
    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • Iago
    Iago wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    So there is a list of what crown store items cost now? I haven't found one yet, I must go look now

    there is some prices yes.
    zos has stated those prices might not be final.
    so dont lean on that to much, we will see soon.

    I found a complete list of whats in there niw and it makes the crown store sound P2W
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    Iago wrote: »
    Iago wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    So there is a list of what crown store items cost now? I haven't found one yet, I must go look now

    there is some prices yes.
    zos has stated those prices might not be final.
    so dont lean on that to much, we will see soon.

    I found a complete list of whats in there niw and it makes the crown store sound P2W

    i believe those are the prices what zos stated might not be final.
    P2W i dont really mind more money to them faster development more content to us. that might not be the case, but i believe corp sees it " what makes money, is worth to develop to gain even more"

    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • Enodoc
    Iago wrote: »
    Iago wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are you talking about? It's 100 Crowns per month! 100!! You think it's not enough? I think it's too much! 10 would be fine. Or 1 Crown per month of sub would be fine. lol!

    And now serious - I don't know was it mentoined here or not (10 pages, too long to read), but IMO even 200 per month would be fine. 9/10 month * 200 = 1800/2000 Crowns. You can buy few (2-3) itmes, but not all items in shop.

    The general consensus is that 500 per month would be a reasonable "middle ground" between the 100C offer and the 1500C subscribers will be getting.

    We're not saying ZOS owes us this, or that we deserve this... we're simply saying that 100C is so meager, it's insulting.

    So, those who subbed from the beginning will get 4500-5000 crowns. I like it, but IMO it's too much. You will be able to buy all items in store. And it means no profit to ZOS.

    So there is a list of what crown store items cost now? I haven't found one yet, I must go look now

    there is some prices yes.
    zos has stated those prices might not be final.
    so dont lean on that to much, we will see soon.

    I found a complete list of whats in there niw and it makes the crown store sound P2W
    Which bits make it sound P2W? The XP boosters aren't there yet, and the potions are worse than crafted.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Gidorick
    rynth wrote: »
    since you are still here you obliviously have gotten something enjoyable from the game and got your moneys worth. So why do you need something extra? Since you continued to pay for gaming time the company met its obligation. Now they are changing their billing and giving you the same game without having to pay and you complain. I don't get it, did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee all this time for a game you weren't happy with or felt wasn't meeting your needs.

    You fail to grasp the nuance of the situation.

    We all understand that our subscription, by the terms-of-service and business/consumer relationship, was only paying for access to the servers. However, our subscription meant more to us than that, and ZOS knew that when they went about justifying the subscription model.

    They said that in order to do the Elder Scrolls justice they needed ESO to be a subscription based game. That their vision for ESO couldn't work ANY other way. That a subscription was vital to the integrity of the experience and to the preservation of their vision.

    We believed in them. We put our faith in ZOS and spoke with our wallets. ZOS even went so far as to justify their subscription by telling us that we would be treated to DLC level content every 4-6 weeks after initial release. They didn't have to tell us that, but they did. That was a part of their commitment to us subscribers, that with our money they could do justice to the Elder Scrolls name and they could provide us with regular content updates.

    No matter how you cut it ZOS hasn't produce the content they said they would. 1.5 was released November 4th, 2014. It has been almost 13 weeks since then, and will likely be 18 weeks before 1.6 actually goes live.

    Couple that with the news that ESO is boing Buy-to-Play, which many wonder what that means to the future integrity of the ESO experience, and that is the second part of the developer/subscriber understanding that has fallen by the wayside.

    So no. No we don't feel that we got what we paid for. Many people left, many people stayed and understood that things change, plans change, things get pushed back and ESO had to make schedule shifts and compromises. All of this is understandable. It's the nature of the business.

    Then, to thank us, ZOS has offered us 100C per month. They didn't have to. We didn't ask for it, but they offered it nevertheless.

    100C won't buy anything in the Crown Store
    100C is 6.6% of what subscribers will receive per month once ESO goes B2P
    100C is an insignificant amount to offer as a thanks
    100C is insulting.

    It's not that they OWE us... it's the nuance of the communication. It's what the 100C says to us. It's what the 100C MEANS. If ZOS TRUELY wants to thank us. If their meaning to honestly, earnestly thank us, then 100C doesn't convey that thanks... it conveys something else.

