The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • joeparadis_ESO
    kwisatz wrote: »
    Those candy colors are exactly the horrible thing I was afraid of! It looks like GW2 and not as an Elder Scrolls.
    Bad, so bad.

    Agreed, I really don't like it. At all. As odd as it is and even though I've put up with much more disruptive issues that this game has had, those horrible colors may send me running finally.

    Yeah I'm hearing this over and over again.

    Having tested the dye system myself with some of the colors, MOST of them are fairly muted but when hit by direct sunlight they can look a bit bright.

    That being said it's only jarringly noticeable on metal items. A dark red on clothing looks fine but put the same red on metal and suddenly it looks like the armor is made of cherry jolly ranchers molded together.

    as I said before I can see it being resolved 1 of 2 ways:

    1) have a gameplay option in the settings that allows you to restrict armors to "Lore friendly colors only"

    2) limit the colors by armor type. Clothing would have the widest color spectrum where as metal would have the most muted/restricted color pallet. (if it looks like plastic instead of metal it shouldn't be used for metal parts of armor) Medium armors would have a color pallet somewhere in between... still muted but not quite as restrictive as the metal.

    That aside you know there are going to be girls or trolls that run around in the brightest pink they can find. Plus a lot of people really like red gold and blue coloring so you still run the risk of upsetting people no matter what.

    Both solutions are tricky because they both require a lot of work. And the part that makes it trickier is that colors already render differently on different materials. Sometimes in strange ways. And the "lore friendly only" color pallet might have to be a custom pallet that each player defines. For instance some people might hate pink but not have a problem with bright red or a lime green. if they could specify which colors not to render in a "lore friendly armor color" pallet themselves then people could customize what they see and don't see.

    If a color matches a blocked color the armor of that player renders with default coloration. Again I imagine that is rather difficult to pull off technically so it's a bit of a sticky situation.

    Another thing they need to do to help fix this issue is to fix the armor colors in general. right now when you make armor it actually "blends" the colors of the previous armor material with the current armor material. I.E. when you first start forging ebony armor it actually still looks like dwarven armor with bits of white (plastic looking) accents. Then as you create higher level gear or upgrade the armor it starts blend in more ebony looking pieces. (as if you are adding more ebony to the dwarven armor as you get "better" at forging "ebony") If you forge lvl 50 ebony armor and upgrade them to "epic" level, they look like glossy ebony.

    This ends up being very confusing to the player because all the cues in the game tell you that you're making armor out of ebony. Not a blend of Ebony and dwarven ingots. (again this goes for all levels, Oricalcum & Dwarven, steel and Oricalcum etc.)

    There are 2 ways to solve this:
    1) adjust the recipe so that it uses a blend of ingots. OR
    2) adjust the result.

    I'm in favor of #2. Just make the armor look like it's material and change how refined it looks as you upgrade it. When I make an armor out of all ebony ingots I want it to look like ebony... not some weird hybrid that doesn't match the ingredients used to make it.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    Maybe I am just a noob, but I didn't know ZOS was against this. I thought I heard/read somewhere that ZOS wanted to create a game where people could play the way they liked. I like having one character to go to for all of my crafting and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Regardless of that, however, the inventory/bank space issue doesn't change. If I chose to have several characters master different crafting tiers, I would still have the same issues I have now--very limited space and items on mule characters to make room for loot while fighting.

    If they do the provisioning changes, that will help. I gotta add that I still think they should consider increasing resource stack sizes.

    What ZOS have said is that you are perfectly able to go for all crafts at the same time but that there are consequences for doing that. The consequence is that you run out of bank space and spend extra time managing inventory.

    The suggested path, if memory serves, is that you focus on 1-2 crafts at a time. If you want to do more than that? Fine. However it does mean that you will incur the issues described above.

    I have a single main character and he is primarily a crafter. He has spent most of his time working on Enchanting, Clothing and Woodworking. For the most part I haven't into issues with inventory or bank space (after the first few upgrades). He will soon be reaching level 50 with those 3, and then will start working on Alchemy, Provisioning and Blacksmithing. What is all of this to say? That I have found that trying to level all 6 crafts at one time doesn't really work, but that doing all 6 in two batches may well do so.

