ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
I have to agree with you on that one. Those screenshots made me think oh crap the wowstar pony came to Tamriel and puked on everything. But really it looks pretty in depth and got some decent colors going on. I don't think it's going to turn out as cartoony as I thought it might. Plus like it said new Craglorn weapons and armors. Pause it at 1:33 and tell me your not excited.
Indeed and we all have opinions, sometimes mine are polar oposites to others and sometimes I agree with the masses. On this issue I'm using a little bit of my own opinion and mixing it with some common sense. If you were ZoS, a company that has a bottom line, would you spend time and money to develop new content/features for a game that you saw as going down? Sure there's negativity on forums, but ZoS sees a whole different side of the game, it's cash flow. Regardless of what people "think" here on the forums, there must obviously be enough of a positive cash flow for ZoS to keep throwing money at ESO.
Malpherian wrote: »
Well it depends, big brother Bethesda might be threatening ZOS to fire them all unless they do it, despite the decrease in subs.
Remember TES is Beths Baby, I seriously think Beth would bankrupt themselves before letting the TES franchise crash and Burn.
@Pmarsico9 Content is great and the upcoming features look fantastic, in theory but with every patch comes new and bigger issues. It just feels all wrong now. Maybe the haters are right. I don't know. /discouraged.
rbenkepub19_ESO wrote: »Go away. I am SO tired of this kind of thread. Is there any actual point to them?
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
So many things wrong with what you just said. Bethesda does not have a choice. That being said Zenimax studios would be the one to pull the plug or not. If Zenimax Studios deems it a failure they would be the ones to decide Zenimax Online Studios fate. The most Bethesda can do is give them some suggestion.
rbenkepub19_ESO wrote: »Go away. I am SO tired of this kind of thread. Is there any actual point to them?
Actually, they did. June Road Ahead
Read first paragraph in longer term updates.
"Update 3 is scheduled to arrive sometime in July"
Malpherian wrote: »No I do not think this is a sinking ship.
As an MMO I think this will be very successful given a year or 2. As a TES game ..... Well... that's a horse of a different color. There are too many TES features missing from TESO to make it a real TES experience.... Currently....
After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.
I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.
I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.
Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future.
Malpherian wrote: »
Bethesda Studios owns Zenimax Online (just like they owned Zennimax which was created for Skyrim). Their a subsidiary of Bethesda legally, Although a separate entity created specifically for ESO and most likely Fallout Online as well, Bethesda still maintain ownership and control over them.
So you have it backwards, Zenni can suggest pulling the plug to Bethesda, but Bethesda makes the final call.
Its the same situation with Higby, and Planet side 2, which is Owned by SOE but created by (Can't remember the name of the studio).
It's a pretty common thing these days, Even Blizzard has sub studios working on Titan and other MMO's and stuff. (Like Starcraft and Diablo).
Malpherian wrote: »
Bethesda Studios owns Zenimax Online (just like they owned Zennimax which was created for Skyrim). Their a subsidiary of Bethesda legally, Although a separate entity created specifically for ESO and most likely Fallout Online as well, Bethesda still maintain ownership and control over them.
So you have it backwards, Zenni can suggest pulling the plug to Bethesda, but Bethesda makes the final call.
Its the same situation with Higby, and Planet side 2, which is Owned by SOE but created by (Can't remember the name of the studio).
It's a pretty common thing these days, Even Blizzard has sub studios working on Titan and other MMO's and stuff. (Like Starcraft and Diablo).
Mostly, TES is a sandbox, and ESO is a theme park, but that's OK. The graphics are amazing and the story is full of lore. Gives them enough time to add more sandbox features.
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »
Well from the previous Road ahead they completely backed away from some key features. side stepped the Armor issue and slid right around the itemsization they had talked about adding to end game VR dungeons with double enchanted gear that is unique and powerful.
Yes its definately f'd im pretty disapointed and have stopped my sub. The game is heading towards the fluff content which is defintely indicating they are backing away form premium. Combine that with sleeping giant taking over a division in ZOs the same guys that helped TOR develop their cash shop and freemium model is very scary.
you having fun? yes? then quit complaining
are you not having fun? no? then move on
Things have been said on both sides that I think are not productive (myself included) I think anyone passionate about the side they are will tend to get heated about it and we have seen this on both sides.
So lets start over...
you having fun? yes? then quit complaining
are you not having fun? no? then move on
Shut up. How about that? I can express my concerns. Disagree. Fine but do not tell me what to do.
I mean you come here and *** and moan about things but if someone else does they need to move on? LOL .
There is nothing sandbox about TESO. Get your head out of your...sand.
That's why I called ESO a theme park.
But said they have enough time to add more sandbox yeah. Pull it on out.
They should add more sandbox features.
I agree that this should have been a sandbox game like every other TES title but unfortunately it is not. The design does not allow for them to create any sandbox features.