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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • kirnmalidus
    drogon1 wrote: »
    Very nice update from a barely hanging in there sub. Especially the part about PvP XP going up. This will provide leveling options for those that like to play alts and do not like playing vet content in other factions. Providing more incentive for players to PvP is a good thing in ESO.

    Would like to see dungeon XP go up a bit also. The group instances are the best PvE the game has to offer, but they are under-used by players because of substandard XP and loot rewards.

    I personally don't think PvP XP needs to be increased. I went from VR11 to VR12 in about a week, playing only PvP for about 25-30 hours total. That's almost not enough time for the last level before level cap.
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • mertusta
    Hi, what is the date of Update3? :)
  • spliffmaster2b16_ESO
    gibous wrote: »
    Custom dyed armor sounds great, but I don't like the idea of candy-colored armor dyes. Should be more earth-toned. The visual appeal of this series is that it's not terribly cartoony and works toward some kind of realism.

    This was my first thought. Please only allow reasonable tones for dyes that makes sense in this series.
  • kirnmalidus
    Ok again you say you read the forums why are you guys seem like your mainly focused on making vet rank better idk what's up but why has the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild not been incorporated or the Justice system what about new classes or maybe a new race or two why no spell creation I really wanna see bloodmage class and necromancy class and a Druid class and a Monk class it would be awesome to see a few new races but that might be asking to much I'm just wondering I really do hope you guys read this these are what me and several others would love to see

    DB and TG are much desired. More classes are not needed at this time. They need to fix the classes they have already.

    And just no to new races. This is an Elder Scrolls game, and all of the races are already available.

