Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • altemriel
    Are we going to get jewelry crafting with any of the next two DLCs?

  • elven.were_wolf
    Can we get any more info on player housing, like:
    Will it be in the pve zones?
    Will there be special zones just for houses?
    What are some of the utilities in the house? Display cases, aquarium , cooking stove, etc..
    What is the extent of creativity one can imbue into their housing creation?
    Will anyone besides the owner of the house enter it?
    Will every single player get their own land ?
    Will lands overlap, as in you can build your house in the place of someone elses, you just can't see the other player?
    Will we have neighbors?


    Edited by elven.were_wolf on January 19, 2016 10:44PM
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • elium85
    There is a little confusion around the Scathing Mage set. The tooltip seems to imply all Critical Damage has a chance to proc the five piece bonus. However, it seems that only the initial damage of DoT's and channeled abilities (except for a few seemingly arbitrary exceptions) will proc this bonus. Is this working as intended? Likewise, no cooldown is listed on the set. Does it have an internal cooldown and if so, what is it?
  •  joshylonstoky
    is the barber shop it gonna cost crowns, money or a mix? really hope that it can be gold and cheap
  • Waseem
    when will the legendary quality jewelry introduced with orsinium DLC return to maelstrom top 100 weekly rewards?they were available only for first 2 weeks.. now the rewards are only weapons
    jewelry such us winterborn and briarheart
    PC EU

  • altemriel
    is the barber shop it gonna cost crowns, money or a mix? really hope that it can be gold and cheap

    yes, please ZOS, do it in-game gold or free!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober
  • Iccotak
    Is the new area in Blackmarsh, Murkmire, going to be an adventure zone or a DLC? Are adventure zones going to be continued in the game?
  • Llevndryn
    Will you open up zones which become locked after certain quests for those who want to visit them again and for the roleplayers who want to roleplay in them ?

    See this post about it :
  • ZOS_KaiSchober
    Ask Us Anything – ESO Live 1/15/16

    randolphbenoit - Can all active player accounts expect something special in our in game mail boxes for this holiday season?
    We’re working hard to better support fun in-game events and that spice up things in Tamriel. We believe that these special events should come with equally special thematic rewards.

    Shadow-Fighter – Could you introduce a “Legendary” category for colors, where all colors for achievements like Legendary Blacksmith stored?
    A legendary category is a cool idea, but we don’t have any current plans to add more dye categories beyond the existing three (Common, Uncommon and Rare.) Common are generally easy to earn, while uncommon are a bit more difficult, and rare are quite difficult to do. Earthforge Iron gray—the dye you get for the Legendary Blacksmith achievement—is an example of an Uncommon category dye.

    elven.were_wolf - There are cities in ESO with people and sewers. But never have I found any toilets or anyone who needs them. Where the hell do people do their business?
    Phrastus of Elinhir says, “Many of the urns and receptacles you see in Tamrielic houses are actually chamber pots. But of course you already knew that, so I assume your question is intended as a jest. If so, I must say I find it in questionable taste.”

    Chidy1776 - Will we ever see more a more detailed character sheet that includes things like penetration and critical damage bonus? Currently it can be difficult to decide what bonuses and stats to aim for because I don't have the info I need to make an informed decision.
    It’s something we’d like to do (and it’s on our big list of UI improvements), but it’s a bit lower on the priority list than things such as nameplates and character re-customization feature and require the same Engineering and Design resources.

    Geemarc - Will we ever be able to save progress on Veteran Maelstrom Arena?
    Yes! In fact, we’re working on it right now. We have some edge cases we still need to solve still, but we’re getting closer.

    terrordactyl1971 - Can we please have different colored quest markers? Blue for repeatable quests, gold for main quests, white for side quests, as an example. It would help a lot in towns!
    Having different colored quest markers for repeatable versus not repeatable quests is something we’ve talked about in the past and are considering doing.

