Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

18 character slots is not enough.

  • Lysette
    Elsonso wrote: »
    There is literally no truly valid reason why the number of character slots in eso should be so comparatively low. Please give us more character slots zos.

    Database considerations.

    This. The databases used to store character and account data are, by all reports, huge.

    haha, I just think of my inventory in second life - over 170,000 items - and I'm not even one of the heavy users - I know quite a couple of people in the 250k and 500k items range - for a single character - database issues are nowadays not a problem.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    hope they will remove all slots and make this game 1 char 1 account + class change tokens + racial buffs and not bound to race.

    That sound boring [snip]

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 22 January 2022 13:56
  • Elsonso
    Lysette wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    There is literally no truly valid reason why the number of character slots in eso should be so comparatively low. Please give us more character slots zos.

    Database considerations.

    This. The databases used to store character and account data are, by all reports, huge.

    haha, I just think of my inventory in second life - over 170,000 items - and I'm not even one of the heavy users - I know quite a couple of people in the 250k and 500k items range - for a single character - database issues are nowadays not a problem.

    Database issues are _always_ a problem.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Kallykat
    To be honest, the armory doesn't really excite me. I get that it's nice for the people who are into different builds, but having multiple characters isn't about builds for me. I create characters for rp and thematic purposes primarily. I like to make new characters for new content whose stories fit the lore. One reason I play this game is because I'm allowed to play the way I enjoy playing instead of being forced to min-max or complete content in a linear order. I love the Elder Scrolls world. If you prefer playing with one character or think there are already enough slots for different builds, then that's fine, but please don't act like those of us who play differently are wrong.
  • amapola76
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    hope they will remove all slots and make this game 1 char 1 account + class change tokens + racial buffs and not bound to race.

    Personally I like this idea. I am just not a fan of multiple characters. One per account would be great with leniency on a race change or class change if one desired it. I am a believer in having one character as a main needing more characters for crafting roles etc. just seems redundant. Also if they did make this a thing for crafting I would like to see the higher level nodes Cary more lower node items just to balance it out.

    Great, then you should just have one character.

    That doesn't mean you should get to control how other people enjoy playing the game.
  • Castagere
    I have two characters one for magic the other for stamina. I tried to make a new character but got bored thinking of having to play that leveling content again and deleted him.
  • GenAlexander
    Soul Shriven
    So no slots coming with the next Chapter? :'(
  • maddog1169
    richo262 wrote: »
    There are 3 slots per class.
    6 classes, 18 slots

    It is fine as is. You'll most likely get 3 more (1 free with chapter, 2 more to buy with crowns) when a new class comes out.

    Personally, I wish I could roll all my characters into just 6 characters with a proper build load out selector, like profiles each with their own attribute, cp, gear, skills, and even racials.

    This ever expanding list of characters is just not sustainable IMO. Dilutes the game.

    you missed 10 races in your calculation which will bring it up to 180
    its up to each really but an increase to maybe 25 for now wouldn't be bad
  • GenAlexander
    Soul Shriven
    maddog1169 wrote: »
    its up to each really but an increase to maybe 25 for now wouldn't be bad
    I'll personally be happy with ~50 or so, but the higher the limit the better. I can just not buy slots if I don't want more, but some altoholics (admittedly most likely a very low percentage of the playerbase) will enjoy having a hundred or more.

    Edited by GenAlexander on 29 January 2022 02:35
  • Kallykat
    Does anyone else think that the upcoming account-wide changes might hint at new character slots eventually? Cutting out some of the achievements grind at least makes creating new characters slightly more convenient for some.
  • starkerealm
    When I want more character slots, I get a new account. I now have 4. I tell myself that I’m making them just for extra storage, but I always end up making new characters and a leveling some. I’ve lost track of how many characters I have now, but I think it’s in the mid forties. Of course I don’t play them all, but I have fully leveled about 30 of them.

    Occasionally there is a sale on the base game and you can acquire another account for a low price. Of course, it adds up if you start needing DLCs and various cosmetic items. Two of my accounts have ESO+, and the other two don’t.
    I feel like ESO has too many things as account-wide unlocks to make creating several account unviable. Unless they'd introduce an account linking system like WoW has, where your stuff is shared across several accounts.

    I would freakin' love if they did that.
  • krachall
    I wish we could sell them to other players. I've been playing since launch and have a grand total of 5 characters, all stamblades. I'd gladly sell my remaining 3 slots. Hell, I'd delete a couple stamblades to sell their slots too!
  • FlopsyPrince
    SeanBlader wrote: »
    LOL, this thread is funny. Back in my day we had one character slot. If you wanted another you had to pay the monthly fee for a second account, there was no free to play.

    The game isnt f2p

    So? We can never change anything?
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    There is literally no truly valid reason why the number of character slots in eso should be so comparatively low. Please give us more character slots zos.

    Database considerations.