    What do you want to be anyway? Maybe a sload? Or a Moarmer?
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • Meggedo
    I am SORRY this post is huge but I am giving a large amount of input on the latest and greatest patch topic, and it is focused at the DEV team; and hopefully to generate positive player discussion based on my experience in MMOs since their birth.
    I want to start on the positive first. ESO has created a game and interactive world that is spectacular and shows great thought to the overall enjoyment of the game. I often refer back to the days of UO, and that is, because of how long I played, the content, versatility, and social structure.
    I really like the concept of armor dye's. This has been a small detail that was missing in a number of games that crafters, and other player really like. You have already created a great set up to develop the look of your character as it is, and to continue to build on this is a strong point in maintaining a good fan base.
    Addressing selling and the road ahead. In UO, which I played the Chesapeake server, and anyone who played on that server that plays the MMO's of today recognize my characters name (although someone already had stolen my main crafter's name of Magog. LOL) Being a hardcore crafting junkie, as I have been in every game I have ever played, the crafter seems to be the least thought of player. ESO seems to have given a large amount of thought to the idea of crafting as a viable play style. The one thing I do see coming with some changes, as I have experienced in every game, the crafters items become useless due to powerful drops. Even in UO which I think had one of the most extensive systems for its day, it suffered this painful death which ended its 10 years of game play for me. Maintaining a good balance for crafting such as smithing, leather working, or any crafting that directly impacts the players protection and attack abilities is important. No crafting junkie wants to invest months researching, working, and distributing points to a skill that is NERFed to death. One change to look at in the crafting arena is how skill gain works. You gain little to go skill hammering items out regardless of the level of item. Example I can sit and pound out a million pieces all day long and go nowhere, and then have guild mates send me re-roll items and gain a huge amount of skill. This is unbalanced for the player who has yet to establish a good connection of other players. This also creates any issue with players, even within the guild, do you sell or help the crafter build up skill. I am lucky as I play with my sons, and other people who came with me to ESO.
    This creates a probably with stability of pricing in the trade markets, and what price should things be. A drop may not be a rare drop, but allows for good skill gain on the re-roll. Now say when I reach 50 smithing I really don't need to re-roll those items as much, and now a flood begins to hit the market. This in balance creates a massive wave of price fluctuation that becomes unmanageable over all, and a smith per say has no idea what is an actual fair price. I am using smith right now, because that is my current focus. Provisioning I see struggling in this area as well. I maxed that skill very quick, and find it to be rather useless overall. The food isn't overly beneficial without blue or purple recipe's, rending green ones as junk. This really needs some correction, either the drops of higher level recipes need to occur, or the functionality of green need some enhancement. This enhancement may be in affecting all the stats across the board like higher levels, or make the effects of green ones stackable. If they are stackable then it will generate a greater market for those, and reduce the amount of MATs you have saved. In return it will reduce the overhead on the servers of having to use space to track this vast number static items.
    The idea of opening sales up to the world is a great concept, and I cant wait for this. I have found a global auction house to be a great way to maintain a competitive market; but also a great way to take control of a market. We sort of did this in SWTOR with item drops from micro transaction packs. We purchased low sold them gradually high. This gave us the ability to grow our guild bank quickly to gain storage space for a growing crafters guild. Having individual vendors, like was seen in UO allowed for a competitive market, but allowed for individuals/guilds to build a strong relationship with the community at large. Needful Things (NT) has been my crafters guild since UO, and I have yet to build that relationship in any game that I had in UO. If you are not familiar with the system employed there, you had a house you could place and set up shop. Then you could place items in your vendor for sale, some like mine where organized over multiple vendors from blacksmithing to magic; each bag containing various levels of items to allow for every level to buy what they needed. I never had issues with Player Killers(PKs) or PVPers attacking one another, because of the ability to ban them from using your house location containing vendors. This gave a benefit to the overall community as well. It gave the chance for different people of different play style's to interact with one another, plus it kept me safe when MAT gathering (Huge Bonus for me).This community interaction seems to be a huge focus for the ESO development team, and hopefully something for them to think about.
    I hear a lot of complaining of being pigeonholed, and I find this not to be the case so much. There are a huge number of earnable points available to develop your character. I usually play tanks, and DPS type characters, and tanks are always had to come by because they are boring as hell to play. With the system available I have been able to balance a play style that allows me to play either DPS or Tank, it is taking me a bit to make but it is possible. This eliminates that cookie cutter idea found in so many other games. I hated playing a tank in WOW, because when I was soloing if I came across a rouge I was screwed. In ESO I can switch between Tank to DPS quickly, but I also have the use of a Strike7 keyboard to help make that switch using macro keys. The flexibility is there, and my sons who *** about this, have learned it is possible watching me play. It also allows you to diversify your character to fit a number of roles in either soloing or in grouping. Everyone knows the two hardest types to raid with, Tank and Healers. They also learned that I can balance out the use of magic and stamina during combat, but it is a pain in the but due to the lack of the UI. This brings me back to a something I complain about A LOT. While I don't want that cookie cutter engine feel of a WOW or SWTOR, I would like to see a larger number of slots available to place skills for combat, because five is just not enough. Having all this versatility is useless if you can't get to it. I have been able to do massive damage using Ardent Flame mixed with dual wield as a balance between magic and stamina abilities, but not having the number of slots open to do this creates huge issues. This is were I think pigeonholing has come in to play. The balance between the stats is fine, it is just the ability to use them effectively, add onto that trying to use potions without an add-on is next to impossible. The game was definitely not developed for those looking for a classic style of character creation in anyway, and this is the very cool part about it. It has forced players to think in a different perspective of playing, it is the difference between chess and checkers no doubt. This appeals to me, and I think dedicated players watching how things get handled and grow. It isn't WOW, COD, or anything else that many have played. It takes a bit of getting used to, and requires some serious thought in your character build, and people generally don't like that you don't get that instant cookie cuter build. Which by the way is awesome. Please definitely consider the UI before NERFing all these classes and skills, and I personally think you would have less issues. The programming behind it is not my area of great knowledge, as I am more of a hardware type and security guy. I test NVIDA cards academically, so I never have to worry about some of the other hard ware issues.
    From playing PC games, as opposed to console type games, I can see how some are frustrated with gameplay issues. My system would cost around $9000 if I had to pay for all of it, and some PC gamers spend a lot of cash on theirs to play PC games smoothly. To have to deal with console based operating type designs pisses me off to no end, but I am also patient in the idea that DEV teams listen. If the intent is to go cross platform, which I have heard rumblings about great, but you can't release a game strictly to PC and expect PC gamers devoted to that platform to adhere to those restrictions. If I want to play a console game I will go out into my living room and fire up the console, and not my desktop, laptop or otherwise. I built my system to play PC games, I want that type of options and functionality. I don't want to have to go out and get an Xbox controller to play my PC game, what would be the whole point of the keyboard and mouse I have dedicated for gaming, as many other PC gamers have.
    I heard that the company invested in a large number of servers, and that person didn't see the sense in that. I explained that it will keep the game from running into more issues than AOL in the 90's. This also kind of supports the cross platform idea, which is great, but the integration of this either should have happened at the same time; or developed independently with the ability to cross connect the servers later. It appears that it is based in LINUX/UNIX programming hence the "/" as a general rule, but I could just be way off base on that one (Like I said I am more hardware/Security). Releasing to PC first, should have been your greatest concentration for subscribers in order to grow the company to support more DEV/Content designers. Growing this P2P fan base allows for the revue stream to grow this expansion, or you end up like F2P games relying solely on micro transactions to generate a revenue stream; and this generally leads to a linear and flat based game at a point certain. This defiantly does not seem to be the goal of the ESO team. I may be way off base, as I am not employed by Zenimax who works under some of these other companies, but wither those companies need to release some of their resources to you, or you need to get some help in this thought process. I know Xbox 1 gamers are looking forward to the release of ESO, and have yammered about cross platform, but many don't realize the problems that can occur with doing this either. Then once you factor in Microsoft control, especially if your programming in LINUX/UNIX, it can be a pain in the but and head. I am glad, if you did by that much equipment, that you have the foresight in the expansion of your system without the growing pains so many have suffered. Anyone who doubts this can look at Facebook, other social media, and games to realize that their problems became clear quickly from this. As I mentioned above, anyone who is 100 years old lol can remember this from the beginning of AOL, and the massive suits they went through, because of this lack of foresight. Computers and the internet have come a long way since. Soon the light vortex will change how even this will change, and I cant wait for it just for gaming potential. OK this will close the book I have just written, and I hope it helps the DEV team, and players think about the complaints they have. *Note, it states I have a message in my in box, but the inbox doesn't work for some reason, so if you have anything you would like to say about this as far as DEV/Players, you can email me at my guild email or hit me up on FB PM Thanks and I don't need bashing about the length of my post, and thought that went into it.
    Overlord of Black Knights of Virtue, Needful Things, and White Knights of Virtue
  • Mescalamba
    Urgh colors? I mean, I would like some resonable customization, but bright pure colors? Big no. We really dont want another WoW cartoonish chars, if we wanted we would play WoW.