    Just a suggestion.

    Their consequence given was skill point distribution actually, especially early on in the game.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on July 15, 2014 6:50PM
  • Mahdzhik
    Soul Shriven
    Dear Zenimax,

    I recently canceled my account and wanted to share the reason why while I still have access to these forums. There has a been a massive drop in the game's population, bots, gold farmers, and bugs, but I had no plans of leaving until I caught wind of the major changes coming in August to crafted sets on tameriel foundry and how that change has been handled.

    The day before everyone on tameriel foundry started discussing these changes, I had just crafted my VR5 gear - a 5 set of Willows and 3 Twilight - all yellow with kuta enchantments on everything. This gear was supposed to get me to VR12. For those who don't know, Twilight and Willows gear sets are used by nearly every sorcerer as they level up to VR12. This gear set will be changing the crit set bonus to health regeneration. So now every caster will have tank gear. Their also lowering the spell damage soft cap, so all my jewelry enchantments are garbage now too. The end result is that I'm out 12 Kuta, 56 wax and 16 rosin.

    These are major changes (among others) that no one is asking for. Casters loved that gear in particular. The changes to crafted sets coming in August should have been communicated better and they should have given the community more lead time so we could plan.

    The game's population has already fallen dramatically. This change will not help matters. Yes the click through agreement does say that you can make these changes without warning, but is that really in everyone's best interests? There should have been far more lead time and some type of announcement on the log in page telling players that major changes are coming and to review them. Even today as I logged in to say my good bye's, there were many guild mates who didn't know anything about these changes. Of all the things that you could be focusing your efforts on, why this and why in this manner?

    How you handle the game's direction is your own business. However based on what I've experienced to date, I will no longer be contributing to it until there is a change in direction or ESO becomes someone else's business. Games are supposed to be fun and this is just infuriating.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Before I saw those changes I crafted myself a new set of song of lamae and night mothers and got rid of my hundings rage, now I'm going to go back to hundings rage and a different 3 set once update 3 hits.

    Not canceling over game evolution.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on July 15, 2014 8:45PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Mahdzhik wrote: »
    Dear Zenimax,

    I recently canceled my account and wanted to share the reason why while I still have access to these forums. There has a been a massive drop in the game's population, bots, gold farmers, and bugs, but I had no plans of leaving until I caught wind of the major changes coming in August to crafted sets on tameriel foundry and how that change has been handled.

    The day before everyone on tameriel foundry started discussing these changes, I had just crafted my VR5 gear - a 5 set of Willows and 3 Twilight - all yellow with kuta enchantments on everything. This gear was supposed to get me to VR12. For those who don't know, Twilight and Willows gear sets are used by nearly every sorcerer as they level up to VR12. This gear set will be changing the crit set bonus to health regeneration. So now every caster will have tank gear. Their also lowering the spell damage soft cap, so all my jewelry enchantments are garbage now too. The end result is that I'm out 12 Kuta, 56 wax and 16 rosin.

    These are major changes (among others) that no one is asking for. Casters loved that gear in particular. The changes to crafted sets coming in August should have been communicated better and they should have given the community more lead time so we could plan.

    The game's population has already fallen dramatically. This change will not help matters. Yes the click through agreement does say that you can make these changes without warning, but is that really in everyone's best interests? There should have been far more lead time and some type of announcement on the log in page telling players that major changes are coming and to review them. Even today as I logged in to say my good bye's, there were many guild mates who didn't know anything about these changes. Of all the things that you could be focusing your efforts on, why this and why in this manner?

    How you handle the game's direction is your own business. However based on what I've experienced to date, I will no longer be contributing to it until there is a change in direction or ESO becomes someone else's business. Games are supposed to be fun and this is just infuriating.

