Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 10, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 10, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    I am a bit surprised to see nothing mentioned in the OP about an improvement to bank/inventory space. A bone needs to be thrown to crafters for resource management. It seems having multiple mule characters is encouraged here, this makes crafting more of a chore than something fun.

    IMO increasing the stack size (significantly) would help tremendously... there are so many different resource items available to gather, just needing one space for each item would be enough to keep people upgrading their packs and bank. I understand you guys are huge fans of money sinks in this area, so maybe you could create a resource management merchant that would increase resource stack sizes (by 100% of their original limit with each upgrade would be nice).

    I completely agree. They are far too stingy with inventory space. Especially if you just go by other TES games where you could store an infinite amount of items in chests and barrels and such. There should be some way to mitigate the crafting resources especially the provisioning ones. I would like to see the inclusion of the option to allow guild members to craft from the guild bank resources like you can with your personal bank.

    *Edited for clarity.*
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on July 11, 2014 4:41PM
  • frwinters_ESO
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    I am a bit surprised to see nothing mentioned in the OP about an improvement to bank/inventory space. A bone needs to be thrown to crafters for resource management. It seems having multiple mule characters is encouraged here, this makes crafting more of a chore than something fun.
    Everyone who asks for this loses sight of the fact this is as ZOS DESIGNED IT.

    They don't intend people to level all crafts, they designed the inventory system to make ti as painful as possible for players to do it, they've stated it clearly, they're not about to change it to make it easy to do something they're vehemently against.

    I hate it as much as anyone, I have 2 accounts with 8 characters on each and ATM 10 are mules, it's a major PITA but it's what ZOS wants and so far they've showed no sign of changing it.

    The just announced a major Provision revamp that they're soliciting idea about, they aim to cut by half the number of ingredients, if you're going to get any change in this system maybe that's the way you'll have to approach it.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 11, 2014 6:15PM
  • joeparadis_ESO
    I would really like to see some changes to crafting. Its great that whatever we build would be better than what can drop, but please reduce the research time it takes to learn traits. This is maddening to try to find the item and then waiting 29 days? Too long!

    I disagree with this. Completely mastering all traits of all armor items SHOULD. Take a long time. This is an MMO that is supposed to be played over many many months. Not a few months then forgotten about. Granted ZOS has a lot more content and features to add to get ESO to that point but I don't want nerfing of research times. I wouldn't mind getting another research slot though. Each research skill upgrade should give you another research slot so that it upgrades it to 4 total research slots and maybe a total time reduction of 15%

    Molag Bal is already a faceroll battle. I killed him twice in a row with a crappily built DK with low DPS because I crashed right as I killed him the first time.

    I recommend you spend some time gathering more skill points and researching builds on Tamriel foundry or google (look at combining torug's pact and alessia's bulwark set bonus's to give you an armor buff). You'll be amazed what a difference a few small changes can make. Also ask around for tactics. You can kill Molag bal super easily with the right tactics. All I did was circle around him in one direction hitting him with stampede (critical charge morph), burning embers and melee attacks, occasionally popping razor armor, potions or inhale for healing. He's a very predictable and easily defeated boss. If you just go in button mashing and standing still you'll die, by simply moving around him you avoid the majority of his attacks. Oh and don't take him on before you're level 50/vet1. Do those things and you will win.
    Edited by joeparadis_ESO on July 11, 2014 6:58PM
  • Rhoric
    I died 3 dozen times against Molag Bal. He is not a faceroll. I am a sorcerer. I do move around. I do know how to play. I am not some new player to MMOs. I have been playing MMOs for 14 years. I had to respec to defeat Mannimarco and I had died 63 times to him. If they were so easy I would not have died that many times. I don't button mash. I move around, I dodge.

    If you don't like my suggestion and if they add it. You don't have to use it. I have seen people quit the game out of frustration cause nothing they do works.
  • Warraxx
    Rhoric wrote: »
    I died 3 dozen times against Molag Bal. He is not a faceroll. I am a sorcerer. I do move around. I do know how to play. I am not some new player to MMOs. I have been playing MMOs for 14 years. I had to respec to defeat Mannimarco and I had died 63 times to him. If they were so easy I would not have died that many times. I don't button mash. I move around, I dodge.

