Completely agree, it totally pisses me off that ZOS penalise small family-sized guilds and prevent us even accessing the fluff aspects of guilds, let alone prevent us from having the benefits of a bank even a reduced size one.lsdenisb14_ESO wrote: »My thing right now is, why limit the guild tabards to only guilds of 10 players or more? Why not make it available right from guild creation or after you get your first member(s)? It just seems that the smaller guilds who want to remain small are still penalized for having less than 10 players in their guilds
mr2hardy7nub19_ESO wrote: »No Cyrodiil changes?
Lets spice up the PvP a little, the campaign changes are a start but what about the people who want consistant smaller scale battles?
People are creating their own 1v1 tournaments, the demand is there.
kirnmalidus wrote: »a werewolf would be awesome if, when you have your Ultimate slotted, at 35% health you gain the "chance" to use a synergy that would let you go immune and change while gaining
- 25% increase to health regen while in combat
- 25% increase to stamina regen while in combat
- 10% heal when player kills an enemy monster or player
- CC immunity soft and hard cc
- 10% increase in damage against all Vampires
- Feeding increases time in form by 20 seconds stackable up to three times meaning if you kill three players you could feed on all three and have a minute.
As for abilities the wolf seems lackluster or unfinished. It would be nice to see a mitigation buff or damage debuff ability, an aoe or cleave ability, and a nice finisher.
Not sure what I would do with the wolf ultimate ability though maybe call in a pack of wolves? Or provide a group buff of some sort similar to the alliance buff?
That's a really decent idea actually, and all very lore-friendly, but if it had all of the stuff you listed from the get go and all the time it would be a tad OP.
I think some of the buffs you list should be passives that are active when it's slotted (so you have to earn/acquire and they aren't by default) or possibly morph based or from when you activate the ultimate.
For example the CC immunity is a bit much, if it is there at all it should be an actual ultimate (an answer to your question of what the ultimate would actually do), possibly a morph on a group buff ultimate you suggest like War Horn.
The health and stamina regen would probably work OK as the base buff, as those will be soft-capped by most players with min/maxed builds anyway.
What do you expect them to say?NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Nothing about consoles...thanks
The cost for running, jumping sneaking and blocking need to be reduced DRASTICALLY to have stamina builds make sense. once you can do that then it make more sense to have a stamina build.
I totally agree with the crafting critique. I would also like to add that in addition to the traits being better it would really be nice to have a preview window so that you can see what your gear looks like before you craft it. I hate that I am completely surprised at what the armor is going to look like each time I make a new set. I have no idea what the color or even style is going to yield for that tier. And then on top of that you can't get the look from lower tiers on higher tiers. Please give us crafters more customization!ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Class Builds and Balance
Recently, we adjusted stamina builds to help them become more competitive by making medium armor reduce the cost of stamina abilities and by improving the damage for several stamina-based abilities.
This wasn't enough. Simple math shows conclusively that even after this recent change, light armor + staff still significantly outperforms any stamina build. Cost reduction and class skills remain as the only intelligent choice for dps, and this means light armor + staff.
The problem is that all the class abilities require magicka so that's where we put our points. The divines trait IS STILL NOT WORKING as of writing this and even with glyphs it's hard to spread out stats to reach the soft caps so you end up putting them into 2 stats to maximize your potential. Of course this means stamina gets the shaft. Honestly stamina should be an important skill but you can really get by with very little and still dodge and block and sprint to your hearts content.May receive? Do you honestly think that werewolves are at all useful (in any way whatsoever) right now?
- The survivability of werewolves and the balance between their strengths and weaknesses may receive some adjustments.
Werewolves. Are. Useless. Even if the ultimate cost was reduced to zero and could be kept up forever it would still be a terrible choice by the player. Werewolves even in wolf form represent a very significant drop in dps and survivability. This is a simple mathematical fact of life in game.
There is currently no reason at all to be a werewolf. None.