    If you can't get that, then there is nothing we can say here to help you understand.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 7, 2015 8:28PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • timidobserver
    If the prices on the PTS were accurate to what future prices will be, you'll be able to grab a few nice cosmetics with your allotment if you've been subbed since launch.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Elsonso
    Gidorick wrote: »
    rynth wrote: »
    since you are still here you obliviously have gotten something enjoyable from the game and got your moneys worth. So why do you need something extra? Since you continued to pay for gaming time the company met its obligation. Now they are changing their billing and giving you the same game without having to pay and you complain. I don't get it, did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee all this time for a game you weren't happy with or felt wasn't meeting your needs.

    You fail to grasp the nuance of the situation.

    We all understand that our subscription, by the terms-of-service and business/consumer relationship, was only paying for access to the servers. However, our subscription meant more to us than that, and ZOS knew that when they went about justifying the subscription model.

    They said that in order to do the Elder Scrolls justice they needed ESO to be a subscription based game. That their vision for ESO couldn't work ANY other way. That a subscription was vital to the integrity of the experience and to the preservation of their vision.

    We believed in them. We put our faith in ZOS and spoke with our wallets. ZOS even went so far as to justify their subscription by telling us that we would be treated to DLC level content every 4-6 weeks after initial release. They didn't have to tell us that, but they did. That was a part of their commitment to us subscribers, that with our money they could do justice to the Elder Scrolls name and they could provide us with regular content updates.

    No matter how you cut it ZOS hasn't produce the content they said they would. 1.5 was released November 4th, 2014. It has been almost 13 weeks since then, and will likely be 18 weeks before 1.6 actually goes live.

    Couple that with the news that ESO is boing Buy-to-Play, which many wonder what that means to the future integrity of the ESO experience, and that is the second part of the developer/subscriber understanding that has fallen by the wayside.

    So no. No we don't feel that we got what we paid for. Many people left, many people stayed and understood that things change, plans change, things get pushed back and ESO had to make schedule shifts and compromises. All of this is understandable. It's the nature of the business.

    Then, to thank us, ZOS has offered us 100C per month. They didn't have to. We didn't ask for it, but they offered it nevertheless.

    100C won't buy anything in the Crown Store
    100C is 6.6% of what subscribers will receive per month once ESO goes B2P
    100C is an insignificant amount to offer as a thanks
    100C is insulting.

    It's not that they OWE us... it's the nuance of the communication. It's what the 100C says to us. It's what the 100C MEANS. If ZOS TRUELY wants to thank us. If their meaning to honestly, earnestly thank us, then 100C doesn't convey that thanks... it conveys something else.

    If you can't get that, then there is nothing we can say here to help you understand.

    To be fair, ZOS probably thinks they are being nice. They might be surprised at the response, but probably not when viewed in hindsight.

    They would have been better off not offering the 100 Crowns or the upcoming loyalty mount.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso Uninstalled
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Lionxoft
    Don't think I've ever seen 120+ "Agree" on any post in this forum. I guess that says something about ZOS and how they are treating their loyal customers.
  • Gidorick
    To be fair, ZOS probably thinks they are being nice. They might be surprised at the response, but probably not when viewed in hindsight.

    They would have been better off not offering the 100 Crowns or the upcoming loyalty mount.

    Oh, I truly believe the 100C was offered with the best intentions. I don't think they are trying to be insulting. I guess we will find out in a month if they care at all they that are. ;)
    Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2015 3:32AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    Gidorick wrote: »
    rynth wrote: »
    since you are still here you obliviously have gotten something enjoyable from the game and got your moneys worth. So why do you need something extra? Since you continued to pay for gaming time the company met its obligation. Now they are changing their billing and giving you the same game without having to pay and you complain. I don't get it, did you not get the game that you paid for? Because if you didn't seems rather stupid that you continued to pay a monthly fee all this time for a game you weren't happy with or felt wasn't meeting your needs.

    You fail to grasp the nuance of the situation.

    We all understand that our subscription, by the terms-of-service and business/consumer relationship, was only paying for access to the servers. However, our subscription meant more to us than that, and ZOS knew that when they went about justifying the subscription model.

