Are we on a sinking ship?

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  • ErilAq
    Are we on a sinking ship? maybe, but honestly, it's too soon to tell. SWTOR fell a ton in the early months, but due to its pvp it's still got a strong community. If Zenimax continues to improve things, we may see population grow again and the ship get right side up. They are already communicating better, which is a step in the right direction. I have hope. Maybe not high hopes, but hope nonetheless.
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • Malpherian
    They "were" communicating better, After I wrote that thank you letter, their responses to threads dropped like a rock, not a peep, or actual response in days. (beyond the normal Stop doing this it's bad or well lock the thread stuff).
    Edited by Malpherian on July 9, 2014 11:02PM
  • Kulthax
    SFBryan18 wrote: »

    They already said they would add houses someday. There are plenty of other things they could add that would make it more like a sandbox such as random quests anywhere and more dungeons to explore. I'm sure there's a very long list of things that could make the entire map more of a sandbox, and the only question is what should they do?

    We know they are going to complete Tamriel, that is for sure, but after that, anything is possible. Seems worthy of another thread:

    "What features could make ESO more like a sandbox?"

    Housing will be instanced or phased. Look up EQ2 or SWTOR housing and that is what is in our future. Sadly, it will be nothing like what was done in the prior titles. This is good and bad. Good because the houses we most likely wont have to have a ton resources, bad because of just that. The creative aspect or liberty we had in building those houses.

    It does need a different thread.
  • Muletide
    I think this forum has too much negativity. When I'm on here I see nothing but doom & gloom, "it's going to fail", boo hoo, "I'm unsubbing", etc, etc.... but when I'm in game it's a whole other story: I'm having fun! When I read the Road Ahead: I get excited!

    MMO's are not a cut and dried product, they're an ever evolving project. With that said, ESO is still in its infant stage, so there is a lot of evolution ahead. It's been stated that the developers have their eyes and ears open and are in tune with what is being said both negative and positive about the game. Couple that with routine maintenance, patches, new content, bug fixes... I can only see this game improving.

    "Content" is subjective. Some people want raids, some want housing, some want Arena, some want "fluff." Being this game is merging the ES single player fans with MMO fans, hardcore players and casual players, there is a wide spectrum of what players expect and what they want added. I know patience is a rare virtue in the land of "I'm a special snowflake so listen to my demands and meet them now because my fist full of dollars entitles me to it," but Rome wasn't built in a day. Take your ADD meds and relax... "Uh, you know, Mr. Cheezle, fly with the seabirds or whatever you were talking about."
  • Montanabum
    Kulthax wrote: »
    After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.

    I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.

    I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.

    Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future. :(

    Dude, get real and quit posting stupid stuff like this. We are all dying man, just enjoy it for today bra! This game is beautiful and fun and full of life!
  • butterfly442
    [/quote]It's not Fluff though. It's things people asked for. In Beta people wanted a Dye system, there it is. I saw posts about people complaining they didn't know who was in their guild because no nameplates, now we have tabards to associate with our guild. People asked for meaningful drops like better weapons and gear, we are getting that too, people asked for harder dungeons, also getting that. Sounds like they are listening and adding what they can when they can. [/quote]

    People asked for things in beta because they expected other things to, "work".

    Well, all kinds of *** is broken.

    Fix the broken ***.

  • butterfly442
    Yes. (To OP)
  • Obscure
    Potential potential potential. ESO is teeming with Potential.

    Honey Moon is over. The tourists have moved on as predictably as you can expect them to and ZOS has given them no reason to come back. Combined with charging a $15 admission fee just to see if it's worth it to them to come back, tourism in Tamriel is coming to an end as rapidly as sub's come up for renewal. Tourists just keep moving right along to whatever happens to be next to launch.

    The Dev team probably expected much more of a market impact at this stage but they totally missed the console launch mark, have had (and still have) bugs both major and mundane, have incomplete features I.E. the Imperial City, bad features I.E. Werewolf, have sternly delayed features I.E. the Crime System (Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild included), and so on. They are, in a phrase, "Behind Schedule". However, this is not entirely a bad thing.

    The fact that all of these things are under development means the game has huge potential. The game is effectively incomplete, which means when it is complete they'll be in an excellent position to return to market for the console release. An ESO near bug free, with an Imperial City, full player guild functionality, guild tabbards, a dye system, non-crappy Werewolves, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, a crime system, fine tuned Cyrodiil campaigns, and likely more (ex: PvP arenas) will look great.

    Though standing next to its console competitors (ex: Bungie's Destiny), it's DOA with that sub fee, traditional MMO framework, extremely negative media coverage, and M rating (not super important, but a factor). I'd predict they'll have it refined for console just in time for the game to be eclipsed by its console competitors. I'd be astonished if they managed to hold more than 300k subs in the first three months. I'd then predict they'll either alter the business model to a true DLC format and sell content combined with some cute micro transactions before they hit console or they'll do it shortly thereafter. It's too easy to get games for less than ESO's sub fee that have more development quality than ESO.

