Are we on a sinking ship?

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  • SFBryan18
    Audigy wrote: »
    I don't know...

    The VR change was wrong in my opinion, I also disagree about trading only for guilds and the focus on trials and AV´s and not on crime system or housing.

    That said, ESO is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it. The Dye system will make chars stand out more, the non VR pvp is a good idea too. Yes August is indeed unexpected, it was the month for update 4 after all ... but I guess that they had to change the schedule do the massive whine of some players which lead to the VR nerf.

    A sandbox? Not with this community sadly.

    Just imagine what Sandbox means.

    - Everyone could rob everyone
    - Everyone could build a house everywhere
    - Everyone could wear the best items by just being smart enough
    - Everyone could kill everyone

    Sandbox always involves doing whatever you like and this is impossible with our community. They would flood the forum with complaints about this player and that player. :(
    This isn't an MMO community from the 90´s, its a generation past WOW and that generation sadly doesn't like Sandboxing. :(

    I mean, yea, an absolute sandbox, but there could always be limitations and still have sandbox elements. For example, GTA5 is a sandbox and in freemode everyone can kill everyone, but if a player does not want to get involved in a shootout, they can switch on passive mode which will make them invincible. Passive mode of course has limits, but these are choices set by relevance. If this game had passive mode, you could flip it on for questing, and then flip it off if you want to fight people.

    Housing is another thing that does not have to be absolute. Sure in Skyrim you could use the creation kit to build a house anywhere, but in the actual DLC content, there were set locations for building a house. There were also many doors in TES that required a key and could not be picked, so just because players have houses, doesn't mean they should be robbed.

    Finding a middle ground between sandbox and multiplayer where you have interactive elements to do many different activities but without the disruption from other players could definitely make this game more fun. It's doesn't have to be absolute, just more things to do. One example of a sandbox element that we already have is fishing. Perhaps it is a very simple interaction, but if there were many different activities, you could immerse yourself in them all.

    Setup camp somewhere, go fishing, then build a fire and cook your own meal. Of course, like horses, these items would have limits. Set out for an adventure and run into some kind of contest or race. Maybe a duel for money. The possibilities are really endless.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on July 10, 2014 1:13AM
  • twev

    Looks pretty awesome to me. Also doesn't look like something a dieing MMO would invest in.
    The actual game doesn't look anything like the live-action trailers either, in terms of density of action.

    I seriously doubt the devs can leave all the current bugs and issues in the game now, yet magically make hordes of players and NPCs point and gesture, much less move as they do in this trailer (which is about 50% of the gee-whiz factor.) Static or gimping players wont look any better with pretty colors and heraldry if they're lagged all to hell, and the FPS issues in crowds is already bad. Is anyone hearing that Zeni is rewriting the basic code and updating the ability to stream data to everyone faster than they can now?

    So, since it's all just conceptual art to hype people up while 'everyone knows it's not ACTUALLY that good....', why bother with the fancy artwork and animation that wont be in the dog-danged game anyway?

    I'm not going to get excited about anything the marketing department puts out, because we already know the dev team can't make it happen.

    Nobody here has any idea whether most of the budget went into the commercial with little left for actual dev time. The current engine won't allow allied NPCs to do anything in a fight but say 'Hail' while watching me get pummeled, and epic invasions are 3 badguys beating up on 3 wimps.

    I doubt the game is going to launch itself into overdrive in Aug.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Im not sure if we are sinking or not , all im sure is that this ship is full of holes.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Makkir

    Don't worry, they'll go back and ninja edit it and play it off as it never happened.

    Well technically Update 3 arrived to the forums/announcements in early July. it doesn't say arrive to live servers....
  • kijima
    Mordria wrote: »

    You know I was actually playing the game today and everyone was chatting, having a good time, people were joking around, sellers were selling, and questers were questing. I then came to these forums and hit a brick wall negative crap. Then it occurred to me. THIS IS WHERE ALL THE CRAZY PEOPLE HANG OUT. They don't play the game. They're probably sitting at home right now throwing popcorn at their face thinking of something else to complain about for the sake of complaining. The game is fun. The forums are the problem.

    Glad I got that off my chest. Anyway, V

    This is without a doubt my favorite post of the day.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • ers101284b14_ESO
    twev wrote: »
    The actual game doesn't look anything like the live-action trailers either, in terms of density of action.

    I seriously doubt the devs can leave all the current bugs and issues in the game now, yet magically make hordes of players and NPCs point and gesture, much less move as they do in this trailer (which is about 50% of the gee-whiz factor.) Static or gimping players wont look any better with pretty colors and heraldry if they're lagged all to hell, and the FPS issues in crowds is already bad. Is anyone hearing that Zeni is rewriting the basic code and updating the ability to stream data to everyone faster than they can now?