    I understand the frustration that you spent the time and money to make what you considered the perfect gear. The truth is that this game is less than 6 months old. If you honestly thought you were done building your character and buying armor for him then you are not very experienced with MMO's. Randomly changing armor stats and how stats function is more of the rule in MMO's than the exception. Really change is the only thing you can count on in MMO's and you just have to adapt with those changes. Right or wrong every MMO does this so you may want to just stay away from the genre altogether.
  • Mahdzhik
    Soul Shriven
    I understand that things can change, but this is absolutely ridiculous. This was handled poorly. Yes, the game is only 6 months old, so why is Zenimax making such a drastic change now? Drastic changes are made after beta or after an expansion. I've been playing MMO's since EQ. Never can I recall cornerstone gear sets for a caster being changed into tank gear after 6 months. Half of the people out there still have no idea that this is even happening. They're going to wake up one morning and how do you think they're going to feel when the see this? Stats on gear are adjusted, but not like this. This is a poorly executed and poorly thought out change. It creates a time and gold sink and I'm sure it was intentionally done to slow everyone down who blasted through the game faster than the developers could deliver new content. I've seen enough overall. Call me crazy, flame me, say what you will. I stuck with this game a lot longer than most. I really hope that whatever the master plan is that it works for everyone out there still playing. It hurts all MMO's (present and future) when a game fails.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Mahdzhik wrote: »
    Yes, the game is only 6 months old
    A minor correction, the game isn't yet 4 months old in terms of it's official launch date, so your very valid points are even more pertinent.

    Apart from FFXIV V1 I can think of no other MMO where so many core mechanics and game features received such massive overhauls or were jettisoned entirely. Hell, it even took Bioware twice as long and more before accepting SW:TOR was a failure as originally conceived.

    In FFXIV's case it took 3 years and God knows how much cash to fix it, V2 is hugely successful at the moment and is objectively an excellent MMO on many fronts. SE correctly analysed V1's abject failure and came up with the vision and plan to re-develop it in the face of that failure.

    ZOS OTOH ...

    I was actually talking about ESO to a friend who doesn't play games at all these days but who was an avid WOW player a few years ago, as was explaining the VR system and how ZOS' 'vision' (as group-oriented content) had proved so out of sync with the obvious majority of players: let's not argue whether that statement is fact, ZOS changed course and I can't think of any other reason than the feedback they got was overwhelming.

    As I was talking to this chap and recounting the fact that ZOS are now planning to scrap VR altogether and replace it by 'Champion' content, it dawned on me that one way to look at it is that ZOS had a vision, and no plan B, so when their vision failed they had (have) no idea how to deal with it.

    The comments ZOS have made so far about their reasons for the abandoning of VR and then their comments about Champion content, I actually don't see a 'vision' any more, I see no coherent strategy, I simply see a panic-reaction to their 'vision' failing and their scrambling around to cobble something else together.

    I really don't know, but the Reddit Q&A was totally unconvincing to me, I see no plan just almost random changes to mechanics: not at all unlike the 'guild trader' mechanic being discussed in another thread.

    I'm not saying ESO is anything like as badly flawed as FFXIV V1 but that simply makes it even more worrying to me that they don't seem to have a coherent strategy to fix it.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 16, 2014 11:23AM
  • Mahdzhik
    Soul Shriven
    They spent over $200m...I can not believe this is happening right now. Vanguard spent less than half of that. If these desperation moves don't work, this will go down in history and quite possibly doom (if it already hasn't) the prospect of any big budget MMO's to come.
  • Braddass
    @ZOS Can I ask one question ... you say you want to make small incremental changes to Nightblade (to the point where there is virtually no improvement at all) ... but you are willing to make huge sweeping changes to Armor Sets making some sets unusable to their present owners ... how do you explain the contradiction?
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Mahdzhik wrote: »
    They spent over $200m...I can not believe this is happening right now. Vanguard spent less than half of that. If these desperation moves don't work, this will go down in history and quite possibly doom (if it already hasn't) the prospect of any big budget MMO's to come.

    Vanguard had a lot of potential and could have been a great game if they were not so ambitious. In my opinion they tried to do something that hardware just wasn't ready to handle at the time. I don't think that the official price tag of ESO has been revealed yet. I recall seeing the $200 million number before but I believe that was just an estimate by a third party and not an official number. (I could be wrong about that.)
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Braddass wrote: »
    @ZOS Can I ask one question ... you say you want to make small incremental changes to Nightblade (to the point where there is virtually no improvement at all) ... but you are willing to make huge sweeping changes to Armor Sets making some sets unusable to their present owners ... how do you explain the contradiction?