    Dear - Will you ever add pets that have utility features to the game? Pets for auto-looting, auto-gathering, inventory space, area awareness, etc?
    We’ve talked about this internally a lot. We think it would be super cool but the idea always falls flat when we consider the min-max implications. Now a cat lover has to have a dog because the dog has the mechanic they want. Then we start talking about training pets to do things so you can apply the behavior you want, and the scope gets crazy! We could see building a robust system to support it, but right now it’s behind further character customization and housing as far as big systems we’re working on.

    Gidorick - I know this may seem like a silly question, but will there be any content in the Thieves Guild DLC for players who don't play thieves?
    Why, yes! We have a brand new 12-player Trial coming with the Thieves Guild update. Outside of the content, there’s also a ton of new features and UI improvements. (Look for the PTS notes in early February!)

    TERMINAT0R_XVII - Are you planning on putting Laurels and Goldscale in the Crown Store like you did with the Malachite?
    Actually, we’re working on a universal style item for the Crown Store. Everything that goes in the Crown Store is built with the motto “it just works” in mind (we execute on this better in some areas than others.) The universal style item will work with anything and everything. When we add it to the Crown Store, it will replace malachite. This will also allow us to stop making players jump through weird hoops in order to keep Crown items un-tradable.

    HeroOfNone - Are Stranglers & Dryads exempt from the Green Pact if they display aggression toward a Bosmer?
    The Spinner Sandaerion says, “You love your child, but if he misbehaves, do you not punish him? It is even so with the Green. We love our foliage friends, but wrong behavior must be punished.”

    Turelus - Can we have an official (pinned) thread for small quality of life improvement suggestions? Basically little things that wouldn't require too much work but make our lives easier and ultimately make players happy.
    Yes! We’d be happy to do this. Expect us to set up this thread next week.

    Jaywics - Hello Ms. Gina Bruno, I hope you enjoyed the holidays! My question is: boy or girl?
    Girl! (And Kai is expecting a boy around the same time.)

    Nightmarepuppet - Could we get a snake pet?
    Yessssss. Keep an eye out for one later this year.

    M'Hael - When a skill doesn't state a range, is there an "assumed range?" (Some say it’s 5 meters. For example, the Templar ability Dark Flare says it "afflicts the target and nearby enemies with Major Defile." How nearby?
    Five meters definitely gets used more frequently for ability radii, however Dark Flare’s Major Defile affects enemies within eight meters. We wanted this ability to apply to more targets since it has a cast and travel time, making it harder to hit a group of players who are moving around.

    HeroOfNone - Do mead brewers also hold the title of marriage counselors in Nordic society?
    Rigurt the Brash says, “Every Nord is a marriage counselor once you pour enough mead into him!”

    Rhass - In Jackdaw Cove, there is a Glenmoril Wyrd Breton (Wyress Rashan) who has taken wolf form (not werewolf.) Could you explain the lore behind this? (What type of magic or ritual did she use to achieve this? What are the limitations? etc.)
    Lady Cinnabar of Taneth says, “The Glenmoril Wyresses are deep in the mysteries of Hircine, and are known to have access to beast-form magic unavailable to more ‘civilized’ mages.”

    Flaminir – In a previous ESO Live, you mentioned that new ESO music was going to be released in digital form in December (including the new soundtrack that came with Wrothgar which is AMAZING!) It's January now... do you have a new ETA?
    Shoot, we were confident about that timeframe and everything looked in order…until the Argonian Maid misplaced the required paperwork when she came and tidied up the marketing office. She means well, really.
    In all seriousness, we’re in the process of getting that music up ASAP. Sorry about the delay! We ran into a few unforeseen hurdles. As soon as the new music is out, we’ll make sure to let you know here on ESO Live, the forums, and on social media.

    Stickleback – Do you think it would be possible to add a "Random Dungeon" option to the group finder? Sometimes I just want to run a random dungeon and don’t feel like making a decision.
    Yes, sir! This is new feature we’re adding with the Thieves Guild update. We’ll also be giving you bonus rewards for playing random dungeons. Take that, decision-making!

