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The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Loving a lot of what is in here.

    Although I agree that there need to be more ways to trade, and in that respect the trade kiosks are a good addition, I do think that trading is far too limited and complicated.

    The main concerns I have about guild kiosks are that,
    - It may exclude smaller guilds
    - We will still have to hop between trade guilds to find the best price etc, which all takes time
    - A guild could sit on a kiosk and not be active
    - Micro-economies are limited in every sense.

    I'd still rather see a faction wide AH that is easy and simple to use.
    Some additional request please for trading.
    - can we please see what we sold when we get monies in the mail
    - can we free text search / link in search box please

    I like the guild updates a lot. Can we also have guild wide mail please for leaders / officers etc.

    Thanks and keep it up, still loving the game.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Anastasia
    Can't say I'm a fan of the colors. Is there any chance to tone down the brightness across the board by about 20%?

    I'm all for customization, but TES have never been 'bright' games except for when modded, and I feel as if these brighter colors break away from the TES mold in a bad way.


    This is a good blue for the TES series.


    This feels wrong.

    Can we at least tone down the colors on plate armor? The shininess of the base armor added with the new colors feels too cartoony for TES, in my opinion.

    Some people have been asking for armor dyes for awhile now, so a big nod to player suggestions here from ZOS is awesome.

    **"Can't say I'm a fan of the colors."**
    I know this is difficult as its subjective of course, but I agree with arkansas - seems like the tones provide a good range but the brightness brings the stuff up to a level not in line with our virtual world and the npc's in it etc.

    Very reminiscent of EQ II gear; doesn't fit in Tamriel. Also, implementation heh.
    Edited by Anastasia on July 9, 2014 10:38AM
  • Avath
    Genuinely really pleased with this update! To me it looks like the general state of the game from update 3 will be a lot more appealing to draw in new players as well.

    Sure, there's always more to do, but I think this goes a fair way to covering a lot of the ground that was missing in terms of character customisation and loot.

    Admittedly I've never really been bothered by PVP in any MMO, so I can understand why others might be more bothered at that point.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Well aware of those changes.

    Was thinking more along the lines of smaller scale objectives (as an example),
    rather then having to sit between two keeps hoping for some small scale PvP.

    ZOS did show 3v3 PvP arenas at E3, not sure what happened to that or if it's going anywhere.

    yeah that would be funny to have!
    They have already said that was set up for E3 itself and is not anything they're planning to introduce any time soon.
  • mimosellb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Do you have any changes planned to make this game less addictive? (my girlfriend told me to ask this question, not me)
  • JamilaRaj
    Tabards look good, but armor dyes are truly heinous. You don't want the players to look like flock of parrots attending circus, do you?
  • Avath
    Just skimmed the rest of this thread. Looks like we're going to need a massive "PERSONAL TASTE" klaxon in future.

    I'm also amused by the complaints about dyes when we've only seen a tiny number of the colours that would be available. Note that part about tabards that mentioned 260 colours?

    Equally it seems we also need to be reminded of what the idea of a "Road Ahead" article is, and the difference between that and "Patch notes".

    Or to put it another way. Calm down, until it's there, and you're using it on the main servers, you just don't know. I've worked in software development long enough to know that everything changes, all the time.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Idared wrote: »
    Tabards look good, but armor dyes are truly heinous. You don't want the players to look like flock of parrots attending circus, do you?
    Actually I'd prefer that to what we get now .. flocks of bored players in places like Windhelm mindlessly spamming AOEs and jumping around like demented 5-year-old on bouncy toys.
  • Synex
    @ZOS_GinaBruno are there any plans for heavy armor buff/change which are not mentioned?
    "In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep"
  • Omnevolus
    N0madS0uL wrote: »
    I really hope they remove if its even possible now the VR grind through other faction content, its a fail, kills the game replay value


    Make a completely different character. Play all the way through a completely different faction. In starkly different lands. Filled with completely different quests.


    I suppose it could just be me, but last I checked, that's ^ pretty much the most fundamental and complete form of replay value that a game can possibly contain. And it has nothing to do with VR's if you don't want it to.


    I'm just messin' with ya, I know that's not your point. But dude, you made that way too tempting to pass up.

    That said, I agree with the rest of your post.
    Edited by Omnevolus on July 9, 2014 12:28PM
  • Omnevolus
    Synex wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno are there any plans for heavy armor buff/change which are not mentioned?

    We can hope. We can pray. We can beg. We can cry. But really, this is all some of us want for Xmas. Forget our two front teeth!

    We don't really want to wait for Xmas.
  • Omnevolus
    Avath wrote: »
    Just skimmed the rest of this thread. Looks like we're going to need a massive "PERSONAL TASTE" klaxon in future.