    Most likely if I had to guess, it's a lot easier to change a few values on armor than to examine the code of nightblade abilities and figure out why they are not functioning as intended. I doubt the two things are related in any way.
  • Zyaedra
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    Maybe I am just a noob, but I didn't know ZOS was against this. I thought I heard/read somewhere that ZOS wanted to create a game where people could play the way they liked. I like having one character to go to for all of my crafting and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Regardless of that, however, the inventory/bank space issue doesn't change. If I chose to have several characters master different crafting tiers, I would still have the same issues I have now--very limited space and items on mule characters to make room for loot while fighting.

    If they do the provisioning changes, that will help. I gotta add that I still think they should consider increasing resource stack sizes.

    What ZOS have said is that you are perfectly able to go for all crafts at the same time but that there are consequences for doing that. The consequence is that you run out of bank space and spend extra time managing inventory.

    The suggested path, if memory serves, is that you focus on 1-2 crafts at a time. If you want to do more than that? Fine. However it does mean that you will incur the issues described above.

    I have a single main character and he is primarily a crafter. He has spent most of his time working on Enchanting, Clothing and Woodworking. For the most part I haven't into issues with inventory or bank space (after the first few upgrades). He will soon be reaching level 50 with those 3, and then will start working on Alchemy, Provisioning and Blacksmithing. What is all of this to say? That I have found that trying to level all 6 crafts at one time doesn't really work, but that doing all 6 in two batches may well do so.

    Just a suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion :-) With the exception of enchanting, I've leveled all of the crafting trees at around the same time. I find the issue with space mainly in the stack size--at higher levels, we're looking at 70+ units of resources per full suit of armor, yet the resource stack caps at 100. This means we have to keep 2 stacks of each of the higher end armor materials in order to make sure we have enough extra in case of mistakes and/or improvement failures. Note: we'd have to increase the number of extra stacks stored based on the number of upper level characters that need it.

    I understand that the amount of resources available to harvest for all crafting professions is enormous, and I am totally OK with that--as I stated in an earlier reply, I am up to 210 bank space and my crafter currently has 150 inv space. I am even OK with how the bank and inventory upgrades are setup. What needs changed is the stack size--there's no reason for them to punish us with these low stack caps.
  • frwinters_ESO
    Mahdzhik wrote: »
    They spent over $200m...I can not believe this is happening right now. Vanguard spent less than half of that. If these desperation moves don't work, this will go down in history and quite possibly doom (if it already hasn't) the prospect of any big budget MMO's to come.

    Dude....its a game. You sound like your about to break down. You also sound like your a program director who has run multimillion dollar gaming companies and should understand that balancing and re-balancing of gear, classes, abilities, etc happen all the time. One of the biggest complaints out there is that most set pieces out there are garbage so people gravitate to the better sets. If they do not make changes like this, everyone will just be wearing the same armor with no verity. If you have no patience to allow for balancing and rushed to get the best of the best thats your own fault, not the devs fault. If your honestly not having fun anymore because OMG my gear sucks now and i have to get new gear and I dont wanna QQQ then yes have a nice day. your forum rank says it all showing you have very little presence on these forums to even garner any further responses.

    Plus I quit posts are against the TOS. [snip]

    Im only responding cause im at work and REALLY bored.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 18, 2023 6:48PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Zyaedra wrote: »
    Maybe I am just a noob, but I didn't know ZOS was against this. I thought I heard/read somewhere that ZOS wanted to create a game where people could play the way they liked. I like having one character to go to for all of my crafting and I don't see how that's a bad thing. Regardless of that, however, the inventory/bank space issue doesn't change. If I chose to have several characters master different crafting tiers, I would still have the same issues I have now--very limited space and items on mule characters to make room for loot while fighting.

    If they do the provisioning changes, that will help. I gotta add that I still think they should consider increasing resource stack sizes.