    If you don't like my suggestion and if they add it. You don't have to use it. I have seen people quit the game out of frustration cause nothing they do works.

    well, i beat him the first time with a 2h stamina build...
  • Xnemesis
    Warraxx wrote: »
    Rhoric wrote: »
    I died 3 dozen times against Molag Bal. He is not a faceroll. I am a sorcerer. I do move around. I do know how to play. I am not some new player to MMOs. I have been playing MMOs for 14 years. I had to respec to defeat Mannimarco and I had died 63 times to him. If they were so easy I would not have died that many times. I don't button mash. I move around, I dodge.

    If you don't like my suggestion and if they add it. You don't have to use it. I have seen people quit the game out of frustration cause nothing they do works.

    well, i beat him the first time with a 2h stamina build...

    /drool Ur s0 L33T
  • Warraxx
    I am far from thinking that. everyone knows stamina builds are far worse than magika builds... you're the one professing to "know how to play"; moreover, i'm new to MMOs. perhaps you aren't as great as you think you are.
    Edited by Warraxx on July 11, 2014 7:39PM
  • Xnemesis
    Warraxx wrote: »
    I am far from thinking that. everyone knows stamina builds are far worse than magika builds... you're the one professing to "know how to play". i'm new to MMOs; perhaps you aren't as great as you think you are.

    What?! lol I didn't professing anything to anyone.... This is not the droid you are looking for :)
  • Warraxx
    Xnemesis wrote: »
    Warraxx wrote: »
    I am far from thinking that. everyone knows stamina builds are far worse than magika builds... you're the one professing to "know how to play". i'm new to MMOs; perhaps you aren't as great as you think you are.

    What?! lol I didn't professing anything to anyone.... This is not the droid you are looking for :)

    oopsies, i thought you were the OP. sorry, my bad.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    I love how these discussions always bring out the "it's easy, L2P" crowd.

    They're the same people who said Doshia was easy before the nerfs, when probably 90% of players failed totally to kill her on level and many had to level well more than 5 above before defeating her.

    They're the same people who said Lyris was easy before the recent nerf, in a level 30 fight many (most?) only managed at 35+.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 11, 2014 7:46PM
  • Warraxx
    I love how these discussions always bring out the "it's easy, L2P" crowd.

    i never said it was easy... damn near had a heart attack during that battle. took freaking forever too.
  • Xnemesis
    Warraxx wrote: »
    Xnemesis wrote: »
    Warraxx wrote: »
    I am far from thinking that. everyone knows stamina builds are far worse than magika builds... you're the one professing to "know how to play". i'm new to MMOs; perhaps you aren't as great as you think you are.

    What?! lol I didn't professing anything to anyone.... This is not the droid you are looking for :)

    oopsies, i thought you were the OP. sorry, my bad.

    NP I was just poking a little fun at ya and the stam build comment... I too am a Stam user and NB to boot so I know it can be done.
  • Xnemesis
    Only hard thing in the game are storm astronaches..... That's about it
  • joeparadis_ESO


    I went in and decided to try out a couple of the new "Templates" so I could test out new builds and vet content updates and here are a few bits of feedback:

    1) BUG - Trials template builds are limited to only Daggerfall Covenent races. This needs to be opened up to all races so that all builds can be tested.

    2) BUG - None of the vet12 PVP/PVE builds are working. You can make a character but you end up getting a "you do not have permission to enter this world" message when you try to play them.

    3) Please add the ability to dye shields and possibly weapons. I was able to make a great looking set of armor with dyes available but my shield still looked like it was coated with bright red and blue paint so it completely stood out from the rest of my armor. I've been taking polls of people on my ESO facebook page and the vast majority of them want the ability to color shields and weapons as well.

    4) Please add a "Show only Lore Friendly Armor colors" gameplay option that limits the color ranges of armor that can be rendered. This was an overwhelming request on my facebook post regarding armor dyes. I noticed that many people were already running around with candy colored armor in craglorn and it does break the immersion for many players. I know it's technically difficult but could we have an option to limit what colors we see rendered locally so that it doesn't break the immersion of our game? Maybe a shader that can at least mute the colors more?