    They said that in order to do the Elder Scrolls justice they needed ESO to be a subscription based game. That their vision for ESO couldn't work ANY other way. That a subscription was vital to the integrity of the experience and to the preservation of their vision.

    We believed in them. We put our faith in ZOS and spoke with our wallets. ZOS even went so far as to justify their subscription by telling us that we would be treated to DLC level content every 4-6 weeks after initial release. They didn't have to tell us that, but they did. That was a part of their commitment to us subscribers, that with our money they could do justice to the Elder Scrolls name and they could provide us with regular content updates.

    No matter how you cut it ZOS hasn't produce the content they said they would. 1.5 was released November 4th, 2014. It has been almost 13 weeks since then, and will likely be 18 weeks before 1.6 actually goes live.

    Couple that with the news that ESO is boing Buy-to-Play, which many wonder what that means to the future integrity of the ESO experience, and that is the second part of the developer/subscriber understanding that has fallen by the wayside.

    So no. No we don't feel that we got what we paid for. Many people left, many people stayed and understood that things change, plans change, things get pushed back and ESO had to make schedule shifts and compromises. All of this is understandable. It's the nature of the business.

    Then, to thank us, ZOS has offered us 100C per month. They didn't have to. We didn't ask for it, but they offered it nevertheless.

    100C won't buy anything in the Crown Store
    100C is 6.6% of what subscribers will receive per month once ESO goes B2P
    100C is an insignificant amount to offer as a thanks
    100C is insulting.

    It's not that they OWE us... it's the nuance of the communication. It's what the 100C says to us. It's what the 100C MEANS. If ZOS TRUELY wants to thank us. If their meaning to honestly, earnestly thank us, then 100C doesn't convey that thanks... it conveys something else.

    If you can't get that, then there is nothing we can say here to help you understand.

    Thank you kind sir for proper reply to rynth, this is how we feel. you are way better reading minds than that guy i see :smiling_imp:
    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • bosmern_ESO
    I wouldn't say 1500 a month for each month we were subed before, but it is insulting for them to say that our money was only worth 100 a month and compared to the new 1500 a month.
  • Wolfshead
    Those 100 crown you are talk about you do know that is just a bonus right you will get monthly crown when it go live so why are you whine about.

    So let say you have been sub for 6 month that will get you 600 crown + you get 1500 crown + what every you left on current sub plan (i guess we will get that as well) but for sake off argument let say we get for only 1 month that will be

    1500 + 600 = 2100 crown from start that is more then one that just start the game the will only get 1500 crown if the sub.

    But that 1500 crown is only if people keep sub but if people are stupid enough to unsub the only have themself to blame
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • firstdecan
    I think it's wonderful. That 100 crowns per month is more than enough to put my big manly nord in a pretty pretty dress. After all, ZOS is not interested in maintaining a competitive game anymore, they want everyone picking flowers and resource nodes, running from guild trader to guild trader, and playing dress up. I'm surprised they've left the combat in at all for 1.6, it seems to detract from the player experience ZOS is designing its game around.
  • Gidorick
    firstdecan wrote: »
    I think it's wonderful. That 100 crowns per month is more than enough to put my big manly nord in a pretty pretty dress. After all, ZOS is not interested in maintaining a competitive game anymore, they want everyone picking flowers and resource nodes, running from guild trader to guild trader, and playing dress up. I'm surprised they've left the combat in at all for 1.6, it seems to detract from the player experience ZOS is designing its game around.
    Fair point. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2015 3:40PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Snit
    Why compensation? For what?

    We all signed up and played a subscription model MMO. If you've been here since launch, you presumably had fun. I don't understand how a change in the revenue model somehow requires compensation for that experience. Now, in retrospect, the fun disappeared?

    Of course, I do want an awesome mount, pet (or both!) for those who've been here the whole time. But that's simply because I want stuff ;) I've not worked myself up into thinking I deserve it for some reason.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Gidorick
    @wolfshead & @‌ Snit

    Un-hide the spoiler below for a response...
    Gidorick wrote: »
    You fail to grasp the nuance of the situation.

    We all understand that our subscription, by the terms-of-service and business/consumer relationship, was only paying for access to the servers. However, our subscription meant more to us than that, and ZOS knew that when they went about justifying the subscription model.