    So, since it's all just conceptual art to hype people up while 'everyone knows it's not ACTUALLY that good....', why bother with the fancy artwork and animation that wont be in the dog-danged game anyway?

    I'm not going to get excited about anything the marketing department puts out, because we already know the dev team can't make it happen.

    Nobody here has any idea whether most of the budget went into the commercial with little left for actual dev time. The current engine won't allow allied NPCs to do anything in a fight but say 'Hail' while watching me get pummeled, and epic invasions are 3 badguys beating up on 3 wimps.

    I doubt the game is going to launch itself into overdrive in Aug.

    Go hop on the PTS and find out.
  • jelliedsoup
    I hope not but I think so. I felt tinges of boredom last night in PvP. Granted it's my own fault for persisting with the stamina build. I think many of the stam build troop will have left.
  • Skulbow
    NO...I have just started this game and I was doubtful after reading so many negative comments BUT I have found the game polished, interesting and am really enjoying it. I have come from Guild Wars 2 and LOTRO and can honestly say I am enjoying the experience here so much better.
  • Breg_Magol
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Are we on a sinking ship?

    Yes dear. It's inevitable that ESO will one day collapse into itself and create the MMO equivalent of a super nova .. or is it a black hole .. or a Daedric portal most probably.

    This inevitability is compounded by the inevitability of our deaths as well.
    I don't know how old you are, but I'm fast approaching the median age for semi affluent males in the western world to seriously consider whom among my descendants I plan to gift the social burden of disposing of my mortal remains and accumulated debt. :neutral_face:

    Life was blissful before I understood the concept of entropy :disappointed: ... and I empathise with where you're at :wink: .

    The EDIT .. but to paraphrase one of the great philosophers of modern times, "I ain't dead yet .. and neither is ESO" ... or was it "news of my demise has been overly exaggerated .. frankly my dear I don't give a damn?" .. I know, I know .. I'm mixing up my famous-quotes .. early onset of brain diarrhoea in my case .. daemontia? :)

    Edited by Breg_Magol on July 10, 2014 3:23AM
  • Mescalamba
    Given slightly rushed patches lately, I have no objections against making sure they dont break more things they fix (or improve).
    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • Sapphy24
    Wow it really looks great,and I love the game, I just have the odd grumble but after half a block of chocolate everything comes right again.
  • indytims_ESO
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Actually, they did. June Road Ahead
    Read first paragraph in longer term updates.
    "Update 3 is scheduled to arrive sometime in July"

    And, as every MMO has experienced at least once - schedules change.

    The end of the video says "Early August". I think it will be more toward mid-August, probably.
  • Kulthax

    And, as every MMO has experienced at least once - schedules change.

    The end of the video says "Early August". I think it will be more toward mid-August, probably.

    Schedules change but you do not announce dates for this very reason. I say October for the majority of those features to work in game properly. B)
  • nerevarine1138
    I'm still confused about where they stated that the update would be here in July. They have said that major content patches should come out every 4-6 weeks. They have stuck to that timeline. Early August will still be at the 6 week mark for 1.3. Where's the problem?
  • RedMiniStapler
    What ship? Wait... Are we on Costa Concordia? Oh my god! Is that captain Schettino? We are doomed!
  • Kulthax
    I'm still confused about where they stated that the update would be here in July. They have said that major content patches should come out every 4-6 weeks. They have stuck to that timeline. Early August will still be at the 6 week mark for 1.3. Where's the problem?
    Kulthax wrote: »
    June Road Ahead
    Read first paragraph in longer term updates.
    "Update 3 is scheduled to arrive sometime in July"

    Reading the entire thread from start to finish is difficult but you could have avoided your question and subsequent confusion had you put forth a little effort. :|
  • Mud_Puppy
    I understand frustration with the recent patches opening up a can of worms (pre fix). There are still more bugs to get rid of and more will probably surface. That's what happens with games like this.

    However, calling that fluff? Why are you even playing this kind of game?
  • Kulthax
    Mud_Puppy wrote: »
    I understand frustration with the recent patches opening up a can of worms (pre fix). There are still more bugs to get rid of and more will probably surface. That's what happens with games like this.

    However, calling that fluff? Why are you even playing this kind of game?

    I play this game because Elder Scrolls games do not come with fluff (i.e. armor dyes, guild tabards, etc.). Fluff is for the WoW crowd which this game is attempting to cater to (see VR difficulty changes, loot changes, etc.). :)
  • Aureli
    Csub wrote: »
    The first thing that pretty much crosses anyone's mind who enters an online game's, especially an MMO's forum is "is this game a sinking ship already?". At like every MMO. Ever.

