Darkonflare15 wrote: »Instead of manning up your now not being constructive. Instead of giving advice you complain, complain and complain. You rush though the game and now you sad. Your getting more content and now your sad but now you wish for them to fail.lykan_spike wrote: »I know of 100 members in my two guilds that have given the game 6 months to get it right, and will not be re-subbing come september. These players range from PvE to PvP. The main reasons are a Lack of challenging content or even any type of serious raids. Killing a boss in 15 seconds does not count as a raid. PvP from it's lag as the game can not support the amount of people you claim it can, which is false advertising, chuck in the exploits and the big difference between stamina builds / Magicka builds and my guilds are being destroyed.
Just look at the PvP area's, two are populated with Medium or above, the other 3 are empty, which was the same before you changed the format. You must of known this, but have not addressed why this is a problem. How about you get rid of the Campaign restrictions, no home, no guest, one leader board. When one server is Full, the other becomes unlocked and people can join it. It also needs to have equal players on all side, I was recently in Chillrend with 24 Pact in the Zone, 4 AD and 100 DC. Pointless campaign. Yes I know the numbers, because I speak to both Alliances regularly! The other problem you have with a campaign like this, you will have like 48 people on one side which is DC playing till 4am capping the whole map, so people leave from the other alliances and more DC join because of the dam buffs that are usable outside of Cyrodiil. Remove that straight away.
Do I invoice you for my 250 Slot TS Server and the £500 I spent on a website, because so many members of my guild are quitting because of the direction of this game. Also for websites you promote guild launch, have you even seen one? They have nothing designed for ESO. Why? Your API restrictions are laughable. Complete Joke.
I expect the 775k Subs you have after 3 Months to drop by half, as most people will give a new MMO 6 months to fix it's main issues, which you have failed to do.
Why increase the level cap? Just increase the gear set stats, as most other MMO's do when new tier raid content comes out.
Congratulations on making some quick money, I hope none of you are given Jobs to work on any other MMO's. So much potential, ends in this under par product. Lots of false advertising, Level 50, there is no Level 50... You go from 49-VR1... You keep adding PS4 / Xbox One to the trailers... You can't play on these formats and probably never will. Console players are far worse than PC Gamers, they won't play a game that is this buggy / laggy. Given the fact my pc destroys both consoles in power and graphics, It will be amusing to see how they handle Cyrodiil with 100+ in one area.
It's interesting when at QuakeCON all the most relevant questions given to you to be answered had nothing to do with the MAJOR issues in this game. Hand picked to make the game look better and fixing it's problems. You are only as strong as your weakest link, I think we know what that is.
Thanks for some enjoyable moments. In the end it was a waste of my time and money, if the world was a fair place and not ran by the super rich, you would need to refund every single player.
One day the people of this world will unite and install a New World Order where greed and corruption is abolished. Not going to happen because of your attitude for giving up.
NWO is Coming!
Your turn a cry for help into to PC is better than console. Is end game really that bad is pvp really that bad because one. I have been playing this game since late April. I have not even reach vet 12 because I took my time and set up my toons. I have not rush to the end of the game like you may have and I am enjoying the game like an elder scrolls game. You enjoy the dialogue, the story, the art, and the way the game play. I love the direction that they are going. It is going to be a great game once the systems are established in the game. Why the haters going to be on the sidelines bring up negative thoughts like you do.
Please don't just listen to those who feel anything is wrong.
ESO is very much just where is supposed to be! You have the numbers! You must see the increase in players!
We do understand that the champion system must be done well, to slot in with all future coming additions.
ESOs biggest strength IS that its ESO, and not like any other game!
We like it! We like the "tweaking" and not fast buffing to balance things.
We like the future content, but do not want it done in haste of fear of "loosing" players just because users on these forums saying things that most players do not agree with. They are not here to back up what I say, because they are in the game, enjoying the hell out of ESO!
Even our small guild has started to get applications from for us, unknown players. They find us on google, Reddit or something. This....only happens when a game is growing! No way, that our guild, who stated we are not elite, we will not beat the best trials and not be masters of PvP. No way we are the choice for most players. But if we get knocks on our door.....bigger, better guilds must get even more?
Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »If you don't want to be hit for a 1700 sneak attack snipe take off your dress and put on some actual armor. if your soft cap your armor that shot will do about 900 - 1000 damage.
lordrichter wrote: »eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »
Your weapon swapping bug might not be fixed, but they certainly fixed mine. Since the patch, I have had no issues with weapon swapping, in or out of combat.