I couldn't agree more. So sad. The amount of ultimate needed isn't worth the payoff. I was really expecting so much more. Moving and combat feel clunky and the attacks just don't seem as powerful as they should be since you get it for such a short duration. I was really wanting it to be more like it is in Skyrim. Also the transformation takes too long. How about at least adding a fear to the initial transformation so that you are not getting pummeled while doing so?Be sure to give crafting some love. Almost all of the 8-trait set bonuses are completely useless. Researching 8 traits takes a long time, and should be rewarding for dedicated crafters.
- New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
- A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
- Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.
This could be a great way to help the currently very bad stamina-based builds. Add some really good 6 and 8 trait crafted sets to help them keep up with what is currently the only intelligent dps setup (light armor + staff).
This would seriously make a huge difference and I would totally welcome this addition.No word on Chat Bubbles yet? I know some people don't care, but I am curious.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] We’re continuing to make adjustments to the Nightblade. We believe that what we’ve done so far has helped, but there may be more on the way.[/list]
duel wield daggers are the least damage dealing weapons in elderscrolls online.
Daggers need to be able to do more damage.
please make that happen so we can be equal to the sorcerers and dragonights in damage output.
the only thing you improved for nightblades so far, was you made it so that the nightblade is forced to wear light armor and become a mage and use constant magicka based skills and weapons. (like healing staff and and magicka based staff's)
please take a closer look at duel wield daggers and thier assassin type build that has been crying for help now since beta.
im asking kindly, and trying to say it nicely, and im trying to use constructive critisism.
please fix us nightblade assassin type morrog tong type dark brotherhood type assassin builds that are completely stamina based exactly like they were in morrowind. and some in skyrim. we simply cannot compete with the damage output and survivability of the dragonights and sorcerers.
That's the main reason I abandoned my nightblade. The sorcerer is the most versatile, and in my opinion, fun class to play in the game right now.
Stamina builds are not even close to magicka builds. The changes you made did basically nothing. Come on! Do you really want the only viable option to be light armor + staves?
Yeah seriously. Do the devs even test these "changes" out?
Dyes are much needed, but please keep the super bright neons out of this game and save it for Wildstar... painful on the eyes and really takes away from the feel of a TES game.
One of the reasons I love this game is the aesthetics. I don't want the colors in WoW or the ridiculous clothing in FF. Please keep the colors toned down.
Werewolves are literally useless, I hope you actually do something about that.
They need a total overhaul.
No mention of one of the biggest problems in this game? No plans on changing phasing? I can't be the only one who absolutely hates the abundance of phasing in this game, it makes it much less enjoyable to play an MMO when the whole world constantly transforms around you every 30 meters. Not to mention it makes grouping 100x harder.
What ever happened to the plan to allow us to take a questionnaire to decide who we want to be phased with?
Lastly, I just want to say that so far, this game really doesn't have that "quality" level that comes with a sub based MMO. Bugs, exploits, and glitches make it live and are too numerous. Tooltips in game are very often wrong or broken. Abilities, passives, and other character/item related things are also often simply broken or don't work. I have never played a game that had such a hard time getting the stat sheet to work.
The stat sheet is a joke. It's practically useless and there really are no great addons for it yet. Some add a little information but nothing really super useful. As a vampire I should be able to know exactly where I stand on resist, but as it is I can only guess. We should be able to see as many stats on the character sheet as we want.
mmlewis67b14_ESO wrote: »I am sadly disappointed about the guild changes. My fiancé and I play together with my son. We have 3 members in the guild and DO NOT plan on forming a larger guild as we enjoy playing together without all the spam/drama of other players. We shouldn't be forced to join a large guild to get a bank. It is bad enough that we can't have a guild bank without inviting 7 other strangers into our guild, but to be denied guild tabards and other benefits that are coming with these changes is just a waste of time and money for all of us. I had hoped that eso would be different than all the other mmos who force players to join large guilds to receive extra benefit. Someone stated that we all pay the same sub and should have access to the same benefits as large guilds. I completely agree. Small guild discrimination is alive and thriving in ESO. I have been playing the Elder Scrolls series since 2003 (ES III: Morrowind)and somehow with this series roots I thought they would embrace all players, not just the big guilds. Neglecting and discriminating against small guilds and single players is inexcusable in my opinion. Shame on you, TESO, shame.
