Possible, but unlikely!mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »It's entirely possible that you fill that quest faster because they die to easily. Moar buffs to the DKs!
The percentages of the poll accurately reflect the current ranking of the classes for PvP.
1. DK
2. NB
3. Templar
4. Sorc
At launch it was:
1. DK
2. Sorc
3. Templar
4. NB
With all the balance changes they've made they seem to be unwilling to look at the fundamental issues with DKs. What they should have done post launch was balance DKs down to Sorcs and brought NBs and Temps up to Sorc. Instead the buffed Templar and NB up to launch-Sorc, but not enough to match DK, and massively nerfed Sorcs.
The result is a lot of shuffling that affected everyone but DKs.
When you have a class that can make itself impervious to ranged attacks, has the best self-heal in the game, the best CC in the game, and the strongest direct damage skills, and the best passives....you have a problem.
They were warned repeatedly about the issue during the Beta. They chose to listen only to the DKs (since those are the only players who properly understand that balance is them not having to try as hard as everyone else.)
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
who is beeing crushed by range attacks in a heartbeat.
sure thx to the templar healdebuff
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
who is beeing crushed by range attacks in a heartbeat.
Not if your holding block
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
sure thx to the templar healdebuff
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
who is beeing crushed by range attacks in a heartbeat.
Not if your holding block
sure thx to the templar healdebuff
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
who is beeing crushed by range attacks in a heartbeat.
Not if your holding block
sure thx to the templar healdebuff
What NBs use now to be strong have been in the game since launch. Its all about how the class is being used. Magicka NBs have never been weak. DKs just have it the easiest with the YOLO builds and more variety. Where as the other classes have to build a certain way to achieve a YOLO build.
You cant knock that, DKs are the tank class right?
Its been said on here before but if you really look into it. NBs bring the most to the table in fights on both sides doing dmg, mitigating dmg, and healing.
Now ask yourself again whats the most dominant class. Its the sap tank NB who can still wield a staff on another bar for 1v1.
who is beeing crushed by range attacks in a heartbeat.
Not if your holding block
Because Dks dont suffer from that..........
Lava_Croft wrote: »Another funny way to test which is the dominant class in PvP is to see how fast you can complete the 'Kill 20 [insert class]' quests.
Ignoring the 'Kill 20 players' quest, the 'Kill 20 Dragon Knights' quest is always the one that is completed the fastest for me.
So many Dragon Knights.
Gargragrond wrote: »Hmm, my op DK struggles even with one opponent. I have never really understood how one can be equal in 1v1 but OP against X. Even if one extra enemy walks in during that equal fight and just stands aside casting some healing, it will surely go bad for me. But I do admit I'm sub average player as I have read about dks jumping into keeps and easily killing 30 enemies swarming him, I wish I'll learn to do that one day..
Gargragrond wrote: »Hmm, my op DK struggles even with one opponent. I have never really understood how one can be equal in 1v1 but OP against X. Even if one extra enemy walks in during that equal fight and just stands aside casting some healing, it will surely go bad for me. But I do admit I'm sub average player as I have read about dks jumping into keeps and easily killing 30 enemies swarming him, I wish I'll learn to do that one day..
Dks are the easiest to kill because no way to escape.kevlarto_ESO wrote: »according to my kill counter stats dk's are the number one class killed by a large margin, don't know if that makes them dominant, but it sure makes then plentiful..
Dks are the easiest to kill because no way to escape.kevlarto_ESO wrote: »according to my kill counter stats dk's are the number one class killed by a large margin, don't know if that makes them dominant, but it sure makes then plentiful..
I like how most people are on the DK hate train still, even when most stuff has been nerfed, sometimes twice.
Reflective Scales is the only OP thing on them nowadays, but not like the other classes have anything OP like a CC that goes through block (NB fear), or a insane mobility skill, or a shield that does 300-800 damage.
Yeah DK is the dominant class on pvp
And not a nightblade:
-When he has an ultimate that needs 50 ulti points/deals 800+ damage/buffs 20% ALL the next attacks for 6 sec/passively increases while slotted ulti gains.