The only issue I had with weapon swapping was the one they fixed in the patch.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »deathmasterl_ESO wrote: »Outstanding patch!
They have.
I know they said it in the video, I'm saying they need to clearly say what they're doing in greater detail then they did in the video so we have less people raging and posting incorrect information on the forums which is causing and spread more rumors and causing more rage then there should be regarding everything.
For every 1 person that actually knows what they're doing there are 20-30 more that are posting wrong information and causing more problems.
Basically what I'm saying is make it so easy to understand that anyone can read it and go oh so that's what they're doing.
Nothing about the video answers any questions regarding the broken bugs that we have been reporting for months now. In fact within the first 2 minutes Matt specifically says that things are smooth now. Seriously?! This game is still riddled with serious game play impacting bugs. I cannot even count the amount of times that I have posted in various threads about the weapon swapping bug not being fixed. Here is again just in case it's still missed by ZOS.
THE WEAPON SWAPPING BUG IS STILL NOT FIXED!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYbl5B8R9-E
Enchanting has received significant rebalancing:
Doubled the inspiration gain from the deconstruction and creation of white quality glyphs.
Significantly increased the inspiration gain from the deconstruction and creation of blue, purple, and gold quality glyphs.
Enchanting has received significant rebalancing:
Doubled the inspiration gain from the deconstruction and creation of white quality glyphs.
Significantly increased the inspiration gain from the deconstruction and creation of blue, purple, and gold quality glyphs.
This is a big change! and I don't like it!
Reason: I have leveled enchanting at the weary beginning and many others did this as well.
Now I have 3 characters that have enchanting!
(ATM you only need lvl 40 to max enchanting)
Main char LVL 50 enchanting ("I leveled it because I wanted the achievement")
Alt LVL 43 enchanting
Alt LVL 37 enchanting
Way did I lvl this?
Because It was a challenge, the only profession that rely was difficult. Was not only more difficult to lvl, but also expensive! (meaning I broth glyphs on purpose to lvl enchanting and payed 50g - 100g for each glyph vet1-vet3. For example at lvl 37 deconstructing one glyph vet 1-vet3 gives 1k something exp!!!)
This means 1% for each glyph! so only to lvl from 37 enchanting to 38 you need to deconstruct 100 glyphs(whit glyphs)! So 100x50g - 100x100g only for that... (1 lvl 5k-10k gold)
Now this will change and other players will get it for less then half!!! that doesn't seam to be fair!!!
I would like to so some kind of compensation for this change! for all those that already have enchanting at a decent lvl.
But I guess this will get ignored unfortunately.
Thanks for reading!
I am still a bit confused why you say it "costs" to do enchanting. We where perfectly able to make both our prime enchanters in guild to max it. Only took...hmm, cant say 100% sure if it was 2 months or 6-7 weeks. But members keeping runes in guild bank and the 2 enchanters traded their made glyphs between them. No member in guild pays for any enchant btw :-p.
I am still a bit confused why you say it "costs" to do enchanting. We where perfectly able to make both our prime enchanters in guild to max it. Only took...hmm, cant say 100% sure if it was 2 months or 6-7 weeks. But members keeping runes in guild bank and the 2 enchanters traded their made glyphs between them. No member in guild pays for any enchant btw :-p.
I say it costs money, because I broth glyphs from other players to lvl enchanting! took me 4 weeks to have it on lvl 40 on my main! that would not have been possible if I used only my own glyphs!
Not everyone plays with a guild and can count on other players helping out! I played mostly solo.
And many others did the same!
Actually, the original dog running animation needs a lot of work. Motion capture from scratch.eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »Nobody is complaining about the animations, or the lighting or the textures
ryanmjmcevoy_ESO wrote: »I've seen a few complaints about snipe in this thread (and a few others) regarding how much damage it does.
For those people: snipe may do a ton of damage, but 1) it's not alone in it's massive damage and 2) to get that damage requires a pretty specific set of variables to pan out correctly.
Impen will obviously reduce the hit from Snipe, but also: Snipe's damage, as per the bow passive, will increase based on distance from the target. Distance is very important with this skill because not only does more distance = more damage, but during that 1.8 cast time, your target needs to not move further away from you or too close to you. If that happens, the cast is cancelled and nothing happens. Then, if the target hears it coming (it makes a pretty distinct noise) a roll dodge or a block throws a big wrench in the casters plans.