Yes! This is exactly what I was talking about in a previous post about customization. Why can't I continue to make the shoulders in the style I want at higher levels? Does the shape of the shoulders actually provide some sort of higher protection? Of course not. Please let us crafters retain the styles we had at lower tiers.This is all exciting, though I am still unsure about making veteran rank difficulty as easy as 1-50.
I beg you, though. Please, please, PLEASE give us an option to hide shoulders. Either that or implement an appearance slot for all slots because most of the shoulder armor looks oversized and bulky to me.
I liked the early tiers of Breton light armor shoulders, and then it inexplicably changes to something far less appealing to me.
mmlewis67b14_ESO wrote: »I am sadly disappointed about the guild changes. My fiancé and I play together with my son. We have 3 members in the guild and DO NOT plan on forming a larger guild as we enjoy playing together without all the spam/drama of other players. We shouldn't be forced to join a large guild to get a bank. It is bad enough that we can't have a guild bank without inviting 7 other strangers into our guild, but to be denied guild tabards and other benefits that are coming with these changes is just a waste of time and money for all of us. I had hoped that eso would be different than all the other mmos who force players to join large guilds to receive extra benefit. Someone stated that we all pay the same sub and should have access to the same benefits as large guilds. I completely agree. Small guild discrimination is alive and thriving in ESO. I have been playing the Elder Scrolls series since 2003 (ES III: Morrowind)and somehow with this series roots I thought they would embrace all players, not just the big guilds. Neglecting and discriminating against small guilds and single players is inexcusable in my opinion. Shame on you, TESO, shame.
I'm sorry but, no crap! Even EQ2 figured this out. We should be reimbursed the thousands of gold we already spent to respec because they decided to change/fix/break things on a whim. It's really irritating.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Below is the latest Road Ahead article, written by ESO Game Director Matt Firor:
It’s important to note that from now on, whenever we introduce a major change to a skill line, we will be offering a free respec to players who have invested points in that line.
Finally! Thank you!
I'd also add the fluff content like this is likely to be more appreciated and wanted by small guilds that the mega-trading-corps type of guild ZOS are trying to coerce everyone into joining.mmlewis67b14_ESO wrote: »I am sadly disappointed about the guild changes. My fiancé and I play together with my son. We have 3 members in the guild and DO NOT plan on forming a larger guild as we enjoy playing together without all the spam/drama of other players. We shouldn't be forced to join a large guild to get a bank. It is bad enough that we can't have a guild bank without inviting 7 other strangers into our guild, but to be denied guild tabards and other benefits that are coming with these changes is just a waste of time and money for all of us. I had hoped that eso would be different than all the other mmos who force players to join large guilds to receive extra benefit. Someone stated that we all pay the same sub and should have access to the same benefits as large guilds. I completely agree. Small guild discrimination is alive and thriving in ESO. I have been playing the Elder Scrolls series since 2003 (ES III: Morrowind)and somehow with this series roots I thought they would embrace all players, not just the big guilds. Neglecting and discriminating against small guilds and single players is inexcusable in my opinion. Shame on you, TESO, shame.
This! Guild amenities should be something any size guild can strive to unlock via purchase, questing, etc. Small family/friend guilds are just as much a part of the community as larger guilds and should have an opportunity to access the same amenities.
Blackwidow wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Chat bubbles won't be in Update 3, but we are actively working on them.No word on Chat Bubbles yet? I know some people don't care, but I am curious.Delve updates will start in Update 3, and will be an ongoing addition as we hit each area.@zos_ginabruno are the delve updates that where announced for update 3 in the previous road ahead also going to come? And what about the collectibles achievement that haven't been working since the start of the game?
How come obtrusive spammy floating chat bubbles are considered fine as an option, yet nameplates and guild tags aren't?
