Are we on a sinking ship?

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • GreySix
    kewl wrote: »
    Who leaves a sinking ship first?

    Who goes down with it?
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • LrdRahvin
    GreySix wrote: »

    Who goes down with it?

    #1- rats
    #2- Captain

    Oooh, oooh, did I win anything?

    Also, where's that lifeboat I bought a few weeks back? Ah, here it is; glad it wasn't stolen, going to need it in a few days. ;)
  • Xnemesis
    Go read the pts patch notes they have tons of changes coming, gear changes, softcap increases, new campaigns, guild kiosks, guild functionality changes, more fixed bugs, stamina improvements, and that is just what they have told us so far. I am almost certain bigger reveals are coming at quakecon. The game is not sinking if anything fixed fixed FPS in PvP its making a resurgence. The sky is not falling chicken little you will be ok
  • Maverick827
    As a caster really pulling for my stamina brethren to get some buffs, I am now getting rather sizeable nerfs myself, making the "sinking ship" feeling relative.
  • Huckdabuck
    GreySix wrote: »

    Who goes down with it?

    #1 Smart individuals who don't want to tread water or drown
    #2 Not so smart individuals, unconscious individuals, ZOS
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • Malpherian
    Sharee wrote: »

    Thats the point. You cannot afford to waste resources unless you have a lot of resources to waste.

    And sinking games generally do not have a lot of resources.

    You have it backwords it has absolutely nothing to do with resources. It has to do with what they are "told" to fix.

    Management decides where resources go, regardless, of how many you have.

    So choosing to fix a dogs tail wag, or a piece of cheese on a plate that no one gives a rats ass about, instead of say...

    Class imbalances
    Game killing FPS lag and Bugs
    End game content.

    Is not a resource issue. It's a Delegation and *** poor management issue.
  • GreySix
    Huckdabuck wrote: »

    #1 Smart individuals who don't want to tread water or drown
    #2 Not so smart individuals, unconscious individuals, ZOS

    Ha! Reminds me of this.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Azzuria
    I call Godwin's MMO Corrollary. Any predictions about game death or F2P within the first 6 months after release means you automatically lose the argument.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    Is it common for MMO fans to constantly predict the death of the game they play? Just play the game or go away. Consoles are going to carry this game just like they carried Oblivion and Skyrim.

    Maybe not. Oblivion and Skyrim didn't have sub fees.
  • LrdRahvin

    Maybe not. Oblivion and Skyrim didn't have sub fees.

    QFT- Not too many 12 year olds have a lot of disposable income. :p
  • iaintoff
    Relyk04 wrote: »
    Personally, I feel the game is on the up and up. It had a rocky beginning which should be expected from the players when it comes to an MMO launch, but I continue to see more overall volume in many of the game's zone. In fact, I'd venture to guess that some are resubbing now that the game is getting some traction, but perhaps that's just my observations.

    The group dye theme for guilds will go down extremely well for pvp guilds keen to stand out amongst the dross....

    This in turn will draw more in as the elites (cough pvp exploiters) will be back in droves now that epeen size is once again visually comparable. Hey it's as close to name plates as your gonna get!
    Edited by iaintoff on July 10, 2014 8:37PM
  • vanillexhope
    Out of all of the reasons I've heard of people wanting to leave this game, dying would never had crossed my mind as a possibility. There seriously is no pleasing everyone.
  • Arthur_Spoonfondle
    Pmarsico9 wrote: »
    I think it's important to remember that it's still very new. While the Craglorn and VCOH patches were solid chunks of content, they should go into a relatively conservative phase over the next 8 weeks to clean up bugs and insure that something like the past patch never happens again. I am part of a contingent of players that had subbed for 6 months, then found that the VCOH patch had rendered my game unplayable until a hotfix on Tuesday Morning.
    Miscues like this will cause subs to hemorrhage. Hell I was asking for at least a game time credit while I waited two weeks for this fix to finally happen.

