Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Stratti
    Why is it that you have all these crash issues but do notmwarn us prior tomspending all day and 40gb of data to be excited about returning only to have a constant crash. Also why is it that I have had no response for tech support...

  • elven.were_wolf
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: -Mount upgrades account-wide: -Motifs account-wide:
    I disagree. Your characters are different fictional people. Just as you can't go to college and share your education with all your friends, your characters shouldn't be able to do this either.
    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.
    Again, no, and the reason is similar. Your characters are different fictional people. It isn't about you; it's about them. One of them becoming famous for catching every fish in Tamriel shouldn't automatically make his friends famed for the same reason.
    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.
    Likewise, uh-uh. I see plenty of problem with level 1 characters, say, having credit for beating the crap out of Molag Bal before they ever set foot in Coldharbor. Or credit for doing anything else that they haven't actually done. The title isn't the player's title; it is his character's title. Both the title and the character are fictional, storybook kinds of things. The player is a real person sitting in a real chair behind a real computer in a real house somewhere on a planet called Earth, not Nirn.
    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.
    Again, the title isn't yours. It is your character's. If you want a title to follow you around in real life, join the armed forces in your country and stay in them until you get some real rank. (Of course, if you die IRL, you probably won't be instantly resurrected at a wayshrine, and any plastic souvenir soul gems you might have been carrying around won't really work.)
    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.
    We all have to do that. It's the most fun the first time around. It's kind of OK the 2nd time, but not as much fun because you already know where things are going. By the 3rd time you go through the main quest, and Cadwell's Silver, and Cadwell's Gold, its boring as heck. But that's what any of us have to do, if we want to polish up a new VR16 character.

    But if it's related to every character,as you say , then why are champion points account-wide? I mean it's your character that reached VR level not you yourself. And then we have momentos: your character completed the dungeon not any other character.

    I would simply like this change because it would encourage more people to use alts instead of forcing a completionist such as myself to have only one main character that I always stick to and do everything on this character. I hate having achievments spread out.

    And as realistic as you people want your game to be it's game; that means there could be a spell involved that binds all your characters minds together. And that spell in real life is called your account.
    Edited by elven.were_wolf on March 12, 2016 8:33AM
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Karacule_Fairystar
    Are there any FUTURE SOON SOON plans on having a ONE time per character changing in alliance? perhaps after having to deal with Cadwel's Gold and decided that this isn't the faction that I want to stick in to?

    And it would be awesome if its available too on Crown Store.
  • altemriel
    Are there any FUTURE SOON SOON plans on having a ONE time per character changing in alliance? perhaps after having to deal with Cadwel's Gold and decided that this isn't the faction that I want to stick in to?

    And it would be awesome if its available too on Crown Store.

    comming with barbershop, which is in production
  • Gidorick
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • xNaughtyNinjax
    Why are they taking Veteran ranks away?
  • Gidorick
    Why are they taking Veteran ranks away?

    Because it's easier than fixing them...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Zaldan
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Why don't you test patches before pushing them? You know. By actually loading and playing the game.

    They claim they do, I know I laughed at that too.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

