Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Turelus
    Will there (or can there) be another review on monsters and trophy drops?

    As a VR16 Pact character I'm still limited to running group content (DSA, Darkshade etc.) to find the collectables that are only available in low level Morrowind/Blackmarsh areas.
    Sadly getting a collectable and farming single parts of these dungeons isn't something most people (even guild mates) are willing to group up for. Could we see some of these creatures added to other areas (like Cyrodiil) in future maybe as creatures escaped from cages whilst in transport.

    Finding a way to add one of every type of monster to Cyrodiil could give them a sure location to always have spawns at a level players could get them from.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • hrothbern
    Hi @ZOS_GinaBruno , my question for ESO live:

    What is the latest on getting more inventory ?

    Any expansion is welcome, whether it be:
    1. more of the same inventory
    2. the crafting bag
    3. more than 8 alts (as temp solution)

    Do we have to wait until the DB DLC ?

    If so, I would appreciate to know that early on, because with all the extra stuff coming from the TG DLC, I will need to do some proper cleaning of my inventory.

    If it comes earlier I can manage with some band-aid inventory actions.

    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Greath
    I don't know if it's a bug or not but, can you please make fishing like how it is in wrothgar, where I get two fishes from one catch. It would save a lot of sleepless nights trying to catch that blue fish. And if it is a bug, please don't fix it !

    Was a bug. Fishing is a sport so sleepless nights go with the joy of fishing... just don't end up sleeping with the fishes!

    Thanks... now it's patched. -_-
  • Helluin
    Question for Emerson Huang (if possible)

    First of all congratulations for the awesome work.
    At least for me it's really important the look of a character to enjoy more every content.

    How is the creation process for the art of new item sets?
    Do you receive a brief about how gear and sets should be in a new content - area?
    Or do you present your proposals creating these sets starting from TES' settings and lore about an area - race in a team work with other concept artists (landscapes, architecture, furnitures, etc.)?

    I really like many sets and I hope it will be sooner or later possible to use these for the appearance we prefer, replacing the look of the worn gear.
    Infact I'm not a big fan of Monster sets, so I would like to be able to replace the appearance of what worn by a character for stats with the look of craftable helms and armcops like Xyvkin, Outlaw, Glass Armor ones, etc.
    Edited by Helluin on February 25, 2016 9:32PM
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • giantpixie
    Will we ever get Dragonstar Arena and the 12 man trials added back to the group finder?
  • shugg
    As a tank the update 9 was ok but not that good for the i heared some stuff on update 10 that made my DK lizard excited.
    When will we get more details on this, loved the idea of a poison DK tank.

    Great game, keep up the good work and i look foward to eso live , thanks
  • Jesh

    1. Elevation is still an issue with the DK chains abilities. When will this be fixed?
    2. Dragon's Blood as a skill no longer provides much utility to the DK class. What are your plans for this ability?
    3. Are you introducing new Monster Sets/Undaunted Sets with the Thieves Guild?

    Emerson: this game is beautiful!
    DK Stam DPS
    Templar Healer
    NB Magica DPS
  • olsborg
    Why does the sorcerer's pets (twilight and familiar) only get boosted by the sorcs max magicka stat and not the spelldamage stat? It needs to be based on both stats for it to be viable for pvp. Thx

    (PS: Someone on forum said the atronach takes both stats into consideration)

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Alp
    I was wondering why some pieces of armour despite clearly showing fingers still remove the claws from khajiit? is there a technical reason or was it simply an oversight during testing? examples include the medium mercenary and yokudan gloves.

    Is there any plans of fixing this? Would make my clawless khajiit very happy.
  • timidobserver
    The new PvP gear is really powerful. Are there any plans to improve the gear that drops in vMoL?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • M0bi
    I know ZoS said this was on the backburner, but I think I speak for quite a few players by asking this; can we get an update on spellcrafting?
    We remember quakecon 2014 ;)
  • Skayaq
    Is it possible to add the ability to climb walls or cliffs?
    Kazari-Dar, Khajiit Nightblade..........Jarkyr Storm-Blade, Nord Sorcerer .......... Dunric Amedain, Breton Templar

    Araniwen, Altmer Sorcerer..................Llirasa Andralu, Dunmer Templar...................Marzug gro-Borgaz, Orc Warden

    Calinchel, Bosmer Warden...................Jahrel-Xei, Argonian Nightblade....................Cienri Maraeud, Breton Sorcerer