    Also, can you please tweak horses appearence? They look awful for something you buy for a LOT of gold.

    I really dont like that I spent 42k for "My Little Plastic Pony". If you look at your horse compared to how detailed can be for example armor on your character, you might think about poking your eyes out..
    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    I personally love the wide variety of color choices.

    People are being far too over-dramatic by saying "BRIGHT COLORS MKE THA GME CARTOONY". The armor the dye is being applied to is still very realistically designed and textured, not at all cartoony.

    Bright colors ARE realism, what reality do you live in where there aren't bright colors?

    If someone choosing to wear a bright color bothers you to that extent, you're gonna have problems living your life. I suggest learning how to get over it.
  • egosumacunnus
    Below is the latest Road Ahead article, written by ESO Game Director Matt Firor:

    It’s time for another update on what we’re up to at ZOS, how things are going for ESO, and what to expect in the near future.

    ZOS and ESO at QuakeCon

    As part of the pan-Bethesda fan event, we’ll be out in force at QuakeCon in Dallas from July 17th through the 20th. Most events related to The Elder Scrolls Online will be held on Friday, July 17th. We’ll have our own panel, there will be hands-on stations at our booth, and we’ll host a Q&A session. Everyone is welcome—we’d love to see you there. If you can’t make it to the show, you can still join us to watch the panel and Q&A on our twitch channel! Here’s a breakdown of what we’re planning:
    • “The Future of ESO” panel, where senior developers will talk about their different responsibilities and what they’re working on. Creative Director Paul Sage will present an update on changes coming to the Veteran System (which we cover further down) and lots more.
    • A Community Meet and Greet after the panel.
    • PvP Tournament and livestreams—join in with your guild or friends and have your PvP session livestreamed on our Twitch channel.
    • A Trials tournament and livestream.

    To get all the details about our presence at the show, including how to enter the tournaments, check out our QuakeCon article.

    EU Megaserver Update

    We’re getting closer and closer to being able to announce a specific date for the migration of the EU Megaserver to our Frankfurt data center. As I type this, it looks like the move will happen during either the last week of July or the first week of August. This is obviously a delicate operation, and we have to make sure that everything is up and running and that all character data is transferred successfully. We are taking the time to do it right.

    Veteran Rank System

    We’ve been listening to your feedback about ESO’s Veteran Rank content. Some of the issues are that it’s too much of a departure from the 1-50 experience, it’s much more “grindy,” it can be too difficult, and the rewards don’t match the effort you have to put in to progress. I’m very happy to say that we’ll be making a series of announcements (starting at QuakeCon) that will address problems with the Veteran System in ESO, leading to a much more compelling high-level PvE experience for everyone.

    In the interim, we’ve implemented some balance changes to content in post-50 zones that will make it much more like the content from levels 1-50. Our goal is to remove the feeling of “I have just hit a wall of difficulty” that many of you have commented on—you’ll be able to solo much more easily.

    One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage people (not force them) to group. We wanted people to be able to solo to max level, but still wanted you to participate in group content. This principle was the reason we made our post-50 zones more difficult; we wanted you to get together with others and take on tougher challenges. But this hasn’t been well-received. Many of you love the game you played from 1-50, and the Veteran-level zones are too much of a departure from that experience. We know you want the ability to continue participating in solo content as you progress through Veteran Ranks. This will occur over time, but the first few phases look like this:
    • Phase 1: Make sure the difficulty in Veteran zones ramps up slowly and rarely exceeds what a good player can do on their own. This change came to the live servers on July 7th. By the time you read this, you should be able to play Veteran content the same way you played from 1-50.
    • Phase 2: Remove the Veteran Points system and have normal experience gains direct the growth of the Veteran System. Also, we’ll increase the amount of XP granted in PvP. This will happen at some point over the summer as we transition to the new system.
    • Phase 3: Introduce a completely new Veteran System based on new character customization and growth mechanics. We’ll talk more about this in the near future—especially during Quakecon—but for now, be aware that we’re going to make some much-needed changes to post-50 PvE gameplay.

    The primary reason for making these changes is to ensure that you have meaningful choices in the post-50 PvE game experience that reinforce the design idea that you can play the way you want to play.

    Update 3 and Guild Enhancements

    Update 3 (or “Guild Extravaganza!” as we call it) introduces lots of guild and player customization improvements, and it will be coming to the Public Test Server (PTS) soon. Few features are more important to ESO than guilds. They provide the easiest and most fun way to meet new people, chat with groups while you’re playing, and are almost always the first choice when putting together a dungeon or PvP group. As such, we’re devoting a large portion of Update 3 to making sure that guilds are easy to create, fun to join and manage, and provide players with a social group that helps them in their journey through Tamriel.