    It's obvious 1.2.3 was still squishy when it was pulled out of the oven. That can't happen again. They should be a bit more conservative. Maybe wait two months, get a big piece of content on the PTS in a month, vette it out for a month, then move forward.

    The ES faithful will come scrambling back if they were to, for example, make the Reach playable and fill it with both soloable and group veteran content.

    Or, to go even further, start building a foundation for insurgencies by Mehrunes Dagon and Mythic Dawn, and so on............most of the map is still closed according to evidence from previous ES Games.

    I wouldn't go all doom and gloom: ESO is already providing more content than what the last two WoW expacs have provided COMBINED.
    To add to the above, if every time there was a problem with a patch or major content update in WoW, there was an exodus of players, as predicted in the forums, it would have died years ago.
  • Sharee
    Malpherian wrote: »

    You have it backwords it has absolutely nothing to do with resources. It has to do with what they are "told" to fix.

    Management decides where resources go, regardless, of how many you have.

    So choosing to fix a dogs tail wag, or a piece of cheese on a plate that no one gives a rats ass about, instead of say...

    Class imbalances
    Game killing FPS lag and Bugs
    End game content.

    Is not a resource issue. It's a Delegation and *** poor management issue.

    Except they are not doing it instead of fixing class inbalances, FPS lag, bugs and end game content, they are doing it in addition to all that.

    There are class changes in almost every patch, we are getting a piece of endgame content with every major update, and FPS lag just got fixed.
  • TonyCawk
    Soul Shriven
    The dyes look awesome. They're adding customization to your equipment and this is somehow looked down upon?
    This game certainly has It's problems. I've come across MANY issues, most of which are bugs. but, it's definitely getting better.
  • Alphashado
    Dyes and guild tabards are pretty standard. Little things like this tend to go a long ways towards keeping people happy. Obviously there are bigger fish to fry, but I see no harm in this.

    I am looking forward to this stuff personally.
  • SFBryan18
    Hofi814 wrote: »

    Before I start I want to let you know I agree with you on the stance of "Is it common for MMO fans to constantly predict the death of the game they play? Just play the game or go away."

    Do you do drugs, or just say things to make it seem like you do? Consoles are going to carry a MMORPG? Also of all game series to say "Consoles" will carry this game, a TES game of all things. Last I checked any TES title of the many that were published came out for PC first/the same time the console version was published. There will always be people who dislike the game no matter what the Devs do to it. They are free to leave, no one is making them play the game. But then what would they complain about? Not the thousands of man hours into this game they play and "hate". Maybe they will go back to their consoles and leave PC games to the people who truly love games.

    I started TES with Oblivion on PS3. Then I played Skyrim on PS3. A few weeks after, I bought a gaming laptop so I could play Skyrim on PC because I wanted the freedom of changing everything in the game. Consoles sold many copies of TES on both XBox and PS3, and as for the age group, there is a lot of story and reading that most kids are probably not interested in. People always want to write consoles off as if there is some kind of contest, but the truth is, they are cheap and bring new fans to the series. Potential PC players, maybe, but consumers for sure. And while Oblivion and Skyrim would have been great PC games without consoles, perhaps it was the popularity gained from console versions that got TES enough exposure to get an MMO made.

    As for the fee, there is already a fee for connecting to XBL and Playstation Plus, but it was stated that you would not need those to play ESO as long as they have a subscription. That might not make much of a difference to the players who have many different multiplayer games, but it could sell some consoles and copies of ESO for those fans of the TES console versions. Truth is, no one can predict the future, but I would not underestimate the consoles keeping this game going for several years. And let's not forget that while PC has a lot of MMO competition on the market, the consoles will not.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on July 11, 2014 6:52AM
  • Wolfshead

    Why not login to ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE PUBLIC TEST SERVER and check thing out yourself and get your own opinion instead of listen to everyone else.
    Edited by Wolfshead on July 11, 2014 7:07AM
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • lpool96
    The ship have barely left the coast! You can still see the full shape of it. People are waving it goodbye, some think it will never reach it's destination, but most remain positive including me.
  • Mordria
    SFBryan18 wrote: »