    Inara Savicci, Imperial Templar...................Garoric Attilus, Imperial Dragonknight............ Maevina Tallian, Imperial Nightblade

    Ravanni-Ko, Khajiit Dragonknight..........Faevyn Ice-Heart, Nord Warden..........Nazran al-Taneth, Redguard Dragonknight
  • Kesstryl
    Smokewolf13 and Mathius_Mordred asked exactly what I've been wanting to know for a couple YEARS now, when will we get the ability to change our character's appearances? Some of us just want to tweak our characters because the character creator has different lighting than in-game, and things that looked good in creator look kind of bad in-game, but re-rolling some of our higher level alts is out of the question. Please let us fix our characters soon! This doesn't need to be a rocket scientist add on, just let us go back into char creation with existing characters so we can make adjustments and feel happier with our characters.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Djeriko
    When are we going to get armor dyes for glass armor that produce the actual color advertised like other armor styles already do, or will we never get red dyes or black dyes and just have to be happy with pinks and gray?

    Also is the inactivity timer upon login ever going to get fixed? After every patch we are forced to wait for the patch to install but when you do wait, the game kicks you off for inactivity. It's sad when the game gets impatient on itself and kicks you off while you wait for the load screens....

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_KaiSchober
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Tendrielle
    Is there ever a chance for a specific (new DLC) zone where justice PVP might happen ?
  • Alorier
    The new grouping tool what will the exp counting towards , undaunted skill line , champion points exp or other ?
  • MikeTheeElder
    So, during the Twitch stream of ESO live a couple of weeks ago (I think 2/12), Kai Schober confirmed housing in 2016 in the chat. Can you please elaborate on this in the next ESO Live? Thank you!
  • elven.were_wolf
    Can we expect to see achievements and titles account-wide?
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • giantpixie
    Will the Dragonstar arena sets and master weapons ever scale to max level?
  • Zaldan
    Stood in North Morrowind gate near the quest boards sorting through my inventory when I go into combat, haven't healed anyone or used any skills in the last 5mins while stood in an area that's impossible now to get combat in, so I'd like to know how broken does Cyrodiil have to get to go into combat when the nearest fighting is Arrius? literally miles away :(
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Ethromelb14_ESO
    Whose more powerful? The Wilder King and the Wilder Queen or the Silvenar and the Green Lady? They both seem to do the same thing, and serve the same purpose.
    Motto: Make deceivers believers.

    Strength of character is not a physical thing. -E
    Walking a mile in someone else's shoes, has nothing to do with the path taken. -E

    An accusation of elitism, is an indirect recognition of one's own inferiority. -E

    The best way to prove someone wrong, is to do better yourself. -E

    I keep forgetting to remember to get a photographic memory.
  • AshTal
    Questions for next time in descending order of importance.

    Why do Argonian's get a small health bonus than Nords. Can we get the Argonian health bonus to match the Nords and be 9% not 6%.

    Why have you looked to improve Amphibious racial for Argonian's when most Argonian players hate this passive. A 4% increase still makes this a terrible passive and the only passive which only kicks in when a consumable is used. Can we not get this replaced with something useful? Physical damage resistance, manna and stamina increase, health regen?

    When will you be adding the race changes and new racials which have been hinted at? What will Argonian's be getting when the Racials are redone?

    Will you be clearing out the names of dead accounts so that new/active players can have these names?

    Clearly the Sorcerer pets are being improved, however the big flaw with them is still lack of damage and stupid AI, are either of these going to be improved? Such as having the Clanfear just attack and protect enemies attacking the sorcerer or that the sorcerer is actively attacking or have the winged Twilight always stay by the Sorcerer and use him for range calculation?

    Will we see any DLC's continuing the 3 Banner War or the main story rather than just stand alone quests?

    Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood DLC's force us to play thieves and killers will we see DLCs for characters who don't want to be thieves or killers? Will we get to see more of Argonia?

    Will we be seeing any additions to the mages and fighters guilds with daily quests, ranks and titles?

    Titles are a bit lacklustre will we see better titles and be able to prefix them to character names rather than just have them sat in order.
  • Contraptions
    Are there any plans to complete the expansion of delves in the original zones? The tier two and three delves are still small.

    Are there any plans to introduce delve/world boss daily quests to the vanilla zones? These would greatly improve replay-ability.

    Are there any plans to rework the old world bosses or dolmens to make them more challenging and group focused like the Wrothgar and Hew's Bane world bosses?