    Soul Shriven
    Liking the way water is done in the game. But even the biggest waterfalls have no effect on the player. You can swim close to the edge without being dragged down. Can you do something about that? It would make it much more realistic.
  • Elloa
    Question Before this Update, the MageGuild spell ENTROPY was giving a visual buff to the caster. The Caster hands were shinning with a gold-orange light (may it be directly from Entropy, or from the Mageguild Passive "Empower")
    This visual buff had now be removed. Is it intended, and why? It was really useful have a visual clue showing off when the buff was running off.
  • Solace of Shadows
    “I do not have fleas!” Wolf growled as he turned around and sat, putting his back to me.
    “Stupid, uselessly short elf,” he grumbled.
    “Hey! Don't insult my height! I love my height! Being short is awesome. I'm harder to hit, harder to see, it's easier to hide and I'm constantly being underestimated. Also, with my eye level and the height of most females in Tamriel, I have a perfect excuse when I get caught staring at…”
    “Is this really relevant?” Wolf interrupted.
    “To what?” I asked.
    “To. Your. Question!” Wolf said through gritted teeth.
    “Nope. Hey, don't look at me like that! You brought up the subject!”
    Hmm, so that's what a pissed, mentally discombobulated spirit wolf looks like. Weird.
    “You shouldn't be so serious,” I said reasonably. “It's not healthy. That's why children live longer than adults, because they're not as serious.”
    Wolf groaned, “That makes no sense!”
    “Everything I say makes sense if you don't think about it too hard or think about it hard enough. One of those.”
    “That ...there isn't …people don't ...logic …” I interrupted his verbal struggle.
    “Oh please, my logic is loads better than other people's logic! With other people's logic two plus two always gets you four. My two plus two can get you a carrot.”
    I paused in thought, “Which is weird now that I think about it because I don't like carrots. If it was a sweet roll that would make sense but a carrot? Hmm, ah well, what was my question?”
    I don't know!” The words came out as an anguished moan of distress. I get that sometimes when I talk to people.
    “Oh! Right!,” I suddenly remember, “I have a question about killing werewolves.”
    Wolf looked up hopefully, “Suicide?”
    I ignored him, “All the lore books I've read say that silver is deadly to weres. But I have yet to see a single silver knife, sword, spearhead, axe or arrow in any of my travels. Also, the lore says nothing about poison affecting us but every time I fight in Cyrodiil, out come the poison arrows and here comes the pain! Where did all the silver go and what the hell is in that poison?”
    Solace In Shadows is my name in the realm of Tamriel. If you disagree with my words or disparage my sentiments, then face me on the battlefield and you can kiss my axe.
  • Aeladiir
    Why is GEMFX (graphics enhancer) no longer working properly after Thieves Guild DLC?
  • Gidorick
    Might it be possible for ZOS to alter the troves to either add two skill lines to the Thieves Guild skill (one for audio cues, and one for visual cues) or toggles for these cues in the settings menu?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • snoogadooch
    Can we pleeeeeeeeease get crafting bags early?
    Edited by snoogadooch on March 13, 2016 8:49PM
  • ub17_ESO
    I would like to know a bit more about how the existing item sets will scale once VRs are removed from the game.

    For instance, will the VR14 Footmen's/Healer sets have equal statistics as the wrothgar/TG sets?

    That same question for all the sets that never got scaled to V16.

  • elven.were_wolf
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).

    Then how about if we had the option as to how some games have a new game plus. You know, make it optional. So that people who want to start a new game from scratch can choose that, and people like me who just want to try new classes and still retain all of my progress can do that. Is bad enough how much we are forced to wait real life days for everything. Sorry, but this is my opinion. It already took me three quarters of a year to get 8 traits researched. And six months of those to get my mount fully upgraded.
    Edited by elven.were_wolf on March 14, 2016 12:35PM
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • HeroOfNone
    What is being done about some thieves trove afk bots? Are there plans to ass more challenge to opening troves? Is leading a gaurd to these individuals allowed or considered harassment?

    Vicious death (aka delicious death) when paired with proximity detonation offer a great way for magicka builds (especially with NB soul teether) to bust up zergs, but what options are being planned for stamina builds? Or are stamina builds to be forever stuck focusing single target unless in a larger group?

    Ebon, worm, and Hercine's armor sets were increased to v16 in the new trial but not in dungeons; will these sets ever be increased in the base game content?

    Can we hope to see a v16 level increase to sunderflame, spellweave, or embershield armor sets? Also, can someone check the drop percentage of the chest piece off the titan? It's been a while since I've seen anyone get it.

    Most monster helm damage works off magic or flame damage, when can we expect one to work off physical or poison for stamina builds putting points into mighty?

    Can you verify if the fighters guild passive "slayer" is intended to give 10% more damage to player's damage shields if they are a vampire? I've only heard rumors about this, but it doesn't make sense given how elemental resistances/weaknesses don't calculate into a damage shield.

    Thanks for your time
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • petraeus1
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).

    Then how about if we had the option as to how some games have a new game plus. You know, make it optional. So that people who want to start a new game from scratch can choose that, and people like me who just want to try new classes and still retain all of my progress can do that. Is bad enough how much we are forced to wait real life days for everything. Sorry, but this is my opinion. It already took me three quarters of a year to get 8 traits researched. And six months of those to get my mount fully upgraded.

    I agree. I feel like achievements have nothing to do with my characters as fictional persons, they are just UI elements for players to guide their playthrough and provide objectives. Mount upgrades are just a giant time and money sink which is nothing more than inconvenient, same goes for Alliance rank. As it stands this game is not alt friendly at all, unless your fine with going through the gauntlet of time and money again. It's fun the first time around, but for the casual player a nightmare to try a new class in end-game content or PvP. It's not even a matter of 'git gud', it's purely a matter of investing hours and money.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).

    Then how about if we had the option as to how some games have a new game plus. You know, make it optional. So that people who want to start a new game from scratch can choose that, and people like me who just want to try new classes and still retain all of my progress can do that. Is bad enough how much we are forced to wait real life days for everything. Sorry, but this is my opinion. It already took me three quarters of a year to get 8 traits researched. And six months of those to get my mount fully upgraded.