    I started TES with Oblivion on PS3. Then I played Skyrim on PS3. A few weeks after, I bought a gaming laptop so I could play Skyrim on PC because I wanted the freedom of changing everything in the game. Consoles sold many copies of TES on both XBox and PS3, and as for the age group, there is a lot of story and reading that most kids are probably not interested in. People always want to write consoles off as if there is some kind of contest, but the truth is, they are cheap and bring new fans to the series. Potential PC players, maybe, but consumers for sure. And while Oblivion and Skyrim would have been great PC games without consoles, perhaps it was the popularity gained from console versions that got TES enough exposure to get an MMO made.

    As for the fee, there is already a fee for connecting to XBL and Playstation Plus, but it was stated that you would not need those to play ESO as long as they have a subscription. That might not make much of a difference to the players who have many different multiplayer games, but it could sell some consoles and copies of ESO for those fans of the TES console versions. Truth is, no one can predict the future, but I would not underestimate the consoles keeping this game going for several years. And let's not forget that while PC has a lot of MMO competition on the market, the consoles will not.

    This is what I like to hear! Console player that went PC for the mods. Hopefully ESO will bring even more. :)
  • Hilgara
    Interestingly enough, The Elder Scrolls Online's hours played were nearly cut in half from May to June, and Star Wars: The Old Republic was bumped from the list entirely. It's important to note that these rankings are only based on hours played by those who use Raptr for each play session. Check out the complete infographic and press release after the cut.

  • Cyanhide
    Hilgara wrote: »

    Let me tell you one thing, Wildstar will decline tremendously over the next month, if you think ESO has little content, well WS has about 1/4 of the content ESO has. And people got to level 50 in 48 hours with endless attunement grinding to raid.
    Its normal that players went to check out WS, it was brand new. With update 3 in ESO expect lots of players to return. I would bet my car on it.

    With the new WoW expansion even more people will leave WS. Until the next one pops out ( Archage ).

  • LrdRahvin
    lpool96 wrote: »
    The ship have barely left the coast! You can still see the full shape of it. People are waving it goodbye, some think it will never reach it's destination, but most remain positive including me.

    Glub, glub, glub :s
  • LrdRahvin
    Cyanhide wrote: »

    With update 3 in ESO expect lots of players to return. I would bet my car on it.

    I hope you like public transportation >:)
  • Cyanhide
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    I hope you like public transportation >:)

    I chuckled! :smiley:
  • Adelade
    I'm having a blast. Tired of everyone moaning about it not being perfection. Haven't had this much fun in years. They are fixing crap as they can, more so than any other game out there. Gotta go where you are having fun and let me tell you we are having a killer time.

    "Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing." -hb
  • Hilgara
    Getting people to return to a game they have already played and left because they weren't enjoying it is an incredible difficult thing to do. Just look back at the last game you tried and dismissed. What would it take you to go back.....assuming of course that you even gave it a second thought.
    Edited by Hilgara on July 11, 2014 9:05AM
  • killedbyping
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    Is it common for MMO fans to constantly predict the death of the game they play? Just play the game or go away. Consoles are going to carry this game just like they carried Oblivion and Skyrim.

    You can actualy easy notice a HUGE reduction of population compared to the state when game just started.
    This is why people think game is near death. And they totally right. If nobody play, there is no game.
    Edited by killedbyping on July 11, 2014 9:08AM
  • LrdRahvin
    Adelade wrote: »
    They are fixing crap as they can, more so than any other game out there.

    Seriously??? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and chalk that comment up to you not playing/having not played very many games. o:)

    Otherwise :|
  • Mumyo
    I was very sceptic because of the fps problems. But the progress goes on very fast and it seems they listen to players aswell. The classchanges they do come very fast compared to all the other mmos. be honest about that guys! in Wow u had to wait for years and the balance was still completely ***.

    In this game there are changes coming in the right directions allready.
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