    This. The databases used to store character and account data are, by all reports, huge.

    haha, I just think of my inventory in second life - over 170,000 items - and I'm not even one of the heavy users - I know quite a couple of people in the 250k and 500k items range - for a single character - database issues are nowadays not a problem.

    Database issues are _always_ a problem.

    I greatly doubt that is the problem with allowing more. How they architected things may be an issue, but storage is relatively cheap these days, especially in a database.
  • xXSilverDragonXx
    Unless there is some memory issue at play here, I personally don't understand why it isn't more than eighteen. I know people who love making new characters and don't want to delete old ones. I know people who want one of everything and then some extras for favorites. Zos makes money from crowns on every extra slot. That's not counting that those people who have this many toons might also have some extra outfits or buy XP scrolls from the crown store to level them faster. To some, eighteen seems like a lot, but when you have been playing for years, new characters do help keep the game fresh for others.
  • etchedpixels
    There are a bunch of reasons I can think of beyodn performance notablty - the more characters you have the more you can speed grind infinite gold on PC using addons and crafting, and probably more importantly to them the more characters you can create the more free storage you get so you don't have to grind chests/coffers or buy them in the cash shop.

    I don't actually think Zenimax care about this. This update added the armoury which replaces extra characters with one character many (cash shop) builds. The next update on the PTS eliminates most per character tracking of achievements and makes having multiple characters kind of meaningless - you can no longer separately track dungeons done on your healer or dps etc, and a lot of the quests break or the dialogue goes insane if you've got multiple toons. Maybe they fix some of that but they tend to ignore bugs and claim we want new content instead.

    So the direction from Zenimax appears to be to remove the value of extra toons not improve it.
    Edited by etchedpixels on 24 February 2022 15:03
    Too many toons not enough time
  • FlopsyPrince
    There are a bunch of reasons I can think of beyodn performance notablty - the more characters you have the more you can speed grind infinite gold on PC using addons and crafting, and probably more importantly to them the more characters you can create the more free storage you get so you don't have to grind chests/coffers or buy them in the cash shop.

    I don't actually think Zenimax care about this. This update added the armoury which replaces extra characters with one character many (cash shop) builds. The next update on the PTS eliminates most per character tracking of achievements and makes having multiple characters kind of meaningless - you can no longer separately track dungeons done on your healer or dps etc, and a lot of the quests break or the dialogue goes insane if you've got multiple toons. Maybe they fix some of that but they tend to ignore bugs and claim we want new content instead.

    So the direction from Zenimax appears to be to remove the value of extra toons not improve it.

    Infinite gold? Not quite.

    I had 2 mil gold, significantly from crafting, on the PS4 (EU and NA each) before I quit for the PC. The addons make it easier, but you can make gold on any platform with crafting dailies. It does get tedious after a while, even with addons however!
  • deleted221106-002999
    Kallykat wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that the upcoming account-wide changes might hint at new character slots eventually? Cutting out some of the achievements grind at least makes creating new characters slightly more convenient for some.


    Not at all.

    For many with the destruction of character specific achievements, anything beyond one character is a waste of time.

    Good luck if it works for you, though.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    How about having 2-3 additionnal slot as a eso+ bonus? You can use those character as long as you keep up the sub but if you drop eso+ you must lock that amount of character depending on how zos do it you either lock those specific slot or 2-3 character of your choosing. Those would be lock until resubing
    They could autodelete the locked character after a continious year without eso+ to free up some data
    Keep in mind that free eso+ weekend could work to refresh the year
  • BahometZ
    There are a bunch of reasons I can think of beyodn performance notablty - the more characters you have the more you can speed grind infinite gold on PC using addons and crafting, and probably more importantly to them the more characters you can create the more free storage you get so you don't have to grind chests/coffers or buy them in the cash shop.

    I don't actually think Zenimax care about this. This update added the armoury which replaces extra characters with one character many (cash shop) builds. The next update on the PTS eliminates most per character tracking of achievements and makes having multiple characters kind of meaningless - you can no longer separately track dungeons done on your healer or dps etc, and a lot of the quests break or the dialogue goes insane if you've got multiple toons. Maybe they fix some of that but they tend to ignore bugs and claim we want new content instead.

    So the direction from Zenimax appears to be to remove the value of extra toons not improve it.

    Absolutely agree. The crown cost for a new armory slot is the same as a totally new character slot. Think on that. Multiply by multiple characters and that's still big money. Combined with hybridisation, Account wide achievement, it feels like they'd prefer us to use a handful of characters. All you need is one class character with armory slots for specific content type, won't even need stam and mag slots, because soon it'll just be damage, heal, tank, pvp. 18 is a nuisance for them, with all of the data storage that entails.

    I don't expect them to ever increase character slots again. And I'd wager they've had conversations about reducing character slots. For example limiting it to 12, 2 for each class. So legacy players would still have however many they've bought, but new players won't be able to buy more than the new limit. Recent changes are essentially making that many characters irrelevant to the majority of players. If you would dispute the direction of this game philosophy, and I do, then you would be in the minority. Zenimax have metrics on all player behaviour, and any game design decision they make is based on what the majority of players are doing.