    What ZOS have said is that you are perfectly able to go for all crafts at the same time but that there are consequences for doing that. The consequence is that you run out of bank space and spend extra time managing inventory.

    The suggested path, if memory serves, is that you focus on 1-2 crafts at a time. If you want to do more than that? Fine. However it does mean that you will incur the issues described above.

    I have a single main character and he is primarily a crafter. He has spent most of his time working on Enchanting, Clothing and Woodworking. For the most part I haven't into issues with inventory or bank space (after the first few upgrades). He will soon be reaching level 50 with those 3, and then will start working on Alchemy, Provisioning and Blacksmithing. What is all of this to say? That I have found that trying to level all 6 crafts at one time doesn't really work, but that doing all 6 in two batches may well do so.

    Just a suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion :-) With the exception of enchanting, I've leveled all of the crafting trees at around the same time. I find the issue with space mainly in the stack size--at higher levels, we're looking at 70+ units of resources per full suit of armor, yet the resource stack caps at 100. This means we have to keep 2 stacks of each of the higher end armor materials in order to make sure we have enough extra in case of mistakes and/or improvement failures. Note: we'd have to increase the number of extra stacks stored based on the number of upper level characters that need it.

    I understand that the amount of resources available to harvest for all crafting professions is enormous, and I am totally OK with that--as I stated in an earlier reply, I am up to 210 bank space and my crafter currently has 150 inv space. I am even OK with how the bank and inventory upgrades are setup. What needs changed is the stack size--there's no reason for them to punish us with these low stack caps.

    It seems like the only reason to have stack limits is to force us to pay to upgrade our inventory. I don't think that resources should have any limit to stack size. If they want to keep limits on potions or food fine but not on the mats.
  • samthedagger
    please dont put pink, and baby blue and stuff like that into elderscrolls online.
    asking nicely please just dont do it.

    I, for one, would be happy to see pink and baby blue dyes used by everyone but me in Cyrodiil. I'll be dyeing my armor natural hues like green and brown so my character blends into the background.
  • Endenium
    I love the content that is coming. You do a great job listening to the subscribers. Please continue to do so and listen to THIS. Please make sure you put CAPS on championship points so that you dont force players to max out all 8 alt characters just for the sake of 1 powerful character with all the account wide points on him/ her. Realize that this would force players to play and beat the game 8X over just for 1 powerful toon. This championship point system sounds great, all except for that. Allowing points to be account bound is fine, but not if it forces me to play through 7 more characters just to have 1 maxed out. Also - PLEASE BALANCE CLASSES BETTER! TEMPLARS NEED MUCH BETTER DPS AND MORE CROWD CONTROL! DKs are still powerful and fun to play... much more so than templars and NBs. Stop worrying about DKs. They are FINE. The classes dont need nerfed, but some of them need BUFFED. K thanx. peace.
  • Endenium
    P.S. I have spent a great amount of time collecting materials and gold to craft several VR12 legendary set armors. I see that you are fundamentally changing some of them. Thats fine, but If you completely change their fundamental armor characteristics I am probably going to be really unhappy if I dont get the properly refunded for the change and the chance to apply all those mats to a new set of armor. It will feel like a slap in the face if all that ends up being wasted and changed on me without my consent. Please refund us the legendary/ epic materials for those set pieces if you fundamentally change their characteristics on us. How would you feel if someone took your house or car or something away from you and gave you something completely different back in return? it would *** you off and you would feel like you were forced to waste your time. Right? Yeah. You would. So please understand that and along with free respecs for skill and attribute points with this patch, please offer us a refund for wasted legendary materials because of how expensive and rare they are. I love the ES franchise. I love the community, the game, and the company. Please dont make me cancel my subscription because of an oversight like this that costs me hundreds of thousands of gold and many many hours of gameplay. That would suck. Peace guys. Great work so far.
    Edited by Endenium on July 17, 2014 9:12AM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    please dont put pink, and baby blue and stuff like that into elderscrolls online.
    asking nicely please just dont do it.

    I, for one, would be happy to see pink and baby blue dyes used by everyone but me in Cyrodiil. I'll be dyeing my armor natural hues like green and brown so my character blends into the background.