    Additional Question and Answers

    zantarizb14_ESO - If you’ve already purchased an item in the Crown Store, it replaces the cost of the item with the word "Purchased." If I want to recommend a Crown Store item to someone, it's frustrating to not know how much it costs. Any chance of changing it so, after purchase, it still grays out the item but it leaves the price and displays "Purchased" somewhere else?
    That’s a great use case. We can and will look into this and see what we can come up with. For now (not a perfect solution) we do have pricing on the official ESO website. This may help until we’re able to deliver a better solution.

    WhiteCoatSyndrome - I've seen the Star-Gazer banner in some of the footage for Abah's Landing. Will we be seeing a return of the Star-Gazers in the upcoming DLC?
    The teaser of Abah’s Landing you’re referring to was pretty old. When we filmed that footage, we didn’t have all the finished assets yet so we used a placeholder banner (which just so happened to be the Star-Gazer one.) The Star-Gazers are not in the Thieves Guild. Sorry to get your hopes up!

    M'Hael - True or false? Waiting to put all 4 pinions down on a dolmen until the end of the first phase increases your chance of getting a rare boss in the second phase?
    We answered this a while ago in an Ask Us Anything. Here’s the reply: Interacting with a pinion gives you a buff that boosts damage of all participants by 10% for 30 seconds, also restoring resources to full (HP, Stam, Magicka). Once all 4 pinions are interacted, the next stage in the event is triggered. Generals are random (with zone factored in some), not based on how many monsters you kill.

    Shadow-Fighter - In Skyrim there was the ability to permute material, e.g. iron to silver and then to gold. Would you consider implementing a work station that allows us to permute green tempers into blue ones and so on? It can cost as much as you like, but it would make our crafters happy.
    We think this is a cool idea, but it’s one we don’t currently have plans for.

    Crimsonwolf666 - This question is more to sate my lore curiosity, but in the wiki or other online sources describing Queen Ayrenn, it states "she suffered personally at the hands of Abnur Tharn" when she left the Summerset Isles and was adventuring around. However, I haven't seen this even suggested in any in game lore book or talked/slightly mentioned by anyone (or I have missed the said NPC.) Is this mentioned in game at all? Just curious more about the background to this, or maybe I missed something while playing through AD questline? Thank you for your time.
    Aicantar of Shimmerene says, “Since the ascension of our queen to the Throne of Alinor, it is inappropriate to delve too deeply into indignities she might have suffered before her coronation. But rest assured that all is known, and nothing is forgotten.”

    WhiteCoatSyndrome - What are Lustrants? They were mentioned briefly in a lorebook concerning the Lightless Oubliette along with Aurorans, so presumably they're some sort of Daedra associated with Meridia and/or the Colored Rooms. But what are they? Do they have wings? Horns? Coral growing out of their backs? Is there a possibility of seeing some in an upcoming DLC?
    Doctor Rhythandius says, “As I understand it, ‘Lustrant’ is a term used by Molag Bal’s Dremora minions to refer to the followers of Meridia—that is, when they’re not calling them ‘Glow ***.’”

    HeroOfNone - If there is a female orc war chief, can she have multiple wives and/or multiple husbands?
    Curator Umutha of the House of Orsimer Glories says, “The situation you describe is not unheard-of, but marriage traditions vary from clan to clan, and have even been known to change over time. Orcish cultural institutions are ancient and strong, but history is rife with occasions when powerful chiefs bent the rules to suit their own wills.”

    Enodoc - You did an "Armchair Developer" segment a while ago on underwater exploration and combat. Would you consider doing another "Armchair Developer" feature on flying mounts?
    We’ll consider it. Thanks for the idea!

    Kai Schober
    Senior Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch
    Staff Post
  • iosis13
  • LearnThis
    Ask Us Anything – ESO Live 1/15/16

    M'Hael - When a skill doesn't state a range, is there an "assumed range?" (Some say it’s 5 meters. For example, the Templar ability Dark Flare says it "afflicts the target and nearby enemies with Major Defile." How nearby?
    Five meters definitely gets used more frequently for ability radii, however Dark Flare’s Major Defile affects enemies within eight meters. We wanted this ability to apply to more targets since it has a cast and travel time, making it harder to hit a group of players who are moving around.