    It is also important to note that almost all of these guild enhancements came about as a result of your feedback. Please keep up the comments on the forums, on social media, and in places like reddit—we are reading and listening.

    Here’s a quick summary of Update 3’s guild enhancements:
    • Management: guild leaders can create, delete, and promote guild ranks. Guilds can have up to ten ranks of membership, each of which can have its own icon.
    • Bank: guild leaders can set permissions to allow members to withdraw gold from the guild bank based on their rank.
    • Store updates: anyone in your alliance can browse your guild store in Cyrodiil if your guild owns a keep.
    • Traders: The Gold Coast Trading Company will establish kiosks throughout the cities of Tamriel. The merchants running the kiosks can be hired by guilds on a weekly basis (via auction) to act as a portal to their guild’s store, which can be browsed by any player in the guild’s alliance. Auctions use a blind bidding process and are held once a week per merchant.
    • Heraldry: guild leaders can design guild heraldry for their guilds if they have 10 or more members. Each guild member can purchase and wear a tabard emblazoned with the guild’s chosen colors and crest. There are 250 colors, 63 backgrounds, and 136 crests that can be mixed and matched to form guild heraldry.


    Class Builds and Balance

    I’ll take this opportunity to repeat an important point: we make class balance changes very slowly because they can have a big impact on your play experience. We’re making changes carefully, but we are always watching feedback about balance concerns. Recently, we adjusted stamina builds to help them become more competitive by making medium armor reduce the cost of stamina abilities and by improving the damage for several stamina-based abilities. In Update 3, ultimate abilities will scale from weapon damage or spell damage—whichever one benefits you the most. We’ll continue to make incremental changes to address balance issues.

    It’s important to note that from now on, whenever we introduce a major change to a skill line, we will be offering a free respec to players who have invested points in that line.

    Here are some other character and ability topics we’re looking at for potential balance changes and tweaks:
    • The survivability of werewolves and the balance between their strengths and weaknesses may receive some adjustments.
    • The effectiveness of Templars is being evaluated, particularly some specific builds that may be underperforming when compared to similar builds for other classes.
    • Our previous changes to the Dragonknight class are undergoing review to ensure that the class is fun to play and still feels powerful.
    • We’re continuing to make adjustments to the Nightblade. We believe that what we’ve done so far has helped, but there may be more on the way.

    Itemization and Rewards

    One of the most fun reasons to play games like ESO is to obtain cool weapons, armor, and other gear through the course of your adventures. We’ve been closely following commentary about how, at some points in the game, it feels like you aren’t being rewarded adequately for the amount of effort you put in. I’ve already talked above about how we’re looking to alleviate this at Veteran Ranks, but it also applies to some sections of the 1-50 experience.

    We’ve seen feedback that there isn’t enough differentiation in armor appearances—especially as you adventure from moment to moment—and that the items you find are not substantially better than the ones you already have, leading to a feeling of incremental gain but never something exciting or momentous.

    Armor dyes, which will be in the game as part of Update 3, will help by giving you the ability to customize gear colors to your tastes, but we’re also going to introduce some new itemization features over the next couple of updates:
    • New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
    • A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
    • Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.

    Stay tuned to future patch notes to see how itemization and rewards evolve over the next few updates.


    We’ve been working steadily behind the scenes to make combat more fun and visceral. This is a multi-pronged effort to tweak and fix dozens of different game systems to lead to a smoother, more responsive combat system. Similar to how we’re changing the Veteran System, we’ll make meaningful changes over time. We’re making changes to animations, audio, timing, server network optimization, and other factors to make combat more engaging.

    We’ll show off some of these new combat enhancements at QuakeCon to demonstrate the evolution the combat system has made over the last few months.

    Fun with Armor Dyes

    Update 3 will be on the PTS soon, bringing with it a lot of fun new character and guild customization features. This update has been in internal testing at ZOS for many weeks now, and as part of that effort, we had a studio-wide contest to see who could use the new dye system to come up with the coolest (or most horrendous?) outfit. Check out some of the screenshots from the contest—it was a lot of fun, and it shows the lengths to which you can change what your character looks like just by applying different colors.


    Thanks for reading. As you can see, there are lots of changes coming to ESO based on your feedback. As we roll them out, we’ll keep listening to what you have to say, and we hope you’ll enjoy everything we have planned for you. See you in Tamriel!

    New bugged content to take your mind off the old bugged content.

    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • N0madS0uL
    I feel there are actually many issues with the game at the moment and while im sure many people are OK with it, I believe the point is not to be OK with something that you pay for and isnt right, if you get something free you keep quiet and take it.
    That said, from my experience and the average consensus I got was that attributes are a broken system since most people live with the rule "all into hp, gear for the rest" this i feel undermines the whole idea of custom attributes.