    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on July 17, 2014 1:00PM
  • Ruehene
    I continue to appreciate the updates and look's forward. Thanks

    Two things from me:
    1. Shoulder on/off toggle like for head/helms please.
    2. I read some place on the forums that you guys are looking to add armor "heft" or thickness so that armor doesn't look painted on. Hmmm, well, maybe. Feedback: I left EQ2 in small part because my characters looked too much like descendants of the Michelin Man. This is a fantasy game with a strong ES theme/focus. I don't need absolutely "realistic" looking armor and don't want extreme oriental mmo style armors either. We already have unrealistic armors, with boobs and toes exposed in heavy armor, for instance. That's fine with me and I want to keep the kind of "painted on" styles we have. If you MUST add thickness, and I can think of more important things to do you your resources, just please, please don't go overboard.
  • nakorurueb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    50% discount on Steam... Nice. The game must be really successful.
  • frwinters_ESO
    50% discount on Steam... Nice. The game must be really successful.

    The money comes from the subs not the sale really.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Ruehene wrote: »
    I continue to appreciate the updates and look's forward. Thanks

    Two things from me:
    1. Shoulder on/off toggle like for head/helms please.
    2. I read some place on the forums that you guys are looking to add armor "heft" or thickness so that armor doesn't look painted on. Hmmm, well, maybe. Feedback: I left EQ2 in small part because my characters looked too much like descendants of the Michelin Man. This is a fantasy game with a strong ES theme/focus. I don't need absolutely "realistic" looking armor and don't want extreme oriental mmo style armors either. We already have unrealistic armors, with boobs and toes exposed in heavy armor, for instance. That's fine with me and I want to keep the kind of "painted on" styles we have. If you MUST add thickness, and I can think of more important things to do you your resources, just please, please don't go overboard.

    I played EQ2 for 8 years and I agree that the armor got more and more ridiculous over time, but that definitely wasn't the reason I left. Personally it was more of a matter of easy mode the game turned into. I also got tired of the end game which basically consisted of raiding to get raid gear to raid. They didn't add any new spells they simply increased the level cap and gave us upgraded versions. The amount of spells you got became so ridiculous I had about 6 hot bars with 12 slots each. I don't miss that at all and I love that we only have 5 slots now. What I would like to see is craftable disguise slot gear.
  • Innkwell_ESO
    I just finished the twitch live panel, the stuff you guys are working on looks amazing and I'm stoked to be a part of the game.

    If i could make one small suggestion about the Were-form transformations.

    I think we can all agree that seeing an Argonian turn into a furry beast makes little to no sense at all, so might I suggest that you use the Argonian brute models you displayed ( maybe with some model tweaks) to better reflect the strength of a were- transformed Argonian.

    Also, I'm sure our Khajit friends would be stoked if when they transformed the coat of the WW mimicked their actual fur pattern.

    I think this would be a relatively easy fix that would deepen the immersion levels for those of us playing or wanting to play a were-creature but aren't a "true" human.

    anyways, best of luck and I hope this gets seen by the right people.
    Keep on doing great work and Ill keep throwing money at you.
  • zittylolb14_ESO
    Paralyse wrote: »
    And yet Auriels Bow North American is still unplayable, but we are going to worry about stupid stuff, window dressing.
    I just got off Auriels bow NA and blue-meanies have every keep and everything in between.....hence you are right...>Unplayable because of population imbalances.
    The server is up but basically unplayable.
    You get penalized for being a guest and no credits because Zenimini is to lazy to make cross-server points work....imagen people play low population servers because they still get credit...the whole setup of this game is many road-blocks not enuf rewards....we have a carrot on a stick you can not even see and we keep chasing a dream?...Yes the best MMO ever...NOT.
    You were like Angry Joe said just avg....since that has dropped below basically su-ks this game...I have 3 more months of a sub but I am at the point why even bother to play.

    Believe it or not, some of us don't care about PvP.

    Not even a little bit.

    Slamming the entire game as being bad just cause one minor part of it upsets you is stupid. Cyrodiil could be a broken, worthless nonevent not visited by anyone evr and it wouldn't change my opinion of the good PvE aspects one bit.