    Microsoft has come to town, and it's throwing its weight around. Expect the game to change focus, tighten up, and monetise.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • etchedpixels
    BahometZ wrote: »
    Microsoft has come to town, and it's throwing its weight around. Expect the game to change focus, tighten up, and monetise.

    No - if Microsoft had come to town they wouldn't be shipping obsolete crypto libraries (against Microsoft policy) and there would have been a major upheaval in the QA department. There's plenty wrong with Microsoft but they do nowdays have good internal control, and they are (of necessity) world experts on taking garbage historic code and turning it into something solid and maintainable.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • FlopsyPrince
    Kallykat wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that the upcoming account-wide changes might hint at new character slots eventually? Cutting out some of the achievements grind at least makes creating new characters slightly more convenient for some.


    Not at all.

    For many with the destruction of character specific achievements, anything beyond one character is a waste of time.

    Good luck if it works for you, though.

    That is not entirely true. You would need at least one of each class to try the different classes. You also miss the ideal race since the armory doesn't shift that (AFAIK).
  • FlopsyPrince
    BahometZ wrote: »
    Microsoft has come to town, and it's throwing its weight around. Expect the game to change focus, tighten up, and monetise.

    No - if Microsoft had come to town they wouldn't be shipping obsolete crypto libraries (against Microsoft policy) and there would have been a major upheaval in the QA department. There's plenty wrong with Microsoft but they do nowdays have good internal control, and they are (of necessity) world experts on taking garbage historic code and turning it into something solid and maintainable.

    I would agree. I would also ask what Microsoft would gain by limiting character slots? Space is relatively cheap today, so clipping those back is unlikely to help, but could easily ignore many players. Microsoft may do stupid things, but intentionally driving away players is not likely to be one of them.
  • DreamsUnderStars
    I'm sorry, but what are you doing with 18 characters??
  • newtinmpls
    Kallykat wrote: »
    To be honest, the armory doesn't really excite me. I get that it's nice for the people who are into different builds, but having multiple characters isn't about builds for me. I create characters for rp and thematic purposes primarily. I like to make new characters for new content whose stories fit the lore. One reason I play this game is because I'm allowed to play the way I enjoy playing instead of being forced to min-max or complete content in a linear order. I love the Elder Scrolls world. If you prefer playing with one character or think there are already enough slots for different builds, then that's fine, but please don't act like those of us who play differently are wrong.

    I agree, and I also play "characters" not builds
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • starkerealm
    SeanBlader wrote: »
    LOL, this thread is funny. Back in my day we had one character slot. If you wanted another you had to pay the monthly fee for a second account, there was no free to play.

    The game isnt f2p

    So? We can never change anything?
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    There is literally no truly valid reason why the number of character slots in eso should be so comparatively low. Please give us more character slots zos.

    Database considerations.

    This. The databases used to store character and account data are, by all reports, huge.

    haha, I just think of my inventory in second life - over 170,000 items - and I'm not even one of the heavy users - I know quite a couple of people in the 250k and 500k items range - for a single character - database issues are nowadays not a problem.

    Database issues are _always_ a problem.

    I greatly doubt that is the problem with allowing more. How they architected things may be an issue, but storage is relatively cheap these days, especially in a database.

    It's not the storage, it's the access time.
  • EdmondDontes
    I'm sorry, but what are you doing with 18 characters??

    No more slots to build more toons, or I'd have more.
  • EdmondDontes
    Kallykat wrote: »
    Does anyone else think that the upcoming account-wide changes might hint at new character slots eventually? Cutting out some of the achievements grind at least makes creating new characters slightly more convenient for some.


    Not at all.

    For many with the destruction of character specific achievements, anything beyond one character is a waste of time.

    Good luck if it works for you, though.

    That is not entirely true. You would need at least one of each class to try the different classes. You also miss the ideal race since the armory doesn't shift that (AFAIK).

    We need a minimum of two slots for every class, one for stam and one for mag of each class.

    Add to that at least two slots for two different types of healers, and another two slots for two different kinds of tanks.

    Boom, 18 slots filled and we need more now.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on 25 February 2022 16:01
  • alberichtano
    Aptonoth wrote: »
    Maxx7410 wrote: »
    next chapter you will have at least 1 more

    Have they confirmed this?

    I haven't seen anything about this, as I recall they only add one free character slot when a new class is released, and as far as I know that is not the case this year.
  • starkerealm
    Aptonoth wrote: »
    Maxx7410 wrote: »
    next chapter you will have at least 1 more

    Have they confirmed this?

    I haven't seen anything about this, as I recall they only add one free character slot when a new class is released, and as far as I know that is not the case this year.

    Yeah, we're getting two new companions, first I'm hearing about extra character slots, which makes me dubious.
  • LoneStar2911
    I think I’d know if they had announced a new character slot. I’m certain they haven’t. Blah.
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