Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Templar Update

  • JamilaRaj
    It occured to me that algorithm that selects people which will recieve healing should lower priority of diseased people or skip them entirely. The problem here is that diseased moron on low health who can't press X acts effectively as magicka black hole, sucking up heals without being really healed, thus preventing heals to reach people that could be healed.
    I can imagine it would have some implications, but single target Honor the Dead fails miserably under such circumstances.
  • Soris
    I dont get it why you get 3 "insightful" but I feel your problem. It annoys me too, so much. Smart healing must be more smart. Or just completely disable it coz it's *** atm.

    And one of the morphs of ceremony should really be self heal only like GDB.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Thechemicals
    Lizelle wrote: »
    Right of Passage and it's morphs only hits 4 targets so it's useless in Trials.

    I couldn't believe an ult would be that bad, so I tested it. I had people in my raid in AA Spell Symmetry their health and then healed with Remembrance, only 4 people got healed... It's total garbage right now and needs to be fixed.

    You dont know what your talking about.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Roselle
    Lizelle wrote: »
    Right of Passage and it's morphs only hits 4 targets so it's useless in Trials.

    I couldn't believe an ult would be that bad, so I tested it. I had people in my raid in AA Spell Symmetry their health and then healed with Remembrance, only 4 people got healed... It's total garbage right now and needs to be fixed.

    You dont know what your talking about.
    Hah. I was just going to say something along the lines of this.

    But yes, Remembrance definitely hits the people in the 12 meter radius circle, not just 4.

    (Starts off healing 12 people not at full health at this breach, then dwindles as people are topped off. The 20% damage reduction to everyone in remembrance is still being applied though.)
    Full image: oi57.tinypic.com/2e1a9gk.jpg

    Seemed to be the same way in trials when I used it there. Unless some weird bug is going around that I'm not aware of.

    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • itsBishop
    And you're sure you were the only source of healing output in that example? The spell sym trial example represents a fairly controlled test of the mechanics. Casting "in the wild", so to say, and just feeling it out doesn't give us any solid evidence to work with.

    World Record SO - 27m 38s
    NA First SO Speedrun Achievement
  • Roselle
    itsBishop wrote: »
    And you're sure you were the only source of healing output in that example? The spell sym trial example represents a fairly controlled test of the mechanics. Casting "in the wild", so to say, and just feeling it out doesn't give us any solid evidence to work with.
    FTC is accurately counting the targets my remembrance is hitting in that screenshot of a video I was recording on the 19th. I've used this ultimate well enough to know it heals and applies the buff to more than 4 targets, definitely in pvp anyway.

    In regards to PVE--I've also used the ultimate and seen it heal and buff the entire trial raid, which is the controlled environment you're talking about. Just not as recently as your test as I have become more of a PVP player. So unless you're encountering a bug with symmetry, I do not know why it would only show it's affecting 4 people. I would recommend testing this out in a boss battle and report if you are still seeing it only heal/buff 4 people.

    Here is a brief example with potential HPS with remembrance + rapid regeneration, and this is all generated from me (another reason why I have jokingly stated in other templar threads that templar doesn't need a lot changed in the healing department):
    (direct link to take you to the time that shows the example)

    I've also gotten up to around 15K HPS with Rapid Regeneration and Ritual of Rebirth, which would lead me into the whole healing springs/ritual of rebirth debate, but that's for another time.
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Lizelle
    Trust me, I wish I was wrong. I didn't believe it either, which is why I did a controlled test. I don't expect you to take my word for it. I'd urge you all to test Remembrance with spell symmetry in a trial instance and no one else healing as well. Let us know what you find.
  • Silverhaze
    Lizelle wrote: »
    Trust me, I wish I was wrong. I didn't believe it either, which is why I did a controlled test. I don't expect you to take my word for it. I'd urge you all to test Remembrance with spell symmetry in a trial instance and no one else healing as well. Let us know what you find.
    The way it works is that it heals the (6) lowest health targets every 0.5s - therefore, in theory, over 1s it will have healed the entire Trials raid.
    Edited by Silverhaze on October 30, 2014 6:56AM
    Val'anyr [v14|Breton Templar] (AA[HM]4/4) (HRC[HM]4/4) (SO 4/4)
    Dreams [v14|Bosmer Nightblade]
  • Khivas_Carrick
    glak wrote: »
    KenjiJU wrote: »
    Additions to their current effects.

    Balanced Warrior - Passive - Add 4% mana return on melee heavy attack

    Radiant Aura - Slotted - Add 10-15% magicka regen for the player, no changes to Activation portion
    These would go a long way to fix the magicka regeneration issue.