    Sure many maybe don't do it but what gets to me is that so many more do and it works...what also annoys me is when people say "templar dual wielding fails" or "has no dps" or "dk and sorce can do everything you need"

    This is a major problem, it seems templar and nighblades are not doing what dk and sorce can do or it needs a hell of a lot more skill and planning needed to do so. I thought the idea was that any class can perform any role? Sadly its not true since DKs tank better than other classes Templar included, templar supposedly should heal better than sorce though many complain over magicka regain. Fact is it seems these classes have clear roles already predefined and playing them as anything else while its possible just is "Bad" why bother then, either make it so you can do anything with any class and keep its realistic imo, I personally never liked the idea you can tank in anything but heavy armor because it makes realistically sense and yes I know some say "its a game" "magic can shield me" but really...the game would be much simpler if they can give a class a skill tree that fulfills a role tank, heal, dps and does it 100% then add secondary skills. I know people want to have the whole TES feel but its not TES as we all knew it its now an MMO and there are some things you can't get away from (at least not the way it is now) it will require a lot of work to "make it work" the whole "any class can do any job" and do it 100% efficient.

    I hope this message carries itself over correctly being misconstrued on this topic isnt hard. So try and see it from my POV if possible.

    Maybe my idea of this game is wrong, could be I expected something else but this is just my opinion and POV, maybe its just not the game for me sadly. Still here is what I was thinking. :)
    Edited by N0madS0uL on July 9, 2014 3:41PM
  • dcincali
    Kaytlin wrote: »
    I appreciate the information on the upcoming changes, but I am disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of the problems the game is experiencing and what steps are being taken to remedy the major game issues. This was supposed to be a address on the "state of the game". It missed the boat on this. There was no acknowledgement of the FPS and lag issues plaguing the AvA and some PvE zones. It seems this was more of a features in the works update rather than a state of the game address.
    Frankly, the state of the game is not good at this point.
    Caytlynne of Skye
    V12 EP Sorceress

    Uhm, they fixed the fps issues today, and most if not all of my problems were addressed in that letter with the vet rank and itemization points, so.

    The FPS issue has a bandaide, it is NOWHERE near fixed..
  • dcincali
    This just looks like an announcement for the announcement at quake con.. BORING... I've already unsubbed. 6 days left for something exciting to bring me back and im not seeing it..

    Also, why is this written by @ZOS_MattFiror‌ but posted by @ZOS_GinaBruno‌? Can he not even take the time to post himself?
    Edited by dcincali on July 9, 2014 3:42PM
  • heinrich00
    Can please have capes are we gonna have capes ?
  • Calipto
    Soul Shriven
    No rest for the wicked i guess. Good Job ZoS keep up the hard work. Looking forward to all the future content. Just wanted to be *one* of the people that actually stopped to say "thanks" for trying to deliver an amazing game in spite of all the people that feel QQ'ing is the only form of communication.
    Edited by Calipto on July 9, 2014 3:44PM
  • WyndStryke
    gibous wrote: »
    Custom dyed armor sounds great, but I don't like the idea of candy-colored armor dyes. ...

    I very much like the dye idea, great stuff, but like you I'm not too fond of the idea of neon or very bright colours since the realistic / gritty art style is one of the best aspects of ESO. Keep things subtle :smiley:

    Although I foresee that I'll be spending the next 6 months ganking neon people in PvP.
    ... Chat bubbles won't be in Update 3, but we are actively working on them. ...

    Not very keen on this, hope we can leave them turned off if we want. I'm in the 'minimal interface' camp if you hadn't guessed LOL.
    StihlReign wrote: »
    ... The store in Cyrodiil still sells armor as if the game were in Beta. The Magus sells under-powered jewelry (VR10 is no longer the max). ...

    Errr... does anybody buy arms / armour from the shops? The drops are usually more than enough, and crafting allows even more powerful stuff.

    Edited by WyndStryke on July 9, 2014 4:07PM
  • Darlgon
    One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage people (not force them) to group. We wanted people to be able to solo to max level, but still wanted you to participate in group content. This principle was the reason we made our post-50 zones more difficult; we wanted you to get together with others and take on tougher challenges. But this hasn’t been well-received. Many of you love the game you played from 1-50, and the Veteran-level zones are too much of a departure from that experience. We know you want the ability to continue participating in solo content as you progress through Veteran Ranks. This will occur over time, but the first few phases look like this:
    Thanks for reading. As you can see, there are lots of changes coming to ESO based on your feedback. As we roll them out, we’ll keep listening to what you have to say, and we hope you’ll enjoy everything we have planned for you. See you in Tamriel!

    Since you are letting go on the group content a little and making such big changes in vision on Veteran content.. can you PLEASE PLEASE consider giving up on the Guild Store system? Frankly, as a person who has EXTENSIVELY used the limited AH in Lotro and EQ, the Single faction AH in SWTOR, and the global AH in GW2, this is the WORST POSSIBLE way to sell the things you make and loot.

    In EQ, I used to look for items listed lower than vendor, buy them, sell them to the vendor and laugh all the way to the bank, not counting the fun of leaving my character online to sell when I went to bed, waiting for the dial-up modem to time out. In Lotro, I used 5 alts to list items with the 30 item limitation in Lotro. and until the game started dying, listed to cap on each one. In SWTOR, even with a jacked up economy, I was able to pay for a lot of things my other guildies could not afford because I would list to max every day, sell what sold over night, and then replace it with crafted/looted stuff from my bank, even if I did not play that day. In GW2, I actually was a pretty heavy trader, even keeping up with what to buy to decon for items to resell, when the components sold for more than the items.

