After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.
I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.
I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.
Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
Looks pretty awesome to me. Also doesn't look like something a dieing MMO would invest in.
You are right. It looks great. Smoke and mirrors is how it appears after rereading the state of the game and watching the video.
I have just lost so many guildmates and friends. They keep telling me my eyes will open and of course I tell them to read reddit and more recently here where the posts are really positive or becoming more positive. They laugh at me. I am starting to share their thoughts though. Fluff is fluff.
They never said that all the stuff for mod 3 was coming in July. Mod 3 will be out when it is ready
After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.
Well if you have played GW2 and other MMOs then you would understand the frustration from those who see it as breaking immersion. There is a lot of lore and tradition in TES and some of these dyes do not fit that mold. They are not catering to the TES fans but to the random I want to look like a cartoon fan or trying to lure away other players from WS or whatever Korean styled flavor of the moment MMO/game is out there.I can't believe people are doomsdaying over a fun costume contest they held with their new dye system. Leave it to general discussion to take a tongue and cheek 'we made the Tamriel avengers!' and turn it in to 'OMG ELDER SCROLLS BLASPHEMY '.
Actually, they did. June Road Ahead
Read first paragraph in longer term updates.
"Update 3 is scheduled to arrive sometime in July"
I love some of the upcoming features, and have nothing but high hopes for the state of ESO in the future. ZoS is continually fixing problems while also adding more features/content. That is not what you'd expect from a company who thinks it's game is sinking.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
Looks pretty awesome to me. Also doesn't look like something a dieing MMO would invest in.
MasterSpatula wrote: »
One person's "fluff" is another person's badly-needed content.
Well if you have played GW2 and other MMOs then you would understand the frustration from those who see it as breaking immersion. There is a lot of lore and tradition in TES and some of these dyes do not fit that mold. They are not catering to the TES fans but to the random I want to look like a cartoon fan or trying to lure away other players from WS or whatever Korean styled flavor of the moment MMO/game is out there.
Malpherian wrote: »
Alright, I take back what I said, that video actually makes the dyes look decent, seems like its 3-4 layers in that one (Instead of the 1-2 in the clown images), Awesome. Much better quality.
Zenni should have just gone with this Video int he road ahead post rather then those *** screen shots.
I appreciate the optimism and have been in the same frame of mind since launch. It is just my opinion that this game is turning away from what TES is all about.