    They said that in order to do the Elder Scrolls justice they needed ESO to be a subscription based game. That their vision for ESO couldn't work ANY other way. That a subscription was vital to the integrity of the experience and to the preservation of their vision.

    We believed in them. We put our faith in ZOS and spoke with our wallets. ZOS even went so far as to justify their subscription by telling us that we would be treated to DLC level content every 4-6 weeks after initial release. They didn't have to tell us that, but they did. That was a part of their commitment to us subscribers, that with our money they could do justice to the Elder Scrolls name and they could provide us with regular content updates.

    No matter how you cut it ZOS hasn't produce the content they said they would. 1.5 was released November 4th, 2014. It has been almost 13 weeks since then, and will likely be 18 weeks before 1.6 actually goes live.

    Couple that with the news that ESO is boing Buy-to-Play, which many wonder what that means to the future integrity of the ESO experience, and that is the second part of the developer/subscriber understanding that has fallen by the wayside.

    So no. No we don't feel that we got what we paid for. Many people left, many people stayed and understood that things change, plans change, things get pushed back and ESO had to make schedule shifts and compromises. All of this is understandable. It's the nature of the business.

    Then, to thank us, ZOS has offered us 100C per month. They didn't have to. We didn't ask for it, but they offered it nevertheless.

    100C won't buy anything in the Crown Store
    100C is 6.6% of what subscribers will receive per month once ESO goes B2P
    100C is an insignificant amount to offer as a thanks
    100C is insulting.

    It's not that they OWE us... it's the nuance of the communication. It's what the 100C says to us. It's what the 100C MEANS. If ZOS TRUELY wants to thank us. If their meaning to honestly, earnestly thank us, then 100C doesn't convey that thanks... it conveys something else.

    If you can't get that, then there is nothing we can say here to help you understand.

    Oh and @wolfshead ... you should be more respectful in your comments. Saying we are whining and that people are stupid makes it seem like you're trolling for a verbal fight. Which you might be.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2015 6:27PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Snit
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Oh and @Snit... you should be more respectful in your comments. Saying we are whining and that people are stupid makes it seem like you're trolling for a verbal fight. Which you might be.

    I did not use those words, nor anything that even remotely resembles a synonym for either. I wonder what caused such to magically appear in your mind when you read it.

    Similarly, you describe ZOS's offer of 100 crowns/ month as another insult. I don't get it. I don't understand your "nuance of communication" argument at all, or how that communication has turned into another insult directed at you.

    Heck, I'll take the points. If they offer more, I'll take those, too ;) I like stuff! But I just don't get the "You owe us more" theory, and your post about 'nuances' did not clarify it.
    Edited by Snit on February 8, 2015 4:38PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Jiigen
    Which brings us back to this:
    Snit wrote: »
    Why compensation? For what?

    Why? Ask ZOS, it was their idea, their incentive. -They say it's to reward their loyal fans and subscribers for sticking through the game for so long.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Ysne58
    What I really want is an apology for the complete and total lack of integrity. They lied to us, more than once.

  • eisberg
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    What I really want is an apology for the complete and total lack of integrity. They lied to us, more than once.

    Saying they have no plans for a model change, and then having to change those plans later on, is not lying. In order for it to be lie, they would need to know they were going to change the model at the time they stated they had no plans of changing the model. You have proof they lied about that?
  • Gidorick
    Snit wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Oh and @Snit... you should be more respectful in your comments. Saying we are whining and that people are stupid makes it seem like you're trolling for a verbal fight. Which you might be.

    I did not use those words, nor anything that even remotely resembles a synonym for either. I wonder what caused such to magically appear in your mind when you read it.

    Similarly, you describe ZOS's offer of 100 crowns/ month as another insult. I don't get it. I don't understand your "nuance of communication" argument at all, or how that communication has turned into another insult directed at you.

    Heck, I'll take the points. If they offer more, I'll take those, too ;) I like stuff! But I just don't get the "You owe us more" theory, and your post about 'nuances' did not clarify it.

    Sorry @Snit. It was @Wolfshead‌ . My bad. :expressionless: That was kind of ironic. Lol!

    As for "getting it"... I don't know what more to tell you.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2015 6:52PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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