/100% agree
ZodiacDragon wrote: »Ok again you say you read the forums why are you guys seem like your mainly focused on making vet rank better idk what's up but why has the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild not been incorporated or the Justice system what about new classes or maybe a new race or two why no spell creation I really wanna see bloodmage class and necromancy class and a Druid class and a Monk class it would be awesome to see a few new races but that might be asking to much I'm just wondering I really do hope you guys read this these are what me and several others would love to see
timidobserver wrote: »My two take aways:
1.If I understand the ultimate change correctly, they are going to scale based on whatever your primary attack method is. So, if your spell damage is higher they will use that and vice-verse. If my understanding is correct, this is a very good thing. I wonder if they are going to adjust the crit as well to be based on whichever is higher?
How about having it based on whatever armor type you're wearing the most of? Like if you are wearing 5 pieces of medium it would be based on stamina. Just a thought.
2. Hopefully this new veteran system won't have to be redone by those that are already V12. I'd rather stay max level, rather than redoing it because a few people are unhappy. The possibility of me having to redo the new veteran experience aside, the changes look good to me.
I doubt it's going to have any impact on current V12's
3. Auction system looks good to me. Now I can ditch my trading guilds and actually get to join a decent PVP or PVE guild.
I would read that again. There are restrictions to it and It looks like you're still better off being in at least one trading guild.
4. Meh to guild tabard. I hated those in GW2 because some guilds wanted to force their members to wear it. They will likely be lame and I probably will not wear it unless it gives me some kind of active boost.
I love the tabard idea and I'm sure most guilds will make it optional. If the your guild is that stuck on using it and you're that adamant about not using it just leave the fricking guild. Most of us I think want and like this idea.
5. I am looking forward to any changes that occur for the Templar. It is about time that they noticed that, other than the 1-2 outliers that are going to flame me saying that their Templar dps is over 9001 and doesn't need any help, Templar PVE dps is extremely sub-par compared to all other classes in the game.
Also, Templar abilities tend to cost my resources than anyone elses. There are some good Templar tanks out there, but regardless, they are are at an immediate disadvantage to other tanks thanks to no reliable aoe hard cc. Compared to the somewhat excessive Syrabanes synergy + Green Dragon Blood for DKs, Templar resource management is pitiful. DKs can spam reflect as much as they want and it returns magicka on to of that, but they feel the need to disable my magicka regen when I use blazing shield.
Sorcs can spam teleport across the map as much as they want with no delay, but ZOS felt the need to first add a delay to biting jabs and then revert that and increase the resource cost of it(note, I do not use biting jabs as primary dps, I am just pointing out the idea that someone at some point at ZOS thought that biting jabs needed a delay but an instant teleport doesn't.)
Eh...sort of. Sorcerers can "spam" teleport in that there is no delay, but there are severe costs to it. Like reduced magicka regen and the cost goes up each time you do it for 4 seconds after you use it. You're already complaining about magicka regen (and rightly so) so why would you want to add a further penalty to that?
6. For a mega super duper guild extravaganza update, what I read seems pretty sparse as far as a guild update goes. Everything there is very good, but I was expecting a bit more.
mmlewis67b14_ESO wrote: »I am sadly disappointed about the guild changes. My fiancé and I play together with my son. We have 3 members in the guild and DO NOT plan on forming a larger guild as we enjoy playing together without all the spam/drama of other players. We shouldn't be forced to join a large guild to get a bank. It is bad enough that we can't have a guild bank without inviting 7 other strangers into our guild, but to be denied guild tabards and other benefits that are coming with these changes is just a waste of time and money for all of us. I had hoped that eso would be different than all the other mmos who force players to join large guilds to receive extra benefit. Someone stated that we all pay the same sub and should have access to the same benefits as large guilds. I completely agree. Small guild discrimination is alive and thriving in ESO. I have been playing the Elder Scrolls series since 2003 (ES III: Morrowind)and somehow with this series roots I thought they would embrace all players, not just the big guilds. Neglecting and discriminating against small guilds and single players is inexcusable in my opinion. Shame on you, TESO, shame.
