Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Please ban the bot!

  • Starwhite
    Zenimax do more !!!!

    Since 24 hours, possible more, [SNIP] . I checked it several times,
    autoroute and killing zombies at Deshaan / Daggerfall side.

    Please Zenimax !

    Edit for naming
    Edited by ZOS_PeterT on 3 September 2016 17:00
    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • Shazgob
    Starwhite wrote: »
    Zenimax do more !!!!

    Since 24 hours, possible more,[SNIP]. I checked it several times,
    autoroute and killing zombies at Deshaan / Daggerfall side.

    Please Zenimax !

    They don't seem worried about botters, would be nice if they had a sterner stance on botting and exploiting, but yeah.
    Edited by ZOS_PeterT on 3 September 2016 17:00
    <Malacath's Trousers>
    Guild Master and Trouser King
    -Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj: 50,000+

    Champion Rank - 700
    50 StamsOrc Flawless Conqueror and Master Angler
    50 Altmer Healplar
    50 Argonian Stamblade Ganker
    50 Breton Magicka Nightblade DPS
    50 Bosmer Stamina Templar DPS
    50 Khajiit Dragonknight DPS
  • rotaugen454
    Saw bot last night. The funny thing is, I got there the same time they did, so they looked at me and just stood there. I went around a corner where I could use 3rd person to see them, but I think they did the same to see me and they got on a horse and rode away. I came back an hour later, and they were in full bot mode again. Up to 558 CP now. People in zone chat talk about it, I've had groups of people surround it, and I've sent videos and exact coordinates to ZoS, apparently to no effect.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • nimander99
    Use /report which will be sent to the Report department where it will be filed with a TPS Cover Sheet and handed off the Game Functions department who will then review said video passing it off to the Video Editing Department who confirms in is an actual video after which it is then forwarded to the Departments of Bug Loop and Macro who, again, review the video ultimately kicking it back to the /report receiver who ultimately bans the person using /report for abusing that function...

    Digital bureaucracy, just as great as governmental bureaucracy :D
    Edited by nimander99 on 2 September 2016 20:08

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Aneca
    Wrothgar bot is still there. Now at 560CP.
  • rotaugen454
    Aneca wrote: »
    Wrothgar bot is still there. Now at 560CP.

    Yep, I saw them this morning too. This thread has thousands of views and got a moderator to report to Zos but this bot continues. I gave the exact coordinates and multiple people have reported live when they see it. Many of us have used the report tool as well. This bot has been running since Christmas at least.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Pinja
    Baconfat79 wrote: »
    The sad part is that in the beginning of this game, ZoS was very diligent about eradicating bots/RMT/chat spammers. It was amazing. Players would get a universal pop-up message every once in a while saying "this is GM so-and-so, the bot-killer! Report bots to me", etc. If you reported one, it was dealt with almost immediately. A few months after release, that whole thing just died. Now you can submit endless reports with video proof, and nothing happens. Why did they just stop caring?

    Probably When Tamriel became unlimited. Cash for gold bot's could probably pay them royalties nowadays...
    In addition to stam characters. Stop the nonsense add Duel Wands.
    Edited by Pinja on 4 September 2016 05:36
    Pinja for Dual Wands.
    Pinja's three server solutions:
  • biovitalb16_ESO
    They don't ban botters, just people that use a gap closer next to a wall.
  • rotaugen454
    The bot ran all last night and is still on this morning. Now up to 561 CP. They want to promote One Tamriel and get more people in the game, but won't stop completely obvious cheating like this? It is still at 79.6x45.6 in Wrothgar.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Starwhite
    ...and again two Bots are running at Deshaan, killing zombies.
    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • rotaugen454
    I have not seen the Wrothgar Bot in a week now. They may have seen this thread and moved elsewhere, or maybe the hammer finally came down.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Roogen
    I have not seen the Wrothgar Bot in a week now. They may have seen this thread and moved elsewhere, or maybe the hammer finally came down.

