Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Jaronking
    Hello Zos As am not one of your biggest fans at the moment because of the PVP lag and other imbalances but is it possible to get insight on future balancing Ideas to make stamina builds more viable in PVP and PvE.At this time Magica is very overpowered in Both aspect of the game and it makes it harder for stamina builds to compete at the same level when magica hits way harder then stam builds while at the same time having really Good survivability. Can you give us some details on possible changes you are making in the future to help make Stem builds more viable in both aspect of the game?

    For example making Flawless Dawnbreaker deal Physical damage would help a lot along with making sure every class have access to at least one Physical or poison Ult will help stam builds be more viable.

    PS.Please can you guys clarify on the changes to Reverse Slice?

    Thank you for your time.
  • OldJackBurton
    What do we know so far about Clockwork City?
  • killabunny1234b16_ESO
    I wanted to ask if your working on a fix for the massive amount of crashes when doing the last boss in vet Maw?
    Our guild have only had 4-5 nights on this boss and get 2 to 5+ crashes on each and every try we have.. As you may have guessed this kinda screws the whole years content up for us until it is fixed :(

    Other groups we have spoken to also have the same issue
  • blacksanctuary
    Will dungeons such as Selene's Web, Blackheart Haven, Direfrost Keep, etc. be getting a Vet version any time soon? Some of these dungeons are really well done and it's just a shame not having a Vet version of them.
  • AdAstra
    Hello @ZOS_GinaBruno ,

    Here I am with my list of must ask questions for your team at Zenimax Online Studios. I tried to keep them simpler in nature due to the knowledge that you've shared with us through the last few months. By that I mean I will try and not ask questions that I've seen answered on their ESO live broadcasts or your ask us anything forum posts. Keep in mind that these are not my number one featured requests. Considering that i know new skills, new game play mechanics, new play style options and new content are coming to the game eventually; these are just some of the questions I think you might be able to give us information on.

    1. Why aren't weather effects & day night cycles universal across servers and will they ever be? I would love to run in the rain with my friends.

    2. Can we have more options for log in / character selection screen backdrops? Perhaps ones that represent the other races of the alliances aside from Redguard, Nord and the filthy Altmer.

    3. Will there be more guild crest options added to the game in a future update? Also, can you add a fur style trim option instead of just a stitched outside edge trim option for tabbards?

    4. I know this is silly but can you put eye glasses into the crown store as a wearable costume?

    5. Will new stances for posture ever be added to the game? Every race and character stands exactly the same. I would love to see a hunched over old woman or a hulking orc.

    We would all love to sit in chairs, benches and on furniture that is scattered around Tamriel. Will that ever be an option for us?

    Can you add an option to re-read old quest journal entries?

    Can Guild tabbards and other vanity items be added as options we can put into our quickslot scroll wheel? It would be nice to put on and take off my tabbard quicker to see my costume.

    9. Will there ever be a way to see craft menus, schematics and recipes that we've already researched and learned without having to go to crafting station?

    Will it ever be possible to re-arrange our characters in the log in screen?

    * Bonus * Can you please add cloaks or small capes, a torch as an equip-able item, and a single one handed weapon skill line in the future?

    Not now but sometime.. ever?

    Pretty please?


  • Gidorick
    Do Senche Khajiit exist like they are described in Lore, as in "Its forelimbs are thick and 1.5 times longer than their hindlimbs, giving them an ape-like appearance." or is this just another Shaggy Centipede?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    This ones for the artists. I've recently noticed some changes to the ships that occasionally dot the game in docks and along Tamriels shores. I've noticed that depending on the region the appearance of the ships changes. The most noticeable are the ships sitting in the docks at Davons Watch. I remember during the first months of the game while on PC the ships were quite indistinguishable from the others. Now they appear to be much more in line with the Dunmer style. Thanks to whomever it was that decided to change this.

    My question pertains to the privateer and warships that we occasionally get to board. What class of sailing ship from the real world are they based on?
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • LiquidSchwartz
    Would toning down textures in cyrodiil reduce the lag?
    Its a massive and beautiful area which i often find myself exploring just to explore. I notice tons of textures with grass and trees that are appreciated, but in an effort to improve pvp would toning down the texture help with the lag? Even a little? Ill take anything that makes it better. Every patch it gets WORSE. Try something else?
    May the Schwartz be with you.

  • LiquidSchwartz
    Also, will we see mounts like elk or wolves? Im not huge on the lore but i would love to see them
    May the Schwartz be with you.

