Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • BenLocoDete
    What are the development team plans regarding roleplaying? I mean, have you abandoned the original intent of making a server instantiation for dedicated RP'ers or have the players participate in a more active way in the justice system other than just steal and murder, i. e. being able to instantly report crimes we witnessed and get the guards pursue the criminals?
  • Junkogen
    When will we be able to finally change our races? Last year you said it's scheduled to come with Dark Brotherhood, but at the beginning of 2016 it was mentioned to be released seperatly?
    Can't be that difficult to implement, can it?

    Yes, this!
  • Deathztalker
    Alchemy Recipes

    1) Currently in game alchemy recipes favor magicka users which mean for people selling pots the market isn't as big as it could be.
    2) When the change to the major and minor buffs system alchemy recipes were crudely converted to the new system killing off a lot of demand for pots.
    3) Currently in game alchemy recipes only offer a limited range of buff many focusing on Major buffs.

    My question is when can we expect to see an update to Alchemy recipes?
    Live, Love, Laugh, Learn!
  • Braddec
    Currently in game, if you have purchased the imperial edition of the game. you can change the style of any armor or weapon to be imperial. Has there been any discussion on expanding this to allow the player to change the appearance of gear to different styles if they have already learned the style? Maybe using the style material as a cost to change?
  • SerasWhip
  • Braddec
    Currently the only way to skill up Assault and Support skill lines is to grind out in PVP. As an older PvE player, I really have no chance in PvP and indeed, my being part of group actually puts the group at risk with the vicious death set floating around out there.

    Any thoughts of allowing Malestrom Arena to award AP points (at a severely low rate) as an alternative for PvE players who really don't enjoy the PvP aspect of the game?

    in normal mode, each mob might award 1/16th the AP of a player in PvP, veteran mode, maybe award 1/8th the AP of a player in PvP?
  • steff127b16_ESO
    I have a question for the loremaster himself: We know about a lot of the vampire tribes in the various lands.. but what about the summerset isles? are there any distinctive clans?
  • Svalinn
    1. Is there a specific lore reason as to why the magic schools (illusion, restoration, destruction, etc) are not in the game? Like maybe "ESO story takes place very long in the past in a point were the different branches of magical schools were not completely developed" or something like that? At least it would make something that makes me, and i think other ES players, feels "bad" or "nostalgic" or "wish they were in the game" a little more bearable.

    2. is there any chance you'll be working on an Arena for 1vs1 / team PvP like the one in ES oblivion?
  • Thestephenmcraeub17_ESO
    In regards to the possibility to change our character's race, would this simply be a cosmetic change, or would the racial skills be implemented with the change as well? (Assuming we will even have the option of changing race once the "barber shop" drops)
  • Gidorick
    Since it's going to be a while between ESO Lives please up your Ask us Anything answers by... like... a lot?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Djeriko
    Comparing Coldharbour Ash Black on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing black to grey...


    Comparing Pact Conqueror Red on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing red to pink...


    Comparing Covenant Conqueror Blue to light blue...


    Dominion Conqueror Yellow to a little lighter yellow...


    White actually looks about the same but needs work on the cloth areas, you would think cloth would be willing to accept dye better than hard metallic surfaces.


    Keep in mind that both sets of armors are using the same dye with screen shots taken minutes apart so the lighting is the same as well as being made of the same material (rubedite) so the underlying metal should be red. Underlying color does not matter in this game obviously since you get the same result seen above regardless of what level the armor is. The argument of material is irrelevant Glass heavy armor as well as Mercenary heavy armor is suffering incorrect colors from the dye system. So I'll keep asking until someone on the dev team answers.

    Why is the dye system producing incorrect colors for Glass heavy armor and Mercenary heavy armor? @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Shadesofkin
    Can we ever expect 4-Man content to involve mechanics that aren't entirely combat based? For instance, rushing to put out fires before they spread to innocents trapped, recovering magickal crystals before they absorb too much Daedric energy and empower the final boss, and so on and so forth. I feel that the combat of 4-man content has reached a great spot, but there's so much more that could be done with these instances to take them to the next level.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • ecceau
    As you are quite aware of, there is a general lack in people who like playing tanks, some of the reasons being that it can feel boring from a general gameplay point of view, that it doesn't have a high skill cap (like really good dps does), or that for a lot of the (esp. daily) content you don't really need one. Are there any plans of making tanking more fun, more needed, and maybe a bit more rewarding? For example, why removing the dodge chance from ash cloud, which was stationary, but still have the dodge from shuffle or the resource pool based (=OP) sorc shields, and why not letting vet dungeon bosses hit harder, so that you NEED a tank to mitigate them?
  • Joseph_Nil
    When is the next ESO live going to be broadcast?
  • Jim_Pipp
    (please don't read it dripping with sarcasm, I am genuinely curious)

    How popular were the crown store assistants and are there any plans for more companions?
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Jim_Pipp
    Are there any plans for elite two-person team challenges? kind of like a maelstrom arena two player mode.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Iink
    Why does this game feel like going to work?