    Dude you actually kept going back day after day over a botter... yes its against ToS but by reading this thread you sounded like ZoS stressed you out by not helping fast enough. Go play the game, /report and move on. You wasted your time over nonsense that really had no impact in your gameplay. I dont understand how some people just come to the forums to complain day in and out over a game thats stressing them out. There's a lot of more positive *** you can do with your time then be angry at a game.
  • rotaugen454
    Roogen wrote: »
    I have not seen the Wrothgar Bot in a week now. They may have seen this thread and moved elsewhere, or maybe the hammer finally came down.

    Dude you actually kept going back day after day over a botter... yes its against ToS but by reading this thread you sounded like ZoS stressed you out by not helping fast enough. Go play the game, /report and move on. You wasted your time over nonsense that really had no impact in your gameplay. I dont understand how some people just come to the forums to complain day in and out over a game thats stressing them out. There's a lot of more positive *** you can do with your time then be angry at a game.

    I was bringing this up to get others to report bots they see. It DOES impact our gameplay. They get mats and gold, driving up prices. They get free CP, devaluing the time we put in. If it becomes widespread, it means everyone needs to do it to keep up. The game isn't stressing me out. I just report problems that I see in order to see them fixed. If you can't understand that, then sorry to make you waste your time reading and commenting on the thread.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • howdawut
    I've reported bots in Craglorn a couple of times. There was one in each faction but the AD version seems to be missing for several days now. They each run the exact same loop collecting only voidstone...they will run (non-sprint and never race for it) all the way to the node regardless if it is even spawned or if you are there harvesting it. Excessive pause before and after they harvest and unnatural turns when changing direction. They first got my attention when I noticed them running past other nodes and chests. They never seem bothered when I run ahead of them collecting the nodes they are going for. Never sprint, never alter route. At one end of their route at a wayshrine, instead of using the wayshrine, it just fast travels to another wayshrine and repeats route. I loved how aggressive ZOS was dealing with bots at launch but it seems like the few that pop up now and again are pretty low priority.
  • Dede_Bug
    My boyfriend and I started playing with the Gold Edition release this month and have started gathering resources and selling them to build up gold and increase our inventory & bank space. After figuring out some good routes for each of us to run, we quickly started noticing bots running the areas we were working in. In the last week we have reported multiple bots every day, some probably multiple times as we haven't kept up with all of them and they are still running their loops. He has followed them on their route and taken both screenshots and video (some videos over an hour long) and has stated in the reports that he has both available if needed since he does not know how to include the videos with the clunky in-game reporting menu.

    I was curious to see if anyone had any advice on how to go about this more effectively.
  • Ackwalan
    Starwhite wrote: »
    Zenimax do more !!!!

    Since 24 hours, possible more, [SNIP] . I checked it several times,
    autoroute and killing zombies at Deshaan / Daggerfall side.

    Please Zenimax !

    Edit for naming


    Well you edited the post for naming, so we know you saw the name. Can you at least forward that name to whoever (if there is someone) investigates this kind of stuff.

  • Xelrick
    I ran into a group on PS4 in Riverspire killing rats I stay there for 3 hours using trolls to kil-- keep them on their feet... They stopped route heavy attack farming after trolls kill them again...again...

    I did "record" them lol
    Xelrick: "Do not mix chaos with madness. It will only lead to unexplored adventures."
  • Starwhite
    Since days two bots running at Deshaan (daggerfall veteran area) again
    and killing zombies. Two tickets and nothing happened ....

    Is it so difficult to ban these Viperbots ? So hard to believe a char, running three days long,
    following waypoints, killing nonstop zombies is not a bot ?

    What is wrong with you Zenimax ?
    Edited by Starwhite on 18 September 2016 06:51
    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • Xelrick
    I finished uploading a video of showing Bots some troll love... I mean you can tell by the very little to none reaction though whoever was botting them had to take control protect his bots...