Hi there!
I understand your concerns.
You reasons are why I start to build just this kind of guild in may. Only friends, families, boy/friend girlfriends are in guild.
We do invite people we meet, but with an extensive invite process, so we know we get as little drama as possible. No one get invited first and tried. We get to know then outside the guild, before they get in.
Our aim is a small guild, where everyone knows everyone. Trust, friendship and interaction within the guild, no demands on doing anything. We play like we want, and now over 3 months later, we are about 40 active players. Not daily, but weekly. About 15 or so active in the evenings, so guildchat is live....butnot spammy.
Just what you said, we dont want any stranger or be big. Our bank been wide open to all members since start. Not ONCE have that been abused. Just because we dont invite anyone.
We aimed to be 20 max, but we kept meeting good people, and we have a policy to invite any guild members real life friend, family and boyfriend/girlfriend. It added up. BUT, still, we had not had ONE drama in guild
I post this to give you suggestions. You can find good people and have a small guild that works great! If you are on EU server and believe what I say, feel free to check us. Our guildpage is in my sig.
Best of luck!
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »[snip]NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Nothing about consoles...thanks
A great example of two things in one post:eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »Blackwidow wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Chat bubbles won't be in Update 3, but we are actively working on them.No word on Chat Bubbles yet? I know some people don't care, but I am curious.Delve updates will start in Update 3, and will be an ongoing addition as we hit each area.@zos_ginabruno are the delve updates that where announced for update 3 in the previous road ahead also going to come? And what about the collectibles achievement that haven't been working since the start of the game?
How come obtrusive spammy floating chat bubbles are considered fine as an option, yet nameplates and guild tags aren't?
/100% agree
/100% disagree. Guild tags and name plates are horribly distracting and nowhere near in line with chat bubbles. Presumably if done right chat bubbles would only appear in /say and /group chat anyway.
kirnmalidus wrote: »a werewolf would be awesome if, when you have your Ultimate slotted, at 35% health you gain the "chance" to use a synergy that would let you go immune and change while gaining
- 25% increase to health regen while in combat
- 25% increase to stamina regen while in combat
- 10% heal when player kills an enemy monster or player
- CC immunity soft and hard cc
- 10% increase in damage against all Vampires
- Feeding increases time in form by 20 seconds stackable up to three times meaning if you kill three players you could feed on all three and have a minute.
As for abilities the wolf seems lackluster or unfinished. It would be nice to see a mitigation buff or damage debuff ability, an aoe or cleave ability, and a nice finisher.
Not sure what I would do with the wolf ultimate ability though maybe call in a pack of wolves? Or provide a group buff of some sort similar to the alliance buff?
That's a really decent idea actually, and all very lore-friendly, but if it had all of the stuff you listed from the get go and all the time it would be a tad OP.
I think some of the buffs you list should be passives that are active when it's slotted (so you have to earn/acquire and they aren't by default) or possibly morph based or from when you activate the ultimate.
For example the CC immunity is a bit much, if it is there at all it should be an actual ultimate (an answer to your question of what the ultimate would actually do), possibly a morph on a group buff ultimate you suggest like War Horn.
The health and stamina regen would probably work OK as the base buff, as those will be soft-capped by most players with min/maxed builds anyway.
Yeah that's why I made them so high to begin with because in reality they would only be gaining the overcharged value of about 12.5%. They would be passives that could be slotted with appropriate tiers and only would be active while in wolf form. I also was looking for human form passives, and I thought maybe a runspeed increase or a reduced cost for run, block, dodge would be nice too since most stamina users have that as their top complaint. It would kind of make werewolves a no brainer for any stam heavy build and it would also make werewolves relevant again.
kirnmalidus wrote: »kirnmalidus wrote: »a werewolf would be awesome if, when you have your Ultimate slotted, at 35% health you gain the "chance" to use a synergy that would let you go immune and change while gaining
- 25% increase to health regen while in combat
- 25% increase to stamina regen while in combat
- 10% heal when player kills an enemy monster or player
- CC immunity soft and hard cc
- 10% increase in damage against all Vampires
- Feeding increases time in form by 20 seconds stackable up to three times meaning if you kill three players you could feed on all three and have a minute.