    I'm also amused by the complaints about dyes when we've only seen a tiny number of the colours that would be available. Note that part about tabards that mentioned 260 colours?

    Equally it seems we also need to be reminded of what the idea of a "Road Ahead" article is, and the difference between that and "Patch notes".

    Or to put it another way. Calm down, until it's there, and you're using it on the main servers, you just don't know. I've worked in software development long enough to know that everything changes, all the time.

    WHOA! A voice of my head? 'Cause they rarely originate from these forums.

    Trip out, man!
  • robertgraberub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Recently, we adjusted stamina builds to help them become more competitive by making medium armor reduce the cost of stamina abilities and by improving the damage for several stamina-based abilities.

    The survivability of werewolves and the balance between their strengths and weaknesses may receive some adjustments.

    I really hope there are some big changes to come to Werewolves for the better soon. I fought long and hard to get bitten and so far for have found that we really aren't that beneficial to the overall fight.

    New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
    A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
    Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.

    I would really like to see some changes to crafting. Its great that whatever we build would be better than what can drop, but please reduce the research time it takes to learn traits. This is maddening to try to find the item and then waiting 29 days? Too long! I would also really like to see a better bonus to crafted items or just a little bump on damage for crafted items. Just a quick question on Enchanting... Why is it so slow to progress? Is there a better system to be crated to match items to recipes? I had to make a book on what items go to what i was looking to make. Very inconvenient.

    ARMOR CUSTOM COLORS!!! Love it! Would like to see that there are color choices for everyone. Please make sure that SHOULDER ARMOR does not become CARTOONIE! I hate huge shoulder armor!
  • StihlReign
    Update the Store in Cyrodiil!

    The store in Cyrodiil still sells armor as if the game were in Beta. The Magus sells under-powered jewelry (VR10 is no longer the max).

    The Armorer's sell very expensive armor and many of the set traits aren't very useful. They also don't have a VR12 set.

    The store needs some love and updating!

    If you compare the cost per item and use the gold/AP ratio, this is some of the most expensive armor in the game! It should be at least level appropriate, and offer the folks who have spent tons of time in PvP an appropriate reward.

    If you offer it nowhere else, this place should be where we can go to purchase Legendary items...

    C'mon ZoS. Give us something! If nothing else, have a contest or poll and let us create or pick some armor traits.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Omnevolus
    It’s important to note that from now on, whenever we introduce a major change to a skill line, we will be offering a free respec to players who have invested points in that line.

    (In my best imitation of the bass singer in the chorus of that "Thrift Shop" song):
    "This is <bleep>ing Awesoooome"

    Oh, so is a ton of the other stuff in the article.
  • Omnevolus
    Below is the latest Road Ahead article, written by ESO Game Director Matt Firor:

    [*] Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.[/list]

    Wow, what a novel idea. IT'S ABOUT TIME!

    Thank you.
  • necrolineage
    Thank you for this announcement but given the state of the game I ended my subscription. You have not done any business proposal to compensate inconvenience caused during installation of patch 1.2.3 and given your previous patches this situation is not going to improve. This is what can be called contempt for its customers and that is to listen, it is clear that you do when you are back to the wall and your solutions are more akin to that of DIY 'something else.

    I can resubscribe when the update 3 will be installed and adjusted and when the server is in Europe. I do not usually pay for a beta.

    Good luck.
  • Saltypretzels
    i love the hawkeye pic. Awesome!

    The Captain America one needs a bit more red in the torso and a round shield, though. :smile:
  • habbahen
    Any plans for battlegroud? Fast instant 7*7 (or 11*11, ...) battles?
  • frwinters_ESO
    Phase 2: Remove the Veteran Points system and have normal experience gains direct the growth of the Veteran System. Also, we’ll increase the amount of XP granted in PvP. This will happen at some point over the summer as we transition to the new system.

    Glad to see more XP is coming to PvP. I still don't understand why you lowered it in the first place only to start bringing it back to where it was.
    Phase 3: Introduce a completely new Veteran System based on new character customization and growth mechanics. We’ll talk more about this in the near future—especially during Quakecon—but for now, be aware that we’re going to make some much-needed changes to post-50 PvE gameplay.

    Without knowing more about this, I do not know what to make of it other than worrying about what happens to people who already completed said content. Do they miss out on these growth mechanics and character customization's?
  • Slurg
    tengri wrote: »
    I want a toggle to globally ignore all armor dyes.

    Pure client-side, just for me - I dont want to see frogs with blue ears, pink shoes and yellow teeth walking around in my game because they think "it's cool" or "looks awesome".
    Of course they can see it on their own client as they please if they want - but I do not want to see that and I dont want it forced onto me.