    While I was never rich, I also was never poor. In this game.. I feel.. POOOOOR. I cant sell stuff that I shake my head at, when I think of how it would sell it overnight in other games to other crafters or other people who just checked the AH for a single point upgrade in gear, In this game.. the limitations of the store are not only in the interface, but also in the limited market I can sell to vs a global economy, with fees/taxes higher than I would think for such a SMALL CHANCE to sell my items. I have frankly stopped offering 99% of my items, deconing them for mats that also wont sell and will likely end up with a vendor.

    Frankly, all thru the Stress Test weekends, I told people to give it a try, see how it worked. Now, I have to say.. IT AINT WORKING.

    Please fix it. And thanks for listening.
    Edited by Darlgon on July 9, 2014 4:04PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • snowsong
    lerial32 wrote: »
    This was definitely a solid "State of the Game" address. All we really want to know is what the devs are going to do to make us continue to enjoy the game. I think they did just that. It was very obvious that they have been reading the forums closely and have listened to what we have been saying. I know many of us that are still playing are kind of in panic mode having put so much time and effort into this game seeing seeing so many people cancel their subs. This should help level things off a bit or even increase. I hope they can deliver all they set in front of us. I am extremely hopeful and thankful!!! Personally, I like the Guild Store changes and it will be fun to see what the "new armor sets" will be. The armor dye is interesting...I hope they don't make it tooooo easy to get/level so it is kind of special for a while. I hope they make us work for it (but not as hard as enchanting please!!).

    I agree! Thank you DEVs and ESO Team! Wonderful update news! I really like how you are planning to implement the ability for creating somewhat unique tabards for guilds. I also like that small guilds and beginning guilds will have access to these features, instead of having to wait until they are at a very high member number or have a ridiculous amount of game-gold to buy the privilege. Very encouraging news.
    I already happily see in the image you provided, that there is something there that may be something cat-like those in the symbols that may work for Khajiits too. Thank you. I also like your ideas about encouraging by making it more enjoyable for people to group, without punishing solo-type or couples game-play so as not to force larger grouping in all instances; but rather allowing more choices instead. This will allow for a variety of playing experiences, and while addressing technical issues; it seems you certainly have not neglected the creativity aspect of the game either. It is also appreciated, that you are listening to subscribers about difficulty versus rewards issues at all levels. I am kind of holding off on trying out the Werewolf skill-line, since it sounds like this may be needing re-vamping according to most of our fellow players that have tried it. I always tried out the Werewolf and Vampire aspects that were offered in previous TES games, so i am looking forward to possibly experimenting with those in ESO too, though perhaps on different characters of course. It is also nice to hear that the Templars will be getting some luv in the near future. They are so unselfish to devote to being healers, that they sure deserve it. I am very pleased with the all this news, and looking forward to hearing more of your ideas and plans to be announced at Quakecon.
    Edited by snowsong on July 9, 2014 4:38PM
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Baphomet
    Nooo, no , no , no, no, do not even think about implementing those cartoon colors. Dyes are super awesome and mandatory, but do them with the same eye for detail which the rest of the game is built upon.

    Everything else, I love it! :)
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • DyingBreed
    Kaytlin wrote: »
    I appreciate the information on the upcoming changes, but I am disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of the problems the game is experiencing and what steps are being taken to remedy the major game issues. This was supposed to be a address on the "state of the game". It missed the boat on this. There was no acknowledgement of the FPS and lag issues plaguing the AvA and some PvE zones. It seems this was more of a features in the works update rather than a state of the game address.
    Frankly, the state of the game is not good at this point.
    Caytlynne of Skye
    V12 EP Sorceress

    Uhm, they fixed the fps issues today, and most if not all of my problems were addressed in that letter with the vet rank and itemization points, so.

  • DyingBreed
    From day one the guild bank has been messed up that is still not fix so not ALL the problems.NO where was their so we know the bank is messed up we are working to fix the problem.they say they are listening to feedback it looks like they are listening to the NEW wow players feedback by making the game easier.That is what alot of people liked about the game,but its to hard this patch make it easier next patch reduce the xp per level hell lets just go play WoW because that is what it will be with better graphics.I really feel like they have waited to long to say ANYTHING.that being said that means lost to many people.BTW you dont want the new WoW players you want the old one back when WoW have 14m people all the news just want stuff handed to them not earned.
    Edited by DyingBreed on July 9, 2014 4:44PM
  • GTech_1
    Selique wrote: »
    No word on Chat Bubbles yet? I know some people don't care, but I am curious.
    Chat bubbles won't be in Update 3, but we are actively working on them.
    Denaia wrote: »
    @zos_ginabruno are the delve updates that where announced for update 3 in the previous road ahead also going to come? And what about the collectibles achievement that haven't been working since the start of the game?
    Delve updates will start in Update 3, and will be an ongoing addition as we hit each area.