    Another option would be to limit the color pallet of the various materials. I.E. Metal has a much more limited/muted color pallet. Cloth can be dyed anything and Leather/medium armor would be somewhere in the middle.

    5) Can you make certain colors/color achievements "unbound" so that us crafters can make weapons and armor for folks with specific colors? For instance I'm one of my guild's crafters and I'm the one responsible for making all of the "uniforms" for my guild. Sure we have guild tabbards but I also want to make all of the armor colors the same as well so we have an official "uniform". I was thinking the common colors that most everyone gets naturally playing from levels 1-50 would be good colors to have "unbound" Achievements that are particularly hard or difficult to obtain should still be bound.

    A few separate notes:

    Will there ever be an option for crafters to repair armor? It seriously bugs me that I'm a master blacksmith yet the guy selling bags can repair my legendary gear.

    There should be a skill tree for repairing armor and clothing. I was thinking it would be a 5 skill point tree which are unlocked at the following crafting levels:

    lvl 10: you can repair white items
    lvl 20: you can repair Green
    lvl 30: Blue/superior items
    lvl 40: Purple/Epic items
    lvl 50: Gold/Legendary items

    I also agree with @Zyaedra it would be really helpful to increase stack size for crafters because the amount of bank space is getting a bit ridiculous... but Its much lower on my priority list than other things.
    Edited by joeparadis_ESO on July 11, 2014 8:12PM
  • Zyaedra
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    I am a bit surprised to see nothing mentioned in the OP about an improvement to bank/inventory space. A bone needs to be thrown to crafters for resource management. It seems having multiple mule characters is encouraged here, this makes crafting more of a chore than something fun.
    Everyone who asks for this loses sight of the fact this is as ZOS DESIGNED IT.

    They don't intend people to level all crafts, they designed the inventory system to make ti as painful as possible for players to do it, they've stated it clearly, they're not about to change it to make it easy to do something they're vehemently against.

    I hate it as much as anyone, I have 2 accounts with 8 characters on each and ATM 10 are mules, it's a major PITA but it's what ZOS wants and so far they've showed no sign of changing it.

    The just announced a major Provision revamp that they're soliciting idea about, they aim to cut by half the number of ingredients, if you're going to get any change in this system maybe that's the way you'll have to approach it.

    Maybe I am just a noob, but I didn't know ZOS was against this. I thought I heard/read somewhere that ZOS wanted to create a game where people could play the way they liked. I like having one character to go to for all of my crafting and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Regardless of that, however, the inventory/bank space issue doesn't change. If I chose to have several characters master different crafting tiers, I would still have the same issues I have now--very limited space and items on mule characters to make room for loot while fighting.

    If they do the provisioning changes, that will help. I gotta add that I still think they should consider increasing resource stack sizes.
  • Feralmyst
    I have been a fan of Elder Scrolls since the DOS days. I am really enjoying ESO and am very enthusiastic about how well you are responding to player feedback - it reminds me of DAOC through the first few expansions (hmmmm, similar leadership? :-) )The changes to veteran difficulty for us casual+ players is awesome! I didn't post about the acute increase in difficulty, but I did slow down playing my VR4 Nightblade and simply brought up my Templar to VR1 - now it should all be good fun again. Challenge: DAOC is my favorite game of all time, I'm anxious for you to change my mind and put ESO at the top of my personal long list - you're certainly starting off strong! Good stuff, thank you kindly
    Edited by Feralmyst on July 12, 2014 4:03PM
    12XX CP

  • ShiftControl
    On my revisit to this thread this is what I have to say:

    We playing RvR in Cyr we have healers, tanks, dps in our ranks but there is no way to identify them in the current UI System, nor have the capability to mark them with an icon overhead. The group leader icon is small and its blends into the rest of the icons in a crowded environment. If we want to focus fire its evitable to mark target with an icon as well. I know one reason you guys haven’t done anything about it bc the console game and its just not enough buttons on the controller, but how about a modifier? Like shift click 1 or what not or it could be an other wheel like the hotbar for icons as well to mark targets or multiple enemies.
    How about fix the Siege weapons so they would stack?
    If I remember correctly you guys stated its been fixed however its never worked.
    The forward camp icon is so small if multiple allys standing on it, it is not possible to click on, to rez there.
    Also If you have a quest to take a resource and the forward camp is placed on that resource you can not click on it, because the quest marker is about the same size as the camp marker.