As for abilities the wolf seems lackluster or unfinished. It would be nice to see a mitigation buff or damage debuff ability, an aoe or cleave ability, and a nice finisher.
Not sure what I would do with the wolf ultimate ability though maybe call in a pack of wolves? Or provide a group buff of some sort similar to the alliance buff?
That's a really decent idea actually, and all very lore-friendly, but if it had all of the stuff you listed from the get go and all the time it would be a tad OP.
I think some of the buffs you list should be passives that are active when it's slotted (so you have to earn/acquire and they aren't by default) or possibly morph based or from when you activate the ultimate.
For example the CC immunity is a bit much, if it is there at all it should be an actual ultimate (an answer to your question of what the ultimate would actually do), possibly a morph on a group buff ultimate you suggest like War Horn.
The health and stamina regen would probably work OK as the base buff, as those will be soft-capped by most players with min/maxed builds anyway.
Yeah that's why I made them so high to begin with because in reality they would only be gaining the overcharged value of about 12.5%. They would be passives that could be slotted with appropriate tiers and only would be active while in wolf form. I also was looking for human form passives, and I thought maybe a runspeed increase or a reduced cost for run, block, dodge would be nice too since most stamina users have that as their top complaint. It would kind of make werewolves a no brainer for any stam heavy build and it would also make werewolves relevant again.
I have no interest in playing a werewolf to be a werewolf, but if those features were in place for werewolves I would seriously consider letting someone bite me as my main is a stamina build.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »kirnmalidus wrote: »kirnmalidus wrote: »a werewolf would be awesome if, when you have your Ultimate slotted, at 35% health you gain the "chance" to use a synergy that would let you go immune and change while gaining
- 25% increase to health regen while in combat
- 25% increase to stamina regen while in combat
- 10% heal when player kills an enemy monster or player
- CC immunity soft and hard cc
- 10% increase in damage against all Vampires
- Feeding increases time in form by 20 seconds stackable up to three times meaning if you kill three players you could feed on all three and have a minute.
As for abilities the wolf seems lackluster or unfinished. It would be nice to see a mitigation buff or damage debuff ability, an aoe or cleave ability, and a nice finisher.
Not sure what I would do with the wolf ultimate ability though maybe call in a pack of wolves? Or provide a group buff of some sort similar to the alliance buff?
That's a really decent idea actually, and all very lore-friendly, but if it had all of the stuff you listed from the get go and all the time it would be a tad OP.
I think some of the buffs you list should be passives that are active when it's slotted (so you have to earn/acquire and they aren't by default) or possibly morph based or from when you activate the ultimate.
For example the CC immunity is a bit much, if it is there at all it should be an actual ultimate (an answer to your question of what the ultimate would actually do), possibly a morph on a group buff ultimate you suggest like War Horn.
The health and stamina regen would probably work OK as the base buff, as those will be soft-capped by most players with min/maxed builds anyway.
Yeah that's why I made them so high to begin with because in reality they would only be gaining the overcharged value of about 12.5%. They would be passives that could be slotted with appropriate tiers and only would be active while in wolf form. I also was looking for human form passives, and I thought maybe a runspeed increase or a reduced cost for run, block, dodge would be nice too since most stamina users have that as their top complaint. It would kind of make werewolves a no brainer for any stam heavy build and it would also make werewolves relevant again.
I have no interest in playing a werewolf to be a werewolf, but if those features were in place for werewolves I would seriously consider letting someone bite me as my main is a stamina build.
All that stuff is a little OP IMO. The werewolf form should be a slotted toggle and they should have a way better ultimate. It's kind of unfair that vampires have access to all their skill all the time (which honestly only the passives are really worth it IMO) and weakness to fire isn't that bad per se.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »[snip]NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Nothing about consoles...thanks