    I want to give you 20 "Awesome"s for this ... but the forum system won't let me :)
  • kewl
    Very happy about these changes. Thanks to everyone @ZOS for hearing our complaints/suggestions and acting on them. I look forward to experiecning ESO's evolution.
  • RazielSR
    There will be new quests for the veteran ranks? I mean, as you know, when you reach another faction zone, it is like an alternate reality (nobody likes this idea). So, now that you are gonna change many things for VR, are you gonna add more story or new quests making the experience more immersive? Ot it is just going to be the same? I mean, regarding story.
  • drogon1
    drogon1 wrote: »
    Very nice update from a barely hanging in there sub. Especially the part about PvP XP going up. This will provide leveling options for those that like to play alts and do not like playing vet content in other factions. Providing more incentive for players to PvP is a good thing in ESO.

    Would like to see dungeon XP go up a bit also. The group instances are the best PvE the game has to offer, but they are under-used by players because of substandard XP and loot rewards.

    I personally don't think PvP XP needs to be increased. I went from VR11 to VR12 in about a week, playing only PvP for about 25-30 hours total. That's almost not enough time for the last level before level cap.

    --says the VR11.

    My characters are in their 20-30s, and PvP XP is tough to come by and overall low for the amount of time put in. At VR11, PvP is no doubt more rewarding in every way, facerolling my and others' level 20's. Without enough XP to reward us lowbies for our troubles playing canon-fodder for you folks at VR11+, then most will stick with head-in-the-ground solo questing until they can become actually competitive. Which will turn many players away from the game - not good for the game.
    Edited by drogon1 on July 9, 2014 4:53PM
  • snowsong
    Oberon wrote: »
    • New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
    • A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
    • Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.
    Be sure to give crafting some love. Almost all of the 8-trait set bonuses are completely useless. Researching 8 traits takes a long time, and should be rewarding for dedicated crafters.

    This could be a great way to help the currently very bad stamina-based builds. Add some really good 6 and 8 trait crafted sets to help them keep up with what is currently the only intelligent dps setup (light armor + staff).

    Well, given the fact that the current 8-trait sets are tied to the Mage's Guild and Fighter's guild, I'm kind of operating with the assumption that when the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild are finally in the game they will bring their own 8-trait sets.

    In theory this will expand the usefulness of 8-trait sets for some additional builds that are aligned with the Rogue archetype.

    These are some interesting insights and great ideas. I can see why daggers need to do more damage (as a commenter suggested), and i am also looking forward to The Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild and how this will pan out for Nightblade builds too. Lots of good points on that and about the crafting sets here in the forum as well. I enjoy crafting and enchanting all kinds of armors and weapons, and it does help to enchant an item with a passive you or your class may feel lacking in, although it may not be the whole answer.

    RE: Crafting: Here is an idea, since there is so much crafting in ESO, it would be nice if we were awarded a skill point and a crafting point each time we leveled up, instead of just a skill point. Some players like to take their time and craft along the way as they level up, and not have to be weaker in battle from it by having to spend skill points they need to help in battle, on crafting instead. Part of the reward of leveling up for me and some of my friends is being able to craft new items and gear related to that level, instead of just rushing to high levels and skipping the experience of that along the way in a worry over not having enough skill points for being an effective fighter to help in a group. I suppose there could be argument for or against this idea, but it would be more fun if we had at least one skill-point and one crafting point to spend each level. For those that want to put even more into mastering crafts, you could have it that a skill-point could be spent on anything, but that crafting points were just for crafting. This way, it would not take away from those that want to be master crafters of something for their group, but still allow those fighters and healers that want to dabble in a few more crafts more along the way themselves, not to have to miss out on that either. I hope i am explaining this clearly enough to be understood. At any rate, it is just a fun idea, i hope ESO will consider :) Thank you.

    Edited by snowsong on July 9, 2014 4:54PM
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Daveon
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Bank: guild leaders can set permissions to allow members to withdraw gold from the guild bank based on their rank.

    Just to be clear..that means we will be able to allow gold deposits into the guild bank? I just found it odd that the statement mentions the ability to withdraw gold for members when there is no option to withdraw or deposit gold by members or officers or anyone at present so the statement seemed to be somewhat confusing unless you make assumptions which I try to avoid doing.
    Yes, you will be able to withdraw and deposit gold into your guild bank.

    While this isn't called out in the roadmap post, are there any plans to allow guilds to buy more bank space? One bank slot per guild member with no option to expand is problematic.

    It would also be useful if the Guild Message of the Day could be broadcasted to each member's chat window upon login. This is a common feature in most MMOs, but is missing currently in ESO. While a couple of addons include this option, its only useful if every guild member has said addon (which won't happen).

    Also, are we ever going to have an option to increase guild cap beyond 500 members? Some of the guilds that have shown up in the guild spotlights do have more than 500 members, meaning they have to create overflow guilds. And without custom chat channels available in ESO, that makes in-game chat communication between main and overflow guilds difficult without tasking a member in both to relay (not everyone uses voice servers).

    Edited by Daveon on July 9, 2014 5:13PM
  • Xnemesis
    Class Builds and Balance

    I’ll take this opportunity to repeat an important point: we make class balance changes very slowly because they can have a big impact on your play experience. We’re making changes carefully, but we are always watching feedback about balance concerns. Recently, we adjusted stamina builds to help them become more competitive by making medium armor reduce the cost of stamina abilities and by improving the damage for several stamina-based abilities. In Update 3, ultimate abilities will scale from weapon damage or spell damage—whichever one benefits you the most. We’ll continue to make incremental changes to address balance issues.

