i dont think they are, they might be and they said they were a while back, and here and there but they said it would be the 4th patch.
Isn't this what they are working on?
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »if eso was so great these forums would not have people posting, because we would all be so enveloped in eso we would be hard to find.
which, for me, thats what it was like when i was playing morrowind. you could not find me away from morrowind and could not pull me away from it!
you add in dark brotherhood, increase the damage output and survivability of us dagger duel wield blade users, and add in the thieves guild along with the prison system and you will not see me on the forums
"Great" is relative to the person playing. Also, ALL MMO forums are filled with gloom & doom threads, everything from disgruntled players to nitpicking to genuine complaints for software bugs. Even if the game was amazing to all players there would still be folks on the forums, if for nothing else to ask other players what's the best build for DPS/Healing/Tanking, how to find certain easter eggs, where is the best place to grind rep/xp/gear/etc. And lets face it, nobody can please everybody, ZoS is always going to *** some group off based on their specific desired play style no matter what they do.
I actually see the game increasing considerably when it launches for consoles. Not because "oh hey now we have a bigger market" but more like I see many of the console users playing ESO just like they did TES games in the past, which is sorry to say for traditional MMO fans, a more solo oriented game. Who knows though, only time will tell and as I see it ESO is improving all the time. Yes it's slower than many would like, but it certainly IS improving and they're coming out with some pretty cool features.
Is it common for MMO fans to constantly predict the death of the game they play? Just play the game or go away. Consoles are going to carry this game just like they carried Oblivion and Skyrim.
If a Night Blade in Flaming Chartreuse is going to break your immersion I think you were already on dry land. As I have said before, there is no such thing as actual immersion until we have functional in world toilets, unless that is you are wearing a space suit.
Wrong thread? Or what are the words coming out of your mouth? Or W-T-F Mate?
Well if you have played GW2 and other MMOs then you would understand the frustration from those who see it as breaking immersion. There is a lot of lore and tradition in TES and some of these dyes do not fit that mold. They are not catering to the TES fans but to the random I want to look like a cartoon fan or trying to lure away other players from WS or whatever Korean styled flavor of the moment MMO/game is out there.
After seeing many negative posts about the upcoming dye and guild store features to be added to the game (all of which I completely agree with), is it time to throw in the towel and admit that this game might not be going in the right direction.
I know that personally I have had such high hopes for the game and its future but after reading yesterdays state of the game I am completely bummed about the upcoming features and direction. Another concern is there was no timeline for anything given and now today a video is released stating that update 3 is scheduled to come out in early August.
I understand timelines change but never lie to your customers. Saying something is coming one month and then wait an entire month to say no, its the next month is deceptive and leads me to think that the company is just trying to staunch the unsub wound.
Forgive my rant. I am just really discouraged by this game and its bleak future.
jayssenrwb17_ESO wrote: »This game is never going to be huge, it will just fade away into another niche game that manages to tick along, then quite possibly go F2P. The die hard TES fans will keep it going....and the console launch will probably give a momentary injection of cash. A sinking ship, no, more like a little row boat, with dreams of being a ship.
It is a shame, but the shockingly bad launch, with all the phasing bugs, server problems, quest bugs, and a poorly designed endgame really signed this games fate.
madfeldoreb17_ESO wrote: »Oops, back from game for a moment:
I respect your opinion, we all have our own. But there always have been people predicting end of the world and also end of some game, or people who think this and that game goes forward this and that way - like free to play. I don't trust your kind, never did and never will. Then again, those are your opinions above and these are mine here. I see this game getting better and better all the time and seeing that there are many patches already done and more coming (well have to see that of course), the future looks promising. By the way, what is huge in your terms?
Ah launch was not that good, though I didn't have that many problems, but I do understand many had. There were lag issues for some, broken quests for many, etc. Many are fixed already, but this is (how I see it) a work in progress.
From my point of view and what I've heard in game talks, people are getting happier how things are going. If you feel this is a sinking ship, why stay? There are many other games for you to play, no need to stay here anymore, bye. You go, I stay
jayssenrwb17_ESO wrote: »
You have "heard in games talks" that people are getting happier, I cannot claim the same because most of the the people that I had "game talks" with have quit. But nevertheless, I'm glad you are happy - its your kind that will keep this game going
PS - my definition of "huge" in the context of my post is - Not the current population of The Elder Scrolls Online
For every negative post on these forums, theres a dozen players who NEVER visit the forum in the game playing it.
You can't judge a games success by forum posts. They are always negative.
jayssenrwb17_ESO wrote: »This game is never going to be huge, it will just fade away into another niche game that manages to tick along, then quite possibly go F2P. The die hard TES fans will keep it going....and the console launch will probably give a momentary injection of cash. A sinking ship, no, more like a little row boat, with dreams of being a ship.
It is a shame, but the shockingly bad launch, with all the phasing bugs, server problems, quest bugs, and a poorly designed endgame really signed this games fate.
Is it common for MMO fans to constantly predict the death of the game they play? Just play the game or go away. Consoles are going to carry this game just like they carried Oblivion and Skyrim.