    Is there a way then to know what the distances are? There are multiple skills that say nearby or something similar but they do not give an actual amount. Could these be fixed so they say the actual distances?
    PSN: LearnThis
    Bosmer Nightblade (Master Crafting, everything researched)
    Dunmer Dragonknight
    Breton Nightblade
    Breton Mage
    Argonian Templar
    Norn Dragonknight
    High Elf Dragonknight

    Champion Points are capped

    ~I have completed Cadwell's Silver six times and Gold four times... Please do not tell me about the experience of leveling.~
  • Breedj01
    Hi, my question is about the EU PVP servers;
    The campaigns are rarely balanced, with each server having one alliance dominating, mainly reds and yellows, with the exception of Azuras star, which is unplayable most of the time due to lag issues.
    Is there anything that can be done across all campaigns, to force a better balance of alliances, providing a better pvp experience for all?
    Where are all the Oranges? Plenty of other fruits in tamriel... Where are the Oranges??
  • deleted008293
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any way we can get our hands on the game tools so we can draw our own content for the game? :)
    It is me or Jason Barnes looks like Emperor Uriel Septim VII?
    Any chance items will be renamed in a way that set items won't be spread away through the inventory? Item names should containt set name first. Instead of Gloves of BLABLA they shound be named BLABLA Gloves.
    Edited by deleted008293 on January 20, 2016 7:53PM
  • AshTal
    Questions for next time

    1) When will Argonian's get better racials, is there any hope of getting a temporary increase while you work on the whole set of new racials we have been promised with race change?

    2) Why does it take so long to get any chances done in PvP. When everyone is up in arms about spamming steel tornado, bat swarm and wrecking blow does nothing ever get done for months and when it does you throw down loads of changes which often causes new major balance issues. Is anything being done on the PvP front?

    3) Do you feel there is a lack of solo end game content? With the new DLC's coming I have the feeling that I can no longer "play" my character but must play and Orc Loving, thieving member of the dark brotherhood as that's the only content available for vet 16. Will we see more choices in new DLCs to decide who we help or what groups we join? Will we be seeing any content for Fighters and Mages guild such as repeatable quests/ranks and titles? Will we see any more content for our alliance dailys/weeklys titles and additional content?
  • OmniDevil
    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_KaiSchober

    Are there currently any plans or have you discussed implementing a feature/option for Consoles (not sure if it's available for PC outside of addons or not), to disable the UI? - There have been several events/occassions where guild mates and I would have loved to taken screenshots, but with the way the UI works now, we have the Quest Tracker text, compass, cursor, etc. getting in the way. Being any to disable those by enabling an option would be very much appreciated!

    (this one may have been answered, but I don't recall at the moment)

    Are there any plans to fix current dyes on armor? - For example, Voidstone Violet on a light armor chest piece comes up nearly pitch black, kind of like character models when you first log in or load into a new zone. Dyes on Glass armor don't resemble that of the dye chosen. (reds are pink, blacks gray, dark blues pastel, light blues even lighter, etc.). This especially becomes even more noticeable with Medium armor, using shades like white. They turn out more of a cream/ivory color. So if you have a couple of heavy armor pieces or medium styles that have a bit of plate mail on them, the metal is white, while the leather appears to be cream/ivory.
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    TF Guild Page:
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • Gidorick
    THANK YOU @ZOS_KaiSchober !
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • blur
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    I need you to make @ZOS_KaiSchober sing and dance to 99 Luftballons on the next ESO Live.

    Edited by blur on January 21, 2016 3:35PM
  • ZOS_KaiSchober
    Kai Schober
    Senior Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch
    Staff Post
  • altemriel
    OmniDevil wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_KaiSchober

    Are there currently any plans or have you discussed implementing a feature/option for Consoles (not sure if it's available for PC outside of addons or not), to disable the UI? - There have been several events/occassions where guild mates and I would have loved to taken screenshots, but with the way the UI works now, we have the Quest Tracker text, compass, cursor, etc. getting in the way. Being any to disable those by enabling an option would be very much appreciated!