    Honeslty, I would like something a bit more elegant that ZOS would never do @elven.were_wolf .
    1. Every class should have it's own quest line that only those who are that class can embark on.
    2. Every class should have "Masters" in game that players can visit to get dailies specifically for their class.
    3. If you visit a Master of a class that you are NOT, you are given the option to undergo a series of trials which will allow you to change your class.

    Personally, I wish mounts were upgradable and your mount retained it's skills across all characters. I would love to have a "Long Range" mount, "Material Gathering" pack-type mount, and a basic adventuring mount. I think the change of mount skill to mount riding skills is one of the WORST changes ZOS has made to ESO.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • elven.were_wolf
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).

    Then how about if we had the option as to how some games have a new game plus. You know, make it optional. So that people who want to start a new game from scratch can choose that, and people like me who just want to try new classes and still retain all of my progress can do that. Is bad enough how much we are forced to wait real life days for everything. Sorry, but this is my opinion. It already took me three quarters of a year to get 8 traits researched. And six months of those to get my mount fully upgraded.

    Honeslty, I would like something a bit more elegant that ZOS would never do @elven.were_wolf .
    1. Every class should have it's own quest line that only those who are that class can embark on.
    2. Every class should have "Masters" in game that players can visit to get dailies specifically for their class.
    3. If you visit a Master of a class that you are NOT, you are given the option to undergo a series of trials which will allow you to change your class.

    Personally, I wish mounts were upgradable and your mount retained it's skills across all characters. I would love to have a "Long Range" mount, "Material Gathering" pack-type mount, and a basic adventuring mount. I think the change of mount skill to mount riding skills is one of the WORST changes ZOS has made to ESO.

    I like the class dailies idea!
    And about the mounts, wouldn't what you suggest make changing mounts undesirable? Because that way people would need to upgrade thier mount all over again for example if they buy a new one from the crown store. Which makes another time consumer and gold sink.
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • randolphbenoit
    Why are we unable to place 'Grand Amnesty Edict' into the bank like the 'Counterfeit Pardon Edict'?
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP). https://twitter.com/randolphbenoit

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would it be possible to make:

    -Research account-wide: because Research time goes to 30 days when reaching the nirnhoned trait. Add that time on 8 characters. that's 240 days for every character and that's without adding the time of the other research times! I know that some people like the idea so that you can research nirnhoned on an alt for 6 hours ,or 4 including you have all the research passives, but your going to spend a lot of time waiting in the end! So what's the point, if whatever you do you'll always have to wait the same time in the end.

    -Mount upgrades account-wide: because in order to get a fully upgraded mount on all characters, you need 1,440 days! That's more than a year! And that's including that you research everyday. And in order to reduce that to 180 days that means that you need to have made all 8 characters simultaneously and spend everyday 2000 gold for all of them. And to upgrade them fully you will have spent 360,000 gold! I know that In order to get anything in this game you need money, but 360,000 gold is a bit too much when I could have spent it on agility , willpower set or other useful things.

    -Motifs account-wide: You keep adding new motifs. And don't get me wrong, that's Great! But to buy them for every character. And glass armor is already difficult to obtain as it is, so why not make it account-wide to make things a bit easier. And sure you can buy it on the crown store but say you wanted it for all your characters. You'll need to spend 5000 crowns 8 times! That's a lot of real life money for a game. Don't get me wrong, I love buying things in the crown store. But since you keep adding new stuff, why not help your fans instead of drain their money.

    -Achievements account-wide: especially that master angler achievment.

    -Titles account wide: I really don't see the problem with a level 1 character having the title Beothiah's scythe or Grand overlord as he has earned it fair and square on his other character.

    -Alliance rank account-wide: as it already takes an insanely enormous amount of time to get grand overlord on a single character. And so what if he got grand overlord on his nightblade and when he plays dragonknight he still has the title? He earned it fair and square and it's not like his experience fighting changed either.

    The reason I really would appreciate this change is because: I'm always very hesitant to try a new character because I have to start all over again. I'm a bit of a completionist you see. And I have to do LOTS of grinding rather then playing and having fun.

    Please no... for any of this. My characters have their own narrative. They are all different people and have their own experiences. It's bad enough CP are account wide (what sense does that make?).

    Then how about if we had the option as to how some games have a new game plus. You know, make it optional. So that people who want to start a new game from scratch can choose that, and people like me who just want to try new classes and still retain all of my progress can do that. Is bad enough how much we are forced to wait real life days for everything. Sorry, but this is my opinion. It already took me three quarters of a year to get 8 traits researched. And six months of those to get my mount fully upgraded.