  • Heroborg
    Do you plan on adding a way to play a solo version of Craglorn? (Maybe a craglorn section in campaigns) The story is interesting but I dont do it because I have to find a group that all are at the same spot in the storyline.
    Daggerfall Covenant Loyalist
  • Caroloces
    This is probably unrealistic considering the vast amount of work that needs to be done on the game, as well as the upcoming DLCs . . . BUT . . . Is it within the realm of possibility that some ESO dedicated apps for ios and android could be developed that would allow players to check the status of friends and guild members, as to whether they were in-game or not? To complement this capacity, it would also be nice to have the in-game mail component as part of that app.

    So I could imagine being at work, and checking the status of friends and guildies, and sending an in-game mail asking if they wanted to get together that evening for a dungeon run. I know that the Devs would probably be rolling their eyes at this, but perhaps it could be outsourced. Hey, we can dream, can't we? :p
  • SilentFox22

    1. The Skaal of Solstheim seem to be against were-ism (Hircine's curse), why is it that in TES 5 (Skyrim's Dragonborn game) the All-Maker's Beast stone allows for the player to summon a werebear?

    2. Werebears are known to be highly aggressive, so why does said werebear not attack you the player?

    3. The All-Maker's stones seem to be made up of the elements of nature (earth, water, wind (air), sun (fire/light), and beast. These are what was described as the Earthbones that Y'ffre became. The Beldama Wyrd who worship Y'ffre speak of a similar "oneness" with the land that the Skaal speak of via the All-Maker and both believe in reincarnation (recycled within the Dreamsleeve). Does this suggest a connection between the two deities?

    Edited by SilentFox22 on April 29, 2016 7:14PM
  • rootimus
    • Do you actually post your answers in this thread, or are we expected to go somewhere that isn't the official forum to find them, even though you have this thread for collecting questions? I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't watch your show.
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix for the guild bank frequently not loading?
    • Launch day bug: Assuming a previous poster was correct and you intentionally removed guild bank stacking due to a duplication exploit, how long until you expect to have that fixed so we can stack without using a mod?
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix for being left in combat for a considerable time when killing goats, sheep and bambi?
    • Launch day issue: When can we expect a proper mail client?
    • Launch day issue: Will you ever give us API and other guild management tools? (API would be useful for other things, too - see a recent post in this thread about apps for iOS and Android).
    • Launch day issue: What plans are there to address the RSI-inducing click-fest involved with large amounts of crafting, deconstruction and refining?
    • Will @ZOS_GinaBruno ever reply to my message (waiting since October)? :-(
    • Why doesn't your website use SSL? If money is an issue, Letsencrypt do certificates for free.
    • Launch day issue: What are the chances of improvements to the chat window? For example, it'd be really neat if you added a list of participants and the client remembered which channel you were in when you last quit.
    • Please can you remove the "feature" of kicking inactive clients? Presumably, you're not running the this show on a domestic broadband connection with a pitiful monthly data allowance.
    • Please can we have a button to take all items currently in our mailbox, rather than having to go through a lot of hireling mails every day and take each attachment separately?
    • What's the criteria used to decide which questions to answer? You answered one about toilet facilities in Tamriel, but we don't seem to be able to get any information about important things, like bugs and issues that have been around for years.
    • Are you ever going to add better functionality to the guild store? Searching for things is a pain in the butt and it would also be nice if the interface remembered your last settings.
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • snoogadooch
    I would love to see a recording of the "stump the lore master" event at pax east. Will anyone make this happen for us? :smiley:
  • altemriel
    everytime when I log in, load my character, crash to login screen, second time I log in and load, usually it is ok then. but everytime when I first time log in, it happens. it happens when I run the game with 32 bit and also 64 bit launcher. it is pretty anoying.

    the same with the screaking sounds when running with the 64 bit laucher, they are still there, it pretty much sucks.

    the pink textures are already fixed it seems, haven`t see them long time now.

    I play mostly PVE so I do not know about the lags in cyro.

    do we have any info about the cash flow and population increase/descrease of this game? what about staffing of ZOS, is it decreasing or increasing or is it stable?

    is this game ever going to be mostly-bug-free and running smoothly, or is it getting worse and worse?

    do not get me wrong, I still love this game, but I am a bit concerned about its future.
  • tannercrook
    Zenimax, I have asked this before but never really get a solid answer:

    Will you offer account transfers at any point in the future to switch platform?