    This may sound crazy but why not Just make all abilities damage scale off weapon damage and total resources. My reasoning is this.

    1) You wouldn't be punished for taking a good combination of stamina and magika based abilities.
    2) You won't be punished for they type of armor you wear.
    3) You won't be gimped by the weapon you choose.
    4) It would encourage a more diversified gear set. More 5/2 splits
    5) Enchants would actually make a difference and balancing would become important again versus just stacking one resource past overcharge.
    6) Different more diverse builds would arise due to less resource restraints.

    Abilities would still cost either Magicka or stamina, but the damage would scale off your weapon damage and total resource pool. This is such a simple fix and would open up so many unique builds its unreal. All you would have to do is change the damage equation for each ability to tally the total resources for damage versus just the one that is associated towards its usage. Since you are now using 2 pools the equation would jump from 19resource=1damage to 40resource=1damage. Then everything that follows would remain the same IE weapon power, enchant damage, Crit, Critpower. I believe this would balance things because instead of stacking one resource beyond overcharge it would be more beneficial to start stacking the alternate resource. This also means you can balance your ability bars with a mix of Magicka and stamina abilities without one resource pool hitting like a wet noodle. These changes would foster new class builds and the players would no longer be hindered by their armor selection and weapon choices. I am not removing the resource pools and you would be wise to stack one before the other based on your character class/playstyle. I am just proposing a change in the way they are calculating the damage from those resources. The biggest chunk of damage would come from your weapon power. Like I said I think spell power is redundant since everyone uses a weapon and it could be converted to a fun stat like crit power. Also with the ability to to do more damage with this equation I would soft cap crit at 45%. I just don't think 80%+ crit is normal regardless of class.

    My goal is just to make your resources, armor, and weapons more of a playstyle choice versus having them dictate your build. Its a simple concept that is just a little difficult to explain. I can answer any questions you may have.

    err sorry about the wall of text.
    Edited by Xnemesis on July 9, 2014 5:18PM
  • Goldenjaguar_ESO
    The dyes being displayed in the images are likely only a small sample of what they will offer. The colors being displayed are likely being shown because of how close they match the colors of characters most will likely recognize.

    I'm sure they will have dark colors as well as the bright colors.
  • barbg88ub17_ESO
    And yet Auriels Bow North American is still unplayable, but we are going to worry about stupid stuff, window dressing.
  • N0madS0uL
    I am hoping as I said earlier for a complete overhaul of the VR leveling part, the idea I had (and I don't take credit if anyone else thought of this before me in some other post) is that they make lvl 50 to say VR8 in "contested" or areas that border each other. I know Cyrodill is the main conflict area and it makes sense etc, what im saying is making areas phased, having "outposts" within faction zones of other factions and have quests in those areas (non pvp) to attack the faction strongholds. e.g. i can make is like entering say reaper's march from a DC character you play and you build up and work your way to an offensive "push" into that zone questing as you go and work your way deeper into the enemy territory, until you are "pulled" out to go on the offensive at another faction and doing the same thing until due to lines being broken or too spread your faction forces consolidate at their respective gates in cyrodiil. Hopefully at this time the player would be at about VR8 and have a good option or "reason" to pvp in cyrodiil or continue grinding from VR8 to VR12 in craglorn.

    Personally I feel this would have been much better, even if the questing is in actual fact the same for each faction only the area changes to the other factions zones. It still would have made much more sense than playing the same quests as the other faction, you could reuse the zones and just phase them for VR content, have a lot of fun, see the zones also even create some pvp in those zones if able, maybe an small area in the middle of the zone that can give you a zone buff if your faction holds the points, its open world pvp and purely voluntary. It can also add to your AP if you not big on the major pvp zones in cyrodill...

    Well thats my idea, i would love to have VR content revamped to this idea as i believe it could work in the lore and make sense, it would be easy to tie up any loose ends to make this work and I personally think the game will gain so much replay value, people would play the other factions more and game longer, this idea could also be a good bases for rethinking many other systems like crafting and having your alts craft other things (at least it would make it more fun leveling those crafting skills also this way)

  • Xnemesis
    a werewolf would be awesome if, when you have your Ultimate slotted, at 35% health you gain the "chance" to use a synergy that would let you go immune and change while gaining

    - 25% increase to health regen while in combat
    - 25% increase to stamina regen while in combat
    - 10% heal when player kills an enemy monster or player
    - CC immunity soft and hard cc
    - 10% increase in damage against all Vampires
    - Feeding increases time in form by 20 seconds stackable up to three times meaning if you kill three players you could feed on all three and have a minute.

    As for abilities the wolf seems lackluster or unfinished. It would be nice to see a mitigation buff or damage debuff ability, an aoe or cleave ability, and a nice finisher.

    Not sure what I would do with the wolf ultimate ability though maybe call in a pack of wolves? Or provide a group buff of some sort similar to the alliance buff?

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