It can hit hard, but to get the maximum damage from it requires patience, timing, and most of all: luck.
In regards to my first point: fooling around on the PTS i can get Molten Whip to hit for 2300 from stealth, and 2550 against fire-weak enemies (e: zombies). And i could probably get that higher; im only using the impromptu nedic destiny provided sets.
So, my point is: stop complaining about Snipe, please.
You devs should play a bit of EQ on an emulated server and get a clue about what depth adds to a game. Add some epic (long, very long and rewarding) quests and a ton of hidden stuff and you're on the right track, you have an amazing shell of a game but it is a bit too empty inside.
Has anyone managed to find any of these yet?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Ability Altering Enchantments
- We’ve added powerful new ability altering enchantments that can drop on weapons found in the Dragonstar Arena, the Serpent Trial in difficult mode, and from the Alliance War Leaderboards.
- Grand Healing: This ability now restores stamina to allies in the area.
- Cleave: This ability deals bonus damage on the initial hit.
- Puncture: This ability heals the caster.
- Twin Slashes: This ability deals additional bleed damage every tick.
- Poison Arrow: This ability increases your weapon damage when attacking enemies affected by Poison Arrow.
- Destructive Touch: This ability deals more damage and costs less.
It seems that people are still not seeing the bigger picture with regards to what ZOS are planning, but based on the recent videos and the latest Road Ahead, I'm fairly confident this is what they are trying to do.
1. The Champion System will replace the VR system in its current form (although, they may still have "VR ranks" so to speak to show progress with how much experience has been gained)
2. They are planning on removing the VR/Champion System rank cap. This is based on the comment in the Road Ahead that they would like to "encourage growth in your character for as long as you wish".
3. They have increased the VR rank for the time being to still allow you to gain experience if/when doing the new content, which well be converted to the new Champion System. Had they not done this and left it at VR12, once the Champion System is in people would complain that they spent all this time doing the new content and didn't gain any experience for there efforts. This xp will go towards the new system, so it's not a waste as some of you feel.
4. They are planning on removing soft caps, partially because of some current balancing tweaks, but also in the future there won't be a "max" VR rank/xp cap.
The above is based entirely on what I envision their plan is (i don't have any insider info). Hopefully ZOS will confirm/clarify this shortly since this mob mentality on these forums is bad for morale and the future of the game.
For those that feel a need to grind to VR14 and get all new gear again to min/max to your heart's content, please don't, you WILL be disappointed again when the Champion System arrives (see above for no rank cap prediction). Actually, any minor tweak to the combat/skill/attribute system would cause a rise in blood pressure to min/max'er since it naturally messes with the "perfect" build.
I hope the above is correct and will at least help ease some worries and rash posts.
And I really hope to see you all in Tamriel for the near and distant future!
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »
People just got used to VR12, we just got brand new Sets which were crafted nicely and all and then boom, sikes.
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »
People just got used to VR12, we just got brand new Sets which were crafted nicely and all and then boom, sikes.
You mean all 20 of you on the server who have them? Yep, thats "the people"!
Be a bit realistic at least? Jump around to all kinds of zones 1-50 and early Vet.....their crammed. And Graglorn isn't empty btw.
Go too Vet 1-7 zones. THATs where "the people" are. And more and more of the PvE players are getting interested in Cyrodiil. Because we see its not just a pointless 3v3, where you get stunned out of the blue and ----> bind point.
More and more players in Cyro are PvE players who, like myself, even when we read about the PvP, didnt have any plan what so ever to set a foot in there, to just get killed.
We get to contribute! Graglorn, both current and the new with a connected storyline, the ARENA which isn't just for the elite players. And 3 more Dungeons to explore...when we get a bit bigger. Which we will, since EXP will more or less doubble for the same game play.
THEN the "people" will be around Vet 8-12ish. With many different crafted and droped sets. Along with a more wider types of "build". The past month work from Zenimax took care of that! They still are!
I am concerned if I am going to be able to experience all these new things before next patch hits!
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »If they are scrapping it in the long run, increasing it NOW it's a stupid concept. Track progress till then ? Who cares? If you are rank 12 when the system comes, its the same as being rank 14. No one knows what the conversion will be, for all they care, it can end up being exactly the SAME. Its a lazy concept and that is why its being re-worked, making any current investment a stupidity by itself
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »People just got used to VR12, we just got brand new Sets which were crafted nicely and all and then boom, sikes.