    • Sinking? No. Shrinking? Yes. Bad thing? No. Potential? Truck loads.
  • Lodestar
    ErilAq wrote: »
    Are we on a sinking ship? maybe, but honestly, it's too soon to tell. SWTOR fell a ton in the early months, but due to its pvp it's still got a strong community. If Zenimax continues to improve things, we may see population grow again and the ship get right side up. They are already communicating better, which is a step in the right direction. I have hope. Maybe not high hopes, but hope nonetheless.

    Funny you say this. It was PvP that was one thing it did so poorly in. That is the PvP planet battleground.

    Also reading one article shortly after the F2P announcement, it was revealed the original team who had been on board, left in the following April after launch, and they themselves called SWTOR a failure. Which seems a very odd thing for a dev team to call one of their own projects.

    Not sure I would say that. I had fun for a few months, but I threw the towel in as I realised, it had really had it's peak, and while had not failed outright, it never achieved it's full potential, or kept much of it's intended audience.

    And that is my concern here. However, since early this year, I have been wondering, just who is this games intended audience? And to me, that is one of it's main difficulties right now. Along with, what I believe was a product released before it was ready.
  • GreySix
    Laura wrote: »

    oooh look a quote hero! That wasn't my point and I'm not talking about hardcores vs casuals here am I ;) (if you are going to pull that ridiculous stunt at least make it on topic)

    if he enjoys the game he should enjoy it. I don't think anything else could have been said that hasn't already been said and I meant no offense by it. You guys are mega huffy puffy.

    This is sinking ship post number 40029328827. The only thing more redundant that could have been made would be a free to play post.

    Kids on these forums are so easily offended it just blows me away.

    This thread has literally been made a hundred times and the same answers are always given. Its pointless. I mean I thought it was the same one that someone made last week.

    Yet here you are to bump it.

    Well done.

    Edit: stupid iPhone autocorrect
    Edited by GreySix on July 9, 2014 11:28PM
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • jquestb16_ESO2
    I think it looks awesome and a step in the right direction. One of the biggest draws for people playing MMO's is being able to show their individuality, why do you think people buy pink bears to go on their backs in guild wars 2? they pay money for it!! Cause they want to stand out. As much as I like the feel of ESO looking like Skyrim it did bug me that everyone looks the same. Seriously how often in game do you ask where did you get that? not often.
    Edited by jquestb16_ESO2 on July 9, 2014 11:30PM
  • Tabbycat
    I'm personally excited about all the new changes. And I keep reading threads from people saying they are re-subscribing to ESO. I think maybe you are listening to people who want you to leave ESO to play whatever game has caught their attention for the moment.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • kijima
    I was speaking with gulidies last night, most of them were very upbeat because of the FPS fix. Added to that, July road ahead was a big plus. It's not just me that likes the idea of dyes and creating guild armour. I'm really looking forward to this, as are all my guildies.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • c0rp
    3 months after swtor launched the writing was all over the wall. I was on a dead server and the end game at that point was a disaster still.

    After that same amount of time with ESO I am still going strong with no inclination of quitting. As far I am concerned, definitely not dying.

    Many things to improve, but I am happy with how improvements are being made...although sometimes a bit slow, better than never.
    Edited by c0rp on July 9, 2014 11:33PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    so long there are people throwing money at the game the development will continue, but once we enter "maintenance" mode, it usually means the company have cut funding until they can figure out how to salvage what's left or they will just leave the game "as is" and milk the game until it's not profitable anymore (warhammer online!) and then shut the servers down.
    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on July 9, 2014 11:35PM
  • Aortick
    Dear Devs, Don't listen to this crap. I for one, am excited for Update 3.
  • Malpherian
    I think it looks awesome and a step in the right direction. One of the biggest draws for people playing MMO's is being able to show their individuality, why do you think people buy pink bears to go on their backs in guild wars 2? they pay money for it!! Cause they want to stand out. As much as I like the feel of ESO looking like Skyrim it did bug me that everyone looks the same. Seriously how often in game do you ask where did you get that? not often.

    Personally when I see someone with a pink backback, I only groan and wish the game was more d focused toward adults. Because every time I've had a convo with someone with a pink backpack it turned out they were about 13 or 14.

    TES games are Not for KIddies. They never have been, and they never should be. Do kids play them? Absolutely and that's fine.

    Should ESO cater to kids? Absolutely not.