    I can slam the pve as that is what I have mostly done. The extraction rates for woodworking are more than terrible. Zenimax has created a economy of scarcity. Lets compare it to Skyrim? If Skyrim is abundant regarding resources and that is very true...I am still playing skyrim on ps3 and Steam.

    On steam I have 1479 hours playing Skyrim and what makes it re-playable is the abundance of loot...this doesn't happen in TESO.....and that is LAME. The resources for crafting should allow one to upgrade or improve a new set of armour and weapons every level...and enuf to sell on AH?....

    ...wait we don't have a real AH...just lame guild stores you have to toggle thru every time you want to check all five stores....boring and lame.

    It is true for me that I like the franchise. Ok skyrim is a lush forest......that makes TESO a very dry desert with illusions all over the horizon about how great the game is?..NOT at this point. I see more illusions from quake-con today. Just wait till update 5? Did Paul just say Update 5?...forgetting about 4? we basically are still playing in beta and have to wait and wait...And again lag is becoming a problem now in PvE along with re-happening tonight in PvP.....

    I have a much longer list of PvE lame-ness if you care to reply...Oh, yeah just as Angry Joe has said..."Were is the good loot? Come on gives us more blues?" Grandpa zenimax is a scrouge-***-wad? true AJ. There is not even a game guide for this game from other companies who usually print stuff?...why all the secrets and over-priced lameness????
  • Endenium
    ^^^^ I disagree.
    Edited by Endenium on July 19, 2014 9:31AM
  • Endenium
    Make the game more like Skyrim and much less like WOW, and you will start to get subscribers again. Nobody wants to play a WOW remake. Only WOW players would want that and enjoy that, and guess what, they still play WOW and will never play anything else. So let them do their thing. You do yours, and you will strike gold.
    Edited by Endenium on July 19, 2014 9:29AM
  • Navuri
    I wish they would lower the number of guild members to 5 or so for creating a guild tabard and opening up a guild bank. We have a very small guild and we like to keep it that way, but the current situation is that we can't have a tabard or a bank because we 'only' have 7 or 8 members. We actually choose te be a small guild, why push us into making a larger one? Lower the numbers and give all guilds access to the guild features.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim and much less like WOW, and you will start to get subscribers again. Nobody wants to play a WOW remake. Only WOW players would want that and enjoy that, and guess what, they still play WOW and will never play anything else. So let them do their thing. You do yours, and you will strike gold.

    True, but how is this game anything like WoW?
  • Soulcollectas
    Soul Shriven
    Could you guys please do something about this aoe impulse its no fun its no skill just run in and spam you got the damn light armor and there buffs so strong you cant hurt-em enough . Here is a play by play for you I have a rank 12 DK with a legendary weapon I rush a Sorc drop my standard and he gets up and just stands there and nukes me all the while im taloning and ransacking and he never heals and im dead. I will say this the impulse fight is boring not worth playing I want something that requires a lil skill Guess I may have wasted my time with this game
    o well not the first time MAGIC HITS TO HARD AOE IN PVP SHOULD REDUCED
  • _subjectnamehere_
    Could you guys please do something about this aoe impulse its no fun its no skill just run in and spam you got the damn light armor and there buffs so strong you cant hurt-em enough . Here is a play by play for you I have a rank 12 DK with a legendary weapon I rush a Sorc drop my standard and he gets up and just stands there and nukes me all the while im taloning and ransacking and he never heals and im dead. I will say this the impulse fight is boring not worth playing I want something that requires a lil skill Guess I may have wasted my time with this game
    o well not the first time MAGIC HITS TO HARD AOE IN PVP SHOULD REDUCED

    You should note that Impulse is also affected by weapon power/damage as well as Magic.

    And, in all honesty, it hits hard, but not *that* hard. Your description of this sorcerer attack of just using Impulse to kill you is hard to believe, to be honest. Can you post a video or something of this happening? I mean, talons+ransack+an ultimate (standard) vs. a simple sorcerer casting Impulse is not going to end well for the Sorcerer IMHO.
    Edited by _subjectnamehere_ on July 20, 2014 11:23AM
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