    I would like this option too. I personally think a nice purple robe would compliment my green skin nicely, but I don't think everyone should have to see that if they don't want to.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Waypoc
    Soul Shriven
    [*] Phase 1: Make sure the difficulty in Veteran zones ramps up slowly and rarely exceeds what a good player can do on their own. This change came to the live servers on July 7th. By the time you read this, you should be able to play Veteran content the same way you played from 1-50.
    [*] Phase 2: Remove the Veteran Points system and have normal experience gains direct the growth of the Veteran System. Also, we’ll increase the amount of XP granted in PvP. This will happen at some point over the summer as we transition to the new system.
    [*] Phase 3: Introduce a completely new Veteran System based on new character customization and growth mechanics. We’ll talk more about this in the near future—especially during Quakecon—but for now, be aware that we’re going to make some much-needed changes to post-50 PvE gameplay.

    This to be honest this scares me, especially in bold. It sounds like sell-out concessions are on the way in the form of costumes and SWTOR easy mode play. And yes I could be completely off my rocker with this conjecture. LOL.

    I'm just about to hit V3 and I like the grind. It seems to be 1 rank per new area I enter. To me that's perfectly fine. I've soloed 95% of it.
    Keep it slow enough that by the time you finish the other factions you are rank 12 without doing group dungeons. If you do the group dungeons, then you hit rank 12 in half the time. What I just described is how it feels right now or at least a couple of days ago.

    Then there are these quotes I love as well:
    "post-50 PvE game experience that reinforce the design idea that you can play the way you want to play." How is that even achievable? What if half the people want easy mode and half don't?

    And then I saw this sub-heading:
    "Fun with Armor Dyes" -

    I just got nauseous. Is this Aion? Seriously?

    All I ask is please don't dumb it down.

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Waypoc wrote: »
    And then I saw this sub-heading:
    "Fun with Armor Dyes" -

    I just got nauseous. Is this Aion? Seriously?

    All I ask is please don't dumb it down.
    So adding some inconsequential stuff that many will find fun and enjoy pursuing that isn't related to phat lewt and e-peening is 'dumbing down' is it?

  • Waypoc
    Soul Shriven
    Waypoc wrote: »
    And then I saw this sub-heading:
    "Fun with Armor Dyes" -

    I just got nauseous. Is this Aion? Seriously?

    All I ask is please don't dumb it down.
    So adding some inconsequential stuff that many will find fun and enjoy pursuing that isn't related to phat lewt and e-peening is 'dumbing down' is it?

    No I think it's great. It's just the tone of it. And I was making a half-joke.
  • Danisheraser
    habbahen wrote: »
    Any plans for battlegroud? Fast instant 7*7 (or 11*11, ...) battles?

    Please dont turn eso into another wow-clone. This is so much going to be the end for me.
  • prajish83
    I wish they improve the experience system, by the time i finish half the quests in a zone i have already outlevelled the max level in that zone. Currently i am having a level 48 Nightblade running around in Rift (level 38-42) and it is not fun when there is less loot & experience from killing monsters, and i still have half the quests in rift remaining. Also, i like to completely explore a zone (Lore Books, Sky Shards etc) before i move on to the next zone :smiley:
  • Delte
    I still think crafted equipment should be on par the same as that found in pve raids. Way to many mmo's forget this and the crafters find themselves with a whole set of skills and equipment they can't sell to anyone because raid loot is better.

    ZOS just please keep crafters a relevant skill line in the game and not just a gimmick like it is in all the other mmo's.
  • Moonscythe
    What I would really like included and I think it will become even more wanted after dyes is the ability to undo it all. I want a barber to change my features and if there are dyes, then the ability to undo said dyes. Buyer's remorse is a real thing and ought to be accommodated.
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
    Lalin del Sombra - Bosmer Sorcerer (alchemy/enchanting)
    Angevin Sarkany - Bosmer Dragonknight
    Alkemene Velothi - Dunmer Warden (Morrowind)
    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • Goldenjaguar_ESO
    How about adding a search feature? Most MMOs today have a way to type /who to find players and guilds.
    What about a way to search through the auction houses?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Bank: guild leaders can set permissions to allow members to withdraw gold from the guild bank based on their rank.

    Just to be clear..that means we will be able to allow gold deposits into the guild bank? I just found it odd that the statement mentions the ability to withdraw gold for members when there is no option to withdraw or deposit gold by members or officers or anyone at present so the statement seemed to be somewhat confusing unless you make assumptions which I try to avoid doing.
    Yes, you will be able to withdraw and deposit gold into your guild bank.
    Quintal wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Could you tell the ''dye'' team to adjust the brightness so that colors would be darker (like those middle screenshots) and not like those at the bottom?
    There will be a ton of dye colors to choose from - some are brighter, some are more subdued.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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    Staff Post
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