-When he gets ulti by healing him self
-When he gets 30% more from all pots
-When he removes 4 negative effects when he dissapear or...100% crit chance...
-When he has an ulti that allows him to take 75% reduced damage and cause a very nice damage
-When he has a life stealing ultimate that deals alot of damage and stun AoE
-When he has the only NON BLOCKABLE cc in this game(so lol)
-When he has double shades to run all your stamina in 1 minute add carltrops add fear DK wont have stamina in 10 sec
-When he has the option to deal less damage and constantly refill stamina and magica
-When he has the best execute ability in this game
-When he can deal a nice damage and reduce BOTH enemy armor and resistances by 40%
-When he has a ranged dps attack that allows him to damage/heal over time and receive ultimate from heals to himself
-When he can do a nice AoE damage that HEALS him.(jesus let me think what else..)
-And finally when he does the best AoE damage in this game that: increases his weapon damage based on targets hit then dealing a GOOD AoE damage and then HEALS him and give him ultimate for both crits he did and heals he did?
Sorry about the copy paste of my post,but you sould read a bit about it nightblade whiners and tell us what better DK has against YOU and if you cant kill a DK in less than a minute u definantly are a L2P case.
Also if you see a DK trying to 1vsX go fear him once or twice keep him rooted make him hug one blazing shield and stay away from him.<--NON L2P case
I wonder how many "awesomely leet" DKs we will have when they are bought onto level ground.
PS /necro
I wonder how many "awesomely leet" DKs we will have when they are bought onto level ground.
PS /necrohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCkpzqqog4k
I wonder how many "awesomely leet" DKs we will have when they are bought onto level ground.
PS /necrohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCkpzqqog4k
Wasn't a swipe at you, we are all aware of your skillz just seems all of our top players seem to mostly be DKs =P
I wonder how many "awesomely leet" DKs we will have when they are bought onto level ground.
PS /necrohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCkpzqqog4k
Wasn't a swipe at you, we are all aware of your skillz just seems all of our top players seem to mostly be DKs =P
I wonder how many "awesomely leet" DKs we will have when they are bought onto level ground.
PS /necro
Yeah DK is the dominant class on pvp
And not a nightblade:
-When he has an ultimate that needs 50 ulti points/deals 800+ damage/buffs 20% ALL the next attacks for 6 sec/passively increases while slotted ulti gains.
-When he gets ulti by healing him self
-When he gets 30% more from all pots
-When he removes 4 negative effects when he dissapear or...100% crit chance...
-When he has an ulti that allows him to take 75% reduced damage and cause a very nice damage
-When he has a life stealing ultimate that deals alot of damage and stun AoE
-When he has the only NON BLOCKABLE cc in this game(so lol)
-When he has double shades to run all your stamina in 1 minute add carltrops add fear DK wont have stamina in 10 sec
-When he has the option to deal less damage and constantly refill stamina and magica
-When he has the best execute ability in this game
-When he can deal a nice damage and reduce BOTH enemy armor and resistances by 40%
-When he has a ranged dps attack that allows him to damage/heal over time and receive ultimate from heals to himself
-When he can do a nice AoE damage that HEALS him.(jesus let me think what else..)
-And finally when he does the best AoE damage in this game that: increases his weapon damage based on targets hit then dealing a GOOD AoE damage and then HEALS him and give him ultimate for both crits he did and heals he did?
Sorry about the copy paste of my post,but you sould read a bit about it nightblade whiners and tell us what better DK has against YOU and if you cant kill a DK in less than a minute u definantly are a L2P case.
Also if you see a DK trying to 1vsX go fear him once or twice keep him rooted make him hug one blazing shield and stay away from him.<--NON L2P case
Joy_Division wrote: »Sallington wrote: »You can say it depends on the player all you want. I have never seen anyone in any other class come anywhere remotely close to having the survivability of a DK.
1 DK tanking 5-10 people all focusing on it, and the fight lasts for a solid 45 seconds - 1 minute. Any other class is dead in 5 seconds, I don't care how many blazing shields you spam.
You need to come to Cyordiil more often and see nightblades use sap essence/veil of blades and Templars with their standard-issue blazing shields.
Sorcs, on the other hand, yep just bolt away