    The slotted passive suggestion adds more to the tradeoff decision of both bars or one. I would remove the increased radius for more magicka regen.

    That's funny, I mentioned something similar to that in a thread I made, part of a series actually. The first one,


    Dealt with Dawn's Wrath. The second,


    Dealt with Aedric Spear and how it can better serve to bolster melee DPS.

    As it stands now, I got a response from one, yet I get the feeling that @ZoS doesn't quite seem to get the picture that these changes need to be done sooner rather than later because a pretty large chunk of your game are Tempalrs, and that large chunk feels pretty pissed off and wronged, and will quit with an even larger chunk of your money.

    Also on a more positive note, Stamina Based Templars are actually viable for DPS, and while Tanking is a challenge, it is very possible with a Templar. Hell for single target tank and spanks I actually prefer a Templar over a DK. In any case, check out those two threads and let me know what you think, and frankly, @ZoS, get your *** together, we're tired of being jerked around and then told we're just fine while other classes run around with super OP skills and cheap tactics.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • glak
    I keep hearing devs and others say Templar changes have to wait till Champion System for mass rebalancing. They already finished the Templar changes they wanted to make in their Champion System feature branch when they brought those few guilds in for review. The changes you proposed would have the same effect without the painful redesigns. Maybe the devs would rather not try to re-apply their changes to update 5 without the supporting frameworks. In the update that gets the Champion System, there will be an extreme amount of scrutiny on the finished Templar changes but not until then.
  • Lizelle
    @Silverhaze I understand that's how it's supposed to work. Test it and tell me that's what you see....
  • Semfim
    Hope you can handle a bit of trolling, BUT atm Templars are OP so I dont know why you are complaining about. Examples:

    Trials only request templar healers while i never saw someone turn down a templar tank or dps for them.
    On PvP although everyone says DK's are overpowered its Templars that always have builds that require 20+ people to take down.

    So thats the two main end game activities and you are the best class in them... Don't have enough magicka? Imagine if you had the unlimited magicka you are requesting... what would be the need for other classes?

    (I'll be honest and say my Templar is only lvl 15 so I'm not entitled to say much on Templars, except from the perspective of EVERY OTHER class)
  • itsBishop
    Semfim wrote: »
    atm Templars are OP so I dont know why you are complaining about. Examples:

    Trials only request templar healers while i never saw someone turn down a templar dps...



    World Record SO - 27m 38s
    NA First SO Speedrun Achievement
  • Baphomet
    So people have been giving feedback on how to improve the templar for about 5 months now... any change we're going to see any improvements soon?

    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • AngryNord
    Semfim wrote: »
    Trials only request templar healers while i never saw someone turn down a templar tank or dps for them.

    They probably take a Templar DPS in order to have someone to blame if the Group wipes :P
  • glak
    ESO Live Dec 19th - Update 6 tease - Blinding Light to be replaced with yet another channeled execute.
  • JLB
    Honestly, I can live without Blinding Flashes. It was ok, but it only worked (in PvE at least) when you didn't really needed it most of the times.
    In PvP it had its uses, but I never found the empty slot to use it, since there are better options at least for my build.

    Being a channeled skill sucks, honestly. But I guess that's the only way to make the skill more PvE oriented where Templars lack dps, without affecting much PvP, where Templars are doing good.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Also, as someone else noted, removing Blinding Flashes removes the only AoE CC the Templar has (Javelin and Shards only CC one person). Is it worth giving up our only AoE CC for a channeled skill? Especially if, given ZOS' previous track record of designing skills for Templars, it is likely to have a 2-second channel.

    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • BugCollector
    This Radiant Destruction skill sounds good ZOS. But it is another channeled skill. Therefore (again) give Dark Flare a chance to proc and fly faster and make Sun Fire projectiles fly faster. Also, don't forget about our ridiculous Nova ulti cost.
    May knowledge guide you to enlightenment
  • Reco
    I think it's clear by now that Templars are the only class not meant to excel at DPS, because it excels at healing and tanking. If they boosted DPS, templars would excel at all 3 roles. And no other class excels at all 3 roles. So let's be fair. Templars are subpar dd for a reason.
  • Anazasi
    Any change to the only aoe cc that we have is wrong. There is no need to change this skill unless you are increasing the damage of searing light.
  • Mjollnir_NL
    I do not see the problem. We (templars)doing fine as tanks and healers. We can keep up a great fight in pvp. So only in real DPS (time based)we are less welcome. So what :-)

    They should make some stuff a little harder maybe..dont know.