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »If they are scrapping it in the long run, increasing it NOW it's a stupid concept. Track progress till then ? Who cares? If you are rank 12 when the system comes, its the same as being rank 14. No one knows what the conversion will be, for all they care, it can end up being exactly the SAME. Its a lazy concept and that is why its being re-worked, making any current investment a stupidity by itself
I think this is where some of the confusion lies. They are not planning on scraping all the progress, and everyone would just start new in the Champion System. The VR points/xp gained up to the point when the switch happens will be converted to the Champion System and Champion Points. So say they kept it at VR12, after the conversion would give you say 1200 Champion Points to spend. Now that they increased it to VR14 you would get 1400 Champion Points to spend (i.e. more goodies/skills/etc.).
If and when the change does happen, and if they kept it at VR12, people would THEN complain that they didn't get any xp/VR ranks for the time they spent in the meantime pvping or in the new content.
As you said, no one knows what the conversion will be, but I can guarantee that those who have VR14 will have more points to spend then those at VR12.Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »People just got used to VR12, we just got brand new Sets which were crafted nicely and all and then boom, sikes.
As mentioned in my previous comment, this is the main issue with min/max'ers, regardless of what changes. Had they kept VR12 the max., the same complaint would be rampant on the forums except it will be directed at the new 9th trait. Granted, a person's build may not benefit from that trait, but if it would, then they would complain about having to grind to get new gear again so that they can change just 1 trait (or at least start suggesting new game mechanics so that they can just change the trait on an item instead of re-crafting).
By this point, most people should know that nothing is static in an MMO, and that's why so many of us enjoy playing them. For those who want a more static system, there are games like Diablo to play.
Unfortunately, the "rage" is NOT justified, but will always be there if people continue to have the need to min/max with every change (which thankfully there will always be in an MMO)
Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »If they are scrapping it in the long run, increasing it NOW it's a stupid concept. Track progress till then ? Who cares? If you are rank 12 when the system comes, its the same as being rank 14. No one knows what the conversion will be, for all they care, it can end up being exactly the SAME. Its a lazy concept and that is why its being re-worked, making any current investment a stupidity by itself
I think this is where some of the confusion lies. They are not planning on scraping all the progress, and everyone would just start new in the Champion System. The VR points/xp gained up to the point when the switch happens will be converted to the Champion System and Champion Points. So say they kept it at VR12, after the conversion would give you say 1200 Champion Points to spend. Now that they increased it to VR14 you would get 1400 Champion Points to spend (i.e. more goodies/skills/etc.).
If and when the change does happen, and if they kept it at VR12, people would THEN complain that they didn't get any xp/VR ranks for the time they spent in the meantime pvping or in the new content.
As you said, no one knows what the conversion will be, but I can guarantee that those who have VR14 will have more points to spend then those at VR12.Dual.sphereeb17_ESO wrote: »People just got used to VR12, we just got brand new Sets which were crafted nicely and all and then boom, sikes.
As mentioned in my previous comment, this is the main issue with min/max'ers, regardless of what changes. Had they kept VR12 the max., the same complaint would be rampant on the forums except it will be directed at the new 9th trait. Granted, a person's build may not benefit from that trait, but if it would, then they would complain about having to grind to get new gear again so that they can change just 1 trait (or at least start suggesting new game mechanics so that they can just change the trait on an item instead of re-crafting).
By this point, most people should know that nothing is static in an MMO, and that's why so many of us enjoy playing them. For those who want a more static system, there are games like Diablo to play.
Unfortunately, the "rage" is NOT justified, but will always be there if people continue to have the need to min/max with every change (which thankfully there will always be in an MMO)
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »You get higher in a number, your stats increase. You get to wear gear previously restricted to you not by lack of skill, but by lack of play experience. The only thing not making a full on level up by ZoS standards is it not giving you a skill point. How is this not leveling again?
ESO is a very beautiful game. Graphics are stunning, voiceovers and content are very well designed, But from there on it is downhill. Skill implementation is aweful, mechanics of the game are a joke and combat is mediocre at best. Everyone has been running around with skirts and staves for months now, ZoS has been 'trying' to fix stamina builds and the only real options for endgame are achievement grinding or a laggy (exploited&bugged) pvp. Does that sound like a proper game?