    About Achievements:
    Personally I collected every single Skyshard in the game along with many others and I got the chivements for each zone however I never got the main achievement for it because its telling me I missing achievements in several zones and I don’t.
    It’s a bug never been fixed.
    Same thing with world Bosses killed all in the Vr1-10 zone didn’t got the achievements for most never been fixed.
    As far as I know the Lore Books problem is still out there. But this last 2 is not that important just would be nice if it’s solved already.
    Seems like ZoS has no clue how to prioritize fixes and implements.
    Once again most important would be the class balance, who the cares about a tabard if I cant use my skills and I have to wear a skirt and run around with 2 sticks
    Would be nice to fix all this small inconvenient bugs before we can dye our armor then after cover it up with the tabard, which is very very important to some.

    I know you guys listing to players but please set up a priority and do not listen to everyone. Also as far as I know you guys are talking to several guilds how about open the doors to small guilds as well. The majority of the players are the small guilds anyway. Do you think those guys are so much better then any other players? Then why not cater to them only and forget the rest of the players?
    This what we call “Elitist jerks” and I don’t think those players and guild so much better then many others they just don’t seems to have a life.

    Mac client:
    Is so fn unstable almost unplayable its crashes to desktop in ever 20-40 min even If I just standing around in Riften. It’s frustrating when you are defending a keep and your client crashes left and right and you not getting your AP, top of that you are dead by the time you log back online. It’s a game breaker for many. Loosing your defense ticks is frustrating we loosing leaderboard placements and we have to go to see our psychologist to obtain treatment so ending up paying more then15 a month to play the game, or we break our keyboard (maybe in addition) which extra expense as well

    New guild stores:
    It looks like this:
    If I’m looking for a specific item, I have to browse 122 stores in order to find it, this will be awesome. So back to square one we still have flood the Zone chat with our merchandise buy/sell what difference it will make.
    The only dif is, small guild will have lesser chance to obtain a store so they screwed again.

    Armor sets:
    To change the existing set bonuses its outrage instead introduce new sets with new names/ set bonuses problem solved no1 will cry infect all us will be happy. But is to much work right?
    Do not forget You guys exist because we buy the game and pay the subs, if you loose us you have to look for a new job, so the priority is make player base happy and don’t screw them over and over.
    Happy customer = steady job good game happy faces / fireworks.
    Unfortunately is 1 in a million ZoS will read this, anyway I had to say what I had to say.
    Personally I love the game I have lots online friends to play with but we getting frustrated and bored over the existing small problems.
    ZoS what would it take to fix them? Before implementing unimportant things,
    And bring the important which is Thief’s guild and Dark brotherhood?
  • PyroDes86
    i love what you've done with the game, and the dps factor in healing is amazing. however i would love to additionally be able to heal other within a radius from using a -rarer / harder to make- potion. i came up with the idea today of an aoe potion. i would love to see it implemented. thank you.
  • Braddass
    The Nightblade improvements so far is like putting a band-aid on chainsaw wound ... technically it helps, but it really isn't enough to make a difference.
  • Grageeky
    Speaking of achievements: I'm amassing thousands of achievement points, but all I get, if I do the questing/alliance ones correctly, is a title? How about more tangible rewards tied to the achievements listed in the journal?
    "Perhaps his egg spent too much time in the shade before his hatching." -Wareem-
  • Zyaedra
    New guild stores:
    It looks like this:
    If I’m looking for a specific item, I have to browse 122 stores in order to find it, this will be awesome. So back to square one we still have flood the Zone chat with our merchandise buy/sell what difference it will make.
    The only dif is, small guild will have lesser chance to obtain a store so they screwed again.