    Don't expect too much positivity on the forums!

    I still remember when people thought WoW was a sinking ship. That's been a commonly discussed topic after every expansion since. lol

    Fluff is what keeps players coming back. Long after they've done every end-game dungeon, have the best gear and coolest stuff, players will be logging in to chat with friends/guildies, pvp, show off their cool stuff. Years later Aion and Perfect World are practically dead games, but the lvl cap population is filled with players who stand around in their fancy gear and sparkly clothes chatting. Or running around entry zones griefing new players.

    But I wouldn't say armor dye and guild tabards are "fluff", more just enhancements to the existing system.
  • Evergnar
    Sinking ship? Who's to say really. We're all still here. Sure some have left. Some will come back. Some will never come back. New players will try it out. Predicting an mmo (or any game for that matter) is like predicting the wind.

    I do think Zos is disconnected from it's customers though. They don't seem to want to run too much by us or give us much info before they make a change.

    When they do change something it tends to be with a heavy hand. 30% nerfs rather than seeing how 10% would work for example. Entire rainbow of dye colors rather than a few basic ones first. Normally I wouldn't mind that all out approach but their decisions don't seem to reflect the player base real accurately.

    Anyways, if I ever jump ship it won't be based on what everybody else might do. It will be based on my own frustration or boredom probably. Until then game on.
  • Malpherian
    Aureli wrote: »

    I still remember when people thought WoW was a sinking ship. That's been a commonly discussed topic after every expansion since. lol

    Fluff is what keeps players coming back. Long after they've done every end-game dungeon, have the best gear and coolest stuff, players will be logging in to chat with friends/guildies, pvp, show off their cool stuff. Years later Aion and Perfect World are practically dead games, but the lvl cap population is filled with players who stand around in their fancy gear and sparkly clothes chatting. Or running around entry zones griefing new players.

    But I wouldn't say armor dye and guild tabards are "fluff", more just enhancements to the existing system.

    Wow actually is a sinking ship they are continually merging servers every month to deal with low population and bleeding subs, they just have more subs to bleed then everyone else (Several million will take a bit to roll off). They went from 15 million to under 6 million in the last year.

  • Rivqua
    If your feet are wet? Then i can tell you not to post about sinking ship, but to call a plummer...The game it getting better and better..
  • Sharee
    Look at the latest patch notes. Look at the stuff they are fixing. Fixing mudcrab legs so that they don't clip into each other after a knockback? That the food on the plates does not clip into them? That a dog's tail-waggle does not look weird?

    That's not the stuff you would fix on a sinking game. A sinking game would not be able to afford to pay for the people doing this.
  • Kulthax
    Sharee wrote: »
    Look at the latest patch notes. Look at the stuff they are fixing. Fixing mudcrab legs so that they don't clip into each other after a knockback? That the food on the plates does not clip into them? That a dog's tail-waggle does not look weird?

    That's not the stuff you would fix on a sinking game. A sinking game would not be able to afford to pay for the people doing this.

    This sounds like wasting resources to me. :)
  • Sharee
    Kulthax wrote: »

    This sounds like wasting resources to me. :)

    Thats the point. You cannot afford to waste resources unless you have a lot of resources to waste.

    And sinking games generally do not have a lot of resources.
  • I55UE5
    Edited by I55UE5 on July 10, 2014 7:36AM
  • KitLightning
    Im not sure if we are sinking or not , all im sure is that this ship is full of holes.

    To bad they are patching the beauty with cheese pirate_in_a_box_by_kitlightning-d6ucwsd.gif
    "I'd rather be insane in a sane world, than sane in an insane world!" ~Me
    Warning - This is a spoiler and looking at it for too long may cause irrecoverable eyesight issues.

    MechWarrior: Living Legends – Total conversion modification for Crysis Wars.

  • LrdRahvin
    kieso wrote: »
    From the moment MMO's are born they begin dying. - Meridia

    "Some faster than others ;) " - Bzzzzzttt Bzzzizzzz Blech- Daedric Lord of bugs, terrible coding and lack of QA >:)
  • Gilvoth
    if eso was so great these forums would not have people posting, because we would all be so enveloped in eso we would be hard to find.

    which, for me, thats what it was like when i was playing morrowind. you could not find me away from morrowind and could not pull me away from it!

    you add in dark brotherhood, increase the damage output and survivability of us dagger duel wield blade users, and add in the thieves guild along with the prison system and you will not see me on the forums :)
    Edited by Gilvoth on July 10, 2014 7:43AM
  • Cyanhide

    you add in dark brotherhood,and add in the thieves guild along with the prison system and you will not see me on the forums :)

    Isn't this what they are working on?
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