    Are there any plans to add large scale/zone wide events (aka a large scale Daedric invasion or enemy faction invasion of sorts) that require large groups of players to complete? These make the world seem much less static.

    Are there any plans to allow players to voluntarily scale their characters down, to allow them to revisit/participate in low level content or events and gain rewards from it?

    Are there any plans to expand set crafting? Like making dropped sets craftable and such?
    Edited by Contraptions on February 29, 2016 3:05AM
    Patroller and Editor at UESP
  • altemriel
    Will we ever get full preview of items in the inventory and also for crafting? I mean some larger image, than that small one there.
  • CirithValaria
    altemriel wrote: »
    Will we ever get full preview of items in the inventory and also for crafting? I mean some larger image, than that small one there.
    In previous Eso Live show, Kai said in Twich chat something like this: "It is on our to-do-list, but it is a long list" (crafting preview)
    So coming yes, but not too soon I guess...
    Edited by CirithValaria on February 28, 2016 9:54PM
    “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us...
    What we have done for others and the world, it remains and is immortal...”

    About me:
    @Cirith-Valar'ia & @Lilith-Valar'ia (in-game)
    | hardcore-casual | pc-eu / ps4-eu | pve | pvp | player since early beta | subscriber since early-launch |
    | The Sanctum Sanctorum - founder & guild master |

    Cirith Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Lady of Light, Templar DD (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Aldmeri Dominion (Master Crafter - all crafts, traits & styles.)
    Nezghul Sithis | Breton (F) | Winter Ward, Warden Tank (magic) | lvl 50 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Hakrate Hecate | Orc (F) | Dying Light, Templar DD (stamina, PvP) | lvl 50 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Tummien-Vesien-Tulkki | Argonian (M) | Blood Shield, Nightblade Tank (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Valonkantaja | Argonian (F) | Healer of the Hist, Templar Healer | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Tulenvalaja | Argonian (M) | Guardian of the Hist, Dragonknight DD (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kuolon-Raatojen-Kaitsija | Argonian (M) | Corpsekeeper of the Hist, Necromancer Tank (magic) | lvl 20 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kal-Mah | Argonian (F) | Spawn of Wamasu, Sorcerer Tank (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Puutiainen | Bosmer (F) | Horny Ravager, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Musta-Surma | Khajiit (F) | Nightpawler, Nightblade DD - thief/murderer (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Daggerfall Covenant
    T'Sok Shiar | Altmer (F) | Touched by Daedra, Sorcerer DD (magic) | (ex)VR 1 | Daggerfall Covenant (Master Cook - all recipes.)
    S'auron | Khajiit (M) | Poison Paw, Dragonknight DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant

    Lilith Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Phœnix, Dragonknight Healer | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Stormpaw | Khajiit (F) | Cpt. Pirate Puss, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Iliath Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Storm Ward, Sorcerer Tank (magic) | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Haudantakainen | Argonian (M) | Pale Avenger, Nightblade DD (magic) | lvl 25 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kira Tal'Shiar | Breton (F) | Warrior of Light, Templar DD (magic) | lvl 10 | Ebonheart Pact
    Sunpaw | Khajiit (M) | Crescent Moon Guardian, Templar Tank (stamina, PvP) | lvl 40 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Shangri Shadowtusk | Orc (F) | Shadowtusk, Nightblade DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant

    Topaz-dar | Khajiit (F) | Mysticat, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | lvl 5 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Her-Frozen-Heart | Argonian (F) | Frozen Shield, Warden Tank (magicka) | lvl 5 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Neazgûl | Redguard (F) | Bear Matron, Warden DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Brugaz
    Some kind of lore question! :)
    How and why does Nirnroot make their sound?
    (PC/EU) - | @Brugaz |
  • NeillMcAttack
    The molag bal event is still broken on the PS4. I am not certain about xbox but i assume the same. While I am aware this was fixed on pc. The last reference to this issue was made on patch notes for V1.11 where it states that the respawn rate should become more frequent. Well, it didn't work, and this issue appears to have been swept under the rug.

    Are we likely to see a fix for this event on console with the thieves guild release or will it be some time after?
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Thelevyeffect
    Is there any plans to increaseing the amount of people in Guilds?
  • timtbag123ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS, have any of you considered adding "Go to jail" to the justice system? It would be really fun to be put in jail with a single lockpick to break out!, or have some friends sneak in, or fight there way in to break you out.
  • WitchKing_of_Nirn
    Can we ever expect an inspection function? It'd be nice to see what gear/ skills my group mates have active.
This discussion has been closed.