    Honeslty, I would like something a bit more elegant that ZOS would never do @elven.were_wolf .
    1. Every class should have it's own quest line that only those who are that class can embark on.
    2. Every class should have "Masters" in game that players can visit to get dailies specifically for their class.
    3. If you visit a Master of a class that you are NOT, you are given the option to undergo a series of trials which will allow you to change your class.

    Personally, I wish mounts were upgradable and your mount retained it's skills across all characters. I would love to have a "Long Range" mount, "Material Gathering" pack-type mount, and a basic adventuring mount. I think the change of mount skill to mount riding skills is one of the WORST changes ZOS has made to ESO.

    I like the class dailies idea!
    And about the mounts, wouldn't what you suggest make changing mounts undesirable? Because that way people would need to upgrade thier mount all over again for example if they buy a new one from the crown store. Which makes another time consumer and gold sink.

    Yea, it would @elven.were_wolf that is THE reason the mount system was changed. To sell mounts in the Crown Store.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • zerosingularity
    Why is there STILL horrendous lag in PvP? We all know the only real way to counter it is to break up zergs. Possibly the only way to effectively do this is by making it so you lose offense/defense when large numbers of allies are near you. (Up to getting 0 mit and damage - ninja rule.) No matter what has been tried, there are raids still stacking together. You can make ALL the server and game optimizations you like, but at some point, you gotta go for the neck and cut the lag at the source. (Source is too many calculations in a given area, which is caused by TOO MANY STACKED PLAYERS, all spamming skills.) Solution=make it impossible to stack 2 raids deep, and boom, suddenly the lag issue is much more manageable. When you have 2 raids fighting 2 raids, that causes enormous lag, and we KNOW you cannot optimize for that, the game engine simply cannot handle it.

    Why do we still have poor itemization, like marksman STAVES and the like? This was called out a while ago and it is OBVIOUS these items can never be more than decon trash. If your gonna give decon trash for a reward, don't give set items whose names hype you up until you finish reading them and get super discouraged.

    Edit: added more text.
    Edited by zerosingularity on March 15, 2016 5:14AM

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Pottsinator
    Since the latest update I can't even get on the game. What is going on?
  • Pottsinator
    Since the latest update I can't even get on the game. What is going on?

    I can log in, but upon character select and log, I get booted to the screen saying Edler Scrolls quit unexpectedly, report what you were doing when this happened. What do I do?
  • CP5
    Since the latest update I can't even get on the game. What is going on?

    I can log in, but upon character select and log, I get booted to the screen saying Edler Scrolls quit unexpectedly, report what you were doing when this happened. What do I do?

    Since you are able to log in it is not because of your graphics card and is instead one of the bugs that snuck into the update. No ETA on when specific bugs like that are going to be fixed, but maybe someone who had a similar problem and found a non-patch solution to fix it could help.
  • Requiemslove

    I have a small question and hope someone official looking can answer.

    So, soon in the not too distant future I hope to have an xbox one and ESO...is there any possible way I can transfer my progress over, from the PC, or has that boat sailed?
  • OmniDevil

    I have a small question and hope someone official looking can answer.

    So, soon in the not too distant future I hope to have an xbox one and ESO...is there any possible way I can transfer my progress over, from the PC, or has that boat sailed?

    As of right now, that boat has definitely sailed. However, if they ever decide to open that up again, has been unannounced.
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    Homepage: http://www.roguesgalleryguild.com/
    TF Guild Page: http://tamrielfoundry.com/groups/rogues-gallery/
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • ozikeri
    Soul Shriven
    Im just wondering when a patch will be made for many missing things on the controller UI. Such as looting system seeing specs of items before looting etc. Being able to choose ammounts when selling or trading rather than splitting stacks in advance.

    Also will you be implementing away of a hybrid type UI so controller UI will be similar to the keyboard and mouse UI? I love the controller system and I really appreciate the fact this has been done but I feel a lot more can be done to improve the system. I think many controller users are thinking this but not mentioning it.

    Out of all the patches I check first for controller UI improvements.

    On a positive note I absolutlylove this game and really appreciate the controller aspect but just feel you could make it so much better for us controller
    Edited by ozikeri on March 15, 2016 10:46PM
  • ColligeInstructor
    Why when your in a solo quest are 99 percent of the chest and other loot able containers empty? For example, on The Prismatic Core, all of the containers were empty. It makes it seem that other players are able to take the loot out of these and it effects my solo quest. Can you explain why this is?
This discussion has been closed.