    If I see them adding pink Backpacks (non lore friendly), and swimsuits the next Boss I kill will be the "Subscription Boss". And I wont look back.
    Edited by Malpherian on July 9, 2014 11:40PM
  • Ltankb14_ESO
    OP stop reading game forums if you can't handle it because every single MMO forum is this way.
  • SFBryan18
    LoL, I think this thread is a sinking ship.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on July 9, 2014 11:44PM
  • Ojustaboo
    Kulthax wrote: »
    After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.

    I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.

    I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.

    Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future. :(

    Thing is, get 100 people ask them if they like xyz and for every one person that thinks it's the worst idea ever, usually at least one other thinks it's the best.

    I didn't like the recent vet difficulty lowering, loads love it. neither is right or wrong, we just like different things.

    I'm glad there's no AH. many other people hate it.

    I (and the vast majority of my guild) love the dye idea and can't wait.

    I'm sceptical about some of the guild store changes

    I was feeling quite down after yesterdays vet nerf, but reading the road ahead, I felt happy and content.

    Sure ESO has it's faults, part of the problem is it was so overly hyped and they cant please everyone, plus they are trying to please two completely different types of players . So the end result is thousands upon thousands gave the beta a go and many who didn't buy the game are still bad moulting it on other forums every other day.

    Many gave it a go and decided it wasn't for them.

    Many had too many bugs etc.

    No one from my guild is on here praising the new dye system, but many are eagerly awaiting the changes, the leader has already mentioned on my guiilds website about designing our guilds tabard., mostt of my guild will be happily playing right now, and most (unlike me) have far more important things to do when they aren't playing than to post on here.

    It doesn't matter how good or bad a game is, even if 99% of subscribers/players liked every little detail, the forums would still look like it's doomed by the other 1% posting.

    Don't forget we're a third of the way through July already, the next update will soon be here.

    If they never ever gave times, people would be up in arms, demanding at least to be given some sort of estimate. If they give the scheduled time, if it gets pushed back, people are up in arms etc.

    It could be that due to all the FPS problems etc the last couple of weeks, that a lot of resources were diverted to find the problem asap, it could be that they want to give themselves more time with the next update to test a lot better.

    It could be a load of things, but I doubt lying is one of them.

    I could go back to EQ2, I could try WIldstar etc but I know if I did, within a few days I would be back to ESO because it has something no other games have, it is unique in my opinion, but of course many people had different views as to how it would or will end up.

    All that said, I do understand your rage, it does sometimes feel we are being led down the garden path, but even though it often feels like it, I don't believe it's at all intentional.
    Edited by Ojustaboo on July 9, 2014 11:47PM
  • Kulthax
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I'm personally excited about all the new changes. And I keep reading threads from people saying they are re-subscribing to ESO. I think maybe you are listening to people who want you to leave ESO to play whatever game has caught their attention for the moment.

    You are correct. Thank you and thank you to everyone who was positive in this thread. I am over my rant. :)
  • hk11
    Kulthax wrote: »
    After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.

    I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.

    I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.

    Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future. :(

    It seems like they are actually starting to take a turn for the better. Maybe they are beginning to let go of trying to be so sparse and serious.
    Edited by hk11 on July 10, 2014 12:44AM
  • Loco_Mofo
    Obscure wrote: »
    Potential potential potential. ESO is teeming with Potential.

    Honey Moon is over. The tourists have moved on as predictably as you can expect them to and ZOS has given them no reason to come back. Combined with charging a $15 admission fee just to see if it's worth it to them to come back, tourism in Tamriel is coming to an end as rapidly as sub's come up for renewal. Tourists just keep moving right along to whatever happens to be next to launch.

    The Dev team probably expected much more of a market impact at this stage but they totally missed the console launch mark, have had (and still have) bugs both major and mundane, have incomplete features I.E. the Imperial City, bad features I.E. Werewolf, have sternly delayed features I.E. the Crime System (Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild included), and so on. They are, in a phrase, "Behind Schedule". However, this is not entirely a bad thing.

    The fact that all of these things are under development means the game has huge potential. The game is effectively incomplete, which means when it is complete they'll be in an excellent position to return to market for the console release. An ESO near bug free, with an Imperial City, full player guild functionality, guild tabbards, a dye system, non-crappy Werewolves, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, a crime system, fine tuned Cyrodiil campaigns, and likely more (ex: PvP arenas) will look great.

    Though standing next to its console competitors (ex: Bungie's Destiny), it's DOA with that sub fee, traditional MMO framework, extremely negative media coverage, and M rating (not super important, but a factor). I'd predict they'll have it refined for console just in time for the game to be eclipsed by its console competitors. I'd be astonished if they managed to hold more than 300k subs in the first three months. I'd then predict they'll either alter the business model to a true DLC format and sell content combined with some cute micro transactions before they hit console or they'll do it shortly thereafter. It's too easy to get games for less than ESO's sub fee that have more development quality than ESO.