    Video in my channel
    Xelrick: "Do not mix chaos with madness. It will only lead to unexplored adventures."
  • Mustard
    ZOS bans bots like they do people that use Cheat Engine........
  • Starwhite
    Mustard wrote: »
    ZOS bans bots like they do people that use Cheat Engine........

    The Elder Scrolls Online do what you want and feel free .... :neutral:

    I know two bots,killing zombies, they are running since three days now around the clock,
    maybe more ...

    Two tickets nothing happened ....
    Edited by Starwhite on 18 September 2016 16:32
    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • Daniel_Malloy
    Been reporting bots in the Bal Foyen area and Bleakrock with no effect. Bots are still running the same routes and am finding more of them now. Something needs to be done! I have been running in front of them gathering all the resources they go for when I can but I can't be on 24/7 following these bots around so my attempts to cut into their loot is marginal at best.

    If nothing is going to be done about the bots officially, is there any way we can cut into their profits as a group? Been seriously considering starting a guild with the sole purpose of combating these bots as best we can...
  • Sheezabeast
    Zenimax really needs to make a stance against or for this behavior. Standing on the sidelines telling people to report behavior and not fixing the problem only extends the problem and makes the players sad, frustrated, and the ones exploiting with bots just get to keep their dung-eating grins while they grind CP and mats.

    Either come out with a plan of action or quit making your players be your self appointed justice league! *shakes random Zos employee back and forth*

    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Daniel_Malloy
    ... And so it is written. I have officially started the guild, Bot Enforcers in hopes of doing what we can as a community to reduce, and idealistically eliminate, botting in ESO. So as to not take away from this forum thread's intent and topic, those of you wishing to investigate this can do so here:

    Now, back on topic. Does anyone have suggestions on the most efficient method to report bots? The in-game report UI is very clunky and I find myself having to write down things such as character names, actions by the suspected bot, paths followed, etc only to have to add all this into their reporting UI in a slow process.
  • kip_silverwolf
    Been reporting bots in the Bal Foyen area and Bleakrock with no effect. Bots are still running the same routes and am finding more of them now. Something needs to be done! I have been running in front of them gathering all the resources they go for when I can but I can't be on 24/7 following these bots around so my attempts to cut into their loot is marginal at best.

    If nothing is going to be done about the bots officially, is there any way we can cut into their profits as a group? Been seriously considering starting a guild with the sole purpose of combating these bots as best we can...

    A friend and I have been reporting these bots for several weeks as well. It's now become an in-joke between us where we'll spend an hour or so each night playing 'beat the bot'....
    "I'm going to live forever..or at least die trying"

    drunken Nord & Tamriel streaker since Arena

  • biovitalb16_ESO
    Been reporting the same bot out in Hew's Bane for a month now....starting to think it's legal.
  • Dede_Bug
    "Beat the Bot" as kip_silverwolf puts it, has quickly become mine and my boyfriends favorite mini game. We take pleasure in spotting and reporting them then leapfrogging along their routes.
    Edited by Dede_Bug on 20 September 2016 00:54
  • rotaugen454
    Wrothgar bot still MIA, so they may have been removed or gone to a different area. We don't get reports of actions taken, so no idea what happened. Still, nice to not see the bot I have observed for the last 9 months.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Starwhite
    Two bots running now since five days nonstop, maybe more.
    I wrote two support tickets ... nothing happend, they still running.

    Good job Zenimax

    Deshaan, Daggerfall Area

    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • Daniel_Malloy
    Wrothgar bot still MIA, so they may have been removed or gone to a different area. We don't get reports of actions taken, so no idea what happened. Still, nice to not see the bot I have observed for the last 9 months.

    I bet you the bot operators are switching up their game. Just now I thought I was relieved gathering at Bal Foyen because I didn't see the set of lvl 3 characters I normally contend with... Only to discover a female Nord, lvl 11 is now running the long loop there. Reported, documented it in my spreadsheet which is now growing and taking note of the support ticket number.

    This is my Pokemon; gotta catch them all!
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