    THIS. Please rethink the store idea. I think it's nice that guilds can have their own stores, but I don't think this and spamming zone should be the only methods to sell items/goods in game. Please consider implementing a general auction house/trade broker.
  • ElfFromSpace
    Will there ever be an ability to build a house? I'd LOVE if there were some "zones" created in which we can get a home and an orphan. (I want all the orphans!) Since Daggerfall one of my favorite features of elder scrolls has been buying and customizing a home. It would be even better if guilds, could obtain their own instance(s) for their members. Put these in some area in each alliance outside of the current maps. Allowing guilds to control their instance(s) would also give a method to let players move in next door to each other.

    I also desperately want to see guild stores become more usable with better search functions!
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • panemetcircenses
    As far as dye color options, I think this post nails it...
    As far as the dye colors go, I'm personally OK with people being able to make bright/terrible combinations. I'll be using the closest colors I can find to camouflage and ganking the idiots in neon/power-ranger armor all day.

    ...with the idea that there can, and probably will be, real consequences for being the fellow in a fool's motley.

    Of course, in addition to making use of dyes to add camo, you could also use it among guild members for role identification, or even have a set of guilds designed with unique tabards that denote your role in the PvP team. Then again, like the fool's motley, other teams might be able to use this as targeting info. Hmmm... food for thought.

    While I'm not exactly enthused about the idea of making my character look like Hawkeye, I'm fine with others making what they like. I'm optimistic that the TES player base isn't overly inclined toward seizure-inducing color palates, though I do expect a few worshippers of Sheogorath to pay homage to Mania or Dementia depending on their particular blessing.
    Edited by panemetcircenses on July 13, 2014 4:44AM
  • nerrollus
    I don't what to be a pain about this, but when can we expect dyes to go in?

    My poor Nord is having to wear purple and gold armor and he gets picked on by the other Nords. I'd very much be able to change that ASAP.

    Ragnarok Blackfist - Templar of the Ebonheart Pact
    Ronin Wanderhome - Dragon Knight of the Ebonheart Pact
  • timidobserver
    I have a suggestion for the Champion system.

    I would allow the Champion system to benefit alts. So, once a character reaches the max Champion status, allow them to apply any excess point gains to other characters in the form of XP bonuses or accelerated leveling.

    As it stands, I have a V12 and no intention of ever making another character. If you take my suggestion, I would start a few alts.
    Edited by timidobserver on July 15, 2014 3:44AM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    I have a suggestion for the Champion system.

    I would allow the Champion system to benefit alts. So, once a character reaches the max Champion status, allow them to apply any excess point gains to other characters in the form of XP bonuses or accelerated leveling.

    As it stands, I have a V12 and no intention of ever making another character. If you take my suggestion, I would start a few alts.
    Did you not read the Reddit &A that was posted in the last couple of days?

    I suggest you do.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Keep it coming ZOS, these are some great things, hope update 4 brings some content into the game, and new features and options are always welcome, at least by me anyway..:)
  • Iluvrien
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    Maybe I am just a noob, but I didn't know ZOS was against this. I thought I heard/read somewhere that ZOS wanted to create a game where people could play the way they liked. I like having one character to go to for all of my crafting and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Regardless of that, however, the inventory/bank space issue doesn't change. If I chose to have several characters master different crafting tiers, I would still have the same issues I have now--very limited space and items on mule characters to make room for loot while fighting.

    If they do the provisioning changes, that will help. I gotta add that I still think they should consider increasing resource stack sizes.

    What ZOS have said is that you are perfectly able to go for all crafts at the same time but that there are consequences for doing that. The consequence is that you run out of bank space and spend extra time managing inventory.

    The suggested path, if memory serves, is that you focus on 1-2 crafts at a time. If you want to do more than that? Fine. However it does mean that you will incur the issues described above.

    I have a single main character and he is primarily a crafter. He has spent most of his time working on Enchanting, Clothing and Woodworking. For the most part I haven't into issues with inventory or bank space (after the first few upgrades). He will soon be reaching level 50 with those 3, and then will start working on Alchemy, Provisioning and Blacksmithing. What is all of this to say? That I have found that trying to level all 6 crafts at one time doesn't really work, but that doing all 6 in two batches may well do so.

    Just a suggestion.
  • luzpteb17_ESO
    Can't wait to see a dev thread on the Werewolves....after all you said it would be done along with the Templar one and the Templar one is already out there for the world to see.
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