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game. Days of game play. I transferred PS4 during the first account transfer and it has been fun. However, me and my friends are ready to go to PC.

    I feel like it would be smart to announce this as a feature because I am at a point where I will not buy another DLC or in-game item until I know that it can move to PC with me. It's already depressing enough knowing how much I have to redo. I cannot afford to purchase many of the items I have again.

    I would spend a lot of money to have my account transferred. Please consider making an official statement regarding this and put a weary Nord's head at ease.

    Thanks for all the memories you have granted me in Tamriel. I will be there for quite some time.
  • rhymer
    My question is somewhat related - me and my wife were playing for different characters on the same account, because we simply had no money to buy another one. However, now we can afford the second account, but we don't want to loose all the progress we've made. Is it possible (or at least will it be possible) to transfer one of the characters to another account so we could finally play together and get use of Mara's Blessing?
  • RaXZon
    Will there be in the future any role playing aspects implanted in the game?

    - A self made bio of your character everyone can see.
    - Housing
    - Guild housing
    - More customization for weapons/armor/character

    Thanks in advance!
    Gamertag: RaXZonz
    Server: Xbox one EU

    All aboard the post train to whine city!
    Population: too much....

    (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
  • moonio
    Would it be possible to have random, epic occurrences at Cyrodiil sieges, like the appearance of a dragon, a giant troll, a
    huge aedra or a massive swarm of bees! It would be rare, random and unique.
    The keep would be flagged when it appears and it could help either side such as knocking down a portion of the keep wall, picking up a siege weapon and crushing it, temporarily giving infinite health, stinging members of an alliance.
    It would eventually go away but it's departure could be hastened by attacking it.
    Sometimes it wouldn't even help a particular side but just cause chaos with all factions attacking it.
    People would travel to the keep to watch the spectacle or help defeat it.
    It could even be controlled by a real person at ZOS rather than coded ;)
    Can you imagine the video clips that would be shared..
  • hrothbern
    moonio wrote: »
    Would it be possible to have random, epic occurrences at Cyrodiil sieges, like the appearance of a dragon, a giant troll, a
    huge aedra or a massive swarm of bees! It would be rare, random and unique.
    The keep would be flagged when it appears and it could help either side such as knocking down a portion of the keep wall, picking up a siege weapon and crushing it, temporarily giving infinite health, stinging members of an alliance.
    It would eventually go away but it's departure could be hastened by attacking it.
    Sometimes it wouldn't even help a particular side but just cause chaos with all factions attacking it.
    People would travel to the keep to watch the spectacle or help defeat it.
    It could even be controlled by a real person at ZOS rather than coded ;)
    Can you imagine the video clips that would be shared..

    What a great suggestion !
    It could even be controlled by a real person at ZOS rather than coded ;)
    Having a real person playing this epic Monster, at regular times, hopping from the one campaign to the other, would be sensational <3

    ZOS, you only need to build the Monster. I volunteer to play it !

    Edited by hrothbern on April 15, 2016 12:43PM
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Cinbri
    1. When will we get dro-m'athra costumes?
    2. Does dro-m'athra style will become craftable any time at future?
    3. On early screens of monster sets we saw that it has both shoulders. Will we get option to hide/show left shoulder of monster sets like(similar to helm option)?
    4. Will we get ability to dye weapons?
    5. When will we get option to wear skins and costumes simultaneously?
    6. Does Seducer style will become craftable some day?
    7. Will we get any new polimorphs in near future?
    8. Any visual fixes for Templars in Update 10? Right now templar only class whos most of skills' buffs don't have any visual effect that making game without buff-tracking addons very hard.
    9. Will we have more bank space in future/possibility to upgrade mounts more than current limit?
    10. Can we get more info about revamped Guard skill in Upate 10 and heavy armor changes?
    11. Will we get ability to dye costumes? With all available colors, diversity of costumes would be increased much.
    12. Will we get ability to create our own costumes from armor we use?
    13. After VR ranks will be removed does old sets will be revamped/buffed and will get missing armor/ weapon/jewel parts?
    14. Will we get official buff-tracking same as sct?
    Edited by Cinbri on April 15, 2016 7:58PM
  • Kippesnikke
    yeah i got a question. when are u fixing the [snip] crashes.

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on May 5, 2024 12:53PM
    Northborn DK tank
    Pandora's Promise
    vMoL cleared on VR16 #World1st
    Worlds #1 vMoL speed run [VR16]
  • Gidorick
    yeah i got a question. when are u fixing the [snip] crashes.