    (this one may have been answered, but I don't recall at the moment)

    Are there any plans to fix current dyes on armor? - For example, Voidstone Violet on a light armor chest piece comes up nearly pitch black, kind of like character models when you first log in or load into a new zone. Dyes on Glass armor don't resemble that of the dye chosen. (reds are pink, blacks gray, dark blues pastel, light blues even lighter, etc.). This especially becomes even more noticeable with Medium armor, using shades like white. They turn out more of a cream/ivory color. So if you have a couple of heavy armor pieces or medium styles that have a bit of plate mail on them, the metal is white, while the leather appears to be cream/ivory.

    the same with red on medium armor. on heavy it looks really good bright red and on medium it looks so dull like washed out 100 times.
  • randolphbenoit
    @ZOS_KaiSchober AUA from last two shows from 2015? I did not see posted anywhere...
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • ShadowscaleSithis
    Is there any way that the admins of the forums could change the colors of the topics to fit the platform they are on? Like Red for PC and Yellow for XBOX or whatever something like that. I keep looking at stuff for XBOX, but don't realize it until I read the body of the post. It would save me (an probably everyone) a lot of time looking for things in the forums
  • ShadowscaleSithis
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    I posted this here because no one saw this in support. Im on xbox one. Please help me!

    I reset my skill points, and before spending them, I was able to sprint, crouch, mount my Senche Panther and block successfully. Everything was fine, until I reallocated my skill points and I was back with my problem. I wasted 10000 gold for nothing.

    That right there is something fffor the bug report you send. If you can do everything without skills and after allocating skill points everything is messed up again, that is a starting point for the devs to figure out what is going on.
  • Body_Bagz
    Soul Shriven
    Not sure if these questions have been asked before, but I'll ask anyway.

    1. Since the Thieves Guild DLC will be focused around theft will we see increased rewards contained in lootable containers, I.e. gear sets, increased gold, etc?
    2. Will console text chat be enabled with the Thieves Guild DLC? Or will it enabled later?

    Edited by Body_Bagz on January 22, 2016 7:59PM
  • altemriel
    Body_Bagz wrote: »
    Not sure if these questions have been asked before, but I'll ask anyway.

    1. Since the Thieves Guild DLC will be focused around theft will we see increased rewards contained in lootable containers, I.e. gear sets, increased gold, etc?
    2. Will console text chat be enabled with the Thieves Guild DLC? Or will it enabled later?


    good questions, I want to know too :):)

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober
  • petraeus1
    Leveling up some alts, I get all these cool disguises I kinda wanna keep but they're currently not very practical. Any plans to integrate them into the costume system (maybe as a quest reward for the quests in which the disguises were involved, or via a vendor where you can trade in disguises)?
  • Infinite12
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Have you guys decided whether or not you're going to implement a group bind for BOP items in dungeons? The RNG in this game is really poo poo and I'm running dungeons with people getting multiples of the same helmets without actually getting anything myself. I feel like group bind would be an amazing addition.
    Edited by Infinite12 on January 28, 2016 8:33PM
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • boisclair89
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS please add pvp to the justice system. Give us the tabards and let us hunt down the criminals! Don't leave the people who want pvp out of the mix. Will pvp be added in the future to the justice system?
    Edited by boisclair89 on January 23, 2016 4:12AM
  •  joshylonstoky
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober is the barber shop gonna be free or cost money or crowns??? wish it could be ingame money and cheap.
  • Jaeysa
    Is there any chance we could get a text search for the Auction House? Or even trade-orders where you put up what you'd like to buy, how much you'd pay for it and when you need it buy that then someone in your guild can fufill?
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • TheTwistedRune
    So we have had the "Justice System". And will be getting the "Thieves Guild" and the "Dark Brotherhood" DLCs. These are all stealth character focused.

    When are Mages and Warriors going to get some profession orientated content?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober
This discussion has been closed.