    • Sinking? No. Shrinking? Yes. Bad thing? No. Potential? Truck loads.

    Well said. Couldn't of put it better myself, so I'll just quote you and throw you an agree ;)
  • Falmer
    For every negative post on these forums, theres a dozen players who NEVER visit the forum in the game playing it.

    You can't judge a games success by forum posts. They are always negative.
  • Audigy
    I don't know...

    The VR change was wrong in my opinion, I also disagree about trading only for guilds and the focus on trials and AV´s and not on crime system or housing.

    That said, ESO is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it. The Dye system will make chars stand out more, the non VR pvp is a good idea too. Yes August is indeed unexpected, it was the month for update 4 after all ... but I guess that they had to change the schedule do the massive whine of some players which lead to the VR nerf.
    "What features could make ESO more like a sandbox?"

    A sandbox? Not with this community sadly.

    Just imagine what Sandbox means.

    - Everyone could rob everyone
    - Everyone could build a house everywhere
    - Everyone could wear the best items by just being smart enough
    - Everyone could kill everyone

    Sandbox always involves doing whatever you like and this is impossible with our community. They would flood the forum with complaints about this player and that player. :(
    This isn't an MMO community from the 90´s, its a generation past WOW and that generation sadly doesn't like Sandboxing. :(
  • Fleymark
    I've cancelled my billing.

    Have a couple of weeks left so I'll continue to play and evaluate where I'm at when the time comes but up don't want another billing cycle to pass without my giving serious thought as to weather this game is worth the time and money.

    There are things I really love about the game, but there are other things that I just absolutely hate about it, too. At the top of that list is the sloth's pace at which balancing major issues with particular builds is happening.

    I really have started to feel like I'm paying to play a beta and I've just got too many other things I can be doing right now to justify getting strung along by promises of fixes that trickle in while paying a sub fee.

    But we shall see I guess. Haven't played a new MMO in a while do it's been fun overall. Might just wait and check back when the console versions are closer releasing.
  • GeeYouWhy
    In answer to the OP, yes.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
  • Istyar
    ESO wont be the WOW killer... but thits the problem with people. EVERY single MMO that releases they say:

    - "AHA! this one will kill wow, I'm perry sure!... look at this, Blizzard can't compete with it!"

    Why the hell our ESO has to be the WOW killer, the game needs time to grow and gets better, if you can't wait, cancel you sub and go play something else, you will be very welcome in a few months to check how the game is going and if you like what it become, you'll be very welcome to resub to ESO too.
    That's what i did, my sub ended today, and I wont resub it until I think it deserves to be played again.
    Edited by Istyar on July 10, 2014 1:05AM
    Istyar ~ Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion - Savior of Nirn - Hero of Tamriel

    Istyar, the old sorcerer from Summerset Isles, Master of the Old Ways of the Psjiic Order and Grand Master of the Illusion and Mysticism Divison of Aldmeri Dominion Army.

    Check the UESP and learn more about TES universe:
  • Mordria
    ErilAq wrote: »
    Are we on a sinking ship? maybe, but honestly, it's too soon to tell. SWTOR fell a ton in the early months, but due to its pvp it's still got a strong community. If Zenimax continues to improve things, we may see population grow again and the ship get right side up. They are already communicating better, which is a step in the right direction. I have hope. Maybe not high hopes, but hope nonetheless.

    You know I was actually playing the game today and everyone was chatting, having a good time, people were joking around, sellers were selling, and questers were questing. I then came to these forums and hit a brick wall negative crap. Then it occurred to me. THIS IS WHERE ALL THE CRAZY PEOPLE HANG OUT. They don't play the game. They're probably sitting at home right now throwing popcorn at their face thinking of something else to complain about for the sake of complaining. The game is fun. The forums are the problem.

    Glad I got that off my chest. Anyway, V
  • Fleymark
    Lodestar wrote: »

    Funny you say this. It was PvP that was one thing it did so poorly in. That is the PvP planet battleground.

    Also reading one article shortly after the F2P announcement, it was revealed the original team who had been on board, left in the following April after launch, and they themselves called SWTOR a failure. Which seems a very odd thing for a dev team to call one of their own projects.

    Not sure I would say that. I had fun for a few months, but I threw the towel in as I realised, it had really had it's peak, and while had not failed outright, it never achieved it's full potential, or kept much of it's intended audience.

    And that is my concern here. However, since early this year, I have been wondering, just who is this games intended audience? And to me, that is one of it's main difficulties right now. Along with, what I believe was a product released before it was ready.

    That's the thing...It's as if this game is trying to be all things to all types of players but not doing any of it well. Everybody of every play style seems to have an axe to grind because they find the niche they like in the game, cruise along just fine, but then something that they just hate has to be dealt with.
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