    Please, Please, PLEASE feature this comment on ESO Live!!! That would kind of epic. XD

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on May 5, 2024 12:53PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Taisynn
    1) When will we get character re-customization?
    • Will it include changing character class?

    2) Will name changes be implemented soon? I've been playing since BETA and would love a character name change.

    3) Will we get the option to DYE bought costumes? I've seen recolors of the Corseted Riding Outfit on other characters, namely Yanajah in Hews Bane.
    • BTW, you should have sold it in the red and black color scheme. You would have sold WAY more outfits than the brown ones.

    4) Why are you not making armor for female characters anymore? The armor doesn't even FIT the female model anymore and it's really frustrating.
    Edited by Taisynn on April 18, 2016 1:33AM
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Universe
    I have questions on three different issues:
    1. Are you working on fixing the DDOS mitigation system ?
    If so, do you have an ETA for the fix ?
    I'm unable to connect to game server in prime time on PC EU server(between the hours of 16:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT, sometimes it is random or all day long or part of it).
    I understand a lot of players are experiencing this issue.

    2. The Cyrodiil lag is now even worse(after thieves guild patch) - constant 600 to 999+ ping.
    There are also random crashes in large AVA battles.
    Are you actively working on fixing the lag and crashes in Cyrodiil ?
    Can you give an ETA for the ultimate fix of this ?

    I believe it should be a priority over DLCs and crown store customs, pets etc.
    The pvp community is suffering from this issue.

    3. Maelstrom Arena - Currently there are only 2 difficulties available: normal & veteran.
    I believe it will be best to add 2 more difficulties for Maelstrom Arena: "advanced" & "champion".

    The "advanced" difficulty can be easier than veteran but harder than normal.
    This difficulty can be great for those who are unable to complete Maelstrom Arena in veteran difficulty.

    The "champion" difficulty can be harder than veteran and be the hardest mode of the arena.
    It can be good for the best players who got bored from the veteran mode.
    It should be extremely difficult to complete Maelstrom Arena in this mode.

    Overall difficulties(slider): Normal<Advanced<Veteran<Champion
    The rewards will scale to the difficulty of the arena.
    Champion difficulty will have the best rewards(since it is hardest & almost impossible for completion)...Maybe 50%+ chance of a golden master weapon in each chest.

    Thank you :)
    Edited by Universe on April 16, 2016 3:55PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Deathztalker
    What can we expect to see an update to Alchemy recipes?
    Live, Love, Laugh, Learn!
  • dpencil
    There have been numerous forum posts expressing frustration at the RNG grind in PVE content. Even though the same RNG system exists with the PVP rewards of the worthy, at least those items are sellable. Can we get some info on what the Devs intend to do, if anything about this? Several suggestions have been suggested, and a reaction to each would be appreciated:

    1. Remove BoP from all gear. This would probably be the simplest of all solutions. The downside being that people could just buy gear from difficult content like vMA instead of earning it.

    2. Token system. Allow deconstruction/turn in of gear from trials, vMA, etc. to provide a token. After a certain number of tokens are aquired you can purchase a specific item from a new PVE vendor. (the best option in my opinion)

    3. Remove non-optimized gear from the loot table (i.e. gear that has no reasonable place in a particular set or bad traits) While this would increase the drop chance of more commonly desired items/traits, it has the potential to limit hybrid builds.
    Edited by dpencil on April 17, 2016 4:24PM
  • Gidorick
    Any thoughts on adding full body awareness to ESO?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Taisynn
    If you're removing Veteran Ranks, how are you going to transition Cadwell's Silver and Gold? Is that to be done away with? What will happen to Veteran Rank Gear, and how will you compensate people who spent all that time, money, and energy being V16?
    Edited by Taisynn on April 18, 2016 1:32AM
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Taisynn
    I posted this question on another thread, but never got an answer:
    IMPORTANT UPDATE! ZOS PLEASE reconsider your decision to no longer make FEMALE Light armor!
    Taisynn wrote: »
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom While we're on the topic of fashion, will we ever get the option to hide shoulders like we can hide our helms? It would be amazing to be able to cosmetically hide belts and shoulders on armor sets without losing the armor value. We're already allowed to do it with helm.

    Also... Why are recolors of the costumes on the Crown Shop available on NPC's but we can't dye/buy those outfits? A character in Hews Bane has a Red and Black Corsetted Riding Armor... Yet we got the white and brown set.
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
This discussion has been closed.