    Why does this game feel like a cash grab?

    Why does this game feel like a glorified single player game with Co-Op?

    To be honest, all I ever wanted ESO to be was:

    Skyrim with Co-Op
  • BenLocoDete
    Right now there are piles of cloned dead bodies everywhere with the actual alive NPC stepping onto them. People cyclically ransack the vendors strongboxes in the plain light of day without anybody being able to do anything. Criminal activity is high all over Tamriel and Sunday afternoons at the Daggerfall plaza is just about murder, get killed, respawn, murder, get killed and so on... What plans the Dev Team has to hold right there the criminal scums now that the criminal patch is live and the full justice system has been abandoned?
  • SlayerTheDragon
    Character List Ordering - is there any way to do this?
    ¤═══¤ People don't like it when you talk to them with your weapon drawn ¤═══¤
  • Paul_DA
    When can we expect to hear something about Race and/or appearance change?
    Stuck in PvP ? Bring 10 friends to be OP!
  • Rhyan6969
    Soul Shriven
    Why does it appear that you have a made is so a sorc is better at every role in the game at the moment? They're superior tanks at v16, I've seen some sorcs who with their shield get a 40k health bar. They've always been insane dps with their overload bar. And now they are superior healers as well. I'm not complaining because they're "op", but why would you make it so there's almost no need for any other class anymore? It seems counter productive to a game to have one class that can litterally till every role better than any other class.
  • nhaley54ub17_ESO2
    Im playing as a SORC on PS4, but i cant dismiss my Unstable Clannifer. I hit the same button but he just stays, is this a bug or is there another way to dismiss the clannifer?
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    When are "ongoing Cyrodil performance improvements" going to result in improvements in Cyrodil's performance?
  • Taisynn
    Questions for Dark Brotherhood DLC:
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Solace of Shadows
    Shadow? Your name is Shadow?!” I looked at the insubstantial, light devouring black furred spirit with his red coal glowing eyes, “That's a terrible name for you! It’s so...cliché.”
    “Oh and ‘Wolf’ is so much better?”
    “Well if I could choose a name for you…”
    “If you say anything about renaming me Fluffy”, he snarled,” I swear by all that is sacred, profane, holy and unholy I will find a way to rip off your favorite piece of anatomy and force feed it to you!”
    “What? My horns? I can’t eat horns!” I protested.
    “And then! I will...wait...your horns? Really?”
    “Well, those are my second favorite bit of my anatomy and my most favorite is not fit to be said in public. But back to the matter at hand. Shadow? You may as well call yourself ‘Spot’!”
    “Spot,” he replied gravely, “Is an old and honorable name for any beast.”
    What? Name one!”
    “There is an enormous creature, eyes like fire, a howl to turn bones to water and possessing three heads filled with teeth to tear the very souls of his prey.” he said with reverence, “His name is Cerberus and his name means ‘Spotted’.”
    I was silent for a few moments and then said, “Huh.”
    “You have a question?” he asked, “An actual point to all this?”
    “Um sure...Shadow. Okay so my question is about poisons. At first people were just using magic glyphs to poison their weapons but now I hear that alchemists have discovered herbs to do the same. Does this mean that the glyphs will no longer be used or will people be slinging double doses of poison around? Will the skill of the alchemist determine the strength and duration of the poison? Are there different types of poisons that will damage stamina, magic or health specifically? As a werewolf this concerns me greatly.”
    Solace In Shadows is my name in the realm of Tamriel. If you disagree with my words or disparage my sentiments, then face me on the battlefield and you can kiss my axe.
  • Bfish22090
    what about the barber shop that comes with race change?
    is it in DB update?
  • hrothbern
    Taisynn wrote: »
    Questions for Dark Brotherhood DLC:
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    all the players who got themselves to V16

    having raised one and some people even eight (!) characters to Veteran 16 is outstanding !!!

    Yeah... they should get something special :)
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Taisynn
    In the new Justice system, will we be able to kill guards?
    --- Asked on behalf of my beloved boyfriend, who says he will stop paying our ESO Subs if we don't get this option. PLEASE answer this question. I don't wanna be in limbo not knowing if we can play ESO still or not!
    Edited by Taisynn on April 20, 2016 8:59PM
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • PadanFain669
    Soul Shriven
    Im playing as a SORC on PS4, but i cant dismiss my Unstable Clannifer. I hit the same button but he just stays, is this a bug or is there another way to dismiss the clannifer?

    @nhaley54ub17_ESO2 You can dismiss Your summon in the character page under buffs or you can have 1 skill bar without Your clannfear on and simply switch to that one which will automatically dismiss him.
    Giving free werewolf bites on AD. Status: Available.
    Giving free vampire bites on AD. Status: Available.
    PSN: PadanFain667
  • Chantclaire
    When will you look harder into each specific class and find a way to balance both classes in the same major update, instead of releasing gear sets that make one of the two overpowered for 4 months until the next major update where the other class will become overpowered?
    Everyone has a plan, until their plan gets nerfed

    Apparently the only Stamplar left on PC EU
This discussion has been closed.