    Now it is like who can punch the hardest. But in fights it is not automaticly the one who punches the hardest, who wins at the end..
    Amrunor: Redguard Templar

    Disciples of Disorder
    We are mostly PVE players. We are determined to tackle challenges, but we do not reject anyone based on their skill.
    So no one is left behind.
    Calculated disorder is our team tactic :-)
  • Chrlynsch
    Another channel dps ability for templar. Something amazing would be a toggle ability similar to dk's inferno but instead of aoe locked onto your target with a dps beam of light while in range... that would be sexy.
    Edited by Chrlynsch on January 5, 2015 4:24PM
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • tplink3r1
    Edited by tplink3r1 on January 5, 2015 10:13PM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • Mumyo
    I do not see the problem. We (templars)doing fine as tanks and healers. We can keep up a great fight in pvp. So only in real DPS (time based)we are less welcome. So what :-)

    They should make some stuff a little harder maybe..dont know.

    Now it is like who can punch the hardest. But in fights it is not automaticly the one who punches the hardest, who wins at the end..

    There is not only PvE
  •  pvpaddict42
    I know a lot of skills are getting adjusted in 1.6. Obviously I don't have the list of what all is being changed and how, but I would like if the Rune Focus ability in the Templar Restoring Light line gets an update.

    I'd like to see one of two things happen here. Either make it so that this buff works for all allies standing on it (currently its only the Templar) or make it so that it moves with the Templar if it's going to be self only. If the amount of armor and spell resist needed to be toned down a bit to accomplish this, it would be worth it. At the very least, if it's still going to be self only and non-mobile, double the radius of the buff to give the Templar more room to move around.

    As an aside and somewhat comparable skill, the Circle of Protection ability in the Fighter skill line gives a non mobile armor/spell resist buff as well. It is only 500/500 for the armor and spell resist, BUT that doubles against undead and daedra, AND has a larger radius than Rune Focus AND all allies get the benefit while standing on it. Please make our class skill line ability not suck in comparison to a similar common pool ability.

    Also just throwing this out there, the Restoring Light line is full of support abilities, ones that support not only the Templar but also other players...EXCEPT for the deepest skill in the tree (Rune Focus) which is self only...huh?
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Change burning light to proc off of all or melee attacks, make Dawn's Wrath Enduring Rays increase ability damage instead of dot duration, prism a little more ultimate on hit, remove Eclipse or make it a snare and not a hard cc, completely remove binding and aurora javelin and replace it with melee and caster alternatives, do what the above post said about Rune Focus, and make balanced warrior increase the amount of damage/healing our melee and magic skills do on the tool tip, instead of a percentage increase to weapon damage and spell reistance, and increase the flight speed of SunFire and decrease the cast time on Solar Flare. Backlash if what I heard is correct, you have already fixed properly.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    So, the 1.6 notes are out and the 'fix' to Focused Charge is as underwhelming as we expected:

    "•Focused Charge: Slightly reduced the post-global cooldown for this ability, making it feel more responsive."

    The Global Cool Down is only 'slightly' reduced, to make us feel better.

    Why is the Templar virtually the only class that is being balanced by the introduction of Global Cool Downs?
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • Soris

    Well guys, you clearly haven't listen enough people who post here and other topics..

    You did good job on backlash, sun fire, solar flare, puncturing spikes and rune focus. And added a passive %10 magicka regen on aura. Well done!

    -Radial Sweep still have 5 meter radius. Really!? We said dozens of time that the radius isn't even enough to hit people in "melee range"

    -Nova get no cost reduction but dmg increase by %17 while other classes get a reduction on ultimates. Why? Will the damage be enough to pay 280 point ulti cost?

    -Honor the Dead still have no "self heal" morph. It's the most frustuating thing when someone "steal" your valuable self heals.

    -Restoring Aura.. Really?? Stamina and health regen bonus decreased to %30 from %80. You add a minor passive magicka regen but nerfed the whole point of this skill. Why did you do this? ;_; What about Radiant Aura morph? Does it still provides useless increased radius? No info about it.

    -Piercing Javelin. No need to mention about its ridiculous high cost and low damage. And you did nothing about it.

    -With the removal of Blinding Flashes, we have literally no AoE CC. I was expecting giving some sort of secondary effect to some skills like Blazing Spear and Solar Barrage to fill that lack of aoe cc role.

    Overall, if you look at the patch notes for all classes, then you can see Templar and Sorceror have least lines in all 4 classes. 4 pages long or so.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    I am worried. Templars now have no AoE CC, their healing has been nerfed, and stamina Templars have had the rug pulled out from under them with the Restoring Aura nerf. Focused charge still has a global cool down.